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ACP CUBIDO Digital Solutions GmbH

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Wir sind ein Team aus rund 40 kompetenten, erfahrenen und ideenreichen Köpfen mit Standort in Leonding.Als zuverlässiger und erfahrener Partner unterstützen wir Sie in den Bereichen Analytics und Software Development durch individuelle Beratung, Analyse, Konzeption, Implementierung, praxisnahe Schulungen und kompetenten, fortwährenden Support.Wir sorgen dafür, dass die richtigen Daten zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort vorhanden sind. So gelingt es, Geschäftsmodelle zu optimieren, präzise Geschäftsentscheidungen zu treffen und enorme Kosten einzusparen. Unsere Projekte und Kunden sind ebenso wie deren Branchen vielfältig und unterschiedlich.Daher entwickeln wir mit unserem Team aus Experten individuelle, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Kunden jeder Größe und Branche. Wir legen Wert auf einfache, intuitiv erfassbare, ergonomisch bedienbare und durchgehend integrierte Lösungen.

Qatar Datamation Systems

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Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Doha, Qatar Datamation Systems, QDS is a specialist IT services and solution provider. QDS twice winner of Microsoft Country Partner of the Year 2016 & 2015 and also Winner of Customer Excellence 2012 and 2013, with Microsoft Gold Partner in Cloud Platform, Portals & Collaborations, Cloud Productivity, and Portfolio and Project Manage is one of the lead IT solution provider in Qatar. QDS has strengthened its play and expanded its presence in the regional IT solutions, services and support market by building long term relationships with customers and principals. Since its inception in 1983, QDS has been growing from strength to strength blending the latest of technology with impeccable business acumen and meeting the most challenging requirements of fast–evolving IT landscape through strategic joint ventures, world class vendor alliances, extensive and strategic vertical focus and a well trained and talented workforce of over 150 professionals. Today, QDS provides a wide range of fully integrated IT based business solutions that addresses almost the entire market spectrum, spanning various verticals like Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Government, Education, Oil and Gas, Telecommunication and Private sectors backed by high quality customer Support.

Scarsin Corporation

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Scarsin is a software development company specializing in enterprise-class forecasting. Scarsin’s Integrated Insight Environment (i2e), is a collaborative forecasting platform that incorporates data integration and automated reporting in an end-to-end forecasting solution. Visibility into shared business insights across large organizations is now possible leveraging Microsoft Office and interactive dashboards. With i2e, global teams can establish a plan, monitor execution with ongoing business data refreshes and adjust rapidly to changing business realities. Forecasting, reporting and sharing information across departments, regions and countries is seamless. i2e enables companies to React at the Speed of Business. Find out how i2e delivers speed, agility, cost effectiveness and business friendly processes.


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Dal 1991 al fianco delle imprese italiane. Siamo professionisti che lavorano a fianco di imprenditori, manager e personale aziendale, con l’obiettivo di apportare sviluppo reale e tangibile alle imprese e al loro business. Attraverso interventi diversi, di analisi, ottimizzazione, organizzazione e pianificazione, si cerca di formulare e intraprendere scelte operative strategiche, avendo sempre ben chiaro un solo, unico obiettivo: fare il bene dell’impresa. La mission. Reiner Wert significa “Valore Puro”. Questo slogan racchiude la mission di RW e di tutti i consulenti che ne fanno parte: affiancare le imprese italiane per apportare valore aggiunto reale, e, soprattutto, duraturo nel tempo. Per noi essere consulenti significa collaborare strettamente con i nostri clienti, nel perseguimento comune di obiettivi alti e di un miglioramento continuo nel business di impresa. I soci. RW Consulting nasce nel 1991 dallo spirito imprenditoriale di professionisti della consulenza aziendale e di docenti universitari. I soci sono tutti impegnati come consulenti di direzione, in ambiti diversi ma strettamente correlati.

Verne Tech

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Bellwether Technology

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-Identify key performance metrics, with an emphasis on identifying acceptable ranges thereof for exception reporting -Design and construct drillable, sliceable visualizations -Design organization permissions, to deploy visualizations efficiently and securely -Design exception reporting, with emphasis on delivering alerts to users when exceptions occur-Build data integration strategy for organizations that need to marry data from multiple sources into one BI platform

HCL Technologies

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"HCL Technologies Limited is an Indian multinational IT services company, headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is a subsidiary of HCL Enterprise. Originally a research and development division of HCL, it emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL ventured into the software services business. HCL Technologies (an acronym for Hindustan Computers Limited) offers services including IT consulting, enterprise transformation, remote infrastructure management, engineering and R&D, and business process outsourcing (BPO). The company has offices in 34 countries including the United States, European countries like France and Germany, and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom. It operates across a number of sectors including aerospace and defence, automotive, consumer electronics, energy and utilities, financial services, government, industrial manufacturing, life sciences and healthcare, media and entertainment, mining and natural resources, public services, retail and consumer, semiconductor, server and storage, telecom, and travel, transportation, logistics, and hospitality. HCL Technologies is on the Forbes Global 2000 list. It is among the top 20 largest publicly traded companies in India with a market capitalization of $22.1 billion as of May 2015 As of August 2015, the company, along with its subsidiaries, had a consolidated revenue of $6.0 billion."


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Системный интегратор Вебзавод работает с 1997 года. Вебзавод разрабатывает и внедряет программные комплексы, объединенные коммуникации, документооборот, автоматизирует бизнес-процессы. Подбирает и продает серверные решения и системы хранения данных, программное обеспечения ведущих производителей. http://webzavod.ru/products/ В своей работе компания ориентируется на решение бизнес-задач производственных, коммерческих и финансовых департаментов - проектное управление, автоматизация процесса продаж, разработка инструментов финансового планирования. Вебзавод реализовал более 800 проектов. Клиенты - производственные, нефтеперерабатывающие, телекоммуникационные предприятия, банки: Microsoft Corporation, Лаборатория Касперского, Мегафон, МТС, Ростелеком, Сбербанк, ВТБ, Роснефть, Газпром, Тяжмаш, ЦСКБ «Прогресс», федеральные и региональные государственные учреждения. http://webzavod.ru/projects/ Вебзавод нацелен на использование в своих проектах облачных технологий. В 2012 году системный интегратор стал лучшим облачным российским партнером Microsoft, получив статус Private and Hosted Cloud Russian Partner. Вебзавод - победитель рейтинга «25 лучших региональных ИТ-компаний» по версии издания CRN/RE в 2013, 2014, 2015 г. В 2014 г. Вебзавод стал Microsoft Collaboration and Content Partner of the Year. Награда Collaboration & Content Partner of the Year Award - признание исключительных заслуг партнера в сфере решений для совместной работы и управления информацией на мировом уровне. 2015 г. - победа Вебзавода в конкурсе партнерских решений Microsoft в российском этапе в номинации "Cloud Productivity" с решением "Стройка под контролем".

Valore Partners, L.L.C.

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Valore Partners is a Microsoft-centric business and technology services and solution provider that helps companies, large and small, optimize organizational performance by mapping strategic goals and objectives into your company’s performance, solve mission-critical problems and drive measurable business value. At Valore Partners, our goal is to develop lasting business partnerships by crafting practical and innovative solutions that drive effective business transformation


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Команда Lasmart работает на российском IT-рынке с 2008 года. Мы специализируемся на внедрении и эксплуатации систем бюджетирования, аналитической отчетности и интеллектуального анализа данных. Наша страсть и наш главный талант – помогать клиентам повышать прибыльность и конкурентоспособность компаний с помощью передовых и в то же время доступных технологий. Наши услуги: · Разработка систем Business Intelligence и консалтинг в области BI (проектирование OLAP/DW/ETL) · Разработка вертикальных BI решений · Разработка и внедрение BPM решений · Внедрение систем Video Intelligence · Разработка мобильных и веб-приложений Lasmart предоставляет весь перечень необходимых работ, включая консалтинг, формирование методик и регламентов, разработку и адаптацию программного обеспечения в соответствии с требованиями, разработку документации, обучение персонала и сопровождение систем. Мы повышаем уровень управляемости бизнеса и обеспечиваем лидеров компании необходимой информацией для эффективных решений и долгосрочного роста.

Kabesa Solutions Inc

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Founded in 2014, Kabesa is the outcome of years in IT consulting. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a shift in the way businesses are integrating technology as a part of their strategy, to perform better and to offer better services to their clients. It has become obvious to us that succeeding companies have found a way to adapt faster than their competitors and to leverage their service offering to accommodate their younger, tech-savvy client base. What we do is pretty straight forward. We are dedicated to helping small and medium businesses perform better by providing flexible, scalable and most importantly affordable IT solutions. Even though every client and project are unique, we deliver all of them with three things in mind. - Reduce your IT charges - Enhance your productivity - Maximize the value of you business

Planet Technologies, Inc.

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Award Winning Microsoft Partner, we are a 100% dedicated to Microsoft cloud service offerings and Microsoft software development. We offer Microsoft based solutions on Office 365, Windows 7 and Windows 8 development, Dynamics CRM, SharePoint, Azure, business intelligence and SQL, cloud services, unified communications, user experience/branding, records management, workflow automation, portal development and collaboration, systems management, virtualization and more. Our team of 140+ Microsoft consultants includes Microsoft Certified Solution Masters (MCSM), Microsoft MVP's, Certified Trainers and Microsoft Ranger trained experts. Their technical knowledge and project management expertise has enabled us to excel for our customers who are some of the largest public sector and commercial organizations in the world. We are a six time Microsoft Federal Partner of the Year winner and a three time Microsoft State and Local Government Partner of the Year. Planet is one of only 35 Microsoft National Systems Integrator (NSI) partners which gives us unprecedented access to advanced training on the latest Microsoft products and services.

iStone Dynamics Sverige AB

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iStone Dynamics Sverige erbjuder spetskunskap för branschlösningar inom standardsystemet Microsoft Dynamics AX. Våra konsulter är specialiserade inom tilläggsfunktioner för branscherna: - Processindustri - Livsmedel och Dryck - Gummi, Plast och Kemi - Projektorienterad industri - Grafisk Industri - Grossister med Avancerad Handel och Distribution - Service Management På iStone arbetar seniora konsulter med djup erfarenhet från industrin. Vårt engagemang och vår djupa branschkunskap kombinerat med Microsoft Dynamics AX globala och användarvänliga lösning gör oss till en partner att lita på, för medelstora samt större företag – nationellt som internationellt.


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Inycom es Microsoft Gold Partner en las competencias de virtualización, escritorio e Inteligencia empresarial; es Silver Partner en Plataforma de servidor, Administración de sistemas y Plataforma de datos. Con 30 años de experiencia, Inycom ofrece servicios y soluciones en diversos ámbitos: Inteligencia en el Negocio. (Transformar datos en información útil para la toma de decisiones) Soluciones orientadas a procesos del negocio. (Mejora de la productividad e incremento del rendimiento empresarial) Sistemas y Comunicaciones. (Diseño, mejora e innovación de arquitecturas TIC) Soporte a la infraestructura TIC. (Asistencia, soporte técnico, migracion a windows 7, etc.).


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We are providing business insights with use of the latest IT technologies by helping customers to find future business strategies. It is easier to find the causes and factors that affect your business performance and shape the future business models. Our goal is to help customers discover new competitive business activities, to build future value and growth with use of modern business intelligence and advanced analytics tools. Rely not on assumptions but on business data, figures, factual information and derivative logic. Modern technology and software solutions give the changing business information and lets to get the latest company data in real time. Make informed business decisions faster than competitors and use visual and easy to use business intelligence systems to track, analyze business processes from any device at any time.

Jibes Insight B.V.

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Insight is the Jibes label where we focus on Business Intelligence solutions. Business Intelligence (BI) has become a general term for information services at strategic, tactical and operational level. The importance of BI and data warehousing has become significantly and is essential to improve our clients competitive advantage.


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Dos de nuestros pilares son la consultoría estratégica TIC y la implementación de proyectos de business intelligence y business analitycs, ambas avaladas por los más de 10 años de experiencia de nuestros socios fundadores.Somos una empresa compuesta por un equipo de profesionales con gran experiencia en el sector público y privado, con foco en el Apoyo estratégico, consultoría TI y consultoría BI. Nuestro deseo es ser su Socio tecnológico, entregando valor en nuestras propuestas y nuestra relación de negocios toda vez que esperamos transmitir nuestro conocimiento Instalando las capacidades en sus equipos de trabajo.Para lograr este sello de gobernabilidad entendemos que nuestros clientes podrán encontrar en GovMS los siguientes servicios:1. Consultoría de Data Governance: te acompañamos a potenciarte como Data Driver Company con un servicio productivo para estos fines.2. Desarrollamos proyectos de Inteligencia de Negocios y Big Data para convertir los datos en información y conocimiento. Ten tu propio Data Lake o Data Warehouse en Azure y navega tu información.3. Proyectos e iniciativas de IA: desarrolla junto a nosotros tus algoritmos matemáticos y métodos estadísticos que permitan mejorar tu toma de decisiones.4. Instalación de capacidades: aprende junto a nuestros colaboradores y desarrolla tus habilidades en tecnologías como PowerBI, Azure Synapse, Journey del Data Scientist, Sharepoint, Teams y otras.

Lannacom Company Limited

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We are leaders in information and communication technologies for Universities. We strive to improve local’s abilities and skills to compete with international technology in today’s world. Our aim is to provide solutions based on customer’s needs, complying with the business ethics.   In business since 1993, we are a nationwide company with twenty-three years of experiences in supplying technology solutions as system integrators.  Based in the northern region of Thailand, we provide services from pain analysis, consulting and advice, design, provide, install, deploying, training and development, service and maintenance, evaluate and pain analysis as our business life cycle. Our customers include more than eighty-percent of Universities in Northern Thailand.  Service Offices ·        Chiang Mai Office: our headquarters and responsible for services within Chiang Mai and its nearby areas. ·        Phitsanulok Office: responsible for universities within the lower northern area including Nakorn Sawan, Phichit, Kamphaengphet, Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Tak, Uttaradit, and Petchaboon. ·        Phayao Office: responsible for universities within the upper northern area as Chiang Rai, Phayao, Naan, and Phrae. ·        Bangkok Office: responsible for universities within Bangkok and the Eastern area. ·        Nakornrachasima Office: responsible for Northeastern area.

Datamovements Limited

Partner Directory

Datamovements Limited are a GOLD Data Analytics partner and have successfully delivered PowerBI solutions and training to our customers, our Consultant (MCT's) can provide both the expertise of the products in the real-world along with training to meet your requirements.As a CSP (Cloud Solutions Provider) we can provide the Azure Services, including O365 & PowerBI licensing for your usersWe offer introduction 'Taster' Sessions to start your PowerBI journey and can create a custom engagement to suit the size and complexity of consulting/training you want.


Partner Directory

Ergo is a world-class cloud and managed services provider that has been leading the way for over 25 years. Ergo was awarded Managed Service Company of the Year 2017 at the Tech Excellence Awards, along with the 2018 IT Project of the Year. We are also a Platinum Standard Deloitte Best Managed Company 2018, Microsoft Ireland Modern Workplace Partner of the Year 2018, Cloud Productivity Partner of Year 2017 and Microsoft Ireland MDM & Security Partner of the Year 2017. We aim to inspire clients with our solutions and unlock the power of digital. We bring you on a digital journey - optimising your digital capability to empower your business to be the best it can be through technology. The journey will unlock your ability to get ahead, stay ahead and win in your marketplace by maximising your ability to continuously evolve and respond to demand through agility.Ergo provides the end-to-end solution from licensing to creating a digital workplace to IT service management and hybrid infrastructure operations services. Our solutions are business use case driven, designed with innovative and creative thinking at their centre.  All are solutions are wrapped in security and managed services with 24*7*365 global support services.Ergo have several consultants who have been selected as Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) along with numerous Gold competencies including Data Analytics, Cloud Productivity, Cloud Platform and Application Development.Key services and offerings include:PowerBI (package services), Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Database Integration Solutions, Data Warehouse Services, Power Platform, Machine Learning    

Intech Systems Pvt. Ltd.

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Intech specializes in Microsoft business solutions and developing industry specific add-ons. Intech has served various industries like discrete manufacturing, chemical industry, foundry, food & beverages, pulp & paper, retail, travel, ceramics, etc. We also focus on future technologies like IoT, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics. With Power BI, Intech has helped many of its customers streamline their business processes, get business data in greater detail and with more accuracy. Intech has developed many plug-and-play reports, available as a package, which can fetch data from various data sources such as Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, QuickBooks, Sage software,etc.Some of these reports are:Complete Account Receivable with agingAccount PayableInventoryInventory agingAR/AP/Inventory turnover ratio (DSI, DSO, DPO)RevenueRevenue SalesRevenue Actual BudgetExpenseExpense Actual BudgetIncomeBank FundCash flowBPR

Affirma Consulting

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Affirma delivers measurable business value. We’re a process and data-driven consulting firm that works with you to solve your business problems and build for your future. We believe in open communication and collaboration to understand the goals and visions of your project. Then our team of experts get to work. Your satisfaction is our focus, so you're guaranteed we'll hit timelines, stay within budget and not only get your project done, but get it done well. Our passion for customer satisfaction shows in our numbers. Over 98% of our previous clients respond that they would gladly work with us again. Let us show you the Affirma difference.  


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Consultant and Power suite developer - business focused, providing agile and innovative solutions.Specialised in advanced financial modelling and analysis, KPIs and business domain model development & dashboards.Why engage with FAST LANE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE?We start with a free quotation for your Power BI solution so that you'll be off to a flying start - By capturing your requirements in a document we quote a competitive fixed price to complete your solution.The Microsoft Business Applications platform and Office365 suite is all we do -You will be engaging with experts focused only on Power Apps, Flow, Power BI and the Common Data ServiceOften the Power BI capability is simply the Monitoring & Insights portal alone, and your solution will need to work in concert with Power Automate, SharePoint, OneDrive, Outlook, Excel, Power Apps, Azure and the Common Data Service. Project management philosophy is Agile -  -  Work is organised as 1 or 2 week 'sprints', so a minimum viable product (MVP) is available first, for maximum user feedback and refinement in parallel with further subsequent sprints.Combining sprints with user feedback gives rapid convergence on optimal final release of your Power BI solution   

UB Technology Innovations, Inc.

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UBTI has been serving clients since 1996 and has offices in the United States and Asia Pacific. Fueled by Power BI, our plug-and-play solutions allow you to easily monitor the metrics that matter, without having to track down information. Turn your stockpile of scattered data into an asset. Our technology consultants can integrate your silos of data into a central dashboard so executives can make well-informed decisions much faster. Just point and click for drill down details or to generate reports with dynamic charts.As a Microsoft Partner in Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, we have the expertise to implement the ideal solution for your needs. Take advantage of predictive and prescriptive analytics and review “what-if scenarios.” Our solution accelerators allow us to have you set up in no time, and at a much lower expense.Embrace big data and increase revenue. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

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Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organisation that delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT, BPS, infrastructure, engineering and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognised as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 389,000 of the world’s best-trained consultants in 45 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $ 17.6 billion for year ended March 31, 2017 and is listed on the BSE (formerly Bombay Stock Exchange) and the NSE (National Stock Exchange) in India. For more information, visit us at www.tcs.comTCS is a leading provider of data and analytics solutions based on Azure Data Platform with expertize in  technologies such as Power BI, Azure Data Factory, HDInsight, R Server, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Azure Datalake Storage, Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Data Warehouse. TCS has  achieved Microsoft Partner Network Gold competencies on Cloud Platform, Data Platform, Data Analytics, DevOps, Application Development and Application Integration.  As a result of experience gained for the Azure Data Platform engagements, TCS has created as number of accelerators such as Blob Migration, Data Ingestion, On-Demand Cluster Management, Scheduling & Orchestration and Machine Learning Model retraining.