
Power BI September 2020 Feature Summary

Starting this month, we have merged the Power BI Desktop, Service and Mobile blogs so there is one overview of everything that is new in this month. For now, let us get started because we have exciting updates this month! Amongst others, in the analytics area, we introduce a preview of the Smart narratives visual which helps you quickly summarize visuals and reports by providing relevant out-of-the-box insights which is customizable. On the reporting side, several things are added, including the introduction of controls for the z-order of visuals, and searching for a workspace during publish. For modeling, the enhanced dataset metadata that was previously in preview is now generally available. In the service, we introduce new capabilities in the lineage view and updates to analyze in Excel. Check out the full blog to learn more about all the updates and enhancements.

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Power BI Desktop June 2019 Feature Summary

Hopefully, you are either enjoying the start of the Microsoft Business Applications Summit or watching all the exciting news and announcements on social media! To go along with all those other announcements, we, of course, also have a big update for our June update for Power BI Desktop. There are a lot of new features and updates to the existing features this month. Some of the highlights include a top UserVoice ask, visual level filters for slicers, and more formatting options that can be changed based on expressions. We also modernized our side panes and added support in Power BI Desktop for shared and certified datasets, a much anticipated capability that will help our customers establish single sources of truth in their organizations and to continue driving a data culture based on collaboration and sharing.

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