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Important Update coming to R and Python visuals in Power BI

Headshot of article author Nirupama Srinivasan
We are excited to announce long requested updates to the runtime environments for R and Python visuals in the Power BI service. Starting late January/ early February, Power BI service visuals will have additional resources (up to 2 vCores) and will be upgraded to use Python 3.11 and R 4.3.3. We will also update the versions of available libraries to those compatible with these versions of the scripting languages (see below for details).
With this change, we will retire support for the previous language versions namely, Python 3.7.7 and R 3.4.4, and the older versions of libraries. Due to syntax differences and change in supported functionality within the libraries themselves, this update could result in inconsistencies or errors from your existing R or Python visuals. We recommend that you upgrade your local setup to the listed versions to test and update (if necessary) any existing R/Py visuals to ensure that they will continue to work when the update rolls out.
This update will be available first to reports that are backed by a Premium or Fabric capacity in commercial clouds. Changes will follow for all other paid commercial cloud customers. As the update rolls out, customers will be able to monitor consumption of R or Python visuals in Premium or Fabric via the Capacity metrics. R and Py visual usage will not contribute towards your Microsoft Fabric capacity usage for the first month.
7 Mar 2025 Update: 
This change continues to roll out for P and F SKUs and is expected to be available in Fabric supported regions by the end of the month.
In addition to the Python packages specified below, we will support Python plotly ( as requested.
Also, R visuals with HTML and XML packages may fail to render. Migrate the visual with the PbiViz tool so that the visual renders. Learn more about considerations and limitations for R visuals in the Power BI service


Python 3.11 library support


Library Version
asttokens 2.4.1
certifi 2024.8.30
comm  0.2.2
contourpy 1.3.0
cycler 0.12.1
debugpy 1.8.5
decorator 5.1.1
exceptiongroup 1.2.2
executing 2.1.0
fonttools 4.53.1
importlib_metadata 8.4.0
ipykernel 6.29.4
ipython 8.27.0
jedi  0.19.1
joblib  1.4.2
jupyter_client 8.6.2
jupyter_core 5.7.2
kiwisolver 1.4.5
matplotlib 3.8.4
matplotlib-inline 0.1.7
munkres 1.1.4
nest_asyncio 1.6.0
numpy 2.0.0
packaging 24.1
pandas 2.2.2
parso 0.8.4
patsy 0.5.6
pexpect 4.9.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
pillow 10.4.0
pip 24
platformdirs 4.2.2
ply 3.11
prompt_toolkit 3.0.47
psutil 6.0.0
ptyprocess 0.7.0
pure_eval 0.2.3
Pygments 2.18.0
pyparsing 3.1.2
PyQt5 5.15.9
PyQt5-sip 12.12.2
python-dateutil 2.9.0
pytz 2024.1
pyzmq  26.2.0
scikit-learn 1.5.0
scipy  1.13.1
seaborn 0.13.2
setuptools 70.0.0
sip 6.7.12
six 1.16.0
stack-data 0.6.2
statsmodels 0.14.2
threadpoolctl 3.5.0
toml 0.10.2
tomli 2.0.1
tornado 6.4.1
traitlets 5.14.3
typing_extensions 4.12.2
tzdata 2024.1
unicodedata2 15.1.0
wcwidth 0.2.13
wheel 0.44.0
xgboost 2.0.3
zipp 3.20.1

R 4.3.3 library support


Library Version
abc 2.2.1 1.1
abind 1.4-5
acepack 1.4.2
actuar 3.3-4
ade4 1.7-22
adegenet 2.1.10
AdMit 2.1.9
AER 1.2-13
agricolae 1.3-7
AlgDesign 1.2.1
alluvial 0.1-2
andrews 1.1.2
anomalize 0.3.0
anytime 0.3.9
aod 1.3.3
apcluster 1.4.13
ape 5.8
aplpack 1.3.5
approximator 1.2-8
arm 1.14-4
arsenal 3.6.3
arules 1.7-8
arulesViz 1.5.3
ash 1.0-15
askpass 1.2.0
assertthat 0.2.1
audio 0.1-11
autocogs 0.1.4
automap 1.1-12
aweek 1.0.3
BACCO 2.1-0
backports 1.5.0
BaM 1.0.3
BAS 1.7.1
base 4.3.3
base64 2.0.1
base64enc 0.1-3
BayesDA 2012.04-1
BayesFactor 0.9.12-4.7
bayesGARCH 2.1.10
bayesm 3.1-6
bayesmix 0.7-6
bayesplot 1.11.1
bayesQR 2.4
bayesSurv 3.7
bayestestR 0.14.0
BayesTree 0.3-1.5
BayesX 0.3-3
BCBCSF 1.0-1
BDgraph 2.73
beanplot 1.3.1
beepr 2
beeswarm 0.4.0
benford.analysis 0.1.5
BenfordTests 1.2.0
bfp 0.0-48
BH 1.84.0-0
bibtex 0.5.1
biglm 0.9-3
bindr 0.1.1
bindrcpp 0.2.3
binom 1.1-1.1
BiocManager 1.30.25
bit 4.0.5
bit64 4.0.5
bitops 1.0-8
bizdays 1.0.16
blandr 0.6.0
blme 1.0-5
blob 1.2.4
BLR 1.6
BMA 3.18.17
bmp 0.3
BMS 0.3.5
bnlearn 4.8.3
boa 1.1.8-2
BoolNet 2.1.9
Boom 0.9.15
BoomSpikeSlab 1.2.6
boot 1.3-31
bootstrap 2019.6
Boruta 8.0.0
bqtl 1.0-36
BradleyTerry2 1.1-2
brew 1.0-10
brglm 0.7.2
brio 1.1.5
broom 1.0.6
broom.helpers 1.17.0
bslib 0.8.0
bspec 1.6
bspmma 0.1-2
bsts 0.9.10
bupaR 0.5.4
C50 0.1.8
ca 0.71.1
cachem 1.1.0
Cairo 1.6-2
calibrate 1.7.7
calibrator 1.2-8
callr 3.7.6
car 3.1-2
carData 3.0-5
cards 0.2.2
caret 6.0-94
catnet 1.16.1
caTools 1.18.3
cclust 0.6-26
cellranger 1.1.0
ChainLadder 0.2.19
changepoint 2.2.4
checkmate 2.3.2
checkpoint 1.0.2
chk 0.9.2
choroplethrMaps 1.0.1
chron 2.3-61
circlize 0.4.16
Ckmeans.1d.dp 4.3.5
class 7.3-22
classInt 0.4-10
cli 3.6.3
ClickClust 1.1.6
clickstream 1.3.3
clipr 0.8.0
clock 0.7.1
clue 0.3-65
cluster 2.1.6
clv 0.3-2.4
cmprsk 2.2-12
coda 0.19-4.1
codetools 0.2-20
coefplot 1.2.8
coin 1.4-3
collapsibleTree 0.1.8
colorRamps 2.3.4
colorspace 2.1-1
colourpicker 1.3.0
colourvalues 0.3.9
combinat 0.0-8
commonmark 1.9.1
compiler 4.3.3
compositions 2.0-8
CompQuadForm 1.4.3
confintr 1.0.2
conflicted 1.2.0
conquer 1.3.3
contfrac 1.1-12
CORElearn 1.57.3
corpcor 1.6.10
corrgram 1.14
corrplot 0.94
covr 3.6.4
cowplot 1.1.3
cplm 0.7-12
cpp11 0.5.0
crayon 1.5.2
credentials 2.0.1
crosstalk 1.2.1
crul 1.5.0
ctv 0.9-5
Cubist 0.4.4
curl 5.2.1
cvar 0.5
CVST 0.2-3
cvTools 0.3.3
d3r 1.1.0
data.table 1.15.4
data.tree 1.1.0
datasauRus 0.1.8
datasets 4.3.3
datawizard 0.12.3
date 1.2-42
DBI 1.2.3
dbplyr 2.5.0
dbscan 1.2-0
dclone 2.3-2
dcurver 0.9.2
ddalpha 1.3.15
deal 1.2-42
debugme 1.2.0
decido 0.3.0
deepnet 0.2.1
deldir 2.0-4
dendextend 1.17.1
DEoptimR 1.1-3
Deriv 4.1.3
desc 1.4.3
descr 1.1.8
deSolve 1.4
devtools 2.4.5
diagram 1.6.5
DiagrammeR 1.0.11
DiagrammeRsvg 0.1
dials 1.3.0
DiceDesign 1.1
dichromat 2.0-0.1
diffobj 0.3.5
digest 0.6.33
dimRed 0.2.6
diptest 0.77-1
distcrete 1.0.3
distributional 0.4.0
DistributionUtils 0.6-1
distrom 1.0.1
dlm 1.1-6
DMwR 0.4.1
doBy 4.6.22
doFuture 1.0.1
doParallel 1.0.17
doSNOW 1.0.20
dotCall64 1.1-1
downlit 0.4.4
downloader 0.4
dplyr 1.1.4
DRR 0.0.4
dse 2020.2-1
DT 0.33
dtplyr 1.3.1
dtt 0.1-2
dtw 1.23-1
dynlm 0.3-6
e1071 1.7-14
earth 5.3.3
EbayesThresh 1.4-12
ebdbNet 1.2.8
ecm 7.2.0
edeaR 0.9.4
effects 4.2-2
effectsize 0.8.9
egg 0.4.5
ellipse 0.5.0
ellipsis 0.3.2
elliptic 1.4-0
emmeans 1.10.4
emulator 1.2-24
energy 1.7-12
english 1.2-6
ensembleBMA 5.1.8
entropy 1.3.1
epitools 0.5-10.1
epitrix 0.4.0
estimability 1.5
eulerr 7.0.2
evaluate 0.22
evd 2.3-7
evdbayes 1.1-3
eventdataR 0.3.1
exactRankTests 0.8-35
expint 0.1-8
expm 1.0-0
extraDistr 1.10.0
extrafont 0.19
extrafontdb 1
extremevalues 2.3.4
ez 4.4-0
factoextra 1.0.7
FactoMineR 2.11
fansi 1.0.5
faoutlier 0.7.6
farver 2.1.2
fastICA 1.2-5.1
fastmap 1.2.0
fastmatch 1.1-4
fBasics 4041.97
fda 6.1.8
fdrtool 1.2.18
fds 1.8
fGarch 4033.92
fields 16.2
filehash 2.4-6
filelock 1.0.3
FinCal 0.6.3
fitdistrplus 1.2-1
flashClust 1.01-2
flexclust 1.4-2
flexmix 2.3-19
float 0.3-2
fmsb 0.7.6
FNN 1.1.4
fontawesome 0.5.2
fontBitstreamVera 0.1.1
fontLiberation 0.1.0
fontquiver 0.2.1
forcats 1.0.0
foreach 1.5.2
forecast 8.23.0
forecastHybrid 5.0.19
foreign 0.8-87
formatR 1.14
formattable 0.2.1
Formula 1.2-5
fpc 2.2-12
fracdiff 1.5-3
fs 1.6.4
fTrading 3042.79
fUnitRoots 4040.81
furrr 0.3.1
futile.logger 1.4.3
futile.options 1.0.1
future 1.34.0
future.apply 1.11.2
gam 1.22-4
gamlr 1.13-8
gamlss 5.4-22 6.0-6
gamlss.dist 6.1-1
gargle 1.5.2
gbm 2.2.2
gbRd 0.4.12
gbutils 0.5
gclus 1.3.2
gdata 3.0.0
gdtools 0.4.0
gee 4.13-27
genalg 0.2.1
generics 0.1.3
GenSA 1.1.14
geojson 0.3.5
geojsonio 0.11.3
geojsonlint 0.4.0
geojsonsf 2.0.3
geometries 0.2.4
geometry 0.4.7
geoR 1.9-4
geosphere 1.5-18
gert 2.1.1
gfonts 0.2.0
GGally 2.2.1
ggalt 0.4.0
gganimate 1.0.9
ggdendro 0.2.0
ggeffects 1.7.1
ggExtra 0.10.1
ggfittext 0.10.2
ggforce 0.4.2
ggformula 0.12.0
ggfortify 0.4.17
ggfun 0.1.6
gghighlight 0.4.1
ggimage 0.3.3
ggiraph 0.8.10
ggjoy 0.4.1
ggm 2.3
ggmap 4.0.0
ggplot2 3.5.1
ggplot2movies 0.0.1
ggplotify 0.1.2
ggpmisc 0.6.0
ggpp 0.5.8-1
ggpubr 0.6.0
ggQC 0.0.31
ggRandomForests 2.2.1
ggraph 2.2.1
ggrepel 0.9.5
ggridges 0.5.6
ggsci 3.2.0
ggsignif 0.6.4
ggsoccer 0.1.7
ggstance 0.3.7
ggstats 0.6.0
ggtern 3.5.0
ggtext 0.1.2
ggthemes 5.1.0
gh 1.4.1
gistr 0.9.0
git2r 0.33.0
gitcreds 0.1.2
glasso 1.11
glmmTMB 1.1.9
glmnet 4.1-8
GlobalOptions 0.1.2
globals 0.16.3
glue 1.6.2
gmodels 2.19.1
gmp 0.7-5
gnm 1.1-5
goftest 1.2-3
googledrive 2.1.1
googlePolylines 0.8.4
googlesheets4 1.1.1
googleVis 0.7.3
gower 1.0.1
GPArotation 2024.3-1
GPfit 1.0-8
graphics 4.3.3
graphlayouts 1.1.1
grDevices 4.3.3
greybox 2.0.2
grid 4.3.3
gridBase 0.4-7
gridExtra 2.3
gridGraphics 0.5-1
gridSVG 1.7-5
gridtext 0.1.5
grImport 0.9-7
grImport2 0.3-3
grpreg 3.5.0
gsl 2.1-8
gss 2.2-7
gstat 2.1-2
gsubfn 0.7
gtable 0.3.5
gtools 3.9.5
gtrendsR 1.5.1
gWidgets 0.0-54.2
gWidgets2 1.0-9
gWidgets2tcltk 1.0-8
gWidgetsRGtk2 0.0-86.1
gWidgetstcltk 0.0-55.1
hardhat 1.4.0
haven 2.5.4
hbsae 1.2
HDInterval 0.2.4
hdrcde 3.4
heatmaply 1.5.0
here 1.0.1
hexbin 1.28.4
hflights 0.1
HH 3.1-52
highcharter 0.9.4
highr 0.11
HistData 0.9-1
Hmisc 5.1-3
hms 1.1.3
hoardr 0.5.4
hrbrthemes 0.8.7
HSAUR 1.3-10
htmlTable 2.4.3
htmlwidgets 1.6.4
hts 6.0.3
httpcode 0.3.0
httpuv 1.6.15
httr 1.4.7
httr2 1.0.3
huge 1.3.5
hunspell 3.0.4
hydroTSM 0.7-0
hypergeo 1.2-13
IBrokers 0.10-2
ids 1.0.1
ifultools 2.0-26
igraph 2.0.3
imager 1.0.2
imputeTS 3.3
incidence 1.7.5
infer 1.0.7
influenceR 0.1.5
ini 0.3.1
inline 0.3.19
insight 0.20.4
interp 1.1-6
intervals 0.15.5
inum 1.0-5
investr 1.4.2
ipred 0.9-15
IRdisplay 1.1
IRkernel 1.3.2
irr 0.84.1
isoband 0.2.7
ISOcodes 2024.02.12
iterators 1.0.14
janeaustenr 1.0.0
janitor 2.2.0
jmvcore 2.4.7
jomo 2.7-6
jpeg 0.1-10
jqr 1.3.4
jquerylib 0.1.4
jsonify 1.2.2
jsonlite 1.8.7
jsonvalidate 1.3.2
jtools 2.3.0
kableExtra 1.4.0
Kendall 2.2.1
kernlab 0.9-33
KernSmooth 2.23-24
kknn 1.3.1
klaR 1.7-3 0.5-6
KMsurv 0.1-5
knitr 1.48
ks 1.14.2
labeling 0.4.3
labelled 2.13.0
laeken 0.5.3
Lahman 11.0-0
lambda.r 1.2.4
lars 1.3
later 1.3.2
latex2exp 0.9.6
lattice 0.22-6
latticeExtra 0.6-30
lava 1.8.0
lavaan 0.6-18
lazyeval 0.2.2
lda 1.5.2
leafem 0.2.3
leaflet 2.2.2
leaflet.esri 1.0.0
leaflet.extras 2.0.1
leaflet.providers 2.0.0
leafpop 0.1.0
leafsync 0.1.0
leaps 3.2
LearnBayes 2.15.1
lexicon 1.2.1
lgr 0.4.4
lhs 1.2.0
libcoin 1.0-10
LiblineaR 2.10-23
LICORS 0.2.0
lifecycle 1.0.3
likert 1.3.5
linelist 1.1.4
linprog 0.9-4
listenv 0.9.1
lm.beta 1.7-2
lme4 1.1-35.5
lmm 1.4
lmodel2 1.7-3
lmtest 0.9-40
lobstr 1.1.2
locfit 1.5-9.9
locpol 0.8.0
LogicReg 1.6.6
loo 2.8.0
lpSolve 5.6.20
lsa 0.73.3
lsmeans 2.30-0
lubridate 1.9.3
lwgeom 0.2-14
magic 1.6-1
magick 2.8.4
magrittr 2.0.3
manipulateWidget 0.11.1
MAPA 2.0.7
mapdata 2.3.1
mapdeck 0.3.5
mapproj 1.2.11
maps 3.4.2
maptools 1.1-8
maptree 1.4-8
mapview 2.11.2
marima 2.2
markdown 1.13
MASS 7.3-60.0.1
Matching 4.10-14
MatchIt 4.5.5
matchmaker 0.1.1
mathjaxr 1.6-0
Matrix 1.6-5
matrixcalc 1.0-6
MatrixExtra 0.1.15
MatrixGenerics 1.14.0
MatrixModels 0.5-3
matrixStats 1.4.0
maxLik 1.5-2.1
maxstat 0.7-25
mboost 2.9-11
mclust 6.1.1
mcmc 0.9-8
MCMCglmm 2.36
MCMCpack 1.7-1
mda 0.5-4
memoise 2.0.1
merTools 0.6.2
meta 7.0-0
metadat 1.2-0
metafor 4.6-0
methods 4.3.3
mgcv 1.9-1
mgsub 1.7.3
mi 1.1
mice 3.16.0
microbenchmark 1.5.0
mime 0.12
miniCRAN 0.3.0
minpack.lm 1.2-4
minqa 1.2.8
mirt 1.41
misc3d 0.9-1
miscTools 0.6-28
mitml 0.4-5
mitools 2.4
mixtools 2.0.0
mlapi 0.1.1
mlbench 2.1-5
mlogitBMA 0.1-7
mnormt 2.1.1
MNP 3.1-5
modeldata 1.4.0
modelenv 0.1.1
modelr 0.1.11
modeltools 0.2-23
mombf 3.5.4
moments 0.14.1
monomvn 1.9-20
mosaic 1.9.1
mosaicData 0.20.4
msir 1.3.3
msm 1.7.1
multcomp 1.4-26
multcompView 0.1-10
multicool 1.0.1
munsell 0.5.1
mvoutlier 2.1.1
mvtnorm 1.3-1
NADA 1.6-1.1
nanoparquet 0.3.1
NbClust 3.0.1
ncvreg 3.14.3
network 1.18.2
networkD3 0.4
neuralnet 1.44.2
ngram 3.2.3
nlme 3.1-165
nloptr 2.1.1
NLP 0.3-0
nls.multstart 1.3.0
NMF 0.21.0
nnet 7.3-19
nnls 1.5
nortest 1.0-4
numbers 0.8-5
numDeriv 2016.8-1.1
numform 0.7.0
OceanView 1.0.7
openair 2.18-2
openssl 2.2.1
ordinal 2023.12-4.1
osmar 1.1-7
outbreaks 1.9.0
outliers 0.15
packcircles 0.3.6
padr 0.6.2
pan 1.9
pander 0.6.5
parallel 4.3.3
parallelly 1.38.0
parameters 0.22.2
parsnip 1.2.1
partitions 1.10-7
party 1.3-17
partykit 1.2-22
patchwork 1.2.0
pbapply 1.7-2
pbdZMQ 0.3-10
pbivnorm 0.6.0
pbkrtest 0.5.3
PCAmixdata 3.1
pcaPP 2.0-5
pdc 1.0.3
pegas 1.3
performance 0.12.3
PerformanceAnalytics 2.0.4
permute 0.9-7
perry 0.3.1
petrinetR 0.3.0
pheatmap 1.0.12
pillar 1.9.0
pixmap 0.4-13
pkgbuild 1.4.4
pkgcache 2.2.2
pkgconfig 2.0.3
pkgdepends 0.7.2
pkgdown 2.1.0
pkgload 1.4.0
pkgmaker 0.32.10
platetools 0.1.7
plogr 0.2.0
plot3D 1.4.1
plot3Drgl 1.0.4
plotly 4.10.4
plotmo 3.6.4
plotrix 3.8-4
pls 2.8-4
plyr 1.8.9
png 0.1-8
polspline 1.1.25
polyclip 1.10-7
polylabelr 0.2.0
polynom 1.4-1
posterior 1.6.0
ppcor 1.1
prabclus 2.3-3
pracma 2.4.4
praise 1.0.0
precrec 0.14.4
prediction 0.3.18
PresenceAbsence 1.1.11
prettyunits 1.2.0
pROC 1.18.5
processmapR 0.5.5
processmonitR 0.1.0
processx 3.8.4
prodlim 2024.06.25
profileModel 0.6.1
profvis 0.3.8
progress 1.2.3
progressr 0.14.0
proj4 1.0-14
promises 1.3.0
prophet 1
proto 1.0.0
protolite 2.3.0
proxy 0.4-27
pryr 0.1.6
ps 1.7.7
pscl 1.5.9
psych 2.4.3
purrr 1.0.2
pwr 1.3-0
qap 0.1-2
qcc 2.7
qdapDictionaries 1.0.7
qdapRegex 0.7.8
qdapTools 1.3.7
qgraph 1.9.8
qicharts 0.5.8
qicharts2 0.7.5
quadprog 1.5-8
quanteda 3.3.1
quantmod 0.4.26
quantreg 5.98
questionr 0.7.8
QuickJSR 1.3.1
qvcalc 1.0.3
R.cache 0.16.0
R.matlab 3.7.0
R.methodsS3 1.8.2
R.oo 1.26.0
R.utils 2.12.3
r2d3 0.2.6
R2HTML 2.3.4
R2jags 0.8-5
R2OpenBUGS 3.2-3.2.1
R2WinBUGS 2.1-22.1
R6 2.5.1
ragg 1.3.2
rainbow 3.8
ramps 0.6.18
RandomFields 3.3.14
RandomFieldsUtils 1.2.5
randomForest 4.7-1.1
randomForestSRC 3.3.1
ranger 0.16.0
RApiDatetime 0.0.9
rapidjsonr 1.2.0
rappdirs 0.3.3
raster 3.6-26
rattle 5.5.1
rayimage 0.10.0
rayshader 0.24.10
rayvertex 0.11.4
rbenchmark 1.0.0
rbibutils 2.2.16
Rblpapi 0.3.14
rbokeh 0.5.2
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RColorBrewer 1.1-3
Rcpp 1.0.13
RcppArmadillo 14.0.0-1
RcppDE 0.1.7
RcppExamples 0.1.9
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RcppProgress 0.4.2
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RcppTOML 0.2.2
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recipes 1.1.0
Redmonder 0.2.0
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rematch2 2.1.2
remotes 2.5.0
Renext 3.1-4
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reprex 2.1.1
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rex 1.2.1
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rgeos 0.6-4
rgexf 0.16.3
rgl 1.3.1
RgoogleMaps 1.5.1
RGraphics 3.0-2
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RInside 0.2.18
rio 1.2.2
rjags 16-Apr
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RJSONIO 1.3-1.9
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rlecuyer 0.3-8
rmapshaper 0.5.0
rmarkdown 2.28
Rmisc 1.5.1
Rmpfr 0.9-5
rms 6.8-1
RMySQL 0.10.28
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robfilter 4.1.5
robustbase 0.99-4
robustHD 0.8.1
ROCR 1.0-11
RODBC 1.3-23
Rook 1.2
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rpart.plot 3.1.2
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rprojroot 2.0.4
RPushbullet 0.3.4
rrcov 1.7-6
rsample 1.2.1
rsdmx 0.6-3
RSGHB 1.2.2
RSNNS 0.4-17
Rsolnp 1.16
rsparse 0.5.2
RSpectra 0.16-2
RSQLite 2.3.7
rstan 2.32.6
rstantools 2.4.0
rstatix 0.7.2
rstudioapi 0.16.0
rsvg 2.6.0
RTextTools 1.4.3
Rttf2pt1 1.3.12
RUnit 0.4.33
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Runuran 0.38
rvcheck 0.2.1
rversions 2.1.2
rvest 1.0.4
rworldmap 1.3-8
rworldxtra 1.01
s2 1.1.7
SampleSizeMeans 1.2.3
SampleSizeProportions 1.1.3
sandwich 3.1-0
sas7bdat 0.8
sass 0.4.9
satellite 1.0.5
sbgcop 0.98
scales 1.3.0
scatterplot3d 0.3-44
sciplot 1.2-0
segmented 2.1-2
selectr 0.4-2
sem 3.1-16
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seqinr 4.2-36
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sfd 0.1.0
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SIS 0.8-8
SixSigma 0.11.1
sjlabelled 1.2.0
sjmisc 2.8.10
sjPlot 2.8.16
sjstats 0.19.0
skmeans 0.2-17
slam 0.1-53
slider 0.3.1
sm 2.2-6.0
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sna 2.7-2
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snow 0.4-4
SnowballC 0.7.1
snowFT 1.6-1
sodium 1.3.1
sourcetools 0.1.7-1
sp 2.1-4
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spacetime 1.3-2
spacyr 1.3.0
spam 2.10-0
SparseM 1.84-2
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sparsepp 1.22
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spls 2.2-3
splus2R 1.3-5
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SQUAREM 2021.1
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stabs 0.6-4
StanHeaders 2.32.10
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svUnit 1.0.6
sweep 0.2.5
sys 3.4.2
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systemfit 1.1-30
systemfonts 1.1.0
syuzhet 1.0.7
tau 0.0-25
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tcltk2 1.2-11
TeachingDemos 2.13
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texreg 1.39.4
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TMB 1.9.14
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tools 4.3.3
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TSP 1.2-4
TSstudio 0.1.7
TTR 0.24.4
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UsingR 2.0-7
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vcd 1.4-12
vctrs 0.6.4
vdiffr 1.0.7
vegan 2.6-8
VennDiagram 1.7.3
VGAM 1.1-11
VIM 6.2.2
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viridis 0.6.5
viridisLite 0.4.2
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yaml 2.3.10
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