Kategoriserede indlæg: Power BI

Announcing the Public Preview of automatic replica synchronization for Dataset Scale-Out

We are excited to announce that we have finalized Dataset Scale-Out configuration APIs and completed the replica synchronization feature. Specifically, you no longer need to enable Scale-Out at the workspace level by using a burdensome XMLA request. The XMLA command is deprecated and will no longer work. You can now enable Scale-Out on a dataset-by-dataset basis using the Power BI REST API for datasets. You also no longer need to synchronize read-only replicas manually if you want to take advantage of automatic replica synchronization. Automatic replica synchronization is enabled by default. However, it is also possible to disable automatic synchronization to synchronize the read/write and read-only replicas of a dataset manually for controlled refresh isolation.

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Power BI June 2023 Feature Summary

Welcome to the June 2023 update! This month, we are please to announce updatest to On-Object interaction, a new demo experience to the Power BI embedded playground which simplifies the process of exploring embedding Power BI in your application, creating Power BI reports instantly with Jupyter Notebooks, and Power BI Desktop Developer mode. Read on for all of these updates and more in Reporting, Data connectivity and preparation, Service, Embedded, Developers, and Visualizations.

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