Welcome to the August 2022 update. Can you imagine it’s the last month of summer already? We are excited to announce a variety of new features such as the conditional formatting for data labels, new “Select sensitivity label” dialog, data loss prevention policy update and DAX editor improvements. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.
» Подробнее Partners have been listing Power BI visuals on AppSource for years, but now we’re excited to introduce e-commerce through our popular commercial marketplace. In order to ease sales, boost revenue, and optimize operations for partners, and to improve the experience for Power BI users!
» Подробнее Power BI APIs can support you at any scale, but there is no one-size-fits-all API. The ExecuteQueries API is a great choice at small scale. For large-scale solutions, switch to XMLA endpoints and host your datasets on Power BI Premium.
» Подробнее Welcome to the July 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce the Error Bars general availability, Metric visuals and Datamarts updates, query performance and data hub improvements, Data in space augmented reality new mobile feature, accessibility enhancements for embedded reports. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.
» Подробнее Welcome to the June 2022 update. We are excited to announce the general availability of the new Format Pane, error bars and information protection updates, table navigation improvements, Connect to datamarts and Power BI Data Storytelling features. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.
» Подробнее As part of our GA work for the ExecuteQueries REST API, we delivered a new Power Automate action to run queries against Power BI datasets. This action delivers a straightforward low-code/no-code experience to BI users who want to streamline repetitive, mundane tasks and processes. The purpose of this blog post is to help you get started running queries against datasets in Power Automate. It covers exporting data into csv files, building a solution to test datasets, and creating BI-driven cloud flows.
» Подробнее We are happy to announce that the ExecuteQueries REST API is now GA. By using this REST API, you can query datasets in Power BI from practically any modern environment on any platform, as long as you can authenticate with Azure Active Directory (AAD) and construct a Web request. The query functionality is comparable to XMLA read access, yet avoids dependencies on Analysis Services client libraries, requires no connection to XMLA endpoints, and works in Premium workspaces as well as in ordinary workspaces.
» Подробнее I’m happy to announce a new method that allows a much larger number of customer tenants per one service principal by introducing a service principal “child” named service principal profile. Each service principal profile can administer a customer tenant, and the number of profiles per service principal can reach hundreds of thousands.
» Подробнее Welcome to the February 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce a variety of new and highly anticipated features such as new mobile formatting options, Dynamic M Query Parameters support for more data sources, deployment pipeline enhancements and improvements to downloading a PBIX file.
» Подробнее No-Code Partner Innovation for End-User Self-Service inside Power BI
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