Kategoriserede indlæg: Power BI

New authentication option facilitates AAS migrations to Power BI Premium at a low price point

We are excited to announce that XMLA endpoints on Premium Per User (PPU) now support Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication with service principals. This authentication option enables administrative applications to perform automated maintenance tasks and unattended service-level operations by using their own app identities, which is often a requirement for migration of existing tabular data models from Azure Analysis Services and SQL Server Analysis Services to Power BI Premium. For technical details, see the article Automate Premium workspace and dataset tasks with service principals in the product documentation.

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Power BI Unused Artifacts API (preview)

We are pleased to announce the preview availability of our new Unused Artifacts API. The initial version of this API returns a list of datasets that have not been used within 30 days for a specified workspace, and successive revisions will include other artifact types such as reports and dashboards.

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Pre-Announcing Automatic Installation of the Power BI app for Microsoft Teams

We’re pre-announcing a new capability to help organizations automatically install the Power BI app for Microsoft Teams for active users of the Power BI service. A new Power BI admin tenant setting is starting to roll-out allowing Power BI admins to control automatic installation. Automatic installation will start occurring in November 2021 for organizations with the setting enabled.

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