Today, we are excited to announce the public preview of Multiple Audiences in the Power BI Apps, one of the highly requested features from the community. With multiple audiences for an App, now Power BI App author can create multiple audience groups within the same App and assign different permissions to each group.
» Erfahren Sie mehr This post is an overview of the improvements made to Datamart’s Visual and SQL Query editor, which is currently in Public Preview.
» Erfahren Sie mehr Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 and Azure Blobs connectors now support SAS Key connectivity!
» Erfahren Sie mehr Welcome to the July 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce the Error Bars general availability, Metric visuals and Datamarts updates, query performance and data hub improvements, Data in space augmented reality new mobile feature, accessibility enhancements for embedded reports. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.
» Erfahren Sie mehr Get started with Power BI datamarts- Create a Power BI datamart in minutes!
» Erfahren Sie mehr There are several updates coming to email subscriptions that use full report attachments that we want to make you aware of, including extending the maximum length of reports to 50 pages, appearance in the Gen2 metrics app, and deprecation in the original version of Power BI Premium.
» Erfahren Sie mehr Users can author formatted tables using a modern low code web-based authoring experience in the Power BI service.
» Erfahren Sie mehr We’re excited to announce that the Power BI tab in Microsoft Teams is getting a new action bar for interactive reports. The action bar enables users in the Power BI tab to use all the capabilities they have in the service when interactive reports are added to channels, chats, or meetings in Microsoft Teams. Read the blog to learn all about it.
» Erfahren Sie mehr Welcome to the May 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce the general availability of Canvas zoom and Data point rectangle select features, Field parameters and Error bars for columns and line combination charts new preview features, new Format pane and managing composite models preview feature updates. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.
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