Suporte do Power BI


Re: Urgent but Interesting Page Navigation/ Drill Through Use Case

Sounds Interesting, Can you provide some reference for the second part of your answer? "connect your drill trough by weblink to that column that way appears to be a button." Thanks

Re: Total not working for DISTINCTCOUNT when used matrix

DISTINCTCOUNT is not an additive measure by nature. It's only additive if there is no overlap between rows, otherwise, you're double counting some items.   I recommend reading this article f...

Cambio en las fechas durante varios meses

Hola Estoy buscando una manera de escribir una medida para ver si las fechas han cambiado en el transcurso de varios meses. Mi objetivo final es poder ver si las fechas de inicio y finalización ...

Re: Cambio en las fechas durante varios meses

@Bryan_Ross ,La información que ha proporcionado no me aclara el problema. ¿Podría explicarlo con un ejemplo? ¿Puede compartir datos de muestra y salida de muestra en formato de tabla? O un pbix ...

How to make a Reset button for synced slicer?

I have slicers on all my tabs and all of them are synced. The problem is, if i forget on which page I used the slicer first, the reset button doesn't work to reset the filters set on other pages. I ...

¿Cómo hacer un botón Reset para la segmentación sincronizada?

Tengo segmentaciones de datos en todas mis pestañas y todas están sincronizadas. El problema es que, si olvido en qué página usé la segmentación de datos primero, el botón de reinicio no funciona par...

How to fill up/down the blanks in a calculated column of data model (Not in Power Query)

All the dates after 1sy July-22 shall have 1st july -22 . THis is a lookup value column in an crossjoin table.    

Re: Cómo rellenar los espacios en blanco en una columna calculada del modelo de datos (no en Power Query)

@MaulikG7 , tenemos que crear una nueva columna. nueva columna = var _max = maxx(filter(Table, Table[Date]>= before([Date]) && not(isblank(Table[Code])) ), [Code]) devolución ...

Split Column to Text Values and Number Values

This is slightly different than splitting a column by first instance of text of number.   I have a column whose values are EITHER Text or Numbers.   Eg. AAA BBB 123 456 How do I ...

Re: Contar filas totales de "Met"

@pitcraj Agregue una nueva medida con la fórmula siguiente: Count_Met = CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(Test),Filter(Test, [Status(Measure)]="Met"))

Re: Count Total Rows of "Met"

@pitcraj    Add a new measure with the following formula: Count_Met = CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(Test),Filter(Test, [Status(Measure)]="Met"))

Re: Sort and Unblock filter pages in PBI

@DR2022 , I doubt that, You need to put them in order of display. Block unblock you can do with a slicer, not with filters. refer video from Guyinacube -

Re: Sort and Unblock filter pages in PBI

Great! I'm going to test here and then I'll give you feedback. Power BI is the same as Excel. There's always a new trick you can do. Thank you very much!

Re: Dashboard Inventário

Seu arquivo ficou perfeito, bem objetivo e de fácil entendimento. Se não se importar (claro), poderia compartilhar o arquivo .pbix para ver como você fez?  Se sim, segue meu e-mail: kleibercf@h...

Re: ¡Urgente! No hay conector web disponible para Jira

Hola Consulte este vínculo que puede ayudarle a conectar jira a Power BI Si respondí a su pregunta, marque mi publicación como solución para que ap...

Re: SAP BW - How to write conditional M statement to pass a range of values as a parameter

Hello, thank you for the suggestion. I am not familiar with writing MDX queries - do you have any specific guidance on how I might write the query for what I would like to accomplish?

Date Visual Randomly Reformatting

Hello,   I have a visual that records my organizations reviews, into good and bad, and then the net number of good reviews over time and I want it to be set to a date hierarchy, with only the ...

Re: Suddenly Border displayed on the slicer in the workspace

Same here!  It appears to have happened after the last system upgrade (Dec service launch.)

Re: Power Query : customize column that count number of rows for each ROW

If I understand properly, you can do this in PQ by Group by Product Key Count the number of YES in each group Re-expand the table Note that your example seems to be incorrect 31/2/2000 is not...

Re: Calculate till date marketing cost per publisher using fixed rate card for each conversion type

You probably will need to normalize the second table into publishers and rates.   It is not clear how you compute rates with both exp_bucket and campaign_type.  Please show the expected...

Re: Crear una tabla de partes de horas que falta

Hola Chris, así que usé tu alma y funciona muy bien, sin embargo, quería refinar esto aún más. Para que los datos fueran útiles, quería agrupar los días por semana. Sin embargo, para cada semana, la ...

Re: ¿Contar la animación en la tarjeta?

Eso solo le muestra los valores para cada fecha específica. No acumula el total acumulado a lo largo del tiempo.

Re: Creating A Missing Timesheets Table

Hi Chris so I used your soultion and it works great, however I wanted to refine this further. In order for the data to be useful I wanted to group the days by week. However for each week, the measure...

Re: Date Range slicer start date and end date to custom dates

Hi, Create a Calendar Table with this Table formula Calendar = calendar(min(table[date]),max(table[date])) Create a relationship (Many to One and Single) from the Date column of Table to the Da...

Re: Measure to calculate the standard deviation

@MostafaGamal That should just be STDEV.P or STDEV.S: STDEV.P function (DAX) - DAX | Microsoft Learn