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Enhance a data model
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.
Power Query makes it easy for Sam to prepare and transform the data. For example, Sam can rename the table columns to accurately represent the data and remove any unneeded information.
Now that the data is ready, Sam selects the Close and Apply option from the home ribbon tab.