Today, we’re happy to announce significant performance improvements to backup and restore operations for datasets in Power BI. Our benchmark tests with 1GB, 5GB, and 10GB datasets show backups can now be completed up to 22 times faster than before, and the time required for restore operations can also be reduced by more than 30%.
» Les mer We are very thrilled to announce the general availability (GA) of Backup and Restore for datasets in Power BI Premium and Premium per User (PPU). Whether you are migrating Azure AS workloads to Power BI or must consolidate Power BI tenants due to a merger or acquisition or simply want to backup Power BI datasets on a regular basis to meet the data retention and disaster recovery requirements of your organization, you can now rely on the Backup and Restore capabilities of Power BI as a fully supported feature.
» Les mer e are excited to announce the public preview of Backup and Restore for datasets in Power BI Premium and Premium per User (PPU). You can now use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Analysis Services cmdlets for PowerShell, and other tools to perform backup and restore operations in Power BI via XMLA endpoints in much the same way as you would for tabular models in Azure Analysis Services (Azure AS).
» Les mer