Taggede innlegg: funnel

Power BI Desktop February 2020 Feature Summary

We are super excited for our update this month! We are releasing two of our top community requests: incremental refresh for Pro and hierarchical slicer. Additionally, we’ve added some improvements to the new ribbon and a couple new DAX functions. Since our last release, there have been several new custom visuals released on AppSource, so be sure to try them out! If you want to learn about all the updates and enhancements this month, check out the full blog.

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Power BI Desktop May Feature Summary

This month we have major updates across all areas of Power BI Desktop. Along with many other reporting features, we have our biggest update to conditional formatting in while, the ability to format any fields, including strings and dates, by a different field in the model. Drillthrough also gets a major update this month with the ability to carry all filters through to the destination page. We are also enabling enterprise level scalability through incremental data refresh.

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