标记的帖子:Community Blog

Visualizing and interacting with your Azure Machine Learning Studio experiments

Microsoft Senior Program Manager Christian Berg is back with another entry in his series on becoming your organization’s strategic advisor with Machine Learning and Power BI. In part 6, he lookd at connecting to an Azure ML Studio experiment with an Rviz and then building on that to create a dynamic report to explore cross price elasticities. He also looks at a simpler example where we instead use DAX to explore the impact of different discount percentages, based on an assumption about our elasticity.

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Power BI Community Blog Highlights

Have you visited the Power BI Community blog lately? Along with rapidly growing forums, event listings, and ways to leave feedback, the Community blog is a platform for you to share ideas with your peers, industry experts, and us here at Microsoft. We want to hear what’s got you thinking about Power BI and Business Intelligence! To get started, simply message me, @Jessica, with a rough title for your post and a couple of sentences to describe your topic. Check out these great posts from June and July!

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Community Blog Highlights

Have you visited the Power BI Community blog lately? Along with rapidly growing forums, event listings, and ways to leave feedback, the Community blog is a platform for you to share ideas with your peers, industry experts, and us here at Microsoft. To get started, simply message me, @Jessica, with a rough title for your post and a couple of sentences to describe your topic. Now, let’s check out some of the great posts from the last month!

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Community Blog Highlights

Have you visited the Power BI Community blog lately? We want to hear what’s got you thinking about Power BI and Business Intelligence! Blog posts can be anything from opinion pieces on the latest industry trends, to helpful tips and how-tos for your fellow Power BI users, to even “trip reports” from your local User Group meeting or Microsoft event. Check out these great posts from last month.

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New blog series: Become your organization’s strategic advisor with Machine Learning and Power BI

Are you ready to put your organization on a path of continuous improvement using the most valuable decision support techniques? Check out Microsoft Senior Program Manager Christian Berg’s timely series of essays on how to become your organization’s strategic advisor using Machine Learning and Power BI, available on the Community Blog. Each post takes on a different aspect of business intelligence, and includes a how-to section to get you started creating customized solutions for your team. Most analysis in the posts is done using the R language, but Christian tries to keep any scripts generic enough that anyone can apply them to their own data even without prior hands-on R experience.

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Power BI Community Blog Highlights

Have you visited the Power BI Community blog lately? Blog posts can be anything from opinion pieces on the latest industry trends, to helpful tips and how-tos for your fellow Power BI users, to even “trip reports” from your local User Group meeting or Microsoft event. Check out these great posts from October and learn how you can contribute your own posts!

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Power BI Community blog highlights for October

Have you visited the Power BI Community blog lately? Blog posts can be anything from opinion pieces on the latest industry trends, to helpful tips and how-tos for your fellow Power BI users, to even “trip reports” from your local User Group meeting or Microsoft event. Check out these great posts from October and learn how you can contribute your own posts!

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