Power BI Support


PowerBI-visuals is open for contributions

Do you want to ship your innovation and code as part of a new Microsoft product? Then read on! A few weeks ago , we open sourced the visuals we ship in Power BI placing them on GitHub. The repo, Microsoft/PowerBI-visuals , gives you everything you…

[Webinar] Content Packs and Direct Query

Join Power BI Program Manager Theresa Palmer to learn about Power BI content packs and direct query capabilities. Power BI offers a variety of ways to easily connect and explore data that is important to you. Power BI comes with out-of-box content…

Demystifying Power BI Q&A – Part 1

Introduction By now, you’ve probably seen a demo of Power BI Q&A and may have played with one of our sample models. So at this point, you’re probably thinking one of two things: Either you’re amazed by how smart the system is…

How Condé Nast is Getting Better Insight into Consumer Behavior

Recently Quentin Clark announced the general availability of Power BI for Office 365 . In the blog post, one of the key issues highlighted is the importance of reach. In order for customers to get deeper value from data, more people in an organization…

Go Seahawks! From the Power BI Team

With the NFL Championship games just around the corner, we wanted to pay tribute to the Seahawks and their long and winding road to the NFC Championship game against the 49ers this Sunday. The following video was created by our team from publicly-available…

An Excel and Power BI-inspired "Santa Baby" Jingle for your Christmas Cheer

In honor of the holiday today, one of loyal Excel and Power BI lovers, Santa Monica-based Excel Consultant Szilvia Juhasz belts out this Power Pivot/Excel version of the classic “Santa Baby”. Thanks to Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen for sharing this…

Sharing and Discovering Queries Using Power Query and Power BI

In conjunction with Power BI for Office 365, Power Query offers a set of capabilities for sharing and discovering queries within your organization. In this blog post, we will look into the specific details for how this works. Sharing a query Let’s…

Power BI Service Announcement: Power View Forecasting Offline for Maintenance

The Power View forecasting feature is currently offline for maintenance as the team is working to fix a stability issue. The feature will be reimplemented once the issue is fixed – please continue to visit PowerBI.com for timing updates. Try…

Excel Power Map November Update

Today we announced the Power Map November update , that adds a new feature requested by many Power Map users: the ability to play any tour directly from any scene . Before this update, if you wanted to check how a specific scene looked, you would have…

Excel Power Map December Update

Today we announced the new Power Map December Update that includes improved performance for geocoding, increased accuracy for the Auto Fit feature in custom maps, and the option of selecting all items when filtering. For more details on how to use this…

Use Power Query To Draft A Fantasy Football Team

Fantasy football draft season is here, and the UX test lead for Power Query, Ben Martens , thought that picking his fantasy team seemed like an interesting test case for Power Query . Here it is how he did it in his own words: There’s a lot of…

Worldwide Demographics & Statistics using Power Query and Power View

Last week, we announced Power BI for Office 365 at the Worldwide Partner Conference. Sign up now to be notified when the Power BI Preview becomes available. We also announced that Microsoft Power Query for Excel has reached General availability and…

Try the latest Power Query update!

Last month we announced the General Availability of Microsoft Power Query for Excel , and today we are excited to introduce a new quality update. Power Query is supported for your production scenarios and we will continue to deliver updates that provide…

Re: Recursive issue

try this M code NewStep=let gens={"IV","III","II","I"} in #table(Table.ColumnNames(PreviousStepName),List.TransformMany(Table.ToRows(PreviousStepName),each let a=List.Skip(gens,(x)=>not List.Con...

The table no visible columns and cannot be queried

I am getting "the table no visible columns and cannot be queried " after I publish the report on service. Desktop looks absolutely fine, the columns are loading (I even checked in query editor) Aft...

Acercar y alejar el mapa

Hola a todos Mi requisito es tener tres botones de país India, China y Rusia. Cuando un usuario hace clic en uno de estos botones, mi mapa se acerca automáticamente a ese país. Lo probé en el...

Zoom in and Zoom out in the map

Hi All,   My requirement is to have three country buttons India, China, and Russia. When a user clicks one of these buttons, my map automatically zooms into that country.   I tried it i...

Re: Formato condicional basado en reglas y colores

@amitchandak gracias, pero tengo 3 casos: trabajé solo en "A", trabajé en "A" y cualquier otra área y el tercero se trabaja en un área que no sea "A"

Re: Power Automate en Power BI no se inicia.

@junsarah3000 , creo que fuera de Power BI debería poder activar el flujo de automatización automáticamente. Crear flujo en power automate y programarlo

Re: Fiscal Year measure

@orana , refer the approch   Customer Retention Part 1: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/Customer-Retention-Part-1-Month-on-Month-Retention/ba-p/1361529 Customer Retention P...

Re: Same code is working in Sample DataSet but not working in Actual Dataset

Hi @v-shex-msft , Thanks for your quick reply.  Please find the below link in which you can download the Sample file. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqNLfMSghxwyhgVaPes9qbktkg34?e=hNaGMH &nbs...

Re: Parámetro de consulta M dinámico para indicadores de fecha

@SRLABHE, Quizás pueda echar un vistazo al siguiente enlace para usar la segmentación de datos para actualizar el parámetro de consulta: Cómo actualizar los parámetros de consulta M basados en fi...

Permission issue

I'm wondering if it's possible to revoke permissions for only one report. I have an existing workspace that already has access for users, and I've added a new report, but I don't want those users who...

Re: I want to display last 5 years sales when i select one year

Hi Danhe, I have almost similar requirement but its based on the date. Say I select todays date 22 Feb 2023 in slicer then I should get last 5 years data (including quarters,months,dates) based on s...