دعم Power BI
Re: mapa de coropletas basado solo en la latitud longitud
Pensé que usando latitud y longitud, automáticamente me propondría el estado / provincia para construir el mapa. Pero entiendo con su respuesta que la latitud y la longitud en el mapa de la coroplet...
Re: Calculation as per month
Hey Caitlyn, I tried to utilize the formula but not working, Can you show me one use case it would be helpfull. Thanks, Sagar Shah
Re: How to do custom rounding in DAX?
@PunchBird Easy fix for that, see below and attached PBIX. Measure 2 = VAR __Cat2 = MAX('Table'[Category2]) VAR __Table = GENERATE( SUMMARIZE( FIL...
how to add a new column based on two condition in existing columns.
Hello, This question relates to the Power query in Excel. Column "Lost" as shown in screenshot has either dates or blanks. I want to add a new column based on the column "lost" with the fol...
Re: How to do custom rounding in DAX?
@Greg_Deckler oops I noticed an error - it looks like the result now always rounds up two values, even if only rounding up one value should have been done, see example below for category Z... wh...
Re: Format measure
@Greg_Deckler I see what's going on. I am using 100% stacked chart. If I use a stacked chart then it's not happening.
User Input
Hi, I have a 'Is it possible?' question. Question edited after I was told that PowerBI currently does not support user inputs. I have a table like below: Daily Returns - Table 1 ...
Re: How to do custom rounding in DAX?
@PunchBird I have modified things to be more in line with your data and requirements. See if this works. Updated PBIX is attached below signature. Measure 2 = VAR __Cat2 = MAX('Table'[Cat...
Re: Problema de formato de fecha/hora DAX FORMAT()
@AmirKatz Intenté replicar su problema, pero en la última versión del escritorio de PowerBI (diciembre de 2022) que estoy usando ... La aplicación no reemplazaba '/' por '-'. Intente ins...
Re: # días entre 2 fechas excluyendo fines de semana, festivos y espacios en blanco
Hi , @bryn987 De acuerdo con su descripción, ¿desea "m ake resolve = la fecha de hoy si está en blanco "? Dosificar el parámetro en esto: VAR _date2 = 'Cases'[Resolved] Si esto , sólo tien...
Re: PBI Tool se cerró automáticamente
, @ryaramolu6464 Según su mensaje de error, puedo entender que lo que encontró es un problema de inicio de Power BI desktop. En términos generales, para este tipo de error, nuestro equipo se ha e...
Re: Unable to connect to Oracle Database in PowerBI Report Server
This does not sound like a credential issue. The most likely problem is that the server does not have the same Oracle drivers installed as your local PC. Someone with admin rights on the server will ...
Re: Dax Filtered date to go 7 days back from selected date
Hi I have used your example pbix file and tried to amend that I will send the example file Ultimately i want to achiythe snapshot excel view thank you
Re: Copied report to another workspace is not refreshing though datetime stamp shows it did.
The refesh timestamp is extremely misleading. All it shows is when the dataset was processed, or when the report was modified. It says nothing about how current the data in your report is. (For...
Re: Formato condicional del gráfico de columnas
Hola Comparta datos en un formato que se puede pegar en un archivo de MS Excel.
Re: Aplicar color al valor más cercano
@kivanct , Por favor, compruebe esta medida modificada. Closet Value = VAR _1 = SUM ( 'Table'[14 Saat] ) VAR _2 = SUM ( 'Table'[17.25 Saat] ) VAR _3 = SUM ( 'Table'[20.5 Saat] ) ...
Re: bookmark navigator bug? - selected navigator opens correct page but doesnt get the Selected styl
Hi @mzookhuu , I made a test on my side and it seems work fine. Can you provide me with some "bug" screenshots? Best Regards, Stephen Tao ...
Re: Asignación de costos de DAX para períodos futuros
Hola Ibendlin, Gracias por sus comentarios. Mi resultado esperado según la foto a continuación. Mi objetivo es mover el equilibrio lefover a un período futuro, por ejemplo, el próximo año. ...
Re: Did not mach in dataflow data and desktop data
Thank you for your reply. I have checked and there is no filter on the date. I compared each process between Datafolw and Desktop to see where the difference starts, and it was at the filter. The d...
Re: need to convert the static measure to dynamic measure and for upcoming years also
Hi , @yuktadiya Thanks for your sample data , and for your need , you said that you want to " convert the static measure to dynamic measure and for upcoming years also "? I do not unde...
Re: Compare Previous Two Rows with a Current Row using DAX
Hi @ahsan005 If you are going by firstoccurence to establish an order and look for the previous rows, what happens when the datetime in firstoccurence is exactly the same? This happens severa...
Re: Accounts Receivable Dashboard in Power BI
Amazing dashborad, could you please share the pbix file with me on dnluda@gmail.com Thanks
Re: YTD Numbers versus MoM change - Add a sales line for each item
This is how my query looks with the name "ConsolidatedAccounts" FinanceAmount corresponds to the MoM change.
Re: Ayuda de DAX
cualquier experto en ayuda
Re: Power Automate: Get multiple goals action keeps timing out (InternalServerError) - Status changed to: Delivered
Hi @Nielf , This forum is mainly responsible for resolving some bugs reported in PowerBI. According to your description, it should be posted to the Power Platform forum, where yo...