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Transform healthcare experiences with Power BI

Uncover data-driven insights that improve your clinical decision-making and care experiences while transforming healthcare operations and outcomes.

Optimize clinical decision making and improve care experiences

Empower health team collaboration

Improve patient outcomes and team performance with fast, easy access to secure health data.
  • Provide timely critical care responses, especially in emergency situations, by empowering all kinds of healthcare professionals to access data, collaborate, and share insights.
  • Make faster decisions with the ability to access and analyze patient data in real time and on the go.
  • Give care teams the data they need for decision making by embedding Power BI reports and dashboards within the hospital apps and portals they already use.
  • Safeguard sensitive data as required by HIPAA using access controls and governance policies that allow you to securely provide care teams access to the data they need.
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See how healthcare organizations are getting results

“Our teams have the flexibility to iterate so quickly and adjust based on user needs to build engagement. It allows us to go that extra mile to create value and make visible the good care that can transform lives.”

Ben Mansalis
Chief Information Officer, Integris Health

“Having access to Power BI tools to very quickly build dashboards to visualize all of that information and to update it in real-time was absolutely critical to both forming our strategy and then executing on it."

Dr. Andrew Renda
Associate Vice President Population Health Strategy, Humana

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Explore sample dashboards and reports for healthcare

Hospital Emergency Response Decision Dashboard

Analyze staffing, equipment, supplies, and discharge-related measures to make informed decisions.

Global COVID-19 Pandemic Report

View up-to-date dashboard, daily updates, case outcomes, and other details globally and by country.

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