Taggede indlæg: Report

Filters coming for phone reports

Reports are one of the most powerful features of Power BI. Several months ago, we introduced phone reports, and we continue to improve on them. Phone reports allow creators to optimize for the size, shape, and touch interaction of a phone, with minimal effort. Phone reports enhance the mobile experience, with features such as a dedicated focus mode for visuals, the ability to drill in visuals, sorting options, and collapsible menus. Today we’re excited to introduce filters as are our latest improvement to phone reports.

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Filter a report with a URL query string parameter

You may have seen some forum posts showing how to filter a report with a URL query string parameter. We also have this in the main documentation as well. It isn’t very widely known. So, I thought I’d do a blog post to highlight how to do it, and also give you a trick you can use to filter on multiple fields.

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Where did Drill Down go?

There have been a few support calls asking why the Drill Down feature is missing from report visualizations. This feature was moved to the explore menu from within a report, in both the reading and editing view.

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