
Announcing Private Preview of Azure Stream Analytics Outputting to Power BI Streaming Datasets

Today, I am happy to announce that Azure Stream Analytics jobs will be able to output to Power BI streaming datasets. In turn, you will be able to create streaming tiles based on Stream Analytics output. This new functionality will enable the top feature requests that we’ve received for Stream Analytics outputs, including…

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Aluvii stands apart from the competition by offering cutting edge data visualization with Power BI Embedded

Aluvii, an all-in-one POS software platform for the amusement and leisure industries, recently released their flagship SaaS product and are experiencing a very positive response in the marketplace. The cloud-based software includes a comprehensive set of modules needed to efficiently run an entire business including ticketing, point of sale, e-commerce, memberships, events & reservations, inventory, HR, scheduling & timekeeping, sales & marketing, member portal, online waivers, and much more. Because Aluvii is cloud based, it’s accessible anytime, anywhere, and on any device. In addition, all registers, customer data, and reports are always available, safe, and up to date.

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Shape Power BI R visuals, without understanding R

Do you think that Hemingway could have written his famous novels without understanding English? We think he could have, but only with the right tools! For example, with Power BI you can now create R visuals without understanding R! While R visuals add advanced analytics depth and endless flexibility on top of the Power BI visuals, not everyone knows R. Today we’re announcing the R-powered custom visuals that enables you to create R visuals in just a few mouse clicks.

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Introducing the new Power BI JavaScript API

Today we are excited to announce the release of our new JavaScript API, which provides bidirectional communication between Power BI reports and your application. The JavaScript API enables you to more easily embed reports into your applications and to programmatically interact with those reports so that the applications and the reports are more integrated.

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Real-time in no time with Power BI

Earlier this year, we wrote about how to leverage the Power BI REST APIs to create real-time dashboards in Power BI. Ever since, we’ve seen thousands of Power BI users engage with our real-time capabilities. As a result, today I am happy to announce the preview availability of a suite of features which make it even easier to stream real-time data to Power BI, and to see that data light up in your dashboards. Designed for easy setup, these new features show our commitment towards allowing our users to quickly gain insights from data of all shapes, sizes and velocities.

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