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Paginated reports supports Power BI language in the Power BI service

Headshot of article author Nirupama Srinivasan

Paginated Reports now support all languages. The language used for report processing affects number, currency or date formatting (when using culture dependent formatters) or the processing of report expressions.

One example is the execution time expression when used with a culture dependent ‘full date/time’ (“f”) formatter:


For “en-US”

For “de-DE”

Learn more on culture dependent formatters.

With this change, there is the potential to affect paginated report behavior. For instance, if your report is using an expression with a CDate function call with the date format “09-30-2024” with the Power BI language set to “de-DE” then it will now cause an error. The best practice is to use a VB date literal (ex. #9/30/2024#). VB date literals will always behave the same regardless of what Power BI language is set to.

If you hit an issue like the one above, then there is quick workaround to fall back to the same behavior as prior to this fix. Simply set the RDL Report.Language property to “en-US”.

Note: It is highly encouraged to fix the underlying issue in your RDL.

Learn more about creating paginated reports in Power BI Report Builder,  creating Power BI paginated reports in the Power BI service and exporting paginated reports.