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Smart Consulting

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Smart Consulting is a Microsoft Gold consulting partner focused 100% on Data Analytics and Business Applications. Since 2003, we have delivered hundreds of projects using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Dynamics 365, Power Apps and Power BI for companies of various sizes and sectors. Our projects and services improve our customers' customer service, productivity and sales. Focus Areas: Business Intelligence and  Artificial Intelligence; Application development in Microsoft Power Platform; Automation of Sales Force and Customer Relationship (CRM); Omnichannel Customer Service (processes and software for customer service, chat, bots and portals for self-service); Marketing Automation; IT Services Management (ITSM); Project Service automation; Focus Industries: Financial Services; Contact Center / Telecom; Automotive; Information technology and services.  Please, contact us! We’ll be glad to assist you!


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DiLytics is a Microsoft Partner specialized in providing end to end Data Analytics Solutions. DiLytics specializes in building state of the art Analytics/BI Dashboards, build Automated ETL Processes and Design Data Warehouse and Data MartsDiLytics has expertise & experience building Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Integration based solutions. DiLytics has provided IT solutions in the public sector and has worked at the Federal, State, City level and K-12 Public Education in the US & Canada.   We have successfully implemented solutions in the verticals of Pharmaceuticals, Supply Chain & Retailers, Shipping, Semiconductors etc. in the Private sector. DiLytics provides solutions usinga variety of MIcrosoft tools including Embedded Power BI, Azure Synapse  & Data Factory on Azure Cloud,  Power BI, SSIS, MS SQL and Server On-Premise.


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Em 2005 a Niteo iniciou suas atividades com um objetivo propulsor: atuar com foco em tecnologias e serviços que transformam dados em informações relevantes para nossos clientes aprimorarem sua produtividade, ampliarem a agilidade dos seus processos e, assim, aumentarem sua eficiência operacional. Desde lá, já foram mais de 1 milhão de horas de projetos entregues para mais de 250 empresas. E nunca desviamos do nosso foco. Por isso, pela prática e pela essência, podemos dizer “a Niteo é especialista em Data & Analytics para a produtividade de negócios”. Com atuação em todo o Brasil, a Niteo conta com uma unidade física na cidade de São Paulo e com mais de cinquenta colaboradores. Com consultores altamente qualificados, sendo 75% do time técnico certificado, a Niteo mantém programas de aperfeiçoamento, de troca de conhecimento e de qualidade de vida. O método de trabalho da Niteo é baseado no que há de mais moderno em gestão de projetos e combina metodologias específicas para cada uma de suas ofertas. Essa composição resulta em um método único, que ao combinar tecnologia à especialização de cada negócio, garante eficiência na implementação e aderência a cada segmento atendido. Em sua trajetória, a Niteo sempre atuou alinhada com a Microsoft, pela qual é qualificada Gold Certified Partner. Sua especialização e seu alto grau de qualificação geraram uma parceria que já dura 15 anos e que fez da Niteo uma fornecedora de mão de obra especializada para a Microsoft Consulting Services. A Niteo conta com diversos projetos entregues no Power BI em seu histórico, da Indústria de Transformação a Organizações Não Governamentais (ONGs). Alguns deles podem ser destacados: - Projeto de Forecast de Consumo de Gás para a maior distribuidora de gás natural do Brasil (por volume): o cliente tinha o desafio de iniciar sua transformação digital, começando pela área de Suprimentos. Para atender novas regras dos contratos de suprimento de gás, onde compras insuficientes ou excedentes em relação à demanda final seriam punidas com multas, era preciso atingir mais assertividade na previsão da demanda. A Niteo implementou soluções baseadas em Inteligência Artificial para ponderação dos dados: através de um sistema de Machine Learning, o modelo construído compreende de maneira autônoma o comportamento de consumo de gás, possibilitando uma previsão mais precisa. A visualização deste Forecast se dá pelos dashboards construídos no Power BI, que atualizam os dados em tempo real e permitem a clara visualização do comportamento da demanda. - Projeto de Previsão da Qualidade da Produção para a maior produtora global de celulose de eucalipto e líder mundial no mercado de papel: o cliente precisava de um processo mais preciso de previsão da qualidade da poupa de celulose processada. No processo tradicional, era necessário esperar até o final da produção para verificar o resultado, o que gerava retrabalho e mais custos quando o produto final não era satisfatório. A Niteo implementou um sistema de captura dos dados de produção através de soluções de telemetria e sensores de IoT, através das tecnologias da Microsoft de IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, Azure Data Lake, Azure SQL Data Base. A seguir, foi feita a identificação de padrões e comportamento do processo fabril através da análise dos dados históricos utilizando-se de Machine Learning, com as tecnologias Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Services, Azure Functions. Por fim, elaboramos dashboards (painéis de controle) para acompanhamento da evolução do processo e previsões no Power BI. Como resultado, além de a empresa obter maior previsibilidade e controle do processo produtivo, recomendações de ajustes passaram a ser feitas ao longo do processo para que se atinja um determinado resultado desejado de produção. - Projeto de Migração de um Ambiente QlikView para o Power BI para uma das líderes mundiais do mercado de computadores e impressoras: o cliente precisava automatizar os fluxos das cargas de dados e reduzir seu custo com o licenciamento de dashboards. Os dados eram previamente tratados em arquivos do tipo .txt e requeriam muita intervenção humana em sua geração. A Niteo promoveu o armazenamento e centralização dos dados, que eram, em boa parte, não estruturados, com o Azure Blob Storage. Em seguida, para promover a fácil visualização destes dados e o surgimento de insights estratégicos a partir deles, foram criados dashboards no Power BI. Velocidade no processamento. O cliente ganhou dashboards mais ricos em informações, tomadas de decisões mais assertivas e redução de custo em uma plataforma escalonável. - Projeto clássico de Self-Service BI para uma das 10 maiores editoras do Brasil: com uma operação nacional que inclui lojas próprias, canais de distribuição, clientes corporativos e o governo como cliente, a empresa se deparava com a complexidade de gerenciar suas vendas. A Niteo implementou a captação e centralização de todos os dados disponíveis no sistema e a criação de relatórios que permitem a melhor visibilidade das informações no Power BI. Tanto a área comercial quanto a financeira da empresa passaram a ser capazes de tomar decisões mais assertivas com um aumento da previsibilidade do comportamento de vendas. Estes são alguns exemplos dos diversos projetos realizados pela Niteo que elevam a eficiência operacional de nossos clientes através da tomada de decisões informadas e surgimento de insights estratégicos a partir de dados, com Power BI, além das centenas de profissionais de grandes, médias e pequenas empresas que já foram capacitados por nós no uso da plataforma. O trabalho da Niteo sempre teve como base relações de extrema confiança, transparência, ética e respeito. Seu posicionamento, seus métodos e suas parcerias asseguram que a Niteo é o parceiro que vai auxiliar você a colocar em prática suas principais estratégias e, assim, aumentar sua eficiência. 

Agilisys Ltd

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Agilisys, an employee owned organisation, is one of the UK’s fastest growing and innovative cloud and digital transformation specialists, enabling organisations to adopt technologies, platforms and processes that promote new ways of working and help organisations transform. Working for both the public and private sector for over 20 years, we have earned a strong reputation and hold deep domain expertise delivering change and innovation, within local and central government. Our public-sector cloud and IT services have been designed to accelerate cloud adoption and enable transformation. We combine technology, tested methodologies and skills that unleash the power of cloud and minimise the complexity that can sometimes come with migration. We put strategy before technology and deliver the skills, experience and capacity needed to make the right cloud decisions and transform public services. Our credentials and qualifications in supporting our customers with their digital and cloud transformation include: ·         We have now migrated over 12 organisations fully to the cloud, and over 10,000 servers ·         We have migrated over 130,000 users to Office 365 and are recognised as Microsoft’s lead delivery partner in the UK to the public sector. ·         We are a Microsoft Gold Hosting and Productivity partner. ·         We are a Microsoft Preferred Content Services provider, one of only 24 partners globally to achieve this status The breadth of our capability in technology and business transformation has enabled us to form deep and long last partnerships with our customers and support them in achieving their strategic outcomes. Our client’s success has been repeatedly recognised at a national level, with recent examples including: ·         London Borough of Barking & Dagenham winning LGC Council of the Year 2018. ·         Wigan Council winning LGC Digital Council of year and Digital Leaders Council of the Year in 2016. Agilisys staff within the Power Platform practice have experience in designing, developing, deploying and supporting Power Platforms solutions to our customers including: ·         A Power BI dashboard and data audit solution to a Global network of users, in use by over 3000 field workers. ·         A Power Apps application for provision of a cloud based audit tool for a family support service to modernise a legacy case audit system increasing audit capacity each month. ·         A Project Management Office with a Power App and SharePoint based project site provisioning engine. 


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En ABAST llevamos más de 25 años ofreciendo soluciones de Business Intelligence y desde hace más de 20 contamos con un área especializada en este tipo de proyectos que actualmente cuenta con más de 35 profesionales. En nuestros proyectos podemos contar además con la ayuda del resto de los casi 400 profesionales que forma el equipo técnico de ABAST, como por ejemplo los más de 30 DBAs de nuestra área especializada en Bases de Datos.Somos uno de los partners de Microsoft con más capacitación en España, estando acreditados como Gold Partner con 11 competencias, entre las que se encuentran las de Gold Data Analytics, Gold Data Platform y Gold Cloud Platform. Tenemos una gran experiencia en proyectos con Power BI y otras tecnologías Microsoft para Business Intelligence.Nuestros serviciosDesarrollo de proyectos end-to-endIntegración y consolidación de datos en Data WarehouseFormaciones y mentoring de Power BICreación de informes analíticos en Power BI (con formulación basada en Excel)Puesta en marcha y gestión de soluciones analíticas en Azure: bases de datos administradas, herramientas de integración, machine learning…Auditoría de modelos implementados y creación plan de acción para:Aplicar best practicesMejorar el rendimientoFacilitar la escabilidad de las soluciones


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A DataEX é uma empresa consolidada com mais de cinco anos deatuação, que oferece serviços de consultoria em Power BI, Business Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, Cloud Transformation Journey, Data Managemente App Development, para companhias nos ramos financeiro, tecnologia, varejo,óleo e energia, auto, governo, manufatura e saúde.Somos Microsoft Gold Partner gerenciados e especialistas em Data & AIutilizando e comercializando toda plataforma Microsoft Azure e Microsoft 365.Uma paixão por transformar as empresas através dos dados e para isso, nosso time de especialistas possuem diversas certificações para garantir excelência na qualidade das entregas. Nosso mindset é baseado em entregar o real valor do ponto de vista dos nossos clientes. Para sustentar a força da DataEX nos baseamos em nossos pilares:Viramos a chave de forma ativa, estamos vivendo um novo momento, onde a evolução é sempre bem-vinda. Modernizamos nossos processos, nossa identidade visual representada na junção do nosso símbolo(cubo) para que no primeiro contato visual, racional e emocional demonstre que quando unimos competência, dinamismo e entrega de valor, não há limites para onde queremos chegar.Além da cara nova, estamos de casa nova! Um espaço novo para acomodar nossa equipe e melhorarmos a nossa experiência laboral. Expandimos para um ambiente com 500m², o espaço de nosso time está espetacular com garagem de inovação, salas de reuniões, treinamentos, espaço de descompressão e lazer. Contamos também com o conceito de ownership, essa mentalidade faz com que o colaborador saiba que seu sucesso está total e intimamente ligado ao sucesso da empresa. Essa característica garante a excelência e promove o crescimento do nosso time DataEX.

Kramer & Crew GmbH & Co. KG

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Intelligente Inszenierung der ITKramer & Crew steht als IT-Regisseur im Rampenlicht. Wir inszenieren im Auftrag unserer Kunden die IT der Zukunft. In den Hauptrollen: die innovativen CrewServices und technisch brillante CrewLösungen. Frühzeitig erhalten wir Zugang zu innovativen Technologien und entwickeln daraus maßgeschneiderte CrewLösungen. Weil wir heute schon wissen, was morgen zählt, sind unsere Kunden rechtzeitig auf zukünftige Herausforderungen vorbereitet.Mit Power BI als moderne Enterprise-Plattform für mehr Business Intelligence aus Ihren Daten. Erhöhen Sie die Transparenz im Unternehmen und gewinnen neue Erkenntnisse mit automatisierten Analysen und Realtime-Dashboards. Durch unsere langjährige Projekterfahrung in unterschiedlichsten Branchen und unseren ausgebildeten Data Scientists begeleiten wir Sie persönlich von der Live-Demo bis zum Betrieb, Step-by-Step und Face-to-Face. CrewService:Dashboard in a DayIm ersten Schritt definieren wir einen Use-Case und entwickeln gemeinsam ein auf Ihren Daten basierendes Dashboard. Zudem erhalten Sie einen ersten Überblick über die Möglichkeiten von Power BI und können diese unter Live-Bedingungen ausprobieren.BI-Strategie WorkshopIm anschließenden BI-Strategie Workshop erarbeiten wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen die passende BI-Strategie für Ihr Unternehmen. Hier können Sie mit unserer Crew Ihr konkretes Ziel-Szenario und die angestrebten Prozesse besprechen. Wir betrachten BI-Architektur, BI-Kultur und BI-Governance und definieren die nächsten Schritte.Proof of Concept (PoC)Mit einem PoC erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, die Funktionalitäten und Mehrwerte unserer Power BI-Lösung für einen definierten Zeitraum und ein bestimmtes Szenario zu testen. Dafür entwickeln unsere Data Scientists ein Dashboard auf Basis von Demo- sowie Echtdaten und richten Ihnen einen Testnutzer-Account ein.Grobkonzept Im Fokus des Grobkonzepts steht Ihr Ziel-Szenario. Wir entwickeln den Weg dorthin, ausgehend von Ihrer IST-Situation. Sie erhalten einen Überblick über die kommerziellen, technischen und zeitlichen Aspekte sowie die benötigten Ressourcen.PilotMit einem Pilot-Projekt wird das im Grobkonzept erarbeitete Szenario mit Echtdaten getestet. Hierfür entwickeln unsere Data Scientists einen Prototypen und richten Ihnen einen Tenant zur Testnutzung ein. Wichtig ist hier auch der Austausch mit den Testnutzern, um möglichst alle Anforderungen implementieren zu können.ImplementierungBei der eigentlichen Implementierung setzen wir die Anforderungen mit einer agilen Vorgehensweise um und validieren diese in Tests. Unsere Crew begleitet Sie persönlich bei allen Schritten und kümmert sich um das On-BoardingHands On-SchulungUnsere Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass derartige Projekte nur gemeinsam mit den späteren Nutzern erfolgreich umgesetzt werden können. Um die Akzeptanz zu fördern, bieten wir schon während der Implementierung dedizierte Schulungen für Admins und Endnutzer an.SLA-BetriebNach der Implementierung übernimmt unsere Crew den reibungslosen Betrieb Ihrer BI-Umgebung. Zu den Crew ManagedServices gehören u. a. die  Administration der Accounts, das On-/ Off-Boarding von Mitarbeitern, die technische Unterstützung durch unsere Crew ServiceBox mit 24/7Leitstand sowie die Weiterentwicklung der BI-Lösung durch unsere Data Scientists.CrewSolution: Mit Predictive Maintenance als Power BI Lösung bieten wir die passende CrewSolution für die den einfachen Einstieg mit Power BI und die schnelle Generierung von Mehrwerten. Diese überwacht Ihre Systeme oder Produktionslinien und analysiert Events gezielt. Das senkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit ungeplanter Störungen und der damit verbundenen Einschränkungen im Prozessablauf.  So senken Sie Ihre Betriebskosten und erhöhen die Zufriedenheit Ihrer Kunden.Einfache Erstellung von Power BI Berichten und Dashboards Sichere Live-Verbindung zu On-Premise- und Cloud-DatenquellenIntegration von Azure Machine Learning und KI-ServicesÜbernahme von unterschiedlichen BI-Rollen durch unsere Crew  Betrieb Ihrer BI-Infrastruktur als Crew ManagedService

IT-Improvement Deutschland GmbH

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Mit der Power Plattform stellt Microsoft verschiedene Dienste zur Verfügung, um schnell und kostengünstig Lösungen für geschäftskritische Anforderungen zu realisieren. Unternehmen verfügen über vielfältige Daten. Diese werden aber immer entscheidungsrelevant zusammengetragen und visualisiert, z.B. in einem Dashboard. Auch fehlen oft Analysewerkzeuge, die auch vom Entscheidungsträger direkt genutzt werden können ohne entsprechende BI-Spezialisten. Hierfür steht PowerBI als Analyse- und Visualisierungstool zur Verfügung. Mit PowerApps lassen sich Anwendungen mit wenigen Sourcecode realisieren, die auf verschiedenen Geräten laufen, z.B. Smartphone, und sehr gut mit anderen Diensten zusammenarbeiten, z.B. SharePoint und Teams. Flow ermöglicht die Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen auf eine einfache Art. Hierfür stehen verschiedene vorgefertigte Konnektoren zur Verfügung und die Möglichkeit, diese zu kombinieren und durch individuelle Erweiterungen zu ergänzen. Diese Tools haben wir schon in vielen Projekten erfolgreich eingesetzt und beispielsweise für eines der weltweit führenden Logistikunternehmen verschiedene Dashboards im Bereich Vertrieb.

Dynapt Solutions Inc.

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Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Data Analytics is What We Do Best @Dynapt.aiWe’re a business and technology consulting firm that helps companies organize, maintain, understand, and optimize their data. Our consultants are experts in Business Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud, Database, and Data Analytics Technologies. experts specialize in Data Warehousing, Power BI Dashboards, Big Data, Data Science, Cloud, Custom Software, and Systems Integration.Modern enterprises run on data, and our clients are data-centric businesses.  Since 2014, we at have been enabling businesses to initiate & accelerate Digital Transformation with Azure. Our team has extensive experience and deep expertise having conceived & executed multiple complex initiatives across Infrastructure & Application Modernization, Data & Advanced Analytics, SAP Migration to Azure, SAP & Azure Analytics, Connected Devices & IoT, and Intelligent Systems leveraging Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Services, and Power BI. Whether you are new to Azure or already using it, the team can help accelerate your digital transformation journey with our highly trained, Microsoft, and SAP-certified professionals ever ready to help.

Envision Technology Advisors

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At Envision Technology Advisors, we believe in the power of data-driven decision making. We believe levering Microsoft’s Power Platform will help our clients develop practices that make a tangible difference in human behavior within their organizations, helping them move their businesses forward.  We accomplish this by going well beyond simply providing reports to those clients. We combine our data findings with a deep understanding of their business needs and the industry-specific context of that data, helping our clients find the story in their data. Envision’s data practice is supported by a unique team of data analysts and architects with a deep expertise in Power BI. They work alongside system engineers, web designers and developers, training experts, storytelling specialists, and an award-winning Managed Services practice as part of a team which is able to provide end-to-end solutions to fit any organization’s business needs. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence is just one component of Envision’s powerful Digital Transformation practice. This practice focuses not only on Power BI and Microsoft’s Power Platform, but also Security & Compliance, Process Automation & Intelligence, User Enablement, and improved Communication & Collaboration. All of these elements help our clients create strong companies that fully support a Modern and Agile Workforce.

ArcherPoint, Inc.

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Power BI and ArcherPoint ArcherPoint marries the structure, organization, and open platform of Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV and the power and agility of Power BI to offer a wide range of consulting services for a variety of industries. We have the tools and expertise to help you take advantage of the features and functionality of both to grow your business. BI Reporting Options with Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV ArcherPoint can help you select the best reporting option for your needs and optimize your site configuration so you can quickly access the data key to your decision-making. We start by asking, “what decision are you trying make?” “What specific data will you need for the report?” “How will these reports be distributed?” ArcherPoint BI Consulting ArcherPoint offers a wide range of BI-focused consulting services. We work closely with our clients to extend the value of their Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV business intelligence and reporting to develop engaging business strategies, design high quality and scalable solutions, and build rich brand experiences.  Power BI is a business analytics service provided by Microsoft. It provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without having to depend on information technology staff or database administrators. Contact ArcherPoint to schedule your demo of Power BI today.   Are you unsure that Power BI is right for your organization? What about pitching the idea to management? We can help you every step of the way. Read our blog for more info:

Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech a.s.

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Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech a.s. delivers business information systems on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform (AX, NAV, and CRM). We implement a Business Intelligence solution providing interactive visualization of results and develop our own solution and deliver software that is tailor-made to the specific needs of customers.We are the leading partner of Microsoft Czech Republic for Microsoft Dynamics.  Digital transformation requires comprehensive 360-degree solutions offered by Konica Minolta from a single source: from consulting in the field of analysis, control, and evaluation of concepts (third parties) to product comparison and recommendations, including design, implementation, and operation.As an IT service provider, Konica Minolta introduces integrated solutions and, in addition to its particularly strong knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics and the Power Platform, offers its customers comprehensive support with IT infrastructure, cloud, information security, output management, and extensive managed services solutions.Products and servicesAs a leading ERP provider with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Konica Minolta creates the foundation for a future digitization strategy for its customers. The companies benefit from the extensive experience of the IT service provider in the development of Microsoft applications and the Microsoft Power Platform (Microsoft PowerApps, Microsoft Power BI).Konica Minolta offers intelligent IT solutions from a single source based on extensive expertise in the latest Microsoft Dynamics technology, sustainable project methodology and strategic consulting, and the ability to tailor projects to individual customer requirements. An IT service provider means a reliable and stable partnership.We take care of more than 280 clients providing them with support and running projects.

Innovit AS

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Innsikt hos Innovit er til for å bistå bedrifter med å få nytte og verdi av data.Det kan være utfordrende å samle, kvalitetssikre, koble og synliggjøre data på en god måte. I Innovit Innsikt får du en kompetent og entusiastisk samarbedispartner innenfor Business Intelligence og Business Analytics.Innovit Innsikt kan både rådgi og ivareta hele data-prosessen; fra behovsanalyse og løsningsdesign, til implementasjon, testing og forvaltning.Vi kan Microsoft Power BI, og med Power BI blir veien fra idé og behov til nyttig løsning både kort og gøy!Uansett hvilke områder du ønsker bedre kontroll på og oversikt over, så bistår vi deg på din ferd fra rådata til innsikt – innsikt som gjør deg i stand til å fatte gode, datadrevne beslutninger.Innovit har hovedkontor i Bergen, men tar oppdrag fra hele landet.

Alithya Fullscope Solutions

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Alithya delivers innovative Microsoft ERP, CRM and BI solutions and services on premise or in the cloud to manufacturers in North America and Europe. The award-winning company is one of the largest resellers of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM) and Finance and Operations (ERP).Alithya’s Business Intelligence practice helps clients drive digital transformation through its unique selection of business and technology services as well as specialized Microsoft-based solutions, delivering modern data warehouses, analytics and reporting solutions.  Alithya offers a holistic approach to delivering business intelligence, including building strategy and governance, curating and optimizing data, and building strong and relevant analytics to meet the unique needs of our clients.Alithya helps clients build high-performing data driven organizations by creating strong internal teams and linking data with business outcomes.  We guide our clients in developing requirements for BI and deliver a BI blueprint to ensure strong data governance programs, including data security, organizational data literacy and adoption.With domain expertise in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations & Dynamics  Customer Engagement, there is no stronger partner to assist customers in getting the most out of its investment. Alithya helps its clients best architect its Dynamics data and provides tools and a proven framework to ensure data accuracy, financial integrity and governance.  Our BI Accelerator provides an out-of-box data model for Dynamics AX and D365, allowing our customers to stand up a simplified data model in less than a day.Leveraging Microsoft’s PowerBI and other Microsoft-based tools, Ailthya works collaboratively with its clients to obtain deeper insights into their business through operational analytics to augmented analytics, which requires a more agile and flexible way to connect to the proliferation of data available today though IoT and other data acquisition services.  We are also assisting our clients with data literacy and training programs to ensure user adoption to achieve desired business outcomes.

Cobalt Analytics Solutions

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Refined Data Consultants.Cobalt Analytics was born out of the realization that many companies struggle with managing their varied data sets into a data analytics solution to empower and inform business decision making. We are favoured by clients for providing pragmatic data solutions that enable them to make effective use of their data to make better business decisions.Cobalt Analytics is a Microsoft Gold Partner and provides various services including training, consulting and auditing, across the Microsoft Data Platform. We have specialist skills in developing solutions with all flavours of Power BI.

Reliance Infosystems Limited

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Reliance Infosystems is a global ICT organization that provides business transformation, operational excellence, and protection assurance services to businesses, government institutions, and not-for-profit organizations across the world.We adopt empathy-inspired consultative approaches to locate our customers’ journey and help them reimagine their businesses for unmatched success.At Reliance Infosystems, we measure our success by the quantum of progress that we have helped our customers to achieve, even when those achievements do not particularly correlate with our revenue goals.   

QBICO sp. z o.o.

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We are a Microsoft Gold Partner in the area of Data Analytics. We have been providing advanced solutions in the field of Business Intelligence for 15 years, supporting the development of companies from various areas. Our offer includes the following services: analysis, design and implementation of systems, maintenance and training work.  We have created solutions for companies such as: Benefit Systems SA, VULCAN, Fujitsu, Travel Planet or Deviniti.     One of the main areas of our activity is the construction and implementation of data warehouses, which turn the chaos of information into a reliable source of knowledge. We automate billing processes, helping to maintain data consistency and reliability. We support data migration of any kind, securing the control and safety of the process, along with its anonymization. Through the implementation of Microsoft Power BI, we allow our partners to make the highest quality and trustworthy business decisions, thanks to advanced dashboards and reports. We first analyze a partner’s problem and then propose the most optimal solutions. Working in agile methodology allows us to provide real value at a very little cost. We approach each challenge individually, treating relations with our partners as a priority. We provide support at every stage of the project, as well as long after its implementation, providing maintenance and consulting services. For us data is a crucial element of every workplace, which is why we have created a ready-made solution for managing and protecting personal data. We stand for knowledge-sharing, which is why we organize frequent online meetings where we discuss various aspects of Business Intelligence. 


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Treez Data Management est spécialisée dans la Data Microsoft et les services qui y sont associés. Ses prestations vont de l'informatique décisionnelle à l'intelligence artificielle en passant par les services cloud et la data science. 

Blueforte GmbH

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Our profile: Big enough to deliver, small enough to careWe are passionate about data. The work we do to help our clients be driven by data is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Whether you’re a disruptive start-up, a medium-sized business or a big player, our team of 50 employees based at our offices in Ham-burg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Munich is on hand to listen and support you every step of the way. And you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’ll end up with more efficient processes, carefully considered decisions and optimised products and services.Why us:We build you a solid, scalable foundation for building modern, cascading reporting across all of your departments and for each of your use cases. At the same time, we empower your data design team in Power BI and user-centric dashboard design. We are design-savvy and detail-oriented - our solutions should work and delight. We are driven by the happiness of future users, because only satisfied users make data-based decisions - objectively and efficiently.How we can support:Consulting on your reporting/BI strategy and the use of current technologiesDesign, customization and extension of your BI architectureReport creation process with Power BI (data loading, transforming, modeling, visualizing)Report designs according to International Business Communication Standards (IBCS)Development of cascading reporting apps with a central entry point, topic-specific analyses and drills into detailed analyses using the "Your Analytics HUB" concept developed in-houseStructured processes for the creation of designs and the generation of Power BI reportsUser-specific training of Power BI (data modeler, report designer, report administrator, end user)Performance optimization (SQL, Power Query, DAX)

IT Vision Technology

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Wir, die IT Vision Technology, stehen seit 2001 für die Umsetzung von innovativen IT-Branchenlösungen. Gemeinsam mit mehr als 200 Mitarbeitern setzen wir uns für die Digitalisierung ein und unterstützen unsere Kunden und Partner aus Industrie und Energie.Als Business-Consulting-Dienstleister unterstützen wir internationale Konzerne und mittelständische Unternehmen bei der IT-gestützten Optimierung ihrer Geschäftsprozesse – von der Strategie- und Prozessberatung bis hin zu Fragen der Systemauswahl, -implementierung und -integration. Durch professionelle Beratung, zuverlässige Projektumsetzung und dem anschließenden 24/7 Support nach ITIL-Standard, schaffen wir nachhaltige Kundenzufriedenheit.Als DIN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 14001, DIN ISO 27001 und TISAX zertifiziertes Unternehmen und Microsoft Alpha Partner der ersten Stunde, wissen wir worauf es ankommt. Insbesondere liegt uns die Datensicherheit unserer Kunden sehr am Herzen. Aus diesem Grund betreiben wir für unsere Kunden mehrere Hochsicherheitsrechenzentren in Deutschland.

Prodware Nederland

Annuaire des partenaires

Data to DecisionsFrom data to decisions there is only one step: “Microsoft Power BI”. The leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant of Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms, allows professionals to take much more advantage of business information, regardless of the positions and functions they occupy within organizations. Nowadays, the concern of companies is not the generation of information but how to interpret it and transform it into successful business decisions. The huge amount of data and the increasing number of applications that organizations handle makes it difficult to tidy up and extract the full value of the information. Power BI is a set of tools that unifies, orders and analyzes business information and presents it through dashboards and reports that are very visual and easy to create. Your PartnerProdware leads in digital transformation and innovation and helps customers to turn their data into insights. We understand that the real business value comes from applying theory and best practice directly in your reality. We use our experience helping customers with BI projects, to give workshops & have created Out-of-the-box Power BI packs that will give your team the perfect initial push to get things rolling. Training: Dashboard in a Day Workshop We have distilled our real-life business experience helping customers with BI projects into a workshop that will give your team the perfect initial push to get things rolling. Out-of-the-box Power BI packs As a Microsoft Gold Dynamics 365 partner of many years, we have created two out-of-the-box Power BI packs for you, to get you on board quickly. Power BI pack for Business Central Our advanced finance analytics solution is the answer, natively integrated with your Dynamics 365 Business Central application, surfacing real data from your day-to-day operations with an additional layer of business intelligence using Microsoft Power BI. It includes a set of dashboards with various data panels (more than 120 in total) covering different areas: Power BI pack for Retail An advanced analytics suite ready to turn data into insight to help drive your retail business forward. Built for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, Prodware BI Retail includes 17 out-of-the-box dashboards, each one with several panels (almost 100 in total) covering a specific perspective of the retail business   Prodware If you are looking to do any of the following, you are at the right address.   -   Create immediate dashboards with data from your CRM or ERP-   Connect with you sources(Excel spreadsheets, local data sources, applications and cloud services, etc.)-   Take advantage of the full potential of the cloud (Post reports securely, share with your entire organization and set up automatic data update so they have access to the latest information. Analyze, share and collaborate with your team from the cloud) -   Create outstanding interactive dashboards       (Combine data from databases, files and web services with visual tools that help to automatically understand and correct formatting and quality problems.) -   Have a direct, interactive and mobile access anywhere       (Configure alerts to receive notices about changes in relevant information and KPIs)  

Strategic IT GmbH

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Die Strategic IT GmbH, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner und Gründungsmitglied bei 4-Digital (, ist Ihr Partner für maßgeschneiderte digitale Lösungen und Prozesse in Vertrieb, Marketing und Service. Wir konzeptionieren, beraten, implementieren und schulen rund um die Themen Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intelligence (BI) und Insights, Portals sowie Modern Workplace mit Microsoft Produkten Holen Sie das Maximum aus Ihren Daten und generieren Sie so wertvolles Wissen! Wir sind überzeugt, dass Wettbewerbsstärke in der heutigen globalisierten Welt insbesondere durch digitale Geschäftsprozesse entsteht, die einerseits abteilungs- und systemübergreifend sind, aber auch über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg durch Einbeziehung von Geschäftspartnern Effizienz und Mehrwert bieten. Dieses Ziel verfolgen wir in unseren Kundenprojekten. Dabei gleicht kein Projekt dem anderen. Wir wissen, wie individuell Ihre Anforderungen sind. Aufbauend auf unseren langjährigen Erfahrungen insbesondere für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in den Branchen Pharmazie, Automobil, Einzelhandel, Gastronomie und Immobilien finden wir für Sie die optimalen Lösungen, abgestimmt auf Ihre Systemlandschaft. Die reibungslose Integration vorhandener IT-Systeme, wie z.B. SAP in die Microsoft-Produktwelt, ist dabei eine weitere unserer Stärken!  Unser Team freut sich, unser Wissen mit Ihnen zu teilen und die beste maßgeschneiderte Lösung für Ihre Geschäftsprozesse zu finden. Wenn Sie ein erstes Beratungsgespräch mit einem unserer Berater wünschen, können Sie über unser Kontaktformular einen Termin vereinbaren.

Nexplore AG

Annuaire des partenaires

Nexplore AG – Digital Workplace, CRM, BI, Apps  Nexplore AG in Bern und Thun. Wir beraten Sie individuell und bieten Lösungen für die Digitalisierung. Ob Digital Workplace, CRM, Business Intelligence oder Applikationsentwicklung - wir analysieren Ihre Ist-Situation und formulieren gemeinsam Anforderungen an die künftige digitale Arbeitswelt. Ihr Vorhaben begleiten wir auf organisatorischer und technischer Ebene. Als anerkannter Microsoft Gold-Partner gehören wir zu den wenigen IT-Partner, die Schweizer Firmen in Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Azure + Analytics gesamtheitlich begleiten. Wir unterstützen bei der Etablierung von Microsoft Teams, konzipieren und bauen Intranets oder digitalisieren Geschäftsprozesse. Profitieren Sie zudem von unserer langjährigen Expertise rund um Microsoft Dynamics 365.  Technischer Aufbau unserer BI Lösungen  Klassischerweise bildet SQL-Server zusammen mit den Integration-, Reporting- und Analysis-Services und den DWH- und OLAP-Features den Kern einer leistungsfähigen BI-Lösung. Mit den Azure Analysediensten stehen in der Cloud eine Vielzahl von mächtigen BI und Big Data Angeboten wie beispielsweise Azure Analysis Services, Azure Synapse Analytics, Data Lake Analytics zur Verfügung, die in Zusammenspiel mit Machine Learning genutzt werden können und ein schier grenzenloses Potential bieten. Mit Power BI lassen sich einfach ansprechende Dashboards und Reports erstellen und bereitstellen. Auf bestehende Datenquellen kann einfach zugegriffen werden. So wird die Self-Service-Analyse in Ihrem Unternehmen ermöglicht. Office Excel mit Power Query versteht sich als Client zur Datenanalyse bzw. -aufbereitung und kann ausserdem die verschiedensten Datenquellen nutzen. Das Produkt der Office-Palette bietet ein mächtiges Toolset für sogenannte Self-Service BI-Szenarien und geniesst bereits sehr breite Benutzerakzeptanz in Unternehmen.  Agile Umsetzung hilft Projektrisiken zu senken  Aktiv abgestimmt mit Ihren Power-Usern erarbeiten wir Prototypen und Proof of Concepts. Damit erhalten Sie rasch einen ersten Eindruck Ihrer Lösung. Im weiteren Projektverlauf begleiten wir sie iterativ, Schritt für Schritt und in enger Zusammenarbeit hin bis zu Ihrer fertigen Lösung. Mit unserer agilen Entwicklungsmethode reduzieren wir Projektrisiken und binden alle Power-User aktiv ins Projekt mit ein.  Als langjähriger Microsoft Partner besitzen wir den Gold Status in der Kompetenz Data Analytics.

Gateway Business Communications Pty Ltd

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Untangle BI brings along precision, comprehensive experience, expertise, and deep industry knowledge. Our forte is offering unparalleled Power BI consulting services along with the flawless Power BI implementation that will craft a roadmap to help you streamline the data, processes, and business goals.Cost-effective Solutions– Our approach is simple – we focus on finding the right problem and strive to overcome it with minimum time.Dedicated ODC Team– We understand the importance and uniqueness of every project. Therefore, we have a dedicated ODC team.Experienced Professionals-We have a team of experienced professionals that enhances efficiency and renders quality as well as quantity.One Stop Power BI SolutionWe make our Power BI consulting Company unique, by involving specifically crafted methodologies that adapt well to your needs and demands. Our customized module developments and the ability to integrate a huge volume of data from internal as well as external sources makes us one of the best Power BI consulting service providers for Microsoft Power BI Solutions.Power BI DesktopOur industry experts offer you a personalized solution after doing a comprehensive assessment of your unique business needsPower BI MobileWe deploy on-demand certified Cloud Specialists to help you meet your strategic goals & respond quickly to the market needsPower BI PremiumWe ensure a seamless business transformation by helping you implement exclusively tailored strategies that mitigate riskPower BI EmbeddedWe analyse your current technology and process maturity to devise a customized integration approach that addresses all your requirements

Inflexion Analytics Ltd

Annuaire des partenaires

Inflexion analytics is a new type of analytics specialist. While we are a Microsoft Gold Partner for data analytics, and while our people have decades of business experience working with demanding fortune 500 companies, what differentiates us is that we use that experience to help clients come up with innovative and valuable solutions. We co-create solutions with clients, combining our expertise with yours, to ensure we meet your business objectives and deliver business value.  Effectively designed Power BI reports and dashboards support key decision making and create behavioural change; our expertise is in delivering analytics that achieve this and that make an impact. We help deliver solutions that improve productivity, lower costs, increase efficiency, boost customer engagement and drive performance across your organisation. As a highly client focused firm, we always ensure excellence in delivery and that we meet our clients objectives and expectations, by providing a dedicated customer success manager. As a result, we have developed a strong track record across multiple sectors, both in the enterprise and SME sector with excellent references. To turn innovative ideas into practical reality quickly and cost effectively, we take a disciplined and agile approach to design, development and delivery. We use the latest tools for digital collaboration and productivity and can engage with customers using an agile project management approach. We have built industry leading custom Power BI solutions for field services, retail, HR appraisals, professional services and FMCG firms to name a few. We also use Power BI in repeatable solutions for automated client-facing reporting applications for digital publishers and agencies in media and digital marketing. We have a highly flexible engagement model. We can offer analytics as a service, migrations from legacy BI tools and can support the migration of data from on premises to cloud based Azure services, as part of supporting your development in Power BI. We offer free initial consultations and brainstorming sessions. If you have a problem to solve, or even just an aspiration, that you think might be addressed with data and analytics, please get in touch for an introductory chat to see if we are the right fit. We look forward to speaking with you. Normal 0 false false false EN-IN X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}