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Cobalt Analytics Solutions

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Refined Data Consultants.Cobalt Analytics was born out of the realization that many companies struggle with managing their varied data sets into a data analytics solution to empower and inform business decision making. We are favoured by clients for providing pragmatic data solutions that enable them to make effective use of their data to make better business decisions.Cobalt Analytics is a Microsoft Gold Partner and provides various services including training, consulting and auditing, across the Microsoft Data Platform. We have specialist skills in developing solutions with all flavours of Power BI.

Alithya Fullscope Solutions

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Alithya delivers innovative Microsoft ERP, CRM and BI solutions and services on premise or in the cloud to manufacturers in North America and Europe. The award-winning company is one of the largest resellers of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM) and Finance and Operations (ERP).Alithya’s Business Intelligence practice helps clients drive digital transformation through its unique selection of business and technology services as well as specialized Microsoft-based solutions, delivering modern data warehouses, analytics and reporting solutions.  Alithya offers a holistic approach to delivering business intelligence, including building strategy and governance, curating and optimizing data, and building strong and relevant analytics to meet the unique needs of our clients.Alithya helps clients build high-performing data driven organizations by creating strong internal teams and linking data with business outcomes.  We guide our clients in developing requirements for BI and deliver a BI blueprint to ensure strong data governance programs, including data security, organizational data literacy and adoption.With domain expertise in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations & Dynamics  Customer Engagement, there is no stronger partner to assist customers in getting the most out of its investment. Alithya helps its clients best architect its Dynamics data and provides tools and a proven framework to ensure data accuracy, financial integrity and governance.  Our BI Accelerator provides an out-of-box data model for Dynamics AX and D365, allowing our customers to stand up a simplified data model in less than a day.Leveraging Microsoft’s PowerBI and other Microsoft-based tools, Ailthya works collaboratively with its clients to obtain deeper insights into their business through operational analytics to augmented analytics, which requires a more agile and flexible way to connect to the proliferation of data available today though IoT and other data acquisition services.  We are also assisting our clients with data literacy and training programs to ensure user adoption to achieve desired business outcomes.

Dynapt Solutions Inc.

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Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics is What We Do Best @Dynapt.aiWe’re a business and technology consulting firm that helps companies organize, maintain, understand, and optimize their data. Our consultants are experts in Business Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Database, and Data Analytics Technologies. Dynapt.ai experts specialize in Data Warehousing, Power BI Dashboards, Big Data, Data Science, Cloud, Custom Software, and Systems Integration.Modern enterprises run on data, and our clients are data-centric businesses.  Since 2014, we at Dynapt.ai have been enabling businesses to initiate & accelerate Digital Transformation with Azure. Our team has extensive experience and deep expertise having conceived & executed multiple complex initiatives across Infrastructure & Application Modernization, Data & Advanced Analytics, SAP Migration to Azure, SAP & Azure Analytics, Connected Devices & IoT, and Intelligent Systems leveraging Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, and Power BI. Whether you are new to Azure or already using it, the Dynapt.ai team can help accelerate your digital transformation journey with our highly trained, Microsoft, and SAP-certified professionals ever ready to help.

ArcherPoint, Inc.

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Power BI and ArcherPoint ArcherPoint marries the structure, organization, and open platform of Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV and the power and agility of Power BI to offer a wide range of consulting services for a variety of industries. We have the tools and expertise to help you take advantage of the features and functionality of both to grow your business. BI Reporting Options with Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV ArcherPoint can help you select the best reporting option for your needs and optimize your site configuration so you can quickly access the data key to your decision-making. We start by asking, “what decision are you trying make?” “What specific data will you need for the report?” “How will these reports be distributed?” ArcherPoint BI Consulting ArcherPoint offers a wide range of BI-focused consulting services. We work closely with our clients to extend the value of their Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV business intelligence and reporting to develop engaging business strategies, design high quality and scalable solutions, and build rich brand experiences.  Power BI is a business analytics service provided by Microsoft. It provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without having to depend on information technology staff or database administrators. Contact ArcherPoint to schedule your demo of Power BI today.   Are you unsure that Power BI is right for your organization? What about pitching the idea to management? We can help you every step of the way. Read our blog for more info: https://www.archerpoint.com/blog/Posts/how-make-business-case-microsoft-power-bi


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Unicorn je dynamická skupina společností poskytující komplexní služby v oblasti informačních systémů a informačních a komunikačních technologií. Již od roku 1990 je posláním skupiny přinášet klientům konkurenční výhodu a vysokou přidanou hodnotu prostřednictvím špičkových informatických produktů a služeb poskytovaných v dohodnuté kvalitě, kvantitě, termínu a rozpočtu. Skupina je tvořena třemi společnostmi zaměřenými na specifické portfolio produktů a služeb - Unicorn Systems, Unicorn Universe a Unicorn College. Unicorn Systems je renomovaná evropská společnost poskytující ty největší informační systémy a řešení z oblasti ICT. Dlouhodobě se soustředíme na vysokou přidanou hodnotu a konkurenční výhodu ve prospěch svých zákazníků. Působíme na trhu již od roku 1990 a za tu dobu jsme vytvořili řadu špičkových a rozsáhlých řešení, která jsou rozšířena a užívána mezi těmi nejvýznamnějšími podniky z různých odvětví. Máme nejlepší reference z oblasti bankovnictví, pojišťovnictví, energetiky a utilit, telekomunikací, výroby, obchodu i veřejné správy. Našimi zákazníky jsou přední a největší firmy. Disponujeme detailními znalostmi z celého spektra podnikatelských odvětví. Rozumíme principům jejich fungování, ale i specifickým potřebám zákazníků. Unicorn Universe je digitální stavebnice informačních systémů. Pro tvorbu informačních systémů na platformě Unicorn Universe používáme tyto základní stavební kameny: Unicorn Universe Operating System - objektový operační systém virtuálního super počítače Unicorn Universe Business Modeling Language - nástroj pro vizuální modelování a komunikaci Unicorn Universe Process - univerzální metodika pro řízení podniků a organizací Unicorn Universe Applications - informační systémy postavené na platformě Unicorn Universe Řešení postavená na platformě Unicorn Universe jsou poskytována prostřednictvím internetové služby Plus4U, která 24 hodin denně, 365 dní v roce poskytuje chytrá řešení lidem, firmám, živnostníkům i organizacím pro sdílení informací, spolupráci a podporu řízení. Unicorn College je moderní soukromá vysoká škola, která nabízí kvalitní vysokoškolské bakalářské studium v oblastech informační a komunikační technologie, ekonomie a managementu. Jejím cílem je poskytnout studentům aktivní schopnost využít získané vědomosti tam, kde je to vyžadováno, a rovněž tyto znalosti obohatit o reálné zkušenosti. Kromě kvalitního vysokoškolského vzdělání zajišťuje i interní vzdělávání a pomáhá realizovat certifikaci k daňové reformě. 

WinWire Technologies Inc.

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WinWire Technologies is a global IT solutions company helping enterprises navigate the digital technology revolution. We help drive exponential growth for our customers through a transformation of their IT and application modernization. We call it stitching the digital fabric with systems of intelligence. Digital technologies are disrupting and redefining the business landscape into an interconnected, mobile-first, cloud-first world. These changes are forcing enterprises to transform their business processes, models, and the way they operate. With WinWire, enterprises create high-performance, agile, connected, innovative, and data-centric technology platforms that help you stay ahead in the new economy. We are a Microsoft Managed Partner with deep expertise, built over 10 years, in evolving digital technologies including Cloud, Advanced Analytics, Internet of Things, Mobility, Security, UI/UX, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. This allows us to work with large and mid-sized enterprises to design, develop, and manage a wide range of intelligent platforms and applications, across industries and business functions. Our record of leadership through exceptional technology solutions delivery, and a culture based on People First’ make WinWire your ideal technology service partner.

WAGNER AG Informatik Dienstleistungen

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Die WAGNER AG bietet IT für KMU. Unsere Stärken liegen in der Rolle als Generalunternehmer für die Planung, den Bau und den Betrieb von IT-Infrastrukturprojekten. Wir beraten, erstellen Konzepte, beschaffen und liefern schlüsselfertige Lösungen. Unser massgeschneidertes Support-Angebot unterstützt die Kunden rund um die Uhr. Auf Wunsch betreiben wir als Outsourcing oder auch Outtasking-Partner die Serversysteme und Netzwerke unserer Kunden. Die WAGNER AG ist ein selbständiges Unternehmen, das 1996 gegründet wurde und von den Eigentümern geführt wird. Eine gute Marktposition und zufriedene Kunden sind der Grund für das kontinuierliche Wachstum. Heute werden bereits 80 Mitarbeiter in verschiedenen Kompetenzbereichen beschäftigt. Die WAGNER AG pflegt strategische Partnerschaften mit namhaften IT-Herstellern. Wir sind zuverlässige Technologie-Partner, die bei Ihnen heute die Lösung für morgen installieren.


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Wij maken organisaties klaar voor de uitdagingen van de toekomst. Zodat zij gemakkelijker hun werk kunnen doen. Overal, altijd en op elk apparaat. Wij helpen organisaties om in hun veranderende bedrijfsomgeving steeds voorop te lopen door de slimme inzet van nieuwe Microsoft technologie. We weten als geen ander hoe groot de impact kan zijn van nieuwe software en systemen op de werkvloer. Daarom begeleiden we onze klanten door het hele proces: van advies, implementatie, wegwijs maken van de eindgebruikers tot en met zorgeloos beheer. Wortell heeft maar liefst zestien Microsoft Gold competenties. Wij zijn twee keer verkozen tot beste Microsoft partner van Nederland en daar zijn wij trots op. * 2 keer benoemd tot beste Office 365 Partner wereldwijd * 2 keer benoemd tot Beste Werkgever IT branche (2017-2018 en 2018-2019) * 1,4 miljoen Office 365 migratiesWortell implementeert op innovatieve wijze standaard Microsoft-oplossingen als Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Secure Productive Enterprise, Azure, Microsoft 365, Power BI, Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Windows 10 en Office 365. Daarnaast implementeren wij ook meer infrastructuur gerelateerde oplossingen zoals Azure IAAS oplossingen.Wij werken dagelijks met Microsoft samen. Wij werken op projectbasis, waarbij wij graag eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor het projectresultaat. Daarnaast is onze expertise op inhuurbasis beschikbaar en nemen wij opgeleverde omgevingen in beheer.Zoek je een adviseur, een partij die verantwoordelijkheid wil dragen in projecten? Of zoek je juist kant-en-klare producten die zich reeds hebben bewezen? En vind je een project ook pas succesvol als gebruikers met de oplossing kunnen, willen en gaan werken? Dan gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou om meer te vertellen over onze combinatie van technische kennis en change management programma’s. Wij willen jouw organisatie graag helpen met de uitdagingen van de toekomst.

Business Insighters Group

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Business Insighters Group est une équipe de consulting basée à Casablanca au Maroc spécialisée dans les solutions BI de Microsoft. BIGroup a pour principal objectif de promouvoir la business intelligence parmi les petites et moyennes entreprises aussi bien que les grandes. Nos équipes vous aideront a transformer vos données en des outils puissants et des indicateurs pertinents vous permettant une meilleure prise de décision grâce à des solutions bâtis sur Power BI. 

Nexplore AG

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Nexplore AG – Digital Workplace, CRM, BI, Apps  Nexplore AG in Bern und Thun. Wir beraten Sie individuell und bieten Lösungen für die Digitalisierung. Ob Digital Workplace, CRM, Business Intelligence oder Applikationsentwicklung - wir analysieren Ihre Ist-Situation und formulieren gemeinsam Anforderungen an die künftige digitale Arbeitswelt. Ihr Vorhaben begleiten wir auf organisatorischer und technischer Ebene. Als anerkannter Microsoft Gold-Partner gehören wir zu den wenigen IT-Partner, die Schweizer Firmen in Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure + Analytics gesamtheitlich begleiten. Wir unterstützen bei der Etablierung von Microsoft Teams, konzipieren und bauen Intranets oder digitalisieren Geschäftsprozesse. Profitieren Sie zudem von unserer langjährigen Expertise rund um Microsoft Dynamics 365.  Technischer Aufbau unserer BI Lösungen  Klassischerweise bildet SQL-Server zusammen mit den Integration-, Reporting- und Analysis-Services und den DWH- und OLAP-Features den Kern einer leistungsfähigen BI-Lösung. Mit den Azure Analysediensten stehen in der Cloud eine Vielzahl von mächtigen BI und Big Data Angeboten wie beispielsweise Azure Analysis Services, Azure Synapse Analytics, Data Lake Analytics zur Verfügung, die in Zusammenspiel mit Machine Learning genutzt werden können und ein schier grenzenloses Potential bieten. Mit Power BI lassen sich einfach ansprechende Dashboards und Reports erstellen und bereitstellen. Auf bestehende Datenquellen kann einfach zugegriffen werden. So wird die Self-Service-Analyse in Ihrem Unternehmen ermöglicht. Office Excel mit Power Query versteht sich als Client zur Datenanalyse bzw. -aufbereitung und kann ausserdem die verschiedensten Datenquellen nutzen. Das Produkt der Office-Palette bietet ein mächtiges Toolset für sogenannte Self-Service BI-Szenarien und geniesst bereits sehr breite Benutzerakzeptanz in Unternehmen.  Agile Umsetzung hilft Projektrisiken zu senken  Aktiv abgestimmt mit Ihren Power-Usern erarbeiten wir Prototypen und Proof of Concepts. Damit erhalten Sie rasch einen ersten Eindruck Ihrer Lösung. Im weiteren Projektverlauf begleiten wir sie iterativ, Schritt für Schritt und in enger Zusammenarbeit hin bis zu Ihrer fertigen Lösung. Mit unserer agilen Entwicklungsmethode reduzieren wir Projektrisiken und binden alle Power-User aktiv ins Projekt mit ein.  Als langjähriger Microsoft Partner besitzen wir den Gold Status in der Kompetenz Data Analytics.

SIEVERS-SNC Computer & Software GmbH & Co. KG

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Seit über 30 Jahren entwickelt, implementiert und betreut die SIEVERS-GROUP betriebswirtschaftliche Lösungen für mittelständische Unternehmen und internationale Konzerne. Business Analytics-Lösungen sowie Cloud-Services ergänzen das Portfolio. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Microsoft Power BI Ihre Unternehmensdaten strukturieren, visuell ansprechend darstellen und die wichtigen Aspekte in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Erwecken Sie Ihre Daten zum Leben und profitieren Sie von einer hohen Vielfalt an Visualisierungen, um unternehmerische Kennzahlen zielgerichtet und aussagekräftig darzustellen. Profitieren Sie von unseren langjährigen Erfahrungen, wie z.B.: Konzeption und Umsetzung von BI-Projekten KPI- und Strategieentwicklung Betrieb und Projektmanagement Grundlagen- und Aufbau-Trainings Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die nächsten Schritte planen und in einen ersten Dialog einsteigen. Darauf freuen wir uns! Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.sievers-group.com https://www.sievers-group.com/microsoft-power-bi

exe, a. s.

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We believe that modern technologies change business. The future is here today and it is our task to provide to all, who we collaborate with. We do not lack the courage to innovate. With enthusiasm, we bring new technological solutions that move our customers' business to a higher level.   As a Microsoft Gold Partner in Data Analytics and Data Platform we have a proven capability of providing quality and effective business analytics solutions to our clients.   Core services: Business Intelligence Consulting Reporting and Visualization Managed Self-Service BI Enterprise Modern Data Warehousing Cloud Data Analytics Platform Speech to text NLP and NER   Key Microsoft Business Intelligence technology: Microsoft Power BI Microsoft SQL Server Azure Data Platform Azure Data Lake Machine Learning Azure IaaS Azure Data Factory Azure Analysis Services Azure Synapse Analytics Cognitive services   Trainings: Dashboard in a Day Analytics in a Day Data Modernization in a Day Training for Data Modeling DAX Trainings Visualization with Power BI Power Apps Trainings Custom Power BI and Power Apps Trainings 


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As certified Microsoft Solutions Partner for Data & AI, we support our customers in making their data usable, evaluating it, preparing it and displaying it in reports in a comprehensible way in order to be able to make valid business decisions based on it.We help you build an individual Data strategy as well as simply enable you to create your own Power BI dashboards.Maybe you are interested in our BI packages like:"Your 360 customers view in 50 days"Interested? Just mail to mario.pufahl@digitall.com or fabrice.berrez@digitall.com

QBICO sp. z o.o.

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We are a Microsoft Gold Partner in the area of Data Analytics. We have been providing advanced solutions in the field of Business Intelligence for 15 years, supporting the development of companies from various areas. Our offer includes the following services: analysis, design and implementation of systems, maintenance and training work.  We have created solutions for companies such as: Benefit Systems SA, VULCAN, Fujitsu, Travel Planet or Deviniti.     One of the main areas of our activity is the construction and implementation of data warehouses, which turn the chaos of information into a reliable source of knowledge. We automate billing processes, helping to maintain data consistency and reliability. We support data migration of any kind, securing the control and safety of the process, along with its anonymization. Through the implementation of Microsoft Power BI, we allow our partners to make the highest quality and trustworthy business decisions, thanks to advanced dashboards and reports. We first analyze a partner’s problem and then propose the most optimal solutions. Working in agile methodology allows us to provide real value at a very little cost. We approach each challenge individually, treating relations with our partners as a priority. We provide support at every stage of the project, as well as long after its implementation, providing maintenance and consulting services. For us data is a crucial element of every workplace, which is why we have created a ready-made solution for managing and protecting personal data. We stand for knowledge-sharing, which is why we organize frequent online meetings where we discuss various aspects of Business Intelligence. 


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Treez Data Management est spécialisée dans la Data Microsoft et les services qui y sont associés. Ses prestations vont de l'informatique décisionnelle à l'intelligence artificielle en passant par les services cloud et la data science. 

QuickBooks YEMEN

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IT Vision Technology

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Wir, die IT Vision Technology, stehen seit 2001 für die Umsetzung von innovativen IT-Branchenlösungen. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 200 Mitarbeitern setzen wir uns für die Digitalisierung ein und unterstützen unsere Kunden und Partner aus Industrie und Energie.Als Business-Consulting-Dienstleister unterstützen wir internationale Konzerne und mittelständische Unternehmen bei der IT-gestützten Optimierung ihrer Geschäftsprozesse – von der Strategie- und Prozessberatung bis hin zu Fragen der Systemauswahl, -implementierung und -integration. Durch professionelle Beratung, zuverlässige Projektumsetzung und dem anschließenden 24/7 Support nach ITIL-Standard, schaffen wir nachhaltige Kundenzufriedenheit.Als DIN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 14001, DIN ISO 27001 und TISAX zertifiziertes Unternehmen und Microsoft Alpha Partner der ersten Stunde, wissen wir worauf es ankommt. Insbesondere liegt uns die Datensicherheit unserer Kunden sehr am Herzen. Aus diesem Grund betreiben wir für unsere Kunden mehrere Hochsicherheitsrechenzentren in Deutschland.

Naviz Analytics

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PowerBI dashboard and reports gives on-demand visibility into case information such as data volumes, cost savings and spend. This matter intelligence allows you to make informed case decisions, create more accurate budgets and implement and monitor effectiveness of matter and cross-matter processes.The reports provides the ability to view, plan, compare and forecast data anywhere, anytime. Access to all the activity on all matters, to create and observe detailed metrics related to cost, time, volume and reduction performance, this allows the control of data and to create reliable monitoring and forecasting activitiesThese reports are useful for both Internal Teams and Customers• Case Managers• Service Delivery teams• Finance Teams


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Through ears of experience in Information Systems and IT solutions, EDM presents a full suit of solutions in the digital transformation of your business.DataBoards™ is the latest BI solution EDM.Built using latest technology from Microsoft, Power BI.Your Reports and Dashboards are fully interactive with easier drill down and drill through for filtering and root causeanalysis.By presenting tailored data stories, it will be easier to detect outliers. Be proactive instead of reactive.DataBoards will give you a clear insight into how your company conducts business and helps you determine yourcompany’s health and stability.Features Sales Analysis Receivables Analysis Purchase Analysis Payables Analysis Inventory Analysis Financial Analysis HR/Payroll Analysis Full time intelligence Year to date, month to date, Previous year comparison with growth %....etc Budget comparison Analysis By Dimensions Companies consolidation Multi CurrenciesEDM also provide consultancy services in Dynamics 365 platform, Power Platform and Third party Microsoft Partners such as LS Retail.

Process Analytics Factory GmbH

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Process Mining transforms business process improvement from a once-in-a-while project into a daily routine of business operations. The Challenge: When you’re working with digital processes, it’s difficult to find out what your real business process looks like. Usually there is an ideal model, but you can never be sure that it is followed correctly. Plus, there’s a difference between suspecting something is wrong with your process, knowing that something is wrong and knowing exactly what it is and what’s causing it. Added on top are the many exceptions to the daily business, that create different variants of a process. So how do you know what your actual process looks like and where you can find improvement potential?   The Solution: Visualize your process from data with Process Mining. Process Mining connects areas of BI, process management and analytics by visualizing data in an easy to understand process flow. On the basis of this visualization, users can analyze their processes in detail and start optimization measures. PAFnow adds Process Mining capabilities to the Power BI and Office 365 infrastructure. With PAFnow users can: ·         Explore process variants, identify bottlenecks, discover root-causes, and much more. ·         Dive deep into data with complete cross-filtering and color highlights. ·         Access advanced features such as a minimap, variant indicator and filter preview. ·         Calculate process durations using the End-Timestamp. ·         Group process flows and use many layout options. ·         Use Conformance Check and Breadcrumb features ·         Monitor KPIs and the success of improvement strategies  ·         Find the right version for their needs: o   PAFnow Process Mining – Easy entry into Process Mining with our free visual for Power BI o   PAFnow Premium – Ready-to-use application for automatic process analysis and direct optimization o   PAFnow Enterprise and Content Packs – Make company-wide, well-founded decisions for better business processes   Benefits: Objective: Since it’s data-based, Process Mining is unbiased and unaffected by partial or limited perception of a process. Complete: Process Mining shows all exceptions, deviations and hidden variants of end-to-end business processes. Fast: It only takes the fraction of a time compared to traditional analysis projects, to receive results. Plus, there is no interruption of the day-to-day business through workshops and interviews. Ready-to-use: It’s easy to get started with Process Mining with our pre-built dashboards. You only need event data of your processes, either stored in a database or as a CSV file. Interactive: Adding Process Mining to Power BI allows to leverage the results from Process Mining analysis across an organization’s Office 365 infrastructure.  

Mistral Business Solutions

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EMPRESAMistral nació en 2013. Somos una empresa especializada en análisis de datos, concretamente en soluciones de Business Intelligence, Data Science y Big Data. Durante este tiempo hemos comprobado que nuestra principal fortaleza es la capacidad de entender y adaptarnos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes con gran agilidad. Tenemos una MISIÓN muy clara, que aplicamos tanto a nuestros clientes como a nuestro equipo: Ayudarles a ser mejores y apoyarles en el camino hacia el éxito, acompañándoles en la consecución de los objetivos marcados, más allá incluso de los que inicialmente tuvieran.Para ello, desde el primer día nos esforzamos en hacer realidad nuestra VISIÓN sobre qué queremos que sea Mistral: La mejor empresa que se puede contratar, la mejor empresa en la que se puede trabajar.Sustentamos todo esto con unos VALORES que son los que hacen que seamos quienes somos: honestidad, excelencia, confianza y compromiso.EQUIPONuestro principal activo es nuestro equipo. Para ello cuidamos todos los detalles para conseguir el mejor ambiente laboral posible: conciliación familiar, cenas de Navidad, eventos en verano, almuerzo los viernes y un equipo divertido y dinámico.Todos los miembros del equipo tienen una amplia experiencia en desarrollos muy exigentes. Trabajamos en un ambiente internacional y estamos acostumbrados a colaborar con empresas y equipos de distintos países, por lo que todos nuestros consultores tienen un nivel de inglés alto.Gracias a que tenemos un equipo muy grande con una amplia experiencia, somos capaces de trabajar con un gran portfolio de tecnologías, adaptándonos así a las herramientas que utilizan nuestros clientes o utilizando otras tecnologías que se adapten mejor a sus necesidades sin estar anclados a unas pocas.Además, durante estos años, nuestros consultores han trabajado en proyectos muy distintos: desde grandes multinacionales hasta pequeñas y medianas empresas, y en diferentes sectores como industria, logística, e-commerce, alquiler de coches, energía, supermercados, hostelería, cruceros, transporte o estética entre otras.COMPROMISOTrabajamos con metodologías ágiles como Scrum o Kanban para asegurar que el cliente conoce en todo momento el estado del proyecto y puede empezar a ver resultados lo antes posible. La idea principal es minimizar informes y documentos con largas explicaciones, haciendo más fácil para nuestro cliente el controlar nuestro trabajo y la evolución del proyecto, teniendo así completa flexibilidad para cambios repentinos.También realizamos consultoría para la planificación inicial e implementación de nuevas plataformas de datos. Aseguramos que la arquitectura de tu nueva plataforma se basa en las tecnologías más adecuadas según tus necesidades, está disponible, es escalable y funciona para proveer un rápido retorno de tu inversión. Estamos acostumbrados a trabajar con distintas tecnologías de modo que si ya dispones de una plataforma de datos nos adaptamos a la que estés utilizando.Enfocamos los proyectos con el objetivo de que veas resultados lo antes posible y que siempre sea rentable para nuestro socio, imprescindible para poder mantener relaciones de larga duración.

Rand Group

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Combining the business acumen of seasoned professionals – back office to front office and all disciplines in between, Rand Group delivers overall business improvement and business management software solutions that drive real business results. At Rand Group, we are proud to partner with and support clients across North America, with centers of excellence in the Southwest Region and the Pacific Northwest. Our resources carry expertise across all industries with additional specialization in energy, manufacturing & distribution, construction & engineering, and professional services. We hold 6 Microsoft Business Competencies and are a member of Microsoft’s Elite Inner Circle – reserved for the top 1% of Microsoft Dynamics partners worldwide. Rand Group is passionate about providing pragmatic solutions to operational problems, improving revenues, and delivering bottom line results. We support our clients on everything from a secure, scalable, stable infrastructure through transaction processing systems and management analytics to all elements of web presence, digital media and digital marketing.  Our aim is to exceed our clients’ needs through role-tailored, easy to navigate software systems that create the best possible solutions. Rand Group’s dedicated Data Science & Analytics practice provides a wide variety of services and support offerings. Our analysts have the expertise to assist businesses of all shapes and sizes – from smaller organizations currently working to determine if Power BI is a good fit, to experienced Power BI users that are looking to take their data insights to the next level. As an experienced Power BI partner, Rand Group ultimately empowers our clients to make better business decisions.

CMC Technology & Solution Company Limited

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As one of the foremost Microsoft partners in Vietnam, CMC TS has achieved a Microsoft Silver Data Analytics Competency and has provided businesses, including Vietnam's largest enterprises, with best practice solutions using Microsoft Azure, PowerBI & other Microsoft services. In this modern day of data-driven business, Power BI helps provide corporations with interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities.  Power BI is also flexible and easy to use for end-users.  With CMCTS experiences in business consulting, we have realized that Power BI helps companies in many ways, but most significantly in empowering decision making and data monetization.  Management is more comfortable and ensured in deciding strategies; and employees enjoy making business decisions by themselves with the aid of Power BI.CMCTS is planning to create standardized business intelligence & data-driven decision making standards across different industries including Banking & Finance, Retailing, Manufacturing, Export & Import, ePayments, Real Estate, Food & Beverage and more. Power BI is the business analytics service we are using to integrate our expertise in data analytics and business intelligence.

Deevita LLC

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Deevita LLC is a digital healthcare solutions provider offering technology services to businesses in the healthcare industry to help them succeed in value-based care. We provide legacy and cutting-edge IT services to businesses to help organizations succeed. We are primarily a Microsoft Technology shop specializing in Data & Analytics, Power BI solutions, Azure Cloud solutions, and we also provide Application Development Services.Deevita is a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Analytics & Data Platform, and a Microsoft Azure partner. Established in 2014, Deevita is headquartered in Redmond WA, USA with a development center in Chennai, India. Deevita’s mission is to empower organizations leverage their data and drive efficiency across their business ecosystem.We offer a wide range of BI services using Power BI to help you gain the data insights from your valuable data and make data-informed decisions. Whichever solution your business is looking for, our team of Power BI developers, solution architects, analysts, and consultants will be there with you on your data & analytics journey. Our commitment as a Microsoft Gold Partner ensures we follow Microsoft’s best practices for design, development, and deployment.Deevita’s Business Intelligence practice helps its customers drive a data culture in their organization through modern data integration, analytics, and reporting solutions. In addition to data engineering services, Deevita also offers Azure Cloud services right from readiness assessment to migration and data platforms. 

IT-Improvement Deutschland GmbH

Partner Directory

Mit der Power Plattform stellt Microsoft verschiedene Dienste zur Verfügung, um schnell und kostengünstig Lösungen für geschäftskritische Anforderungen zu realisieren. Unternehmen verfügen über vielfältige Daten. Diese werden aber immer entscheidungsrelevant zusammengetragen und visualisiert, z.B. in einem Dashboard. Auch fehlen oft Analysewerkzeuge, die auch vom Entscheidungsträger direkt genutzt werden können ohne entsprechende BI-Spezialisten. Hierfür steht PowerBI als Analyse- und Visualisierungstool zur Verfügung. Mit PowerApps lassen sich Anwendungen mit wenigen Sourcecode realisieren, die auf verschiedenen Geräten laufen, z.B. Smartphone, und sehr gut mit anderen Diensten zusammenarbeiten, z.B. SharePoint und Teams. Flow ermöglicht die Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen auf eine einfache Art. Hierfür stehen verschiedene vorgefertigte Konnektoren zur Verfügung und die Möglichkeit, diese zu kombinieren und durch individuelle Erweiterungen zu ergänzen. Diese Tools haben wir schon in vielen Projekten erfolgreich eingesetzt und beispielsweise für eines der weltweit führenden Logistikunternehmen verschiedene Dashboards im Bereich Vertrieb.