Power BI 支援


Re: HR Analysis or HR Management Dashboard

NIce work, can I get PBIX file in to maneeshay997@gmailcom. Thank you.  

Re: Filtrar el valor basado en el eje X

@mali130 , creo que está buscando interacciones parciales, refiera el trabajo alrededor Interacciones parciales de Power BI, filtro de paso selectivo a través de objetos visuales: https://yout...

Re: Lista desplegable de segmentación de datos filtrada: ¿puedo seleccionar de forma masiva?

@unembielby , lo dudo. Pero puedes comprobar el texto Filtro https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/power-bi-visuals/WA104381309?src=office&tab=Overview Segmentación de datos de filt...

Calculate monthly savings....DAX Help needed... Urgent!!!

Hi There,   I am struck with an issue. Could someone please help me resolve the issue? I have a data table as follows which has monthly headcount & AVG C&B (monthly CTC) data: Mon...

Re: Find Order Duration based on Start Stop time

Hi  @Wirestat ,     Here are the steps you can follow: 1. . In Power Query -- Create Indices for the two tables -- Add Column – Index Column – From 1. 2. Create c...

Get a parameter in Power Query shown in report

Hi, In Power Query I set a parameter User, is there a way to have it like a table so that I can create a card with the User name? Thank you!

Re: Recursive issue

try this M code NewStep=let gens={"IV","III","II","I"} in #table(Table.ColumnNames(PreviousStepName),List.TransformMany(Table.ToRows(PreviousStepName),each let a=List.Skip(gens,(x)=>not List.Con...

The table no visible columns and cannot be queried

I am getting "the table no visible columns and cannot be queried " after I publish the report on service. Desktop looks absolutely fine, the columns are loading (I even checked in query editor) Aft...

Acercar y alejar el mapa

Hola a todos Mi requisito es tener tres botones de país India, China y Rusia. Cuando un usuario hace clic en uno de estos botones, mi mapa se acerca automáticamente a ese país. Lo probé en el...

Zoom in and Zoom out in the map

Hi All,   My requirement is to have three country buttons India, China, and Russia. When a user clicks one of these buttons, my map automatically zooms into that country.   I tried it i...

Re: Formato condicional basado en reglas y colores

@amitchandak gracias, pero tengo 3 casos: trabajé solo en "A", trabajé en "A" y cualquier otra área y el tercero se trabaja en un área que no sea "A"

Re: Power Automate en Power BI no se inicia.

@junsarah3000 , creo que fuera de Power BI debería poder activar el flujo de automatización automáticamente. Crear flujo en power automate y programarlo

Re: Fiscal Year measure

@orana , refer the approch   Customer Retention Part 1: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/Customer-Retention-Part-1-Month-on-Month-Retention/ba-p/1361529 Customer Retention P...

Re: Same code is working in Sample DataSet but not working in Actual Dataset

Hi @v-shex-msft , Thanks for your quick reply.  Please find the below link in which you can download the Sample file. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqNLfMSghxwyhgVaPes9qbktkg34?e=hNaGMH &nbs...

Re: Parámetro de consulta M dinámico para indicadores de fecha

@SRLABHE, Quizás pueda echar un vistazo al siguiente enlace para usar la segmentación de datos para actualizar el parámetro de consulta: Cómo actualizar los parámetros de consulta M basados en fi...

Permission issue

I'm wondering if it's possible to revoke permissions for only one report. I have an existing workspace that already has access for users, and I've added a new report, but I don't want those users who...

Re: I want to display last 5 years sales when i select one year

Hi Danhe, I have almost similar requirement but its based on the date. Say I select todays date 22 Feb 2023 in slicer then I should get last 5 years data (including quarters,months,dates) based on s...

How to count the column that contain strings Month

Hi,   I would like to count row that contain month January, then feb and so on. However the data that i have is not structured. Some are January. Some are January- February. Any shortcuts? ...

Uso del año fiscal para mostrar la fecha del calendario con el período anterior del año pasado

Hola a todos, Tengo un gráfico que muestra el monto de la colección por año / mes con la cantidad del período anterior y la variación porcentual como una línea. Ahora necesito cambiar la fecha d...

Re: Data Type Changing When Report is Published (Text to DateTime)

Self solved this one.   Issue was being caused by the data type in Excel!  I knew I was missing the obvious.   Leaving this here in case it helps someone else.  

Reports sharing

There are currently two things that I need to clarify at the moment.   - Can I access on mobile app of PowerBi that has free licence a report published by the person with PPU license? - Can w...

Re: Wanted help to understand DAX with selection criteria

@amitchandak @olgad @GuyInACube @Sahir_Maharaj @Greg_Deckler 

Re: Row Count value assigned to Previous Row

Hi @sivasrao ,   Firstly, I think you need to add an index column in Power Query Editor. Then you can create a calculated column by below code to achieve your goal. Target = V...

Re: Valor de recuento de filas asignado a la fila anterior

@sivasrao , En primer lugar, creo que debe agregar una columna de índice en el Editor de Power Query. Luego puede crear una columna calculada mediante el siguiente código para lograr su objet...