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Our team is a group of passionate Digitalization experts aiming to help our customers to achieve success. At Cloudworks we value companies culture and real value implementations. Whether you are looking to implement a new product, reengineer your current organization, or conduct business consulting we will adapt and provide the best expertise in the market to achieve successful digital transformation projects. We have a history of being CRM specialists but with the needs of our clients being more and more focused on reporting in addition to the operational digitalization, we have focused on Business Intelligence in the last years. Our focus on Power BI is due to the vast possibilities offered in the platform as well as its ease of use for traditional office users.Our implementations range from "getting started" solutions to enhancing organizations' use of Power BI through trainings and ad-hoc support in implementations.Rather than selling we have chosen to help and it shows! Cloudworks is part of the Emakina Group.

Gateway Business Communications Pty Ltd

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Untangle BI brings along precision, comprehensive experience, expertise, and deep industry knowledge. Our forte is offering unparalleled Power BI consulting services along with the flawless Power BI implementation that will craft a roadmap to help you streamline the data, processes, and business goals.Cost-effective Solutions– Our approach is simple – we focus on finding the right problem and strive to overcome it with minimum time.Dedicated ODC Team– We understand the importance and uniqueness of every project. Therefore, we have a dedicated ODC team.Experienced Professionals-We have a team of experienced professionals that enhances efficiency and renders quality as well as quantity.One Stop Power BI SolutionWe make our Power BI consulting Company unique, by involving specifically crafted methodologies that adapt well to your needs and demands. Our customized module developments and the ability to integrate a huge volume of data from internal as well as external sources makes us one of the best Power BI consulting service providers for Microsoft Power BI Solutions.Power BI DesktopOur industry experts offer you a personalized solution after doing a comprehensive assessment of your unique business needsPower BI MobileWe deploy on-demand certified Cloud Specialists to help you meet your strategic goals & respond quickly to the market needsPower BI PremiumWe ensure a seamless business transformation by helping you implement exclusively tailored strategies that mitigate riskPower BI EmbeddedWe analyse your current technology and process maturity to devise a customized integration approach that addresses all your requirements

Advance Learning Technology Center Limitada

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Advance Learning es un centro de capacitación, entrenamiento y certificación  internacional en el área de tecnologías de información y comunicación. Contamos con  una experiencia de 14 años, brindando soluciones de aprendizaje que buscan formar o  actualizar un recurso humano, con las competencias digitales necesarias para hacer  frente al proceso de transformación digital y los retos inherentes a la cuarta revolución  industrial. Actualmente también, brindamos servicios de Mentoring y consultoría para el desarrollo de soluciones empresariales de analítica de datos, basados en Power BI. Hemos acompañados a nuestros clientes en el camino a la optimización del uso de lo datos de manera que cobren vida, cuenten historias y sean realmente un insumo relevante para la toma de decisiones en la organización. Construimos los más dinámicos tableros, le colaboramos en procesos de migración, le asesoramos en temas de publicación y seguridad, entre otros. 


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Flexmind est née de l’alliance de consultants de haut niveau et d’expérience, chacun référent dans son domaine d’activité. Nos consultants accompagnés d’architectes systèmes d’information ont acquis une expérience depuis plusieurs années dans la mise en œuvre de projets d’intégration et de migrations sur les solutions Dynamics 365 et Power Platform (Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate ou encore Power Vitual Agents) complétées par les applications Microsoft Business Intelligence et Office 365. Flexmind propose d’accompagner les entreprises dans la transformation de leur Système d’Information. Nous proposons des solutions globales, mais aussi dédiées à des secteurs tels que le retail, les services, la distribution et de l’industrie. Depuis toujours, Flexmind n’hésite pas à investir dans l’innovation. De la même façon, nous accordons une exigence particulière à la veille technologique. Ces deux points sont le préalable incontournable, pour vous offrir le conseil le plus éclairé ainsi que des solutions qui anticiperont vos besoins immédiats et vos enjeux futurs. Tous nos consultants passent régulièrement des certifications sur les dernières versions des solutions sur lesquelles ils interviennent. Cela contribue à vous garantir des réponses performantes sur le long terme. Cette société est avant tout le reflet de la diversité des horizons revendiqués par ses créateurs, mais aussi par l’ensemble de des collaborateurs. Un concept innovant, mixant différents styles et philosophies pour en puiser toutes les richesses, et qui place l’homme au cœur de l’entreprise. 


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Who we are Algomine is a professional business analytics company specializing in decision making optimization and operational efficiency management. The company’s expertise is accessing and gathering right data, followed by implementing advanced analytics and visual analytics to turn that data into real value to the business.   Why Algomine We provide comprehensive support to our clients from the stage of installation and data acquisition, to post-implementation assistance and trainings. We build solutions in a way that would not be possible in the case of cooperation with the giants of the IT industry, because we combine knowledge, many years of experience with the necessary flexibility and quick action. Our clients are large Polish companies that we support in:           Integrating, cleaning and modeling data from multiple sources for reporting and analysis          Designing reports, dashboards and visualizations          Creating analysis sets, e.g. receipt data, customer behavior of the loyalty program          Preparation of marketing campaigns based on predictive models (x-sell, up-sell)          Recommendation of the best offer for the client (Next Best Action)          Building forecasting models broken down into particular groups of goods and optimizing the inventory We help to convert data into revenues, because the proper leverage of your company's data is a possible additional source of income and increasing the real value of the organization. Visit our website and get to know us better


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IMBS® was created by a group of professionals with more than 15 years of worldwide experience. Through the know-how of our consultants, specialized in Lean and Process Improvement, our goal is to find and implement the best solutions for each client. The versatility acquired with the experience in several activity segments and markets, allows us to customize all solutions to the reality of each company, from Process Engineering to Digital Transformation. Each solution we implement, has the mission of generating added value for our customers. This value involves obtaining both quantitative results, in terms of productivity and profitability, as well as qualitative, considering the impact they have on the company's people and culture. IMBS - Business Solutions has a Silver Competency in Data Analytics and is specialized in implementing PowerBI, which allows us to respond to the needs of our partners through the tools that are part of the Microsoft Power Platform. Our team has the experience and ability to develop solutions tailored to each company, regardless of their size and sector of activity, in order to transform organizations' data into coherent and interactive information, allowing them to make assertive and efficient decisions. 

Blueforte GmbH

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Our profile: Big enough to deliver, small enough to careWe are passionate about data. The work we do to help our clients be driven by data is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Whether you’re a disruptive start-up, a medium-sized business or a big player, our team of 50 employees based at our offices in Ham-burg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Munich is on hand to listen and support you every step of the way. And you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’ll end up with more efficient processes, carefully considered decisions and optimised products and services.Why us:We build you a solid, scalable foundation for building modern, cascading reporting across all of your departments and for each of your use cases. At the same time, we empower your data design team in Power BI and user-centric dashboard design. We are design-savvy and detail-oriented - our solutions should work and delight. We are driven by the happiness of future users, because only satisfied users make data-based decisions - objectively and efficiently.How we can support:Consulting on your reporting/BI strategy and the use of current technologiesDesign, customization and extension of your BI architectureReport creation process with Power BI (data loading, transforming, modeling, visualizing)Report designs according to International Business Communication Standards (IBCS)Development of cascading reporting apps with a central entry point, topic-specific analyses and drills into detailed analyses using the "Your Analytics HUB" concept developed in-houseStructured processes for the creation of designs and the generation of Power BI reportsUser-specific training of Power BI (data modeler, report designer, report administrator, end user)Performance optimization (SQL, Power Query, DAX)

SIEVERS-SNC Computer & Software GmbH & Co. KG

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Seit über 30 Jahren entwickelt, implementiert und betreut die SIEVERS-GROUP betriebswirtschaftliche Lösungen für mittelständische Unternehmen und internationale Konzerne. Business Analytics-Lösungen sowie Cloud-Services ergänzen das Portfolio. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Microsoft Power BI Ihre Unternehmensdaten strukturieren, visuell ansprechend darstellen und die wichtigen Aspekte in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Erwecken Sie Ihre Daten zum Leben und profitieren Sie von einer hohen Vielfalt an Visualisierungen, um unternehmerische Kennzahlen zielgerichtet und aussagekräftig darzustellen. Profitieren Sie von unseren langjährigen Erfahrungen, wie z.B.: Konzeption und Umsetzung von BI-Projekten KPI- und Strategieentwicklung Betrieb und Projektmanagement Grundlagen- und Aufbau-Trainings Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die nächsten Schritte planen und in einen ersten Dialog einsteigen. Darauf freuen wir uns! Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.sievers-group.com https://www.sievers-group.com/microsoft-power-bi

exe, a. s.

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We believe that modern technologies change business. The future is here today and it is our task to provide to all, who we collaborate with. We do not lack the courage to innovate. With enthusiasm, we bring new technological solutions that move our customers' business to a higher level.   As a Microsoft Gold Partner in Data Analytics and Data Platform we have a proven capability of providing quality and effective business analytics solutions to our clients.   Core services: Business Intelligence Consulting Reporting and Visualization Managed Self-Service BI Enterprise Modern Data Warehousing Cloud Data Analytics Platform Speech to text NLP and NER   Key Microsoft Business Intelligence technology: Microsoft Power BI Microsoft SQL Server Azure Data Platform Azure Data Lake Machine Learning Azure IaaS Azure Data Factory Azure Analysis Services Azure Synapse Analytics Cognitive services   Trainings: Dashboard in a Day Analytics in a Day Data Modernization in a Day Training for Data Modeling DAX Trainings Visualization with Power BI Power Apps Trainings Custom Power BI and Power Apps Trainings 

Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech a.s.

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Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech a.s. delivers business information systems on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform (AX, NAV, and CRM). We implement a Business Intelligence solution providing interactive visualization of results and develop our own solution and deliver software that is tailor-made to the specific needs of customers.We are the leading partner of Microsoft Czech Republic for Microsoft Dynamics.  Digital transformation requires comprehensive 360-degree solutions offered by Konica Minolta from a single source: from consulting in the field of analysis, control, and evaluation of concepts (third parties) to product comparison and recommendations, including design, implementation, and operation.As an IT service provider, Konica Minolta introduces integrated solutions and, in addition to its particularly strong knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics and the Power Platform, offers its customers comprehensive support with IT infrastructure, cloud, information security, output management, and extensive managed services solutions.Products and servicesAs a leading ERP provider with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Konica Minolta creates the foundation for a future digitization strategy for its customers. The companies benefit from the extensive experience of the IT service provider in the development of Microsoft applications and the Microsoft Power Platform (Microsoft PowerApps, Microsoft Power BI).Konica Minolta offers intelligent IT solutions from a single source based on extensive expertise in the latest Microsoft Dynamics technology, sustainable project methodology and strategic consulting, and the ability to tailor projects to individual customer requirements. An IT service provider means a reliable and stable partnership.We take care of more than 280 clients providing them with support and running projects.

Envision Technology Advisors

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At Envision Technology Advisors, we believe in the power of data-driven decision making. We believe levering Microsoft’s Power Platform will help our clients develop practices that make a tangible difference in human behavior within their organizations, helping them move their businesses forward.  We accomplish this by going well beyond simply providing reports to those clients. We combine our data findings with a deep understanding of their business needs and the industry-specific context of that data, helping our clients find the story in their data. Envision’s data practice is supported by a unique team of data analysts and architects with a deep expertise in Power BI. They work alongside system engineers, web designers and developers, training experts, storytelling specialists, and an award-winning Managed Services practice as part of a team which is able to provide end-to-end solutions to fit any organization’s business needs. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence is just one component of Envision’s powerful Digital Transformation practice. This practice focuses not only on Power BI and Microsoft’s Power Platform, but also Security & Compliance, Process Automation & Intelligence, User Enablement, and improved Communication & Collaboration. All of these elements help our clients create strong companies that fully support a Modern and Agile Workforce.

Innovit AS

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Innsikt hos Innovit er til for å bistå bedrifter med å få nytte og verdi av data.Det kan være utfordrende å samle, kvalitetssikre, koble og synliggjøre data på en god måte. I Innovit Innsikt får du en kompetent og entusiastisk samarbedispartner innenfor Business Intelligence og Business Analytics.Innovit Innsikt kan både rådgi og ivareta hele data-prosessen; fra behovsanalyse og løsningsdesign, til implementasjon, testing og forvaltning.Vi kan Microsoft Power BI, og med Power BI blir veien fra idé og behov til nyttig løsning både kort og gøy!Uansett hvilke områder du ønsker bedre kontroll på og oversikt over, så bistår vi deg på din ferd fra rådata til innsikt – innsikt som gjør deg i stand til å fatte gode, datadrevne beslutninger.Innovit har hovedkontor i Bergen, men tar oppdrag fra hele landet.

eacs Ltd

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In the modern workplace, businesses need to maximise the analytical potential of the data they hold, and our experience in leveraging the power and capabilities of Power BI can help you quickly solve business problems, improve efficiency and achieve real cost benefits – all achieved using real time data. Our Power BI services will help you understand how your data can help provide you with simple easy to understand dashboards and reports that will ensure you are able to drive improvements and make business critical decisions based on facts, not assumptions.Whether visualising data from a Power App, analysing your sales or identifying critical issues in your supply chain, eacs can help you make decisions at the speed of data.


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Bmatix leverages its decade long Business Intelligence expertise and multiplatform knowledge to help you drive your business.Whether to improve the quality of your services and products, increase employee productivity, adapt to market trends or increase your market share.We offer a wide range of ready-to-deploy Power BI reporting solutions, created alongside industry leading companies and partners. Along with short lead-times, our solutions are highly customizable and expandable based upon your own needs.Need something new, tailor-made for your own organization? Reach out so we can assess how one of our 60 solution-certified data specialists can help you to design what you need.Bmatix delivers the right information at the right time. Helping you make the right decisions, faster, based on facts, not fiction. 


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Glorious Insight is a Global IT Services company with leading solution delivery capabilities around Microsoft Data & AI Solution, Custom Application Development on Power Platform and Sharepoint, Cloud infrastructure Management, Intelligent Process Automation and ERP / CRM. Combining the unmatched experience of our knowledge pool of domain experts, and our specialized skills across industries, we offer consulting and technology implementation services to clients, based on their needs and scale of their businesses. We assign a dedicated team of experts for each of our clients to deliver the promise of technology as per the vertical and their unique requirements. Our Research Team, at Glorious Research Labs, is constantly working with new technologies to come up with innovative solutions that are in line with the latest technological developments and serve the current business trends. We serve diverse clientele across industries like BFSI, Consumer Goods, Education, Enterprise Technology, Media & Entertainment, Telecom, Automotive, Manufacturing, Aviation, Healthcare & Retail. We deliver industry leading solutions by leveraging top technology stacks available from Microsoft. With our global presence in India, Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Singapore, Canada & Australia, we are able to deliver world class business solutions to our clients across the globe. We embrace the power of change to create value and business outcomes for our clients, partners and communities around the world. Visit us at www.glorinz.com.

Naviz Analytics

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PowerBI dashboard and reports gives on-demand visibility into case information such as data volumes, cost savings and spend. This matter intelligence allows you to make informed case decisions, create more accurate budgets and implement and monitor effectiveness of matter and cross-matter processes.The reports provides the ability to view, plan, compare and forecast data anywhere, anytime. Access to all the activity on all matters, to create and observe detailed metrics related to cost, time, volume and reduction performance, this allows the control of data and to create reliable monitoring and forecasting activitiesThese reports are useful for both Internal Teams and Customers• Case Managers• Service Delivery teams• Finance Teams


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Ergo is a world-class cloud and managed services provider that has been leading the way for over 25 years. Ergo was awarded Managed Service Company of the Year 2017 at the Tech Excellence Awards, along with the 2018 IT Project of the Year. We are also a Platinum Standard Deloitte Best Managed Company 2018, Microsoft Ireland Modern Workplace Partner of the Year 2018, Cloud Productivity Partner of Year 2017 and Microsoft Ireland MDM & Security Partner of the Year 2017. We aim to inspire clients with our solutions and unlock the power of digital. We bring you on a digital journey - optimising your digital capability to empower your business to be the best it can be through technology. The journey will unlock your ability to get ahead, stay ahead and win in your marketplace by maximising your ability to continuously evolve and respond to demand through agility.Ergo provides the end-to-end solution from licensing to creating a digital workplace to IT service management and hybrid infrastructure operations services. Our solutions are business use case driven, designed with innovative and creative thinking at their centre.  All are solutions are wrapped in security and managed services with 24*7*365 global support services.Ergo have several consultants who have been selected as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) along with numerous Gold competencies including Data Analytics, Cloud Productivity, Cloud Platform and Application Development.Key services and offerings include:PowerBI (package services), Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Database Integration Solutions, Data Warehouse Services, Power Platform, Machine Learning    

Affirma Consulting

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Affirma delivers measurable business value. We’re a process and data-driven consulting firm that works with you to solve your business problems and build for your future. We believe in open communication and collaboration to understand the goals and visions of your project. Then our team of experts get to work. Your satisfaction is our focus, so you're guaranteed we'll hit timelines, stay within budget and not only get your project done, but get it done well. Our passion for customer satisfaction shows in our numbers. Over 98% of our previous clients respond that they would gladly work with us again. Let us show you the Affirma difference.  


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A Aura Consultoria planeja e executa projetos de desenvolvimento ou reestruturação de soluções de Business Intelligence, aplicadas a ambientes locais, em nuvem ou híbridos. Nossa parceria com a Microsoft apoia o desenvolvimento de nossos negócios com a oferta de soluções tecnológicas como SQL Server e Power BI. A união de nossa expertise de negócios com as soluções Microsoft, proporciona experiências aderentes e de excelente custo benefício para nossos clientes.Nossos projetos de Business Intelligence utilizando Power BI são desenvolvidos utilizando uma estrutura padrão que objetiva garantir total governança e compliance sobre as informações de nossos clientes, entregando alto valor agregado ao negócio. Essa estrutura é subdividida em 4 grandes ondas:Levantamento de dados - Nessa onda é realizado todo o mapeamento das informações necessárias a definição do escopo do projeto, incluídas fontes de informação, métodos de conexão e esquemas de consumo de dados;Consolidação de dados - Nessa onda é realizada a consolidação dos dados, afim de produzir conhecimento sobre os mesmo. Trata-se aqui de segmentar, relacionar, dimensionar e medir os dados consolidados, preparando-os para o consumo via interface gráfica;Consumo de dados - Nessa onda trata-se do consumo dos dados consolidados, definindo-se aqui a governanca sobre os mesmos. Formaliza-se aqui toda a infraestrutura de segurança e acesso as informações;Experiência visual - Nessa onda é configurada a interface gráfica que proporcionará a experiência de interação com o usuário. Métodos e técnicas de visualização, interação e publicação são aplicadas afim de prover uma solução capaz de basear a tomada de decisão sobre negócios de forma ágil e segura.Os resultados da aplicação dessa estrutura padrão aos projetos tem sido a entrega ágil de soluções de Business Intelligence, totalmente aderentes as demandas de nossa carteira de clientes e do mercado.

Datamovements Limited

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Datamovements Limited are a GOLD Data Analytics partner and have successfully delivered PowerBI solutions and training to our customers, our Consultant (MCT's) can provide both the expertise of the products in the real-world along with training to meet your requirements.As a CSP (Cloud Solutions Provider) we can provide the Azure Services, including O365 & PowerBI licensing for your usersWe offer introduction 'Taster' Sessions to start your PowerBI journey and can create a custom engagement to suit the size and complexity of consulting/training you want.


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Créé en 2001, OLEAP est une société de conseil, intégrateur des solutions décisionnelles Microsoft BI. Nous sommes certifiés Gold Microsoft BI (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) et Power BI. Nous accompagnons les PME /ETI du grand Ouest de la France à toutes les phases du projet : audit, conseil, intégration et développement, transfert de compétence et maintenance des solutions Microsoft BI. Sur Power BI nous aidons nos clients pour l'importation des données, la création du modèle de données et la création de mesures calculées. Nous accompagnons également les utilisateurs et l'informatique dans la création de rapports grâce à des formations sur-mesure.

Black Marble LTD

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From our roots as a hard-core, deep development house specialising in .NET, we pride ourselves in delivering solutions across industry and sector – from Insurance systems to managing virtual machines, to artificially intelligent games. Black Marble develops solutions across the Microsoft platform; custom developed software solutions, BizTalk solutions, Application Lifecycle Management consultancy, Azure projects, Data Science implementations, and SharePoint implementations and development. We specialise in developing New User Experiences, including touch and multi-touch solutions, on innovative technologies including Windows Kinect, Windows Phone and Windows 8+, where we emphasise the creation of delightful and easy to visualise user experiences. We develop solutions to be delivered across a variety of form-factors and screen types, including Smartphones, touchscreens, large format displays and slate devices. As well as skills in developing websites and content for SharePoint and mobile platforms, Black Marble also has skills in HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Responsive Web Design, and Web Standards Based Design. Our approach to delivering solutions in the cloud encompasses the development and test process, engineering solutions, Data Science and assisting with customer’s infrastructure needs, as well as working with existing data frameworks, including opening them up for wider use. Black Marble also specialises in delivering Health Checks and Rescue Services across all our areas of expertise, working with the customer to bring their solutions back on track, and up to standard. Black Marble is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network, holding key competencies at the Gold and Silver Standard. Black Marble is also part of Microsoft’s CityNext initiative which focuses on helping cities leverage a new era of technology innovation, and our solutions include an Open Data framework enabling Local Government to make their data, including transport information, available for consumption by third parties to create innovative applications. Black Marble has developed tuServ, an innovative application for modern policing.

ACP CUBIDO Digital Solutions GmbH

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Wir sind ein Team aus rund 40 kompetenten, erfahrenen und ideenreichen Köpfen mit Standort in Leonding.Als zuverlässiger und erfahrener Partner unterstützen wir Sie in den Bereichen Analytics und Software Development durch individuelle Beratung, Analyse, Konzeption, Implementierung, praxisnahe Schulungen und kompetenten, fortwährenden Support.Wir sorgen dafür, dass die richtigen Daten zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort vorhanden sind. So gelingt es, Geschäftsmodelle zu optimieren, präzise Geschäftsentscheidungen zu treffen und enorme Kosten einzusparen. Unsere Projekte und Kunden sind ebenso wie deren Branchen vielfältig und unterschiedlich.Daher entwickeln wir mit unserem Team aus Experten individuelle, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Kunden jeder Größe und Branche. Wir legen Wert auf einfache, intuitiv erfassbare, ergonomisch bedienbare und durchgehend integrierte Lösungen.

Business Vision

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Business Vision helps you optimize and maximize the investments you made in your BI platform. We are Microsoft BI experts and help you with the best possible architecture for your specific needs. We combine our deep technical knowledge of the platform with our long experience of delivering decision support to organizations across Sweden. We are advisers for new investments, we run your BI projects, we are available as resources in your BI teams and we manage your BI solutions.The number of services and applications grows explosive in the cloud. We help you, from a BI perspective, to take advantage of all the opportunities this amazing platform now offers. Underpin your business decisions with advanced analysis and data services for both traditional and new data sources, or create hybrid solutions that you can scale up or down as needed. With Microsoft Azure, you get a reliable cloud solution - on your terms. We create advanced Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analytics services so you can purchase BI as a service. BI as a service is a concept we believe in Business Vision will dominate future decision support development. Services developed with precision for a specific area that may seem "stand-alone" or in synergy with other services will transform our view of BI. It is simply a matter of letting the needs of the business in place of restrictions on the chosen platform control how you will work with BI in the future.


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Inycom es Microsoft Gold Partner en las competencias de virtualización, escritorio e Inteligencia empresarial; es Silver Partner en Plataforma de servidor, Administración de sistemas y Plataforma de datos. Con 30 años de experiencia, Inycom ofrece servicios y soluciones en diversos ámbitos: Inteligencia en el Negocio. (Transformar datos en información útil para la toma de decisiones) Soluciones orientadas a procesos del negocio. (Mejora de la productividad e incremento del rendimiento empresarial) Sistemas y Comunicaciones. (Diseño, mejora e innovación de arquitecturas TIC) Soporte a la infraestructura TIC. (Asistencia, soporte técnico, migracion a windows 7, etc.).