Power BI Support


Power BI security white paper - Power BI

A white paper that discusses and describes security architecture and implementation for Power BI.

Overview of bookmarks in Power BI service reports - Power BI

In the Power BI service, learn how to open, create, and share personal bookmarks and report bookmarks.

The Analytics pane in Power BI visuals - Power BI

Learn how to manage the Analytics pane to create dynamic reference lines, like min, max, or average, in Power BI visuals.

Install the Premium metrics app - Power BI

Learn how to install the Premium metrics app, which lets you monitor Power BI Premium capacities.

Create parameters for paginated reports in the Power BI service - Power BI

In this article, you learn how to create parameters for paginated reports in the Power BI service.

Expressions in Power BI Report Builder - Power BI

Learn how expressions are used throughout Power BI Report Builder paginated reports to retrieve, calculate, display, group, sort, filter, parameterize, and format data.

Expression uses in Power BI paginated reports - Power BI

Specify or calculate values with paginated report expressions for parameters, queries, filters, and text box properties in Power BI Report Builder.

Understanding Power BI administration roles - Power BI

This article describes the Fabric administrator and the specific roles that provide administrator privileges in Power BI.

Analyze Teams usage in the Power BI app for Teams - Power BI

Learn how to use the Power BI app in Microsoft Teams to automatically generate a report to view and analyze your Teams activity.

Manage Capacity settings - Power BI

Learn how to manage your Power BI capacity settings and understand what settings you can configure for your organization.

Manage users - Power BI

Learn how to manage Power BI users in the Microsoft 365 admin center by accessing the Users tab in the Power BI Admin portal.

Analyze your Teams collaboration data - Power BI

Learn how to analyze your Teams collaboration data and find ways to improve and become more responsive, agile, and productive.

Use inline hierarchy labels in Power BI - Power BI

Learn how to use inline hierarchy labels to see hierarchy labels as you expand visuals using the Expand All feature.

Use insights to explain increases and decreases in visuals - Power BI

Learn how to easily gain insights to increases or decreases in Power BI Desktop or the Power BI service.

Use R-powered Power BI visuals in Power BI - Power BI

Use R-powered Power BI visuals in Power BI

View dashboards in the Power BI mobile apps - Power BI

Create or connect to dashboards in the Power BI service. Then view them in the Power BI mobile apps.

Protect Power BI data with device native identification - Power BI

Learn how to configure your iOS and Android apps to require additional identification before you can access your Power BI data

Create template apps in Power BI - Power BI

Learn how to create template apps in Power BI that you can distribute to any Power BI customer.

Paginated reports in the Power BI service - Power BI

Learn what a paginated report is, how they work, and how to view and export them in the Power BI service.

Learn how buttons work in the Power BI service - Power BI

Learn how to recognize buttons to launch actions including in-report navigation, drillthrough, and cross-report drillthrough.

Use Power BI Q&A to explore and create visuals - Power BI

Learn how to use Power BI Q&A to create new visualizations on dashboards and in reports.

Project Online: connect to data through Power BI Desktop - Power BI

Learn how to connect to Project Online data by using Power BI Desktop.

Testing submissions of Power BI custom visuals - Power BI

Learn how to perform test cases that your Power BI custom visual must pass before publishing it on AppSource.

Guidelines for publishing Power BI custom visuals - Power BI

Learn about the guidelines to publish Power BI custom visuals to Microsoft AppSource so that others can discover and use them.