Mensagens por categoria: Announcements

Announcing Power BI “Back to School” Contest!

Last month, Power BI partnered with Hacking STEM and NASA to create an interactive, educational data story to teach students about radiation. Educators loved the idea of bringing Power BI data stories to the classroom, and they are looking for more! So, this month we are launching a “Back to School” Contest to engage and empower students with Power BI! The contest will run from August 1st to September 6th, and the winners will be featured in the Power BI Blog! Channel your love for education and get started today!

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Aggregations for petabyte-scale BI is generally available!

The volume of data is growing at an ever-increasing rate. As it grows, so does the value to the companies that are able to unlock insights from it. Power BI is all about helping organizations embrace a data culture, where every user can make better decisions based on data big and small, no matter where that data is coming from  Providing users a way to do analysis over large volumes of data has traditionally been challenging. Large volumes require extra compute power and specialized skills to effectively model and analyze. To unblock users, organizations have often relied on transforming big datasets into smaller, more manageable datasets, which can then be analyzed using traditional BI reporting and visualization tools. When data is transformed from big to small, the details of the data tend to get lost as dimensionality is traded away for size and performance. While insights are lost, management complexity and costs grow as development teams work to populate these multiple smaller datasets.

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Power BI Desktop July 2019 Feature Summary

With this month comes the first feature release from our announcements at Microsoft Business Application Summit, Icon sets, which also addresses our current #1 idea on On top of this major update, we have incremental improvements for many of our existing features, such as measure support for the Key influencers visual and RLS support for aggregations. To round this out, we are also making several key features, the new filter pane and aggregations, generally available.

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