Blogue do Microsoft Power BI

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Power BI and PowerPoint: A Powerful Combination for Data Visualization is now generally available

We are happy to announce the general availability of Power BI integration with PowerPoint. This integration makes presentations more engaging and informative by allowing users to create rich, interactive visualizations that can be embedded in PowerPoint slides. The is now available also in national clouds. The integration has also added new features such as the ability to use a single visual, leverage Smart Insights to generate text that summarizes the data in the slide, and a “What’s new” banner to keep users informed of new capabilities.

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On-premises data gateway February release

It’s our first on-premises data gateway release of 2023! Note that beginning on March 15, 2023, any Power BI dataflow using an on-premises data gateway version older than April 2021 might fail. To ensure your refreshes continue to work correctly, be sure to update your gateway to the latest version.

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Empower your application users to quickly explore their data with the new Power BI Embedding capabilities

We’re excited to announce a new form of Power BI embedded analytics that enables you to embed an interactive data exploration and report creation experience in your applications. With this solution, you’ll be able to provide your users a similar experience to our integrations in Dynamics 365 and SharePoint.

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