Power BI Support


ProActive A/S

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ProActive A/S har arbejdet med Power BI siden beta'en og anvender i dag Power BI i mange forskellige løsningsscenarier:Som frontend til klassiske on-prem data warehouse løsninger. I den sammenhæng anvender vi Power BI's enterprise gateway, således at rapporteringen kan foregå i Power BI - både den formelle samt self-service.Som frontend til cloud business intelligence løsninger. Vi har go' erfaring med at anvende Power BI i sammenhænge med Azure Analysis Services og Azure SQL Server.Som rapporterings- og analyseværktøj til "cloud usage reporting". Vi præsenterer og visualiserer Azure og O365 logfiler i Power BI med fokus på brugeranvendelse, licensoptimering, rapportering af cloud omkostninger osv.Som rapporteringsværktøj til at supplere Microsoft Cloud CRM.Vores konsulenter dækker den nødvendige bredde ifm. anvendelse af Power BI:Forretningskonsulenter til at afdække og scope anvendelsen af Power BI, men også afholde brugertræning i værktøjet.BI konsulenter, der kan hjælpe med de nødvendige data transformationer således data kan anvendes i Power BI.BI frontend konsulenter, der hjælper med at udarbejde rapporter, der lige præcist tilvejebringer de nødvendige budskaber.Infrastrukturkonsulenter, der sikrer, at Power BI på en sikker måde kan snakke sammen med de interne systemer og kan sikre at slutbrugerne har de nødvendige adgange til Power BI.Vi har lavet mange løsninger med Power BI kombineret med kildesystemer såsom Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations (AX 2012/AX7), Microsoft NAV, Microsoft CRM, Microsoft Project og mange flere.Kontakt os og vi giver meget gerne en demo.

ADN : Africa Digital Native

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ADN is a Data Analytics and Business Intelligence solution provider and consulting firm based in Dakar and Paris.We empower SMB and large entreprise with Turnkey analytics solutions using Microsoft softwares.Our key expertise are :  - Business Intelligence : Datawarehousing, Data integration &  Reporting with Microsoft BI and Data Platform. - Big Data with HDInsight  - Data Visualization  with Power BI - Advanced analytics with Azure Machine learning  and RIn addition, ADN provide consulting services and support in designing, building and maintaining the Business Intelligence & Data analytics Platform for customers.we use Power BI to help marketing and sales managers in Banks and Financial Institutions to : Increased results and have a better profitabilityImprove customer knowledge of customers and productsLower churn Customers in Africa don't have accurate  and automated dashboards, and KPIs to improve and optimize decisions and performance (Lack of customer knowledge / segmentation, Low products penetration...),  With Power BI, Managers are able to :Customize their products and services in ways that meet needs, solve problems, and promote customer retention and loyaltycreate more effective cross-sell and up-sell campaignsChoose the best channel to communicate

Nous Infosystems

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Nous Infosystems is a CMMI Level 5 SVC, SSD v1.3 appraised, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001:2005 global Information technology firm providing software solutions across a broad spectrum of industries and domains. We offer a comprehensive range of software and IT solutions, including applications for Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), Healthcare and Retail customers. Nous has a very strong BI Center of Competency with More than 1,000,000 man hours of implementation experience in BI, Analytics and visualization solutions helping organizations in realizing the true power of their data.We are a Microsoft Solution Partner with Advanced Specialization. Nous has been recognized by CIO APPLICATIONS magazine as Top 25 BI & Analytics Companies 2017.Our services includeAdvisory services that include existing system assessment and development of BI roadmapTool evaluation and recommendation Power BI Custom developmentMigration of reports from other platforms to Power BISupport and maintenance

Vision Wave

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Vision Wave has a proven good relationship working with customers and partners world wide on Business Intelligence solutions using Microsoft BI platform. Our customers are mostly small, medium and large enterprises in Government, Education and Professional Services.Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights. Monitor your organisation data and get quickly real time insights with rich dashboards.Experience your data. Any time.Connect to any device and different data channels or sources. Excel spreadsheets, on-premises data sources, big  data, streaming data, and cloud services: it doesn’t matter what type of data you want or where it lives, Power BI allows you to connect to hundreds of data sources. Vision Wave, is a Microsoft Partner, that has business intelligence consultants. We are ready to help create data visualizations and help grow your organisation.

Trinity Relationship Strategy

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  A Trinity é uma empresa de consultoria focada em inteligência de negócios e gestão do relacionamento com clientes. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em projetos de CRM e BI, a Trinity oferece soluções integradas para as empresas que buscam melhores resultados na gestão de vendas, marketing e serviços e maior rapidez e assertividade na tomada de decisões. Atuando sobre quatro pilares básicos: estratégia, pessoas, processos e tecnologia, nossa preocupação vai além do software, buscando trazer para os nossos clientes resultados operacionais e financeiros em todos os projetos desenvolvidos. Constantemente investindo em atualização tecnológica e capacitação da nossa equipe, a fim de prover aos nossos clientes as melhores práticas e soluções de mercado em gestão do relacionamento com clientes e business intelligence, a Trinity é parceira Microsoft na implementação do Dynamics CRM e Power BI. Com sede em São Paulo, a Trinity atua em todo o território nacional implementando, com sucesso, projetos de CRM e BI em empresas dos mais diversos segmentos.     Implantação de Power BI   A Trinity atua em projetos de Business Intelligence desde sua concepção, utilizando-se de várias ferramentas de mercado e, desde 2016, atua exclusivamente com o Power BI. Entendemos que o principal benefício de um BI é o uso da informação permitindo às organizações melhor decidir, medir, gerir e otimizar o desempenho para ganhar eficiência e benefício financeiro. Para se ter um BI gerando resultados é preciso muito mais do que uma ferramenta, é preciso consolidar e estruturar as informações existentes na empresa de forma que possa mostrar indicadores de performance em tempo real, responder rapidamente as perguntas de negócios que são feitas constantemente em toda a empresa e ainda mostrar tendências e desvios para gerar insights. Para chegar ainda mais longe você pode cruzar com dados externos e gerar informações ainda mais valiosas para o negócio.   Para ter as respostas sempre à mão um bom projeto de BI deve estar bem estruturado nestas 5 etapas, independentemente da ferramenta que você irá utilizar. 1. Definição dos requisitos do BI Entender quais são as necessidades dos gestores e usuários de negócios, quais informações são relevantes, como eles gostariam de receber essas informações e em qual frequência são os principais questionamentos nesta primeira fase. Contar com uma consultoria especializada em BI neste momento pode trazer a experiência de mercado e sugerir as melhores análises e formas de construção.   2. Mapeamento das fontes de dados Nesta etapa são mapeadas todas as fontes de dados necessárias para a construção das análises solicitadas, desde bancos de dados, arquivos texto, planilhas, arquivos da WEB entre outros. Não se esquecendo também de dados externos que podem gerar um grande diferencial nas análises, por exemplo dados do IBGE, FENABRAVE, SECEX, etc. 3. Construção da Aplicação de BI A Construção de uma aplicação de BI deve levar em conta três importantes etapas: ·       Extração dos dados dos sistemas originais ·       Construção de um modelo de dados analítico para permitir as análises solicitadas ·       Desenvolvimento da parte visual da aplicação, contendo indicadores, gráficos, tabelas e filtros. 4. Validação dos dados e análises Após a construção de uma aplicação deverá ser feita uma criteriosa validação dos números apresentados em cada indicador, tabela ou gráfico, primeiramente confrontando com os números e totalizadores dos sistemas fontes e depois na cuidadosa conferência de cada cálculo executado pela ferramenta. 5. Disponibilização e treinamento dos usuários Com a aplicação finalizada e homologada os usuários deverão ser capacitados para utilização das análises. Esta etapa será extremamente simples se as análises forem bem construídas, uma boa aplicação de BI deverá ser intuitiva para os usuários, não necessitando de treinamentos avançados para que os usuários possam extrair todas as informações de que necessitam. A Trinity conta com uma equipe pronta para ajudá-lo na definição dos requisitos do BI, mapeamento das fontes de dados, construção das análises utilizando Qlikview, Qliksense ou Power BI, validação das informações apresentadas e treinamento dos usuários ou desenvolvedores da ferramenta.     Treinamento – Por dentro do Power BI   Desde o lançamento do Power BI no Brasil, a Trinity desenvolveu o Treinamento “Por dentro do Power BI”, visando capacitar os participantes do curso na utilização dos recursos do Power BI tornando-os aptos a desenvolver relatórios, criar cenários e visões, fazer análises e construir dashboards. Com treinamentos in company e turmas abertas e regulares em SP desde o início de 2016, o conteúdo do treinamento é revisado mensalmente para acompanhar todas as novidades disponibilizadas na ferramenta. Público-alvo: Gestores, analistas, especialistas ou quaisquer outros profissionais que necessitam consolidar diferentes fontes de dados, fazer cruzamentos de informações de diferentes sistemas, criar relatórios, produzir visões e dashboards, acompanhar em tempo real indicadores de resultados, criar cenários e fazer análises avançadas de negócios. Metodologia: Curso 100% presencial, com conteúdo expositivo e aulas práticas utilizando a ferramenta Power BI. As turmas são limitadas em até 12 vagas para melhor aproveitamento dos alunos. Todo o conteúdo teórico apresentado será aplicado na prática. Sala de aula com um aluno por máquina. Carga horária: 16 horas / aula divididas em 02 dias de 8 horas cada. Consulte o conteúdo programático atualizado e próximas turmas em nosso site. 


Partner Directory

Comms-care assists over 700 channel partners who in turn provide support to over 9,000 end users.  Their commitment to the channel means they have become the UK and Ireland’s number one choice for resellers looking for a trusted ‘channel only’ specialist technology partner to fulfill their clients’ services and support requirements.Comms-care has proven design, deployment, migration and support capabilities across the Microsoft Power BI Offerings. Microsoft is developing new ways to make your business more efficient and effective, empowering employees so they can achieve more and in turn doing things that make a difference.

BBS Solutions

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BBS Solutions (Cloud - Collaboration - BI) est une entreprise algérienne spécialisée dans les solutions collaboratives, Cloud et BI. Nous aidons les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale en leur proposant des fabriques de solutions d'entreprise, avec un investissement réduit et une mise en place rapide (TTM réduit). Les solutions collaboratives / Portail : SharePoint & Office 365Les solutions décisionnelles (BI) de Microsoft : La suite SQL Server, aussi bien sur le moteur de base de données, que les solutions ETL (SSIS), analytiques (SSAS) et de reporting (SSRS et Power BI)Les solutions Cloud de Microsoft : AzureNous avons développé un partenariat fort avec Microsoft, nous sommes partenaire Microsoft Silver Cloud Productivity, mais aussi un des premiers partenaires "Power BI Certified Partner" en Algérie. En plus de Microsoft, nous développons des partenariats avec un ensemble d’éditeurs indépendants (ISV) proposant des solutions autour de SharePoint, comme Nintex, qui est leader mondial des solutions de Workflow pour SharePoint. Par notre savoir-faire et notre expertise, nous avons pu travailler avec des grands comptes algériens. Nous construisons une relation durable, de confiance avec nos clients afin de les accompagner dans leur projets. Nous avons déployé de nombreuses solutions Business Analytics basées sur Power BI ou la suite SQL Server (SSIS/SSAS/SSRS), couplées a SharePoint pour créer un socle technologique très puissant à moindre coût. Nous avons mené des projets avec des clients dans plusieurs secteurs d'activités : Oil & Gas, transport, agro-alimentaire ou BTP Vous voulez que nous vous accompagnions, contactez nous !

Awara IT

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Awara IT specializes on international rollouts of Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX ERP systems to Russia and post-Soviet area. Awarded "The best ERP partner of 2015 year in Russia" and "Best Dynamics Cloud partner of 2017 year in Russia" and "Best Power BI partner of 2018 in Russia" by Microsoft.  Awara is one on the most efficient and competitive IT companies in Russia that deals with implementation of ERP systems and business consulting. It is a part of Awara Group, a well-established consultancy holding that provides a variety of services to foreign companies in Russia, e.g. legal services, outsourced accounting, audit, recruitment, etc.We are good in many aspects, but we are especially good in automation of financial administration processes, compliance with local Russian accounting and tax legislation, automation of preparation of management reports based on IFRS and GAAP principles.We are networking with foreign partners who might need local support of their customers when they expand to Russian market, and we are a reliable local partner in Russia for many partners already. If you would ever need an assistance in understanding the Russian market and its specifics, please feel free to contact us. 

Creospark Consulting Services Inc

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Creospark specializes in supporting any small, mid-size or enterprise organization setup their Microsoft Office 365 & Microsoft Azure cloud environment in a cost-effective and a timely manner. Once we set you up, we are able to support ALL your end-users with 24/7 free support for any Microsoft Office 365 service offering and we can help you migrate your email over to Office 365 Outlook for little or no cost. We also provide services to backup all of your Office 365 cloud data. Our in-depth adoption and change management program will ensure a successful solution deployment. This includes Office 365 and Azure training offerings for your end users, power users, champions, administrators, architects and developers. Creospark's team of Microsoft MVP's are experts on Enterprise integration with many technologies including Azure, Office365 and SharePoint with your Enterprise IaaS, PaaS, SaaS solutions such as Salesforce, OneDrive, SAP, IBM, DropBox, and many others. Deployment of Corporate Intranets, Document & Records Management solutions, Migration (documents or email) projects and Forms & Workflow automation are all our specialties. Whether you are looking to transform your business process or looking to on-board/train your team on new Collaboration, Content Services & Content Management, trust our team to support you in designing the solution you need. Technologies we specialize in include: - Office365: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive - Integration with IaaS, PaaS, SaaS solutions: Salesforce, OneDrive, SAP, IBM, DropBox - Azure Artificial & Machine Intelligence, IoT, PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, Azure Logic Apps/Automation, PowerBI - Microsoft Teams, Yammer, FormsExpertiseApplication IntegrationAzureAzure Active DirectoryAzure Security & Operation ManagementCloud MigrationCognitive ServicesCommunications & MediaConsulting and ProfessionalContent TypesCustom DevelopmentCustom SolutionCybersecurityDeployment or MigrationDeveloper ToolsDevelopment and TestDocument ManagementDocument MigrationsEducationEnterprise Business IntelligenceEnterprise IntegrationEnterprise Mobility + SecurityExchangeFinancial ServicesFlowGovernanceGovernmentHealthcareIdentity and Access ManagementInformation ArchitectureInformation ManagementIntegrationLearning and CertificationLicensingMachine LearningManaged Services (MSP)Microsoft 365Microsoft FormsMicrosoft OfficeMobile ApplicationsModern UIOffice 365Office 365 ConsultingOffice 365 DevelopmentOneDrivePower & UtilitiesPower BIPowerAppsProject ServicesRecords ManagementRegulatory Compliance - GDPRSalesforceServerless ComputingServicesSharePointSharePoint FrameworkSharePoint on AzureSharePoint OnlineSkype for BusinessSQLTaxonomyTeamsThreat ProtectionTrainingTravel & TransportationWeb DevelopmentYammer

KPMG Advisory Limited Partnership

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Nowadays that many companies realize importance and the variety of internal and external data available, data becomes an essential asset. An asset, which in order to maintain its value and generate competitive advantage, requires – as any other asset – day to day care. For data it means managing its quality, availability, logic of processing, thoughtful distribution and provisioning of access. Business intelligence refers to organization's ability to gain deeper business insight from data and information for better decision-making. Our clients are looking for solutions to provide decision makers at all levels of the organization with faster, more harmonized, more comprehensive, more flexible, interactive and reliable quality information while reducing the cost of providing it.   We are helping our clients in introducing Business Intelligence solutions from the BI strategy concept to its implementation. We specialize in developing operational BI solutions for processes like order to cash, purchase to pay, financial reporting, cash management, sales analytics, supply chain management, production and quality control. We provide insight into figures but also we enable process controls monitoring. We design, build and implement Power BI based solutions that enable process mining and in this way provide immediate process insight and enable process improvement and optimization.   We handle issues of data quality management, data governance including reassessment of KPIs used in organizations, KPIs harmonization across different teams and data cleansing. We also develop customer-tailored solutions for budgeting, forecasting and budget monitoring.

Cargas Systems

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Cargas Systems and Microsoft's Power BI can help you take control of your data.  Whether your systems are disparate or homogeneous, Power BI can pull your data together to create visualizations, reports, dashboards, and applications to help you analyze, monitor, and make business decisions.  Dashboards are an easy way to get a quick view of your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) without the headache of manual reports and filtering. Our experts will setup and configure dashboards personalized to your job role and KPI requirements. Whether you are in Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Operations or Finance we have a solution for you.All of our software implementations include some level of basic reporting. When basic reporting isn’t enough we offer advance reporting solutions. Our consultants will find the best solutions for your needs. Whether it’s providing training for you to configure more advanced reports or if you prefer us to do the work in Power BI for you, we'll find a solution that works.  Looking for analysis and data exploration of details that you don't already know about your business?  Allow Power BI's data insights go to work analyzing data on your dashboard tiles to create insights.  We can teach you how to make Microsoft's Business Intelligence tool work for you!

Comminus d.o.o.

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Comminus is a leading IT company specialized in the area of business intelligence, data management, and end-to-end project implementation. Our strength is the technical, operational and business excellence in data management at all levels. We provide solutions and services for entering and displaying data, consolidation, data warehouse, data mining and data analysis, reporting, planning and decision making. Established in 2004 in Zagreb, Comminus is a leading IT company. Years of experience and work with clients in the country and overseas have enabled us to define and construct a very rare and unique set of knowledge, personal experiences, and skills to solve complex problems that arise in large databases.Over the years, we have implemented a number of BI projects on Microsoft stack across different industries, including multiple Power BI implementations over the past few years. Check out our website for more information.


Partner Directory

Premiada por Microsoft como REVELATION PARTNER OF THE YEAR FY2015 y como PARTNER OF THE YEAR in INNOVATION WITH COLLABORATION en FY2016.Cuenta con más de 90 consultores, todos expertos en ámbitos especializados. En TOKIOTA sólo LOS MEJORES. Flexible a cada cliente y escenario, pero procedimental, estando orientada a proporcionar soluciones de negocio con base tecnológica.Partner preferente en soluciones Microsoft, por su buen hacer y los resultados demostrados, con el siguiente catálogo de servicios, entre otros:Soluciones de BI y Analítica avanzada con SQL Server y/o Azure.Soluciones de IoT, BigData y Machine Learning, OnPremises o bien basadas en la suite de AZURE.Arquitectura de SW y Desarrollos a medida en javascript y .NETGestión eficiente del ciclo de vida (ALM) de las aplicaciones (java, php, .net, etc.) e integración con operación (DevOps) con la suite de Visual Studio y otras herramientas.Aplicaciones móviles, nativas o multiplataforma (Xamarin).Soluciones de Intranet, Portales, Colaboración, Redes sociales, Gestión Documental y Comunicaciones Unificadas, en entornos OnPremise o Cloud Pública/Híbrida con Office 365 (Sharepoint, Yammer, Exchange y skype).Migración de aplicaciones (java, php, .net, etc), plataformas web (Drupal, Wordpress, moodle, etc.), infraestructuras (vmWare, citrix, hyperV etc.) y servicios (BBDD, streaming de media, CDN, storage, backup, disaster recovery, etc.) al cloud con AZURE.Soluciones de seguridad de información y dispositivos.Soluciones de Identidades, Infraestructura y Cloud Privada / Híbrida (Microsoft OnPremises y AZURE).Soluciones de Infraestructura y Cloud Privada / Híbrida (Windows Server, Identity Manager, Hyper-V, System Center y AZURE).Despliegue y Gestión de desktop y dispositivos móviles (Windows 10, System Center, EMS, Citrix).Servicios gestionados de soluciones Microsoft, tanto Cloud como OnPremise e Híbridas.Servicios de Gestión del Cambio y Adopción de nuevas tecnologías.


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Technology GapBefore starting Rockfeather, we worked with finance departments to move them forward on the path of digitalization. We were struck with the fact that so many highly educated finance professionals were spending their days copying and pasting to and from spreadsheets and legacy systems. The gap between the technology we use in our day-to-day lives and what we use in our organizations is enormous.Empowering PeopleThese professionals deserve better. Not only in finance but throughout the organization. We put our technology-skills to work to build solutions that empower people in organizations. By eliminating copy-and-paste-processes and support them with 21st-century solutions.Embracing TechnologySo we decided not to limit ourselves to finance and to launch Rockfeather. Rockfeather is our platform to bundle expertise on data visualization, data science, and low-code. With these toolsets, we build solutions that empower professionals in all functions and industries.  

Aegis Company

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AEGIS Company’s digital analytics services span a wide range of needs aimed at supercharging your business solutions. AEGIS Company’s end-to-end digital analytics services will help you measure and optimize your audience interactions, so that you can create a better online experience for your users. Reporting AEGIS Company undertakes reporting and analysis for various marketing campaigns, management of site traffic, and user behavior patterns to improve overall business performance as well as enhance customer satisfaction. Digital Analytics Implementation AEGIS Company creates professional, accurate and compelling scorecards and dashboards that can be used by your management, key executives and other stakeholders, using the latest software offerings from Adobe, Microsoft, and Tableau. Marketing Attribution Analysis AEGIS Company helps you get a better understanding of what channel works best where, and how to improve them, by using deep statistical and visual analysis of marketing channel performance.  Scorecards & Dashboards AEGIS Company creates professional, accurate and compelling scorecards and dashboards that can be used by your management, key executives and other stakeholders, using the latest software offerings from Adobe, Microsoft, and Tableau. Customer Analytics AEGIS Company’s customer analytics services give users an all-round view of their customers, enabling them to receive customer feedback and patterns with higher clarity. Users can use this data to showcase their findings via reports and visualizations. Optimization AEGIS Company provides highly-effective optimization services by way of strategy, setup, and operation of leading-edge digital optimization programs that employ the use of technologies from Adobe, Optimizely, and many  

HCC Hotel Cost Control

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La matriz HOTELDATAFLOW ofrece las siguientes líneas de servicio, en formato de pago por uso:HCC-Hotel Cost Control: Formación en #PowerBI y Control de Gestión.Revtool: RMS360º para el Revenue Management Hotelero.Overgop: FMS360º para la Gestión Económico-Financiera de Empresas Hoteleras.Deepupsell: Machine Learning aplicado al Upselling HoteleroPor otro lado, para grandes implementaciones, se ofrece por adquisición un BI360º integral para Cadenas Hoteleras, cubriendo todas las áreas clave: Comercialización, Producciones, Financiero, RRHH, Compras, RPA y Machine Learning.

NexTReT, S.L.

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We offer solutions and services related to infrastructure, development and service quality. We ensure that our client's IT systems are available 24/7. Over 300 committed  engineers, more than 200 manufacturer certifications, and guaranteed quality methodologies ensure the success of our projects and services . With over 20 years of experience and broad knowledge of the ICT industry, we continue specializing in our core areas every day: IT Solutions, Applications Development, Managed Services, and Layer 8.From our offices in Barcelona and Madrid, we ensure that our service commitment covers the entire Spanish territory, as well as anywhere else in the world on specific projects for complex needs. The evolution of data centers, the development of collaborative portals, application performance monitoring, user support services, and application maintenance are some of the services for which we have earned a high level of trust.Defining objectives, establishing methodologies, building solutions, and evaluating results: we are specialized technologists for each and every one of our clients.

Incremental Group

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Incremental Group is a digital technology company that works with oil and gas, manufacturing, commercial, not for profit and public sector organisations to deliver the digital enterprise, step by step. It provides Dynamics, Data / AI,  Cloud, Applications and Consultancy services. These services are delivered by a growing team of over 125 digital specialists based in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Northwich.  It also has office in Manchester and London.Incremental Group is a UK Microsoft Gold Certified Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) partner.Incremental Group was established in December 2015. It acquired First eBusiness in November 2016 and Gap Consulting in June 2018.


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We will work with you from the discovery phase, providing a full plan and scope to drive the next phases to implement and deploy your solution, all supported by our managed services team. Our expertise will help you to identify the technologies and cultural changes you need to grow your business.Contact our London team or one of our offices in Brazil or France. We believe in our company ethos that “teamwork makes the dream work”. This philosophy is driven by a team of executive and technical specialists; accompanied by an amazing group of more than 20 developers, business analysts and project managers.

MAVEN Cloud Service

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메이븐 클라우드 서비스는 Data Warehouse & Power BI 전문 파트너로서 현재까지 한국코카콜라, 메르세데스 벤츠 코리아 외 다수 고객사의 DW & Power BI 적용 및 개발 프로젝트를 수행했습니다. 제조, 유통, 금융, 의약 등 산업군 프로젝트 진행 경험을 바탕으로 고객사의 적합한 보고서가 개발될 수 있도록 사전 컨설팅 서비스와 고객사의 필요에 따라 지원받을 수 있도록 DW & Power BI 서비스 패키지로 제공하고 있습니다. 또한, 서비스 도입 이후에도 고객사의 원활한 사용과 활용을 지원하기 위해 공인 교육 센터의 전문 강사(Microsoft MVP)를 통한 지속적인 교육과 헬프 데스크(Help Desk) 시스템을 통한 체계적인 DW & BI 유지보수 서비스를 제공합니다.   ◎ DW & Power BI 서비스 패키지  교육 및 기술지원 패키지 : 자체 도입 및 활용을 위해 계약 시간(160시간) 내 교육 및 기술 지원이 필요한 고객을 위한 서비스  PoC 패키지 : 신규 도입 전 시스템 적합성 검증이 필요한 고객을 위한 서비스  개발 패키지 : BI 프로젝트를 통한 전문 컨설턴트의 보고서 개발이 필요한 고객을 위한 서비스   ◎ DW & Power BI 교육 서비스     Power BI 사용자 무료 교육 과정 (4시간)     Power BI 기본 및 활용 과정 (2일)    DW & Power BI 무료 교육 과정 (5시간)     빅데이터 분석 및 시각화를 위한 Azure DW & BI 기본 과정 (3일)     빅데이터 분석을 위한 Data Warehouse 전문가 과정 (5일)   ◎ DW & Power BI 주요 고객사  한국 코카콜라 유한회사 (제조 및 유통)  메르세데스 벤츠 코리아 (유통)  메르세데스 벤츠 파이내셜 서비스 코리아 (금융)  오비맥주 (제조 및 유통)  한국타이어 (제조 및 유통)  한국마이크로소프트 서피스 사업본부 (유통)  코미코 (제조)  한국스파이렉스사코 (제조)  CTC 바이오 (의약품)  영보화학 (제조)  백산 (제조) 외 다수   As a specialist partner for Data Warehouse & Power BI, we have implemented a number of DW & Power BI development projects, including Coca-Cola Korea and Mercedes-Benz Korea. Based on our experience in various projects including manufacturing, distribution, finance, and pharmaceutical industry, We provide pre-consulting services to develop reports suitable for clients and provide DW & Power BI service packages that can be supported according to customer needs. We also provide systematic DW & BI maintenance service through the help desk system and continuous training through the professional instructor (Microsoft MVP) of the authorized Training Center to support the better utilization and optimization of customers even after the service is applied.   ◎ DW & Power BI Service Packages  Training & Technical Support Package : Services for customers who require training and technical  support within the contract time (160 hours) for self-implementation and utilization  PoC Package : Services for customers who need to verify system suitability before application  Development Package : Services for customers who need to develop reports by professional consultants   ◎ DW & Power BI Education Services     Power BI User Free Training (4 hours) Power BI Basic and Application course (2 days) DW & Power BI User Free Training (5 hours) Azure DW & BI Basic Course for Big Data Analysis and Visualization (3 days)     Data Warehouse Expert Course for Big Data Analysis (5 days)   ◎ DW & Power BI Major Customers  Coca-Cola Korea (Manufacturing & Retail)  Mercedes-Benz Korea (Retail)  Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Korea (finance)  Oriental Brewery Co. (Manufacturing & Retail)  Hankook Tire (Manufacturing & Retail)  Microsoft Korea Surface Business Division (Retail)  KoMico (Manufacturing)  Spirax Saco Korea (Manufacturing)  CTC BIO (Pharmaceutical)  YOUNGBO Chemical (Manufacturing)  BAIKSAN (Manufacturing)     And More.

Ventagium Data Consulting SC

Partner Directory

We specialize in building data-driven tools to deliver efficient and customized solutions for medium to large-sized organizations, working closely with clients to understand their unique business needs and providing clear and actionable deliverables that drive results.Ventagium offers full-time dedicated analytics teams to help you achieve your business goals with high-quality data-driven insights. Using advanced analytical tools and proven methodologies, we identify areas for improvement and work closely with our clients to develop customized analytics strategies.Specific self-sufficient teams assigned full-time to your projects.Proved methodologies and frameworks.Solution Development with minimum workload for youOperating dashboards in days.Team members are located in the CST TimezoneHave a look at the following demos of the work we do:https://bit.ly/VDC-Online-Analyticshttps://bit.ly/VDC-Transportationhttps://bit.ly/VDC-HRhttps://bit.ly/VDC-Retail 


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You and your company need access to the best reports for what is becoming increasingly important in a competitive business environment. We have our own dedicated and highly skilled Business Intelligence resources whom easily develop customized quality solutions for you and to help you become data driven.   The product suite includes modules for reporting, budgeting and analysis. If you are a medium sized to large companies that require efficient solutions for these areas, you are a typical user of our solutions. The Power BI solutions are integrated with Dynamics 365 and your report design is done with direct access to all data from the ERP system, including customized tables and fields. Forms and reports are created using simple drag and drop functionality in a Microsoft Excel interface, and with our publishing module, reports and forms can be distributed simply and efficiently.   Access management settings determine what each user can see and do with forms and reports. Data warehouse functionality makes it possible to collect data from other systems than the ERP system, so that reports and analysis can show information from all the company’s business critical applications. This will make it easer for you to take the correct decisions faster.    The story of Axdata begins a December day in Copenhagen year 1997. A group of innovative people with a strong passion for ERP came together and created what today has grown to become Axdata Group. It started with initial ERP implementations and a main focus on businesses within the manufacturing, engineering and service industry – a focus we still have today.   Our CRP (Conference Room Pilots) process and unique solutions secure you a faster and less expensive implementation of truly flexible and future-safe ERP, BI and related business applications that deliver competitive advantage, value, and ROI faster to maximize your efficiency and overall business performance.  With a great passion for Dynamics and Power BI, we serve customers across national borders.

Solution Systems, Inc.

Partner Directory

Solution Systems delivers business intelligence solutions through Data Analytics, Dashboards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Reporting and Data Integrations using Microsoft Power BI. We are a Microsoft Gold Partner that has a track record of deploying solutions in the Cloud, on-premise, and in Hybrid scenarios to help you stay up to date with the information that matters to you. Some of our key areas of expertise are: Data Analysis, Report Generation, SQL Server, Data Integration, Visualizations, and Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse scoping and design. 

Query, Consulting & Software, S.L.

Partner Directory

En una industria TI en constante evolución, participamos en un permanente proceso de búsqueda de nuevas tecnologías y desarrollo constante de  aplicaciones que sean capaces de dar una respuesta eficiente a las necesidades y desafíos de nuestros clientes, agregando valor para sus negocios y mejorando la calidad de vida de sus clientes.Desde el comienzo nuestra misión ha sido agregar valor a las actividades y negocios de nuestros clientes mediante el mejor uso de las Tecnologías de la Información, construyendo relaciones de largo plazo, lo que nos ha permitido mantener una cercanía y contacto permanente con nuestros clientes.Nuestra propuesta de valor se basa en relaciones de largo plazo, cercanía y contacto con nuestros clientes, manteniendo un fuerte compromiso y entregando consistentemente soluciones que incluyen servicios y productos de calidad. Actuamos con el deseo sincero de ayudar, desde la sinceridad, la humildad y el entregarnos por completo a la consecución de los objetivos pactados. Nuestro ego queda anulado.* Independencia de las marcas* Alianzas de largo plazo con clientes* Base de clientes diversificada* Vocación de servicio, compromiso y flexibilidad* Equipo especializado y experimentado

DigiVikings Ltd.

Partner Directory

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman",serif;} DigiVikings is an international IT-company operateing in the field of advanced analytics, data mining/fusion (Azure, Power BI, machine learning), ERP consultancy, development services (Dynamics 365 and all older versions) and as a software house (.net, java, python, R).  We have achieved Microsoft SILVER partner status in Data Analytics, Data Platform and Application Development. Visualized data combined with data science provides you with the tools to manage your business in the most effective way. Becoming a data-guided business starts with quality data and using data-centric approach to make your most important business decisions.  DigiVikings offer a wide range technologies and tools to create suitable solutions or our clients.We excel at:        Recommend engines         Time series predictions         Process optimization         Self- learning systems DigiVikings advanced analytics solutions contain of wide set of ready to use advanced analytics models defined as industry-based scenarios; we can set-up industry specific scenarios to help your company benefit from data extracted from different data sources ( internal , external) and structured or unstructured data. Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;} We offer business ready storyboards for companies who wish to use consumable content to receive meaningful insights, and to make data driven decisions without the fuss of setting up different analytical models.