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Same time (08:30:00) with different decimal number

Good afternoon, Normally I am just a lurker on this forum but recently I ran into a problem that I can't solve on my own. I have also not been able to find a solution via Google. Basically I am tr...

Data Layout Query

Hi there,   I've gone with the approach to my data of having it vertically as an example below in a) so that I can filter through that value to display in the dashboard slicer , instead of b),...

Re: Date column not found - rolling 52 weeks of data changes every week

Thank you @serpiva64 - I have had some help and think it is resolved by removing a step which was auto-created in my query. This seems to have fixed the problem!


Lo que está mal con esto: Total FG Hecho = CALCULAR ( [Total FG intentado] , CurryShots [resultado] = 1 )

Re: Paginating 10 of 50 page report

To confirm, you can print select pages.      Has Power BI figured out a way to provide Sequential page numbering in Header or Footer if you do this.   

Re: Average Days Between Inspections

Hi @johnt75 @tamerj1,   Thank you both for your help. The DAX now has no errors, but it is returning the value for each row as -45658. 

Re: Deshabilitar opción copia en los valores de una tabla de un informe publicado de POWER BI

@JotaR , You can do that in tenant setting Power BI Service -> Setting -> Admin Portal -> Tenant Setting    

Need help in calulating last two week's sales from today wherein my starting from Saturday

Need help in calulating last two week's sales from today wherein my week's starting from Saturday

Re: Events in progress with proportional count

Hi @DataInsights  this is not working either, the count is actually a bit higher than the regular one. Sample:

No es un error de ruta válida (acceso/unidad de red)

¡Hola! Una de las fuentes de datos de mi informe es una tabla de Access que se encuentra en una unidad netwrok que había instalado por TI. Cada mañana, cuando intento actualizar el informe, recibo el...

Re: results till last month

@Norbertus , Try a measure like with help from date table   Cumm Sales = CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Sales Amount]),filter(all('Date'),'Date'[date] <=eomonth(max('Date'[date]) ,-1) ))   ...

Re: Habilitar selección única en el filtro

@akash0800 , habilite la opción de selección única para la segmentación de datos de la propiedad Si necesita una sola selección, con todos Selección individual con Seleccionar todo : https:/...

Re: RLS dinámico basado en múltiples departamentos en varios países para un usuario específico

Tengo el mismo requisito, pero obtengo el siguiente problema También probé esto pero no funcionó Por favor sugiera

Having access to previous and next record

Hi all,   My manager wouid like to see randomly selected well locations, then go back to the previous and next records using forward and backward keys. How can I create those two keys which ac...

Re: New table aggregate Items sales per last 12 Month

@fabiopaturzo , better to create a measure with help from date table   example Rolling 12 = CALCULATE(sum(Sales[Sales Amount]),DATESINPERIOD('Date'[Date],MAX('Date'[Date]),-12,MONTH)) &...

Alternative to direct query method

I have a fct table in snowflake database with almost 1.5 billions rows. How can I lmport it to power bi instead of direct query . because Direct query wont allow us to do tranformations in query edi...

¿Cómo mostrar la lista de productos que no obtuvieron ingresos?

¿Cómo mostrar la lista de productos que no obtuvieron ingresos? (Si los nombres de los productos y los detalles de las transacciones se mantienen en una tabla diferente). List of Products - sal...

Revenue with two dates

I have a table with some customerIDs and e few orders per customer. Then I have an other table with some customerIDs (also not unique) and dates they received a mailing. Now I want to see the revenue...

RLS When User Key Appears in either To OR From Columns

Background: I have Dynamic RLS sucessfully set up across a broad number of workforce tables using the branch (org code) and the supervisor's UPN to limit access for our department workforce data...

Re: Calculate Average Duration Time (mm:ss)

@rc_stem Not sure I understand what .55 numeric duration means, is that .55 of an hour? But try this below. PBIX is attached below signature. Average Duration = // Duration formatting // * @...

Re: Remaining Value of running total    hi - I just had to make a simple version of my secure data. As mentioned. I just want a column that ...

Re: Calcular el tiempo de duración promedio (mm:ss)

@rc_stem No estoy seguro de entender lo que significa .55 duración numérica, ¿es .55 de una hora? Pero prueba esto a continuación. PBIX se adjunta debajo de la firma. Average Duration = // Durati...

Re: ¿Cómo mostrar el valor acumulativo anterior si no hay ningún valor para acumular y en blanco si se aplica la condición?

Hola No estoy seguro de haber entendido correctamente su pregunta, pero por favor revise la imagen de abajo y el archivo pbix adjunto. Es para crear una nueva medida. Cumu...

Re: Calculate Average Duration Time (mm:ss)

@Greg_Deckler  Numeric_Duration Duration 0.00 0:00:00 0.55 0:00:06 0.21 0:00:12 0.12 0:00:18 0.18 0:00:24 0.11 0:00:30 0.10 0:00:36 The data set I'm using wi...