We are thrilled to announce that we have made some significant performance improvements to the XMLA-endpoint communication in Power BI. Specifically, we have switched XMLA-based communication from plain text XML to binary XML and enabled compression for the .NET client libraries. Make sure you upgrade to version or later to benefit from this improvement.
» Подробнее We are excited to announce that we have finalized Dataset Scale-Out configuration APIs and completed the replica synchronization feature. Specifically, you no longer need to enable Scale-Out at the workspace level by using a burdensome XMLA request. The XMLA command is deprecated and will no longer work. You can now enable Scale-Out on a dataset-by-dataset basis using the Power BI REST API for datasets. You also no longer need to synchronize read-only replicas manually if you want to take advantage of automatic replica synchronization. Automatic replica synchronization is enabled by default. However, it is also possible to disable automatic synchronization to synchronize the read/write and read-only replicas of a dataset manually for controlled refresh isolation.
» Подробнее Muti-tasking with the Power BI app in Teams is getting even better. Read the blog to learn how caching and take you back improve the experiences and keep you productive.
» Подробнее We are pleased to announce the public preview of a Power BI Desktop Developer Mode, which offers a new save option to your Power BI developers that unblock source control and CI/CD best practices
» Подробнее New! Users can now generate a link to chart from organizational app and use it in PowerPoint. This newly added feature allows users to infuse data and insights from org app charts into their presentations and work with smart insights, filters, and live data.
» Подробнее Power BI Desktop has a new card visual that allows users to display multiple cards in a single container with full control over each card’s components. It supports multiple fields and offers refined formatting settings.
» Подробнее OneDrive and SharePoint integration capabilities are coming to Power BI! The public preview will be rolling out in the next few weeks!
» Подробнее You can now use item links to configure the Power BI tab in Microsoft Teams. Read this blog for all the details.
» Подробнее DLP policies help you automatically detect sensitive information managed in your Power BI tenant and take risk remediation actions, to help you comply with governmental or industry regulations, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Last April we announced the release of DLP policies for Power BI to public preview. We’re happy to share that these capabilities are now generally available!
» Подробнее Want to format a measure based on a slicer selection, the measure value, or another conditional way? Now you can! With dynamic format strings for measures a DAX expression can now be used to determine what format string a measure will use.
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