Power BI-support


Nexplore AG


Nexplore AG – Digital Workplace, CRM, BI, Apps  Nexplore AG in Bern und Thun. Wir beraten Sie individuell und bieten Lösungen für die Digitalisierung. Ob Digital Workplace, CRM, Business Intelligence oder Applikationsentwicklung - wir analysieren Ihre Ist-Situation und formulieren gemeinsam Anforderungen an die künftige digitale Arbeitswelt. Ihr Vorhaben begleiten wir auf organisatorischer und technischer Ebene. Als anerkannter Microsoft Gold-Partner gehören wir zu den wenigen IT-Partner, die Schweizer Firmen in Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure + Analytics gesamtheitlich begleiten. Wir unterstützen bei der Etablierung von Microsoft Teams, konzipieren und bauen Intranets oder digitalisieren Geschäftsprozesse. Profitieren Sie zudem von unserer langjährigen Expertise rund um Microsoft Dynamics 365.  Technischer Aufbau unserer BI Lösungen  Klassischerweise bildet SQL-Server zusammen mit den Integration-, Reporting- und Analysis-Services und den DWH- und OLAP-Features den Kern einer leistungsfähigen BI-Lösung. Mit den Azure Analysediensten stehen in der Cloud eine Vielzahl von mächtigen BI und Big Data Angeboten wie beispielsweise Azure Analysis Services, Azure Synapse Analytics, Data Lake Analytics zur Verfügung, die in Zusammenspiel mit Machine Learning genutzt werden können und ein schier grenzenloses Potential bieten. Mit Power BI lassen sich einfach ansprechende Dashboards und Reports erstellen und bereitstellen. Auf bestehende Datenquellen kann einfach zugegriffen werden. So wird die Self-Service-Analyse in Ihrem Unternehmen ermöglicht. Office Excel mit Power Query versteht sich als Client zur Datenanalyse bzw. -aufbereitung und kann ausserdem die verschiedensten Datenquellen nutzen. Das Produkt der Office-Palette bietet ein mächtiges Toolset für sogenannte Self-Service BI-Szenarien und geniesst bereits sehr breite Benutzerakzeptanz in Unternehmen.  Agile Umsetzung hilft Projektrisiken zu senken  Aktiv abgestimmt mit Ihren Power-Usern erarbeiten wir Prototypen und Proof of Concepts. Damit erhalten Sie rasch einen ersten Eindruck Ihrer Lösung. Im weiteren Projektverlauf begleiten wir sie iterativ, Schritt für Schritt und in enger Zusammenarbeit hin bis zu Ihrer fertigen Lösung. Mit unserer agilen Entwicklungsmethode reduzieren wir Projektrisiken und binden alle Power-User aktiv ins Projekt mit ein.  Als langjähriger Microsoft Partner besitzen wir den Gold Status in der Kompetenz Data Analytics.

Naviz Analytics


PowerBI dashboard and reports gives on-demand visibility into case information such as data volumes, cost savings and spend. This matter intelligence allows you to make informed case decisions, create more accurate budgets and implement and monitor effectiveness of matter and cross-matter processes.The reports provides the ability to view, plan, compare and forecast data anywhere, anytime. Access to all the activity on all matters, to create and observe detailed metrics related to cost, time, volume and reduction performance, this allows the control of data and to create reliable monitoring and forecasting activitiesThese reports are useful for both Internal Teams and Customers• Case Managers• Service Delivery teams• Finance Teams



Bmatix leverages its decade long Business Intelligence expertise and multiplatform knowledge to help you drive your business.Whether to improve the quality of your services and products, increase employee productivity, adapt to market trends or increase your market share.We offer a wide range of ready-to-deploy Power BI reporting solutions, created alongside industry leading companies and partners. Along with short lead-times, our solutions are highly customizable and expandable based upon your own needs.Need something new, tailor-made for your own organization? Reach out so we can assess how one of our 60 solution-certified data specialists can help you to design what you need.Bmatix delivers the right information at the right time. Helping you make the right decisions, faster, based on facts, not fiction. 

Blueforte GmbH


Our profile: Big enough to deliver, small enough to careWe are passionate about data. The work we do to help our clients be driven by data is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Whether you’re a disruptive start-up, a medium-sized business or a big player, our team of 50 employees based at our offices in Ham-burg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Munich is on hand to listen and support you every step of the way. And you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’ll end up with more efficient processes, carefully considered decisions and optimised products and services.Why us:We build you a solid, scalable foundation for building modern, cascading reporting across all of your departments and for each of your use cases. At the same time, we empower your data design team in Power BI and user-centric dashboard design. We are design-savvy and detail-oriented - our solutions should work and delight. We are driven by the happiness of future users, because only satisfied users make data-based decisions - objectively and efficiently.How we can support:Consulting on your reporting/BI strategy and the use of current technologiesDesign, customization and extension of your BI architectureReport creation process with Power BI (data loading, transforming, modeling, visualizing)Report designs according to International Business Communication Standards (IBCS)Development of cascading reporting apps with a central entry point, topic-specific analyses and drills into detailed analyses using the "Your Analytics HUB" concept developed in-houseStructured processes for the creation of designs and the generation of Power BI reportsUser-specific training of Power BI (data modeler, report designer, report administrator, end user)Performance optimization (SQL, Power Query, DAX)

Reliance Infosystems Limited


Reliance Infosystems is a global ICT organization that provides business transformation, operational excellence, and protection assurance services to businesses, government institutions, and not-for-profit organizations across the world.We adopt empathy-inspired consultative approaches to locate our customers’ journey and help them reimagine their businesses for unmatched success.At Reliance Infosystems, we measure our success by the quantum of progress that we have helped our customers to achieve, even when those achievements do not particularly correlate with our revenue goals.   



Who we are Algomine is a professional business analytics company specializing in decision making optimization and operational efficiency management. The company’s expertise is accessing and gathering right data, followed by implementing advanced analytics and visual analytics to turn that data into real value to the business.   Why Algomine We provide comprehensive support to our clients from the stage of installation and data acquisition, to post-implementation assistance and trainings. We build solutions in a way that would not be possible in the case of cooperation with the giants of the IT industry, because we combine knowledge, many years of experience with the necessary flexibility and quick action. Our clients are large Polish companies that we support in:           Integrating, cleaning and modeling data from multiple sources for reporting and analysis          Designing reports, dashboards and visualizations          Creating analysis sets, e.g. receipt data, customer behavior of the loyalty program          Preparation of marketing campaigns based on predictive models (x-sell, up-sell)          Recommendation of the best offer for the client (Next Best Action)          Building forecasting models broken down into particular groups of goods and optimizing the inventory We help to convert data into revenues, because the proper leverage of your company's data is a possible additional source of income and increasing the real value of the organization. Visit our website and get to know us better



Flexmind est née de l’alliance de consultants de haut niveau et d’expérience, chacun référent dans son domaine d’activité. Nos consultants accompagnés d’architectes systèmes d’information ont acquis une expérience depuis plusieurs années dans la mise en œuvre de projets d’intégration et de migrations sur les solutions Dynamics 365 et Power Platform (Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate ou encore Power Vitual Agents) complétées par les applications Microsoft Business Intelligence et Office 365. Flexmind propose d’accompagner les entreprises dans la transformation de leur Système d’Information. Nous proposons des solutions globales, mais aussi dédiées à des secteurs tels que le retail, les services, la distribution et de l’industrie. Depuis toujours, Flexmind n’hésite pas à investir dans l’innovation. De la même façon, nous accordons une exigence particulière à la veille technologique. Ces deux points sont le préalable incontournable, pour vous offrir le conseil le plus éclairé ainsi que des solutions qui anticiperont vos besoins immédiats et vos enjeux futurs. Tous nos consultants passent régulièrement des certifications sur les dernières versions des solutions sur lesquelles ils interviennent. Cela contribue à vous garantir des réponses performantes sur le long terme. Cette société est avant tout le reflet de la diversité des horizons revendiqués par ses créateurs, mais aussi par l’ensemble de des collaborateurs. Un concept innovant, mixant différents styles et philosophies pour en puiser toutes les richesses, et qui place l’homme au cœur de l’entreprise. 



IMBS® was created by a group of professionals with more than 15 years of worldwide experience. Through the know-how of our consultants, specialized in Lean and Process Improvement, our goal is to find and implement the best solutions for each client. The versatility acquired with the experience in several activity segments and markets, allows us to customize all solutions to the reality of each company, from Process Engineering to Digital Transformation. Each solution we implement, has the mission of generating added value for our customers. This value involves obtaining both quantitative results, in terms of productivity and profitability, as well as qualitative, considering the impact they have on the company's people and culture. IMBS - Business Solutions has a Silver Competency in Data Analytics and is specialized in implementing PowerBI, which allows us to respond to the needs of our partners through the tools that are part of the Microsoft Power Platform. Our team has the experience and ability to develop solutions tailored to each company, regardless of their size and sector of activity, in order to transform organizations' data into coherent and interactive information, allowing them to make assertive and efficient decisions. 

Strategic IT GmbH


Die Strategic IT GmbH, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner und Gründungsmitglied bei 4-Digital (www.4-digital.de), ist Ihr Partner für maßgeschneiderte digitale Lösungen und Prozesse in Vertrieb, Marketing und Service. Wir konzeptionieren, beraten, implementieren und schulen rund um die Themen Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intelligence (BI) und Insights, Portals sowie Modern Workplace mit Microsoft Produkten Holen Sie das Maximum aus Ihren Daten und generieren Sie so wertvolles Wissen! Wir sind überzeugt, dass Wettbewerbsstärke in der heutigen globalisierten Welt insbesondere durch digitale Geschäftsprozesse entsteht, die einerseits abteilungs- und systemübergreifend sind, aber auch über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg durch Einbeziehung von Geschäftspartnern Effizienz und Mehrwert bieten. Dieses Ziel verfolgen wir in unseren Kundenprojekten. Dabei gleicht kein Projekt dem anderen. Wir wissen, wie individuell Ihre Anforderungen sind. Aufbauend auf unseren langjährigen Erfahrungen insbesondere für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in den Branchen Pharmazie, Automobil, Einzelhandel, Gastronomie und Immobilien finden wir für Sie die optimalen Lösungen, abgestimmt auf Ihre Systemlandschaft. Die reibungslose Integration vorhandener IT-Systeme, wie z.B. SAP in die Microsoft-Produktwelt, ist dabei eine weitere unserer Stärken!  Unser Team freut sich, unser Wissen mit Ihnen zu teilen und die beste maßgeschneiderte Lösung für Ihre Geschäftsprozesse zu finden. Wenn Sie ein erstes Beratungsgespräch mit einem unserer Berater wünschen, können Sie über unser Kontaktformular einen Termin vereinbaren.

Prodware Nederland


Data to DecisionsFrom data to decisions there is only one step: “Microsoft Power BI”. The leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant of Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, allows professionals to take much more advantage of business information, regardless of the positions and functions they occupy within organizations. Nowadays, the concern of companies is not the generation of information but how to interpret it and transform it into successful business decisions. The huge amount of data and the increasing number of applications that organizations handle makes it difficult to tidy up and extract the full value of the information. Power BI is a set of tools that unifies, orders and analyzes business information and presents it through dashboards and reports that are very visual and easy to create. Your PartnerProdware leads in digital transformation and innovation and helps customers to turn their data into insights. We understand that the real business value comes from applying theory and best practice directly in your reality. We use our experience helping customers with BI projects, to give workshops & have created Out-of-the-box Power BI packs that will give your team the perfect initial push to get things rolling. Training: Dashboard in a Day Workshop We have distilled our real-life business experience helping customers with BI projects into a workshop that will give your team the perfect initial push to get things rolling. Out-of-the-box Power BI packs As a Microsoft Gold Dynamics 365 partner of many years, we have created two out-of-the-box Power BI packs for you, to get you on board quickly. Power BI pack for Business Central Our advanced finance analytics solution is the answer, natively integrated with your Dynamics 365 Business Central application, surfacing real data from your day-to-day operations with an additional layer of business intelligence using Microsoft Power BI. It includes a set of dashboards with various data panels (more than 120 in total) covering different areas: Power BI pack for Retail An advanced analytics suite ready to turn data into insight to help drive your retail business forward. Built for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, Prodware BI Retail includes 17 out-of-the-box dashboards, each one with several panels (almost 100 in total) covering a specific perspective of the retail business   Prodware If you are looking to do any of the following, you are at the right address.   -   Create immediate dashboards with data from your CRM or ERP-   Connect with you sources(Excel spreadsheets, local data sources, applications and cloud services, etc.)-   Take advantage of the full potential of the cloud (Post reports securely, share with your entire organization and set up automatic data update so they have access to the latest information. Analyze, share and collaborate with your team from the cloud) -   Create outstanding interactive dashboards       (Combine data from databases, files and web services with visual tools that help to automatically understand and correct formatting and quality problems.) -   Have a direct, interactive and mobile access anywhere       (Configure alerts to receive notices about changes in relevant information and KPIs)  

Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech a.s.


Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech a.s. delivers business information systems on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform (AX, NAV, and CRM). We implement a Business Intelligence solution providing interactive visualization of results and develop our own solution and deliver software that is tailor-made to the specific needs of customers.We are the leading partner of Microsoft Czech Republic for Microsoft Dynamics.  Digital transformation requires comprehensive 360-degree solutions offered by Konica Minolta from a single source: from consulting in the field of analysis, control, and evaluation of concepts (third parties) to product comparison and recommendations, including design, implementation, and operation.As an IT service provider, Konica Minolta introduces integrated solutions and, in addition to its particularly strong knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics and the Power Platform, offers its customers comprehensive support with IT infrastructure, cloud, information security, output management, and extensive managed services solutions.Products and servicesAs a leading ERP provider with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Konica Minolta creates the foundation for a future digitization strategy for its customers. The companies benefit from the extensive experience of the IT service provider in the development of Microsoft applications and the Microsoft Power Platform (Microsoft PowerApps, Microsoft Power BI).Konica Minolta offers intelligent IT solutions from a single source based on extensive expertise in the latest Microsoft Dynamics technology, sustainable project methodology and strategic consulting, and the ability to tailor projects to individual customer requirements. An IT service provider means a reliable and stable partnership.We take care of more than 280 clients providing them with support and running projects.

Envision Technology Advisors


At Envision Technology Advisors, we believe in the power of data-driven decision making. We believe levering Microsoft’s Power Platform will help our clients develop practices that make a tangible difference in human behavior within their organizations, helping them move their businesses forward.  We accomplish this by going well beyond simply providing reports to those clients. We combine our data findings with a deep understanding of their business needs and the industry-specific context of that data, helping our clients find the story in their data. Envision’s data practice is supported by a unique team of data analysts and architects with a deep expertise in Power BI. They work alongside system engineers, web designers and developers, training experts, storytelling specialists, and an award-winning Managed Services practice as part of a team which is able to provide end-to-end solutions to fit any organization’s business needs. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence is just one component of Envision’s powerful Digital Transformation practice. This practice focuses not only on Power BI and Microsoft’s Power Platform, but also Security & Compliance, Process Automation & Intelligence, User Enablement, and improved Communication & Collaboration. All of these elements help our clients create strong companies that fully support a Modern and Agile Workforce.

Innovit AS


Innsikt hos Innovit er til for å bistå bedrifter med å få nytte og verdi av data.Det kan være utfordrende å samle, kvalitetssikre, koble og synliggjøre data på en god måte. I Innovit Innsikt får du en kompetent og entusiastisk samarbedispartner innenfor Business Intelligence og Business Analytics.Innovit Innsikt kan både rådgi og ivareta hele data-prosessen; fra behovsanalyse og løsningsdesign, til implementasjon, testing og forvaltning.Vi kan Microsoft Power BI, og med Power BI blir veien fra idé og behov til nyttig løsning både kort og gøy!Uansett hvilke områder du ønsker bedre kontroll på og oversikt over, så bistår vi deg på din ferd fra rådata til innsikt – innsikt som gjør deg i stand til å fatte gode, datadrevne beslutninger.Innovit har hovedkontor i Bergen, men tar oppdrag fra hele landet.

Dynapt Solutions Inc.


Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics is What We Do Best @Dynapt.aiWe’re a business and technology consulting firm that helps companies organize, maintain, understand, and optimize their data. Our consultants are experts in Business Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Database, and Data Analytics Technologies. Dynapt.ai experts specialize in Data Warehousing, Power BI Dashboards, Big Data, Data Science, Cloud, Custom Software, and Systems Integration.Modern enterprises run on data, and our clients are data-centric businesses.  Since 2014, we at Dynapt.ai have been enabling businesses to initiate & accelerate Digital Transformation with Azure. Our team has extensive experience and deep expertise having conceived & executed multiple complex initiatives across Infrastructure & Application Modernization, Data & Advanced Analytics, SAP Migration to Azure, SAP & Azure Analytics, Connected Devices & IoT, and Intelligent Systems leveraging Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, and Power BI. Whether you are new to Azure or already using it, the Dynapt.ai team can help accelerate your digital transformation journey with our highly trained, Microsoft, and SAP-certified professionals ever ready to help.

eacs Ltd


In the modern workplace, businesses need to maximise the analytical potential of the data they hold, and our experience in leveraging the power and capabilities of Power BI can help you quickly solve business problems, improve efficiency and achieve real cost benefits – all achieved using real time data. Our Power BI services will help you understand how your data can help provide you with simple easy to understand dashboards and reports that will ensure you are able to drive improvements and make business critical decisions based on facts, not assumptions.Whether visualising data from a Power App, analysing your sales or identifying critical issues in your supply chain, eacs can help you make decisions at the speed of data.



Exelegent is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner in Data Analytics, Cloud Platform, Data Platform and DevOps. Our Team of highly skilled and certified professional can assist with all of your Microsoft Power Platform needs whether through SOW engagements, advisory services or fully managed services.PowerBI business analytics solution is at the core of our services offerings whenever you need to visualize your data or share insights across your organization while connecting to hundreds of data sources. Exelegent’s Business Intelligence Reporting for consumers includes agile development methodology, mobile and web data access while maintaining compliance and security guidelines for your industry.

Business Vision


Business Vision helps you optimize and maximize the investments you made in your BI platform. We are Microsoft BI experts and help you with the best possible architecture for your specific needs. We combine our deep technical knowledge of the platform with our long experience of delivering decision support to organizations across Sweden. We are advisers for new investments, we run your BI projects, we are available as resources in your BI teams and we manage your BI solutions.The number of services and applications grows explosive in the cloud. We help you, from a BI perspective, to take advantage of all the opportunities this amazing platform now offers. Underpin your business decisions with advanced analysis and data services for both traditional and new data sources, or create hybrid solutions that you can scale up or down as needed. With Microsoft Azure, you get a reliable cloud solution - on your terms. We create advanced Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analytics services so you can purchase BI as a service. BI as a service is a concept we believe in Business Vision will dominate future decision support development. Services developed with precision for a specific area that may seem "stand-alone" or in synergy with other services will transform our view of BI. It is simply a matter of letting the needs of the business in place of restrictions on the chosen platform control how you will work with BI in the future.

Black Marble LTD


From our roots as a hard-core, deep development house specialising in .NET, we pride ourselves in delivering solutions across industry and sector – from Insurance systems to managing virtual machines, to artificially intelligent games. Black Marble develops solutions across the Microsoft platform; custom developed software solutions, BizTalk solutions, Application Lifecycle Management consultancy, Azure projects, Data Science implementations, and SharePoint implementations and development. We specialise in developing New User Experiences, including touch and multi-touch solutions, on innovative technologies including Windows Kinect, Windows Phone and Windows 8+, where we emphasise the creation of delightful and easy to visualise user experiences. We develop solutions to be delivered across a variety of form-factors and screen types, including Smartphones, touchscreens, large format displays and slate devices. As well as skills in developing websites and content for SharePoint and mobile platforms, Black Marble also has skills in HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Responsive Web Design, and Web Standards Based Design. Our approach to delivering solutions in the cloud encompasses the development and test process, engineering solutions, Data Science and assisting with customer’s infrastructure needs, as well as working with existing data frameworks, including opening them up for wider use. Black Marble also specialises in delivering Health Checks and Rescue Services across all our areas of expertise, working with the customer to bring their solutions back on track, and up to standard. Black Marble is a member of the Microsoft Partner Network, holding key competencies at the Gold and Silver Standard. Black Marble is also part of Microsoft’s CityNext initiative which focuses on helping cities leverage a new era of technology innovation, and our solutions include an Open Data framework enabling Local Government to make their data, including transport information, available for consumption by third parties to create innovative applications. Black Marble has developed tuServ, an innovative application for modern policing.



Dal 1991 al fianco delle imprese italiane. Siamo professionisti che lavorano a fianco di imprenditori, manager e personale aziendale, con l’obiettivo di apportare sviluppo reale e tangibile alle imprese e al loro business. Attraverso interventi diversi, di analisi, ottimizzazione, organizzazione e pianificazione, si cerca di formulare e intraprendere scelte operative strategiche, avendo sempre ben chiaro un solo, unico obiettivo: fare il bene dell’impresa. La mission. Reiner Wert significa “Valore Puro”. Questo slogan racchiude la mission di RW e di tutti i consulenti che ne fanno parte: affiancare le imprese italiane per apportare valore aggiunto reale, e, soprattutto, duraturo nel tempo. Per noi essere consulenti significa collaborare strettamente con i nostri clienti, nel perseguimento comune di obiettivi alti e di un miglioramento continuo nel business di impresa. I soci. RW Consulting nasce nel 1991 dallo spirito imprenditoriale di professionisti della consulenza aziendale e di docenti universitari. I soci sono tutti impegnati come consulenti di direzione, in ambiti diversi ma strettamente correlati.

Scarsin Corporation


Scarsin is a software development company specializing in enterprise-class forecasting. Scarsin’s Integrated Insight Environment (i2e), is a collaborative forecasting platform that incorporates data integration and automated reporting in an end-to-end forecasting solution. Visibility into shared business insights across large organizations is now possible leveraging Microsoft Office and interactive dashboards. With i2e, global teams can establish a plan, monitor execution with ongoing business data refreshes and adjust rapidly to changing business realities. Forecasting, reporting and sharing information across departments, regions and countries is seamless. i2e enables companies to React at the Speed of Business. Find out how i2e delivers speed, agility, cost effectiveness and business friendly processes.

Planet Technologies, Inc.


Award Winning Microsoft Partner, we are a 100% dedicated to Microsoft cloud service offerings and Microsoft software development. We offer Microsoft based solutions on Office 365, Windows 7 and Windows 8 development, Dynamics CRM, SharePoint, Azure, business intelligence and SQL, cloud services, unified communications, user experience/branding, records management, workflow automation, portal development and collaboration, systems management, virtualization and more. Our team of 140+ Microsoft consultants includes Microsoft Certified Solution Masters (MCSM), Microsoft MVP's, Certified Trainers and Microsoft Ranger trained experts. Their technical knowledge and project management expertise has enabled us to excel for our customers who are some of the largest public sector and commercial organizations in the world. We are a six time Microsoft Federal Partner of the Year winner and a three time Microsoft State and Local Government Partner of the Year. Planet is one of only 35 Microsoft National Systems Integrator (NSI) partners which gives us unprecedented access to advanced training on the latest Microsoft products and services.

Qatar Datamation Systems


Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Doha, Qatar Datamation Systems, QDS is a specialist IT services and solution provider. QDS twice winner of Microsoft Country Partner of the Year 2016 & 2015 and also Winner of Customer Excellence 2012 and 2013, with Microsoft Gold Partner in Cloud Platform, Portals & Collaborations, Cloud Productivity, and Portfolio and Project Manage is one of the lead IT solution provider in Qatar. QDS has strengthened its play and expanded its presence in the regional IT solutions, services and support market by building long term relationships with customers and principals. Since its inception in 1983, QDS has been growing from strength to strength blending the latest of technology with impeccable business acumen and meeting the most challenging requirements of fast–evolving IT landscape through strategic joint ventures, world class vendor alliances, extensive and strategic vertical focus and a well trained and talented workforce of over 150 professionals. Today, QDS provides a wide range of fully integrated IT based business solutions that addresses almost the entire market spectrum, spanning various verticals like Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Government, Education, Oil and Gas, Telecommunication and Private sectors backed by high quality customer Support.

Valore Partners, L.L.C.


Valore Partners is a Microsoft-centric business and technology services and solution provider that helps companies, large and small, optimize organizational performance by mapping strategic goals and objectives into your company’s performance, solve mission-critical problems and drive measurable business value. At Valore Partners, our goal is to develop lasting business partnerships by crafting practical and innovative solutions that drive effective business transformation

Bellwether Technology


-Identify key performance metrics, with an emphasis on identifying acceptable ranges thereof for exception reporting -Design and construct drillable, sliceable visualizations -Design organization permissions, to deploy visualizations efficiently and securely -Design exception reporting, with emphasis on delivering alerts to users when exceptions occur-Build data integration strategy for organizations that need to marry data from multiple sources into one BI platform



Системный интегратор Вебзавод работает с 1997 года. Вебзавод разрабатывает и внедряет программные комплексы, объединенные коммуникации, документооборот, автоматизирует бизнес-процессы. Подбирает и продает серверные решения и системы хранения данных, программное обеспечения ведущих производителей. http://webzavod.ru/products/ В своей работе компания ориентируется на решение бизнес-задач производственных, коммерческих и финансовых департаментов - проектное управление, автоматизация процесса продаж, разработка инструментов финансового планирования. Вебзавод реализовал более 800 проектов. Клиенты - производственные, нефтеперерабатывающие, телекоммуникационные предприятия, банки: Microsoft Corporation, Лаборатория Касперского, Мегафон, МТС, Ростелеком, Сбербанк, ВТБ, Роснефть, Газпром, Тяжмаш, ЦСКБ «Прогресс», федеральные и региональные государственные учреждения. http://webzavod.ru/projects/ Вебзавод нацелен на использование в своих проектах облачных технологий. В 2012 году системный интегратор стал лучшим облачным российским партнером Microsoft, получив статус Private and Hosted Cloud Russian Partner. Вебзавод - победитель рейтинга «25 лучших региональных ИТ-компаний» по версии издания CRN/RE в 2013, 2014, 2015 г. В 2014 г. Вебзавод стал Microsoft Collaboration and Content Partner of the Year. Награда Collaboration & Content Partner of the Year Award - признание исключительных заслуг партнера в сфере решений для совместной работы и управления информацией на мировом уровне. 2015 г. - победа Вебзавода в конкурсе партнерских решений Microsoft в российском этапе в номинации "Cloud Productivity" с решением "Стройка под контролем".