Postagens categorizadas: Features

Deep dive into DAX query view and writing DAX queries

In November 2023 release we added a new fourth view in public preview to Power BI Desktop, the DAX query view! The DAX query view gives you the ability to write, edit, and see the results of Data Analysis Expressions or DAX queries on your semantic model. Finally, you can now take advantage of the existing DAX queries syntax while working with your semantic model without leaving Power BI Desktop.

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Announcing automatic scaling for dataset scale-out public preview

We’re excited to announce that we’ve reached the final milestone in our dataset scale-out public preview journey! We started the preview without auto-sync and with single read-only replica per dataset. A few months ago, we introduced auto-sync, and now Power BI can create as many read-only replicas as your Power BI capacity supports. Dataset scale-out is no longer limited to a single read-only replica per dataset.

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