We’re excited to announce the release of Power BI APIs .NET SDK v3. The new version is easier to use, have additional capabilities including the new credentials classes and easier way to encrypt credentials.
» Læs mere This blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI embedded analytics and Power BI visuals platform
» Læs mere This blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI embedded analytics and Power BI visuals platform
» Læs mere As a Power BI service admin, do you frequently need to list all workspaces in your tenant, and all reports, dashboards, and datasets in those workspaces as well? If the answer is yes, you probably had to build your solution such that in a first call, all workspaces had to be retrieved by using the GetGroupsAsAdmin API or the Get-PowerBIWorkspace cmdlet. It was then necessary to loop through the result set to make additional calls to get the reports, datasets and dashboards within each workspace by using the GetReportsInGroupAsAdmin, GetDashboardsInGroupAsAdmin, GetDatasetsInGroupAsAdmin APIs or the Get-PowerBIReport, Get-PowerIBDashboard, and Get-PowerBIDataset cmdlets respectively. Unfortunately, this approach is slow and inefficient. In a large Power BI environment, it is even impractical. There must be a better and more efficient way! The secret to avoiding these expensive loops is in the OData Expand Query Option ($expand)—and I am proud to announce the recent release of support for $expand in the GetGroupsAsAdmin API!
» Læs mere This blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI Developers community- Power BI Embedded and Custom Visuals.
» Læs mere This blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI Developers community- Power BI Embedded and Custom Visuals.
» Læs mere As you probably know, the Power BI service is updated weekly with fixes, updates, and new features. When we release major features in the service, we always to make sure to release a coinciding blog post, so you can stay up-to-date with the latest features in the service. Going forward, in addition to these posts for individual features, we’ll be posting monthly feature summaries for the Power BI service, similar to the posts you know and love for Power BI Desktop. So, without further ado, here’s the complete list of January updates in the Power BI service:
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