Power BI 支持


Valore Partners, L.L.C.


Valore Partners is a Microsoft-centric business and technology services and solution provider that helps companies, large and small, optimize organizational performance by mapping strategic goals and objectives into your company’s performance, solve mission-critical problems and drive measurable business value. At Valore Partners, our goal is to develop lasting business partnerships by crafting practical and innovative solutions that drive effective business transformation



Системный интегратор Вебзавод работает с 1997 года. Вебзавод разрабатывает и внедряет программные комплексы, объединенные коммуникации, документооборот, автоматизирует бизнес-процессы. Подбирает и продает серверные решения и системы хранения данных, программное обеспечения ведущих производителей. http://webzavod.ru/products/ В своей работе компания ориентируется на решение бизнес-задач производственных, коммерческих и финансовых департаментов - проектное управление, автоматизация процесса продаж, разработка инструментов финансового планирования. Вебзавод реализовал более 800 проектов. Клиенты - производственные, нефтеперерабатывающие, телекоммуникационные предприятия, банки: Microsoft Corporation, Лаборатория Касперского, Мегафон, МТС, Ростелеком, Сбербанк, ВТБ, Роснефть, Газпром, Тяжмаш, ЦСКБ «Прогресс», федеральные и региональные государственные учреждения. http://webzavod.ru/projects/ Вебзавод нацелен на использование в своих проектах облачных технологий. В 2012 году системный интегратор стал лучшим облачным российским партнером Microsoft, получив статус Private and Hosted Cloud Russian Partner. Вебзавод - победитель рейтинга «25 лучших региональных ИТ-компаний» по версии издания CRN/RE в 2013, 2014, 2015 г. В 2014 г. Вебзавод стал Microsoft Collaboration and Content Partner of the Year. Награда Collaboration & Content Partner of the Year Award - признание исключительных заслуг партнера в сфере решений для совместной работы и управления информацией на мировом уровне. 2015 г. - победа Вебзавода в конкурсе партнерских решений Microsoft в российском этапе в номинации "Cloud Productivity" с решением "Стройка под контролем".

Bellwether Technology


-Identify key performance metrics, with an emphasis on identifying acceptable ranges thereof for exception reporting -Design and construct drillable, sliceable visualizations -Design organization permissions, to deploy visualizations efficiently and securely -Design exception reporting, with emphasis on delivering alerts to users when exceptions occur-Build data integration strategy for organizations that need to marry data from multiple sources into one BI platform

UB Technology Innovations, Inc.


UBTI has been serving clients since 1996 and has offices in the United States and Asia Pacific. Fueled by Power BI, our plug-and-play solutions allow you to easily monitor the metrics that matter, without having to track down information. Turn your stockpile of scattered data into an asset. Our technology consultants can integrate your silos of data into a central dashboard so executives can make well-informed decisions much faster. Just point and click for drill down details or to generate reports with dynamic charts.As a Microsoft Partner in Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, we have the expertise to implement the ideal solution for your needs. Take advantage of predictive and prescriptive analytics and review “what-if scenarios.” Our solution accelerators allow us to have you set up in no time, and at a much lower expense.Embrace big data and increase revenue. Contact us today for a free consultation.



Consultant and Power suite developer - business focused, providing agile and innovative solutions.Specialised in advanced financial modelling and analysis, KPIs and business domain model development & dashboards.Why engage with FAST LANE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE?We start with a free quotation for your Power BI solution so that you'll be off to a flying start - By capturing your requirements in a document we quote a competitive fixed price to complete your solution.The Microsoft Business Applications platform and Office365 suite is all we do -You will be engaging with experts focused only on Power Apps, Flow, Power BI and the Common Data ServiceOften the Power BI capability is simply the Monitoring & Insights portal alone, and your solution will need to work in concert with Power Automate, SharePoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Excel, Power Apps, Azure and the Common Data Service. Project management philosophy is Agile -  -  Work is organised as 1 or 2 week 'sprints', so a minimum viable product (MVP) is available first, for maximum user feedback and refinement in parallel with further subsequent sprints.Combining sprints with user feedback gives rapid convergence on optimal final release of your Power BI solution   

Talent Business Solutions


Talent Business Solutions est un intégrateur de solutions de gestion Microsoft et également services cloud associés. Partenaire Microsoft Gold, nous accompagnons et conseillons nos clients dans la mise en place de leur ERP, CRM, du management de leurs documents (workflows) ou encore d'Office 365. Nous apportons aussi notre expertise sur l’exploitation de leurs données autour de la Business Intelligence, de leurs tableaux de bord, de la Dataviz, des projets IoT (objets connectés) et du Machine Learning. Par le biais de projets de mobilité, nous apportons enfin un accès à ces informations quel qu’en soit le support. Nous sommes reconnus pour notre expertise dans la gestion des projets nationaux et internationaux. En tant que distributeur pour la France de la solution Microsoft Dynamics 4PS, nous disposons d’une solution dédiée au monde du BTP, de la location et de la maintenance. 

Verne Tech


En tramite

Scarsin Corporation


Scarsin is a software development company specializing in enterprise-class forecasting. Scarsin’s Integrated Insight Environment (i2e), is a collaborative forecasting platform that incorporates data integration and automated reporting in an end-to-end forecasting solution. Visibility into shared business insights across large organizations is now possible leveraging Microsoft Office and interactive dashboards. With i2e, global teams can establish a plan, monitor execution with ongoing business data refreshes and adjust rapidly to changing business realities. Forecasting, reporting and sharing information across departments, regions and countries is seamless. i2e enables companies to React at the Speed of Business. Find out how i2e delivers speed, agility, cost effectiveness and business friendly processes.

Kabesa Solutions Inc


Founded in 2014, Kabesa is the outcome of years in IT consulting. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a shift in the way businesses are integrating technology as a part of their strategy, to perform better and to offer better services to their clients. It has become obvious to us that succeeding companies have found a way to adapt faster than their competitors and to leverage their service offering to accommodate their younger, tech-savvy client base. What we do is pretty straight forward. We are dedicated to helping small and medium businesses perform better by providing flexible, scalable and most importantly affordable IT solutions. Even though every client and project are unique, we deliver all of them with three things in mind. - Reduce your IT charges - Enhance your productivity - Maximize the value of you business

iStone Dynamics Sverige AB


iStone Dynamics Sverige erbjuder spetskunskap för branschlösningar inom standardsystemet Microsoft Dynamics AX. Våra konsulter är specialiserade inom tilläggsfunktioner för branscherna: - Processindustri - Livsmedel och Dryck - Gummi, Plast och Kemi - Projektorienterad industri - Grafisk Industri - Grossister med Avancerad Handel och Distribution - Service Management På iStone arbetar seniora konsulter med djup erfarenhet från industrin. Vårt engagemang och vår djupa branschkunskap kombinerat med Microsoft Dynamics AX globala och användarvänliga lösning gör oss till en partner att lita på, för medelstora samt större företag – nationellt som internationellt.



Inycom es Microsoft Gold Partner en las competencias de virtualización, escritorio e Inteligencia empresarial; es Silver Partner en Plataforma de servidor, Administración de sistemas y Plataforma de datos. Con 30 años de experiencia, Inycom ofrece servicios y soluciones en diversos ámbitos: Inteligencia en el Negocio. (Transformar datos en información útil para la toma de decisiones) Soluciones orientadas a procesos del negocio. (Mejora de la productividad e incremento del rendimiento empresarial) Sistemas y Comunicaciones. (Diseño, mejora e innovación de arquitecturas TIC) Soporte a la infraestructura TIC. (Asistencia, soporte técnico, migracion a windows 7, etc.).

Invenco Oy


Invenco Oy on vuonna 2003 toimintansa käynnistänyt Tiedolla Johtamisen ratkaisuihin keskittyvä henkilökunnan omistuksessa oleva suomalainen yritys. Invencolaisia on tällä yli 50 ja joukkomme kasvaa tasaiseen tahtiin. Invencon tärkeimmät osaamisalueet ovat tiedon integrointi, tietovarastointi, Business Intelligence sekä analyyttiset ratkaisut (kuten AI/ML). Osaamisalueisiimme kuuluvat myös talouden suunnittelun, ennustamisen ja budjetoinnin kehittäminen. Konsultointipalveluina meillä ovat esim. erilaiset arkkitehtuureihin, teknologian suorituskykyyn ja monitoimittajaympäristöihin liittyvät neuvonta-, katselmointi- ja workshop-palvelut ja itse toteutukset. Teemme hankkeita aina muutaman päivän täsmäkonsultoinnista pidempiaikaisiin toimeksiantoihin.Invencon perusperiaatteena on, että konsulttimme osaavat ja etenkin haluavat laittaa kätensä myös ”konepellin alle” ja toteuttaa ratkaisut. Tuemme myös ratkaisuiden ylläpidossa Invenco Care -konseptin kautta. Invenco on Microsoftin Kultakumppani Data Analytics- ja Cloud Platform –osa-alueella ja Hopeakumppani Application Development -osa-alueella. Tämä takaa asiakkaille aina asiantuntevan konsultoinnin. Osaamisemme kattaa laajasti Microsoftin Business Intelligence –ratkaisut aina tietokannoista, raportoinnista ja syvällinen analytiikan ratkaisuista sekä On-premises että Azure –ympäristöissä. Lisäksi Invencon oma tuotekehitys (InControl Online) pohjautuu Mircosoft –teknologiaan.

Nuevora-A Sutherland Global Services Company


Nuevora – A Sutherland Global Services Co. is a unique Big Data analytics solutions provider that helps leading organizations achieve positive, high-impact business outcomes through the delivery of continuous and context-sensitive predictive insights. Powered by a cloud based big data analytics platform, Nuevora is delivering closed-loop predictive and prescriptive big data analytics applications to marketing organizations at scale. Nuevora’s solutions are built as dynamic predictive solutions targeted to optimize specific business problems across the entire customer life cycle. Leveraging a combination of data science, predictive algorithms, machine learning and big data technologies, Nuevora’s strong team of data scientists and consultants help organizations implement smarter decisions across the entire customer life cycle. The company works with some of the leading corporations in retail, financial services, insurance, high-technology, travel services, and other industries.

US Medical IT


US Medical IT’s Power BI solution is built exclusively for healthcare and not just an area of “focus". We know exactly what drives values in healthcare, just like when our customers wanted to have key metrics easily shown and discussed with hospitals on an iPad: consolidated data from not only their EMR but also contracts & facility, time clock to give their clients a holistic view. Our solution was crafted to answer real questions for real healthcare needs.   Here are some real problems and questions our clients challenged us to answer:   I feel as though our employees are being stretched. Is my hospital currently treating more patients than it did last year at this time? Our labor cost has increased, but our patient volume has not. Which of our hourly employees are clocking in excessively early? I know half of my marketing spend is wasted, but which half? Which of my marketing efforts have paid off most effectively There is a growing variance between actual and budgeted values. Which of my locations are most responsible for this variance? I recently saw numerous news reports regarding healthcare breaches. About which type of breach should I be most concerned for my organization?   Talk to us about your pain, and we can help you find a cure.



Ergo is a world-class cloud and managed services provider that has been leading the way for over 25 years. Ergo was awarded Managed Service Company of the Year 2017 at the Tech Excellence Awards, along with the 2018 IT Project of the Year. We are also a Platinum Standard Deloitte Best Managed Company 2018, Microsoft Ireland Modern Workplace Partner of the Year 2018, Cloud Productivity Partner of Year 2017 and Microsoft Ireland MDM & Security Partner of the Year 2017. We aim to inspire clients with our solutions and unlock the power of digital. We bring you on a digital journey - optimising your digital capability to empower your business to be the best it can be through technology. The journey will unlock your ability to get ahead, stay ahead and win in your marketplace by maximising your ability to continuously evolve and respond to demand through agility.Ergo provides the end-to-end solution from licensing to creating a digital workplace to IT service management and hybrid infrastructure operations services. Our solutions are business use case driven, designed with innovative and creative thinking at their centre.  All are solutions are wrapped in security and managed services with 24*7*365 global support services.Ergo have several consultants who have been selected as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) along with numerous Gold competencies including Data Analytics, Cloud Productivity, Cloud Platform and Application Development.Key services and offerings include:PowerBI (package services), Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Database Integration Solutions, Data Warehouse Services, Power Platform, Machine Learning    

Affirma Consulting


Affirma delivers measurable business value. We’re a process and data-driven consulting firm that works with you to solve your business problems and build for your future. We believe in open communication and collaboration to understand the goals and visions of your project. Then our team of experts get to work. Your satisfaction is our focus, so you're guaranteed we'll hit timelines, stay within budget and not only get your project done, but get it done well. Our passion for customer satisfaction shows in our numbers. Over 98% of our previous clients respond that they would gladly work with us again. Let us show you the Affirma difference.  



Créé en 2001, OLEAP est une société de conseil, intégrateur des solutions décisionnelles Microsoft BI. Nous sommes certifiés Gold Microsoft BI (SSIS, SSAS, SSRS) et Power BI. Nous accompagnons les PME /ETI du grand Ouest de la France à toutes les phases du projet : audit, conseil, intégration et développement, transfert de compétence et maintenance des solutions Microsoft BI. Sur Power BI nous aidons nos clients pour l'importation des données, la création du modèle de données et la création de mesures calculées. Nous accompagnons également les utilisateurs et l'informatique dans la création de rapports grâce à des formations sur-mesure.



A Aura Consultoria planeja e executa projetos de desenvolvimento ou reestruturação de soluções de Business Intelligence, aplicadas a ambientes locais, em nuvem ou híbridos. Nossa parceria com a Microsoft apoia o desenvolvimento de nossos negócios com a oferta de soluções tecnológicas como SQL Server e Power BI. A união de nossa expertise de negócios com as soluções Microsoft, proporciona experiências aderentes e de excelente custo benefício para nossos clientes.Nossos projetos de Business Intelligence utilizando Power BI são desenvolvidos utilizando uma estrutura padrão que objetiva garantir total governança e compliance sobre as informações de nossos clientes, entregando alto valor agregado ao negócio. Essa estrutura é subdividida em 4 grandes ondas:Levantamento de dados - Nessa onda é realizado todo o mapeamento das informações necessárias a definição do escopo do projeto, incluídas fontes de informação, métodos de conexão e esquemas de consumo de dados;Consolidação de dados - Nessa onda é realizada a consolidação dos dados, afim de produzir conhecimento sobre os mesmo. Trata-se aqui de segmentar, relacionar, dimensionar e medir os dados consolidados, preparando-os para o consumo via interface gráfica;Consumo de dados - Nessa onda trata-se do consumo dos dados consolidados, definindo-se aqui a governanca sobre os mesmos. Formaliza-se aqui toda a infraestrutura de segurança e acesso as informações;Experiência visual - Nessa onda é configurada a interface gráfica que proporcionará a experiência de interação com o usuário. Métodos e técnicas de visualização, interação e publicação são aplicadas afim de prover uma solução capaz de basear a tomada de decisão sobre negócios de forma ágil e segura.Os resultados da aplicação dessa estrutura padrão aos projetos tem sido a entrega ágil de soluções de Business Intelligence, totalmente aderentes as demandas de nossa carteira de clientes e do mercado.

Datamovements Limited


Datamovements Limited are a GOLD Data Analytics partner and have successfully delivered PowerBI solutions and training to our customers, our Consultant (MCT's) can provide both the expertise of the products in the real-world along with training to meet your requirements.As a CSP (Cloud Solutions Provider) we can provide the Azure Services, including O365 & PowerBI licensing for your usersWe offer introduction 'Taster' Sessions to start your PowerBI journey and can create a custom engagement to suit the size and complexity of consulting/training you want.



Dos de nuestros pilares son la consultoría estratégica TIC y la implementación de proyectos de business intelligence y business analitycs, ambas avaladas por los más de 10 años de experiencia de nuestros socios fundadores.Somos una empresa compuesta por un equipo de profesionales con gran experiencia en el sector público y privado, con foco en el Apoyo estratégico, consultoría TI y consultoría BI. Nuestro deseo es ser su Socio tecnológico, entregando valor en nuestras propuestas y nuestra relación de negocios toda vez que esperamos transmitir nuestro conocimiento Instalando las capacidades en sus equipos de trabajo.Para lograr este sello de gobernabilidad entendemos que nuestros clientes podrán encontrar en GovMS los siguientes servicios:1. Consultoría de Data Governance: te acompañamos a potenciarte como Data Driver Company con un servicio productivo para estos fines.2. Desarrollamos proyectos de Inteligencia de Negocios y Big Data para convertir los datos en información y conocimiento. Ten tu propio Data Lake o Data Warehouse en Azure y navega tu información.3. Proyectos e iniciativas de IA: desarrolla junto a nosotros tus algoritmos matemáticos y métodos estadísticos que permitan mejorar tu toma de decisiones.4. Instalación de capacidades: aprende junto a nuestros colaboradores y desarrolla tus habilidades en tecnologías como PowerBI, Azure Synapse, Journey del Data Scientist, Sharepoint, Teams y otras.



We are providing business insights with use of the latest IT technologies by helping customers to find future business strategies. It is easier to find the causes and factors that affect your business performance and shape the future business models. Our goal is to help customers discover new competitive business activities, to build future value and growth with use of modern business intelligence and advanced analytics tools. Rely not on assumptions but on business data, figures, factual information and derivative logic. Modern technology and software solutions give the changing business information and lets to get the latest company data in real time. Make informed business decisions faster than competitors and use visual and easy to use business intelligence systems to track, analyze business processes from any device at any time.

Revenite Pty Ltd


Revenite is an Australian consultancy focusing on leveraging your enterprise data assets to drive greater insights into business performance.   Revenite specialise in providing end to end data and analytic solutions for organisations wanting to leverage their data as an asset. Our highly skilled staff have years of experience in building platforms within the Microsoft Azure Eco System and can take care of all facets of the project from Architecture Design to Power BI model, build and deployment.  We have experience utilising the latest Azure technologies, such as Event Hub and Stream Analytics for real time data streaming, and Machine Learning for predictive models.   Our core services include:   CONSULTING & ADVISORY               Data Strategy & Roadmap               Data Governance Review               Technology & Architecture Review               Project Management DATA VISUALISATION               Power BI Advisory (Architecture, Roadmap & Governance)               Power BI Consulting (Design, Build, Automate) ADVANCED ANALYTICS                Predictive, Prescriptive, Descriptive Analytics                Customer Churn                Basket Analysis DATA & ANALYTICS PLATFORM                Modern BI Solution Architecture Design                Data Engineering / Modelling               Data Integration (Azure Data Factory v2, SSIS)                Microsoft BI Stack Development                Solution Architecture Design (Azure & Hybrid)                Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Design, Build, Automate, Migrate)             



Grupo Oesía trabaja con las soluciones Microsoft Power BI, desde hace más de tres años.Estudiamos las necesidades de nuestros clientes y les proponemos la solución más apropiada basada en Azure, mediante el empleo de Power BI Service.Realizamos el diseño de los informes con Power BI Desktop con acceso a las diferentes fuentes de datos, empleando para ello los conectores propios de Power BI. Para ello, preparamos distintas propuestas de visualización de datos al cliente gracias a nuestro amplio conocimiento del negocio, ya sea la Empresa Privada o la Administración Pública.Unificamos y homogeneizamos los datos desde Power Pivot adaptando las ETL, generando un repositorio único o DWH (Data Warehouse) para que nuestro cliente cuente con una base sólida sobre la que llevar a cabo acciones en su compañía, transformando los datos en información útil para el análisis y apoyo a la toma de decisiones. Ayudando desde la disminución de costes, hasta la creación de nuevos negocios.Como la información es muy dinámica, preparamos actualizaciones programadas mediante la instalación de servidores Microsoft Power BI on-premises Enterprise Data Gateway. Para ello, se tienen en cuenta las horas de mayor afluencia de tráfico al sistema para evitar cuellos de botella en la descarga de los informes PBIX, si bien, en función de la naturaleza de la información podría ser necesario la actualización incluso varias veces al día, pudiendo hacerse hasta 8 veces con licencias Pro y hasta 48 veces con licencias Premium, permitiendo en este caso además, actualizaciones incrementales con georéplica por países en el caso de tener sedes por el resto del mundo, haciendo el acceso a la información más ágil. Estmos empleando nuestro propio servidor con Windows Server 2016 on premise en nuestras instalaciones. Este servidor es manejado totalmente por el equipo de Power BI.Para poder compartir los informes en los departamentos se hace necesario el empleo de licencias Pro, que suele ser la solución más empleada por ser la más económica, si bien se hace un estudio en función del número de usuarios. En el caso de que el cliente utilice grandes volúmenes de espacio de almacenamiento o bien datasets con más de 1GB, se propone una solución con licencias Power BI de tipo Premium con capacidades P1, P2 ó P3 en función de sus necesidades, siendo además suficiente disponer de licencias gratuitas para poder acceder a la información publicada en el espacio Premium, con el consiguiente ahorro de costes por volumen.En Grupo Oesía se hemos realizado pruebas de concepto con licencia Premium, donde es de destacar que el empleo de un servidor dedicado implica tanto mayor rendimiento como estabilidad en el sistema, habiendo comprobado que la caída general del servicio Power BI que a veces, aunque raramente, sucede, no afecta al servidor con licencia Premium. Es por ello, que estamos valorando el paso a este tipo de licencia Premium.Nuestra confianza en la herramienta Microsoft Power BI para el tratamiento y visualización de la información es tal, que es la que empleada para la generación y distribución de la información en Grupo Oesía comenzando por los Directores de los diferentes departamentos y ampliando el acceso tanto a los Managers del Departamento de Operaciones como a los diferentes Key Account Manager del Departamento Comercial de todos los sectores donde tenemos presencia tanto de la Empresa Privada como de la Administración Pública. Para ello accedemos a nuestro sistemas SAP / BW, diferentes tipos de ficheros generados por las herramientas propias de gestión de la Compañía, bases de datos Oracle, MS SQL Análisis Services, MS SQL Server, etc. Desde estos datamarts, hemos preparado diferentes tipos de visualizaciones para los diferentes Departamentos. Grupo Oesía es Microsoft Gold Partner



Sii Poland offers the best solutions available on the global market – modern systems and IT infrastructure of leading manufacturers of Business Intelligence class solutions mostly based on Microsoft stack as core offering.Business Intelligence solutions offered by Sii, carefully selected to meet your needs, will change your company into an intelligent company, where decisions are made based on the most up to date analytical data in a minimum amount of time. ·         You will define new areas for development and methods of generating income.·         You will learn if the objectives of the organization are being realized in a matter of minutes.·         You will improve the company’s efficiency, decision-making, customer relation management and reporting processesIn-depth knowledge will let you create an even better business strategy, which will be a guarantee of your success on the market.Power BI is our strategic choice since this is the most advanced and most flexible tool on the market - it is our preffered choice for our customers as well as for own reporting purposes.  Currently in SII, we have on board almost 100 Power BI specialists - ranging from data analyst, developers and architects. They are ready to share with you their knowledge about Power BI as well as help you with experience from many project developments we have conducted in the past. 



Bespoke are Power BI Specialists - working with clients across multiple industries, from Pharmaceuticals to Aerospace and Education to Real Estate. Experts in designing and deploying analytical dashboards which allow their clients to become more data-driven and make smarter, more intelligent business decisions. From one dashboard with a single data source, to numerous dashboards with multiple views, connected to various data sources - Bespoke will ensure that whatever your business intelligence requirements, they will provide you with the right solution. Further to this, Bespoke provide a variety of Power BI training programmes - these being for beginners, the more advanced and those requiring custom training tailored to their specific business. Having Gold partner status in Data Analytics and Silver in Data Platform as well as Cloud Platform, is testament to their expertise in the field of Power BI.