Analysis Services kategóriájú bejegyzések

Improving the communication performance of XMLA-based tools

We are thrilled to announce that we have made some significant performance improvements to the XMLA-endpoint communication in Power BI. Specifically, we have switched XMLA-based communication from plain text XML to binary XML and enabled compression for the .NET client libraries. Make sure you upgrade to version or later to benefit from this improvement.

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Announcing general availability for composite models on Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services models

In December 2020, we launched the preview of DirectQuery for Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services. Since then, we have worked with many of you to improve on this feature and get it ready for general availability. Today we are announcing that this feature has reached general availability.

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Announcing backup and restore improvements for large datasets near the size limit

Thanks to the latest backup and restore improvements, you can now restore a backup file even when the dataset size is near the Power BI Premium SKU limitation. You no longer need to be concerned that dataset size limits impact restorability. When restoring a dataset with the /forceRestore option, Power BI will try its best to perform the restore operation even when the available memory is limited.

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