文章標示:power bi desktop

On-object | Public Preview (Opt-in)

Introducing On-object! The new way to build and format your visuals. We’ve heard time and again from our user research studies PBI desktop is hard to use. We’ve also seen countless new users struggle to navigate our UI to perform simple actions such as completely missing the fields pane all the way on the right side of the screen, unable to add data to the correct field wells, fishing around the format pane to rename, change colors, or format text styles of their visual. These same users instinctively right-click on areas of the visual expecting a menu to help. Aligning to our new “Office-like” strategy we bring you, on object. A new way to build and format visuals directly on the visual.

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Paginated report visual for Power BI reports is now available in public preview

We’re pleased to announced that the long-anticipated public preview of the paginated report visual for Power BI reports is now available in the June release of Power BI Desktop.  For the first time, this native Power BI visual allows you to render any paginated report you’ve uploaded to the service in a Power BI report.  And because you can wire up fields from your Power BI dataset to be used as parameter values, thus providing a fully-interactive experience with the paginated report, just like any other visual.

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