Power BI-support


BBS Solutions


BBS Solutions (Cloud - Collaboration - BI) est une entreprise algérienne spécialisée dans les solutions collaboratives, Cloud et BI. Nous aidons les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale en leur proposant des fabriques de solutions d'entreprise, avec un investissement réduit et une mise en place rapide (TTM réduit). Les solutions collaboratives / Portail : SharePoint & Office 365Les solutions décisionnelles (BI) de Microsoft : La suite SQL Server, aussi bien sur le moteur de base de données, que les solutions ETL (SSIS), analytiques (SSAS) et de reporting (SSRS et Power BI)Les solutions Cloud de Microsoft : AzureNous avons développé un partenariat fort avec Microsoft, nous sommes partenaire Microsoft Silver Cloud Productivity, mais aussi un des premiers partenaires "Power BI Certified Partner" en Algérie. En plus de Microsoft, nous développons des partenariats avec un ensemble d’éditeurs indépendants (ISV) proposant des solutions autour de SharePoint, comme Nintex, qui est leader mondial des solutions de Workflow pour SharePoint. Par notre savoir-faire et notre expertise, nous avons pu travailler avec des grands comptes algériens. Nous construisons une relation durable, de confiance avec nos clients afin de les accompagner dans leur projets. Nous avons déployé de nombreuses solutions Business Analytics basées sur Power BI ou la suite SQL Server (SSIS/SSAS/SSRS), couplées a SharePoint pour créer un socle technologique très puissant à moindre coût. Nous avons mené des projets avec des clients dans plusieurs secteurs d'activités : Oil & Gas, transport, agro-alimentaire ou BTP Vous voulez que nous vous accompagnions, contactez nous !

Query, Consulting & Software, S.L.


En una industria TI en constante evolución, participamos en un permanente proceso de búsqueda de nuevas tecnologías y desarrollo constante de  aplicaciones que sean capaces de dar una respuesta eficiente a las necesidades y desafíos de nuestros clientes, agregando valor para sus negocios y mejorando la calidad de vida de sus clientes.Desde el comienzo nuestra misión ha sido agregar valor a las actividades y negocios de nuestros clientes mediante el mejor uso de las Tecnologías de la Información, construyendo relaciones de largo plazo, lo que nos ha permitido mantener una cercanía y contacto permanente con nuestros clientes.Nuestra propuesta de valor se basa en relaciones de largo plazo, cercanía y contacto con nuestros clientes, manteniendo un fuerte compromiso y entregando consistentemente soluciones que incluyen servicios y productos de calidad. Actuamos con el deseo sincero de ayudar, desde la sinceridad, la humildad y el entregarnos por completo a la consecución de los objetivos pactados. Nuestro ego queda anulado.* Independencia de las marcas* Alianzas de largo plazo con clientes* Base de clientes diversificada* Vocación de servicio, compromiso y flexibilidad* Equipo especializado y experimentado

Crayon AS


Through our unique people, tools and systems we help optimize our client's technology estates within the new hybrid cloud world. Crayon has over 1,300 team mates, is head quartered in Oslo, Norway with offices in 23 countries. Crayon's talented and Microsoft-certified Business Intelligence Team delivers solutions that enables your organization to make better and more informed decisions anytime, anywhere. We focus on bringing life to your data with expert level competency on data insight and visualization using Power BI and the Microsoft Data Platform.VisionWe believe in the power of technology to drive the greater good.MissionWe help our customers build the commercial and technical foundation for a successful digital transformation journey into the cloud. Through a reliable services framework, we help our customers to right-size and optimize their IT estates unlock technology potential and innovation while saving costs. ValuesIntegrity – with our actions we show integrity – we are accountable for actions and inactionPace – we are customer-focused and act and execute with urgencyQuality – what we do, we do with excellence and better than anyone elseAgility – we innovate through continuous improvement & adapt quickly – yet purposefully - to change

Vision Wave


Vision Wave has a proven good relationship working with customers and partners world wide on Business Intelligence solutions using Microsoft BI platform. Our customers are mostly small, medium and large enterprises in Government, Education and Professional Services.Power BI is a suite of business analytics tools to analyze data and share insights. Monitor your organisation data and get quickly real time insights with rich dashboards.Experience your data. Any time.Connect to any device and different data channels or sources. Excel spreadsheets, on-premises data sources, big  data, streaming data, and cloud services: it doesn’t matter what type of data you want or where it lives, Power BI allows you to connect to hundreds of data sources. Vision Wave, is a Microsoft Partner, that has business intelligence consultants. We are ready to help create data visualizations and help grow your organisation.

Trinity Relationship Strategy


  A Trinity é uma empresa de consultoria focada em inteligência de negócios e gestão do relacionamento com clientes. Com mais de 15 anos de experiência em projetos de CRM e BI, a Trinity oferece soluções integradas para as empresas que buscam melhores resultados na gestão de vendas, marketing e serviços e maior rapidez e assertividade na tomada de decisões. Atuando sobre quatro pilares básicos: estratégia, pessoas, processos e tecnologia, nossa preocupação vai além do software, buscando trazer para os nossos clientes resultados operacionais e financeiros em todos os projetos desenvolvidos. Constantemente investindo em atualização tecnológica e capacitação da nossa equipe, a fim de prover aos nossos clientes as melhores práticas e soluções de mercado em gestão do relacionamento com clientes e business intelligence, a Trinity é parceira Microsoft na implementação do Dynamics CRM e Power BI. Com sede em São Paulo, a Trinity atua em todo o território nacional implementando, com sucesso, projetos de CRM e BI em empresas dos mais diversos segmentos.     Implantação de Power BI   A Trinity atua em projetos de Business Intelligence desde sua concepção, utilizando-se de várias ferramentas de mercado e, desde 2016, atua exclusivamente com o Power BI. Entendemos que o principal benefício de um BI é o uso da informação permitindo às organizações melhor decidir, medir, gerir e otimizar o desempenho para ganhar eficiência e benefício financeiro. Para se ter um BI gerando resultados é preciso muito mais do que uma ferramenta, é preciso consolidar e estruturar as informações existentes na empresa de forma que possa mostrar indicadores de performance em tempo real, responder rapidamente as perguntas de negócios que são feitas constantemente em toda a empresa e ainda mostrar tendências e desvios para gerar insights. Para chegar ainda mais longe você pode cruzar com dados externos e gerar informações ainda mais valiosas para o negócio.   Para ter as respostas sempre à mão um bom projeto de BI deve estar bem estruturado nestas 5 etapas, independentemente da ferramenta que você irá utilizar. 1. Definição dos requisitos do BI Entender quais são as necessidades dos gestores e usuários de negócios, quais informações são relevantes, como eles gostariam de receber essas informações e em qual frequência são os principais questionamentos nesta primeira fase. Contar com uma consultoria especializada em BI neste momento pode trazer a experiência de mercado e sugerir as melhores análises e formas de construção.   2. Mapeamento das fontes de dados Nesta etapa são mapeadas todas as fontes de dados necessárias para a construção das análises solicitadas, desde bancos de dados, arquivos texto, planilhas, arquivos da WEB entre outros. Não se esquecendo também de dados externos que podem gerar um grande diferencial nas análises, por exemplo dados do IBGE, FENABRAVE, SECEX, etc. 3. Construção da Aplicação de BI A Construção de uma aplicação de BI deve levar em conta três importantes etapas: ·       Extração dos dados dos sistemas originais ·       Construção de um modelo de dados analítico para permitir as análises solicitadas ·       Desenvolvimento da parte visual da aplicação, contendo indicadores, gráficos, tabelas e filtros. 4. Validação dos dados e análises Após a construção de uma aplicação deverá ser feita uma criteriosa validação dos números apresentados em cada indicador, tabela ou gráfico, primeiramente confrontando com os números e totalizadores dos sistemas fontes e depois na cuidadosa conferência de cada cálculo executado pela ferramenta. 5. Disponibilização e treinamento dos usuários Com a aplicação finalizada e homologada os usuários deverão ser capacitados para utilização das análises. Esta etapa será extremamente simples se as análises forem bem construídas, uma boa aplicação de BI deverá ser intuitiva para os usuários, não necessitando de treinamentos avançados para que os usuários possam extrair todas as informações de que necessitam. A Trinity conta com uma equipe pronta para ajudá-lo na definição dos requisitos do BI, mapeamento das fontes de dados, construção das análises utilizando Qlikview, Qliksense ou Power BI, validação das informações apresentadas e treinamento dos usuários ou desenvolvedores da ferramenta.     Treinamento – Por dentro do Power BI   Desde o lançamento do Power BI no Brasil, a Trinity desenvolveu o Treinamento “Por dentro do Power BI”, visando capacitar os participantes do curso na utilização dos recursos do Power BI tornando-os aptos a desenvolver relatórios, criar cenários e visões, fazer análises e construir dashboards. Com treinamentos in company e turmas abertas e regulares em SP desde o início de 2016, o conteúdo do treinamento é revisado mensalmente para acompanhar todas as novidades disponibilizadas na ferramenta. Público-alvo: Gestores, analistas, especialistas ou quaisquer outros profissionais que necessitam consolidar diferentes fontes de dados, fazer cruzamentos de informações de diferentes sistemas, criar relatórios, produzir visões e dashboards, acompanhar em tempo real indicadores de resultados, criar cenários e fazer análises avançadas de negócios. Metodologia: Curso 100% presencial, com conteúdo expositivo e aulas práticas utilizando a ferramenta Power BI. As turmas são limitadas em até 12 vagas para melhor aproveitamento dos alunos. Todo o conteúdo teórico apresentado será aplicado na prática. Sala de aula com um aluno por máquina. Carga horária: 16 horas / aula divididas em 02 dias de 8 horas cada. Consulte o conteúdo programático atualizado e próximas turmas em nosso site. 

Two i Sverige AB


Two är specialister på beslutsstöd och affärssystem. Vi har våra spetserbjudanden mot beslutsstöd med fokus på Microsoft Power BI samt affärssystemen Microsoft Dynamics 365/AX och Jeeves ERP.På Two sätter vi relationen till våra kunder och samarbete i fokus för att tillsammans göra våra kunder framgångsrika. Med långsiktiga partnerskap som grundsten är vi övertygade om att vi kan ge våra kunder hållbara affärslösningar som hjälper dem uppfylla sina verksamheters mål.Vi är ett expansivt företag inom koncernen Combined Excellence där vi har vårt ursprung som affärsområde på Ninetech AB. Våra kontor finns i Karlstad och Göteborg.

Knowit Decision Göteborg AB


Om oss Knowit AB (publ) är ett konsultbolag som, inom den allt snabbare digitaliseringen, skapar unika kundvärden genom att erbjuda gränsöverskridande leveranser från tre affärsområden, Experience, Insight och Solutions. Det är förmågan att kombinera kompetenser inom design och kommunikation, managementkonsulting samt it, som skiljer oss från andra konsultbolag. Knowit består av cirka 1850 medarbetare representerade på 14 orter i Sverige och på fem i Norge samt en vardera i Danmark, Estland, Finland, och Tyskland. Knowit AB (publ) är noterat på den Nordiska Börsen i Stockholm. Information för press och om Knowits finans, bolagsstyrning och aktie finns tillgänglig via Investor Relations. Affärsområdet Knowit Experience har beskrivits som Nordens ledande kommunikations- och teknikbyrå med verksamhet i fyra länder. Genom riktad digital närvaro och berikande användarupplevelser via webb, mobil och sociala medier hjälper vi företag, organisationer och andra verksamheter att nå sina affärskritiska mål. Knowit Insight arbetar med olika former av managementkonsulting och stöttar kunderna både taktiskt och strategiskt. Våra specialister tar fram idéer, agerar rådgivare och utvecklar skräddarsydda lösningar, allt baserat på djup förståelse för kundens affär och verksamhet. Knowit Solutions hjälper företag och organisationer att utveckla sina verksamheter genom olika it-lösningar. Vi erbjuder spetskompetens i alla delar av systemutvecklingsprocessen – från idé, arkitektur och projektstyrning till systemutveckling, implementering, test och säkerhet.



Our purpose is to assist our clients to get the most of their investment in Office 365 by increasing their data dividends. As a Gold Microsoft BI and Azure partner with competencies in Data Analytics and Data Platform including Security and Productivity, CloudAssist achieves these sustainable efficiency improvements by implementing workflows using Business Process Automation solutions and collaboration sites using Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint online and, now, Microsoft Teams. By managing the data warehousing and architecture for accurate and insightful dashboards, we assist our clients to benefit from improved risk and performance management. These services include SharePoint Architecting, Design, Development and Implementation. (Intranet, Portal, Migration, Integration, workflows ), Microsoft Business Intelligence / Analytics Architect, Design and Deploy including SQL Analytics, Dashboards, DW, Data Cleansing, Self Service BI (SQL 2016, Power BI), Power Apps and Flow. Through our partnership with Microsoft, we deliver Business transformation using data integration from various sources including the Microsoft 365 Graph API to embed workflows and gain the efficiencies that are derived from the Power BI insights. Our philosophy regarding data dividends from Power BI is to first gain the insights and then implement the change in your organisation so that your users can be better informed and more productive.

Beijing Sharewinfo Technology Co.,Ltd


Business intelligence systems today have gone beyond the narrow concept of BI, data warehousing, ETL and other technologies that cannot fully meet business needs.  We proposed the concept of pan BI, a variety of technologies to integrate, including BI, GIS, ERP, etc., to help customers quickly and easily achieve a richer automated data analysis.Our techniques significantly shortened the implementation period for business intelligence projects, and have also reduced the project implementation costs, so that small and medium enterprises can quickly achieve business value.We are committed to meeting business intelligence technology and business needs and promoting the automation of the data analysis process, so that the data in the enterprise can play a more significant role.  

CGI Group Inc.


Experience the commitment® At CGI, we're committed to helping all of our stakeholders succeed. Our 68,000 professionals in 40 countries across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific provide end-to-end IT and business process services that facilitate the ongoing evolution of our clients' businesses. CGI is committed to helping our clients achieve their business goals; to providing our professionals with rewarding careers; and to offering shareholders superior returns over time. At CGI, we are in the business of delivering results. A focus on the fundamentals More than 35 years of long-term growth with 68,000 professionals in 40 countries Client proximity operating model that fosters local accountability for client satisfaction and success Global delivery capabilities through centers located on 5 continents ISO-9001 certified quality frameworks that result in CGI's on-time, on-budget delivery track record Industry expertise, end-to-end service offerings and rich IP-based solutions that advance clients' business goalsContact for UK:  chioke.morgan-brown@cgi.com  +44 7920 877781 



A good and accurate visualization of data from various data sources is critical to obtain the full business potential of analyzing, structuring, and predicting data. IQVIA recommends Power BI as an accessible solution to those of our customers that want to be able to produce visualizations and dashboards fast – with a very short learning curve and no need to consult the IT department.   We master the Azure platform when it comes to BI and utilize the services to build the underlying data warehouse for BI as well as the services for predictive analytics and artificial intelligence. IQVIA in Denmark has a history of creating innovative and strong BI solutions. We have skilled frontend experts that specialize in PowerBI; and being a Microsoft partner in various areas also allows for other benefits. We are able to help our customers with the entire solution from thoughts to final delivery. This includes the process of data transformation which becomes much more structured with Microsoft SQL Server and the hosting of data in Microsoft Azure. An example of a successful PowerBI solution is our dashboard solution to the large pharmaceutical company Sandoz that needs a varied and personalized view of sales- and activity data. The dashboard solution builds on PowerBI which gives Sales and Management an updated view on KPI’s that Sandoz can use for the entire value chain from daily business to strategic decision making.

Seven Seas Computers LLC


Seven Seas delivers technology solutions and services in business software, data networking, business continuity and data center, enterprise and high availability, voice solutions, information security, intelligent building management systems (IBMS), smart homes, value added IT services, corporate procurement and consulting. Seven Seas is a Premier ISO 9001:2008 certified end-to-end ICT solutions provider since 1983.

Awara IT


Awara IT specializes on international rollouts of Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX ERP systems to Russia and post-Soviet area. Awarded "The best ERP partner of 2015 year in Russia" and "Best Dynamics Cloud partner of 2017 year in Russia" and "Best Power BI partner of 2018 in Russia" by Microsoft.  Awara is one on the most efficient and competitive IT companies in Russia that deals with implementation of ERP systems and business consulting. It is a part of Awara Group, a well-established consultancy holding that provides a variety of services to foreign companies in Russia, e.g. legal services, outsourced accounting, audit, recruitment, etc.We are good in many aspects, but we are especially good in automation of financial administration processes, compliance with local Russian accounting and tax legislation, automation of preparation of management reports based on IFRS and GAAP principles.We are networking with foreign partners who might need local support of their customers when they expand to Russian market, and we are a reliable local partner in Russia for many partners already. If you would ever need an assistance in understanding the Russian market and its specifics, please feel free to contact us. 

Lingaro Sp. z o.o.


Who we are and what we do?Lingaro is a professional services company with 850+ experts including 150 Power BI Consultants and 80+ Certified Consultants. With over 10+ years of data analytics experience, we are an award-winning Microsoft Gold Partner. Via our global teams we deliver:Power BI AdoptionSelf-Service BI adoption strategyPower BI educational programsPower BI Reporting FactoryPower BI ExcellenceOutstanding dashboards with custom visualsPowerful analytics for sales, marketing, and procurement teamsUX storytelling and brand book refinementWhy work with us?We deliver rapid time to value through an agile approach10,000+ independent Analysts thanks to our focus on data literacyWe deliver 100 dashboards in less than 2 monthsWe focus on customer value$2.6M in yearly savings for a Fortune 500 company with intuitive and interactive dashboardsBusiness insight generation opening $3.5M business opportunities in just 1.5 years due to improved usage of dataGlobal experience450 Power BI projects delivered200+ training delivered90+ Lingaro Power BI Ambassadors30+ “Dashboard in a Day” training18,000 active users

Agic Technology


Business Intelligence & Data Analytics Modelli, report e KPI di analisi avanzati ed interattivi sviluppati su tecnologia Microsoft per sistemi flessibili ed evoluti di Business Intelligence e di Performance Management, facilmente personalizzabili anche dagli utenti, in base alle proprie specifiche esigenze ed in modalità self service.   Analisi Statistiche - Modelli evoluti di Business Intelligence  Soluzioni di BI per la realizzazione di analisi statistiche basate sulla rielaborazione dei dati che risiedono sui sistemi operativi aziendali. Le soluzioni sono integrabili con sistemi ERP, CRM e HRM per introdurre analisi incrociate finalizzate al monitoraggio delle performances dell'azienda ed al controllo delle aree di maggiore criticità o chiave per il successo.  Le Soluzioni sono disegnate su piattaforma Microsoft Power BI che consente la connessione a centinaia di origini dati con governance e sicurezza predefinite. Semplifica la preparazione dei dati e la produzione di accattivanti report e dashboard interattivi, anche in modalità self service e fruibili via web e mobile.  MS Excel potenziato grazie all'add-in PowerPivot è lo strumento per la creazione di soluzioni di BI in modalità self-service, che consentano l'analisi dei fenomeni alla profondità voluta anche on demand.   Analisi Direzionali anche su Mobile - Migliorare le performances  Lo Strumento di reporting MS SQL Server Reporting Services è in grado di interrogare strutture dati sia relazionali che multidimensionali e di presentare le informazioni attraverso report, anche complessi, consultabili da interfaccia web nativa o da SharePoint o integrate in Power BI. Con Mobile Report Publisher è possibile creare report espressamente concepiti per una fruizione ottimale da dispositivi smartphone e tablet tramite l'app dedicata per iPad, iPhone, telefoni Android e Tablet e dispositivi Windows 10.  

FCamara Consultoria e Formacao


A FCamara Formação e Consultoria atua no segmento de TI desenvolvendo e entregando tecnologias inovadoras para seus clientes e parceiros, através de soluções integradas e alinhadas às principais tendências de mercado como Cloud, Big Data, Enterprise Social, User Experience, Arquitetura de Desenvolvimento de Software, Arquitetura de Informação e ALM (Application Lifecycle Management). Somos parceiros GOLD Microsoft e oferecemos diversos serviços de desenvolvimento e implantação de produtos como Portais Internets e Intranets, Redes Sociais Corporativas, Inteligência de Mercado, Business Intelligence, Soluções na Nuvem. Nossas soluções são suportadas pelas tecnologias Microsoft: Azure, Office 365 (SharePoint Online, Lync e Exchange online), Power BI, SQL Server e Yammer. Além dos serviços acima citados, somos especializados nas verticais de negócios: E-Commerce, Varejo, Área Portuária e Turismo.

EastBanc Technologies


EastBanc Technologies более 10 лет работает на рынке ИТ-услуг. Мы предоставляем полный цикл работ в рамках проектов: от анализа бизнес-требований и проработки UI/UX будущей системы до внедрения и сопровождения готового решения. Штат компании – около 100 сотрудников. Среди наших заказчиков такие компании, как S7 Airlines, РЖД, Леруа Мерлен, Schlumberger, Катрен, ГК «Роснефть», Ингосстрах, Сургутнефтегаз, Business FM, Комсомольская правда, NASDAQ и другие. Наша специализация: Порталы и системы автоматизации бизнес-процессов Организация эффективной рабочей области для совместной работы: электронный документооборот, системы постановки и контроля задач, сервисы (бронирования, подачи и обработки заявок и т.д.), хранение и поиск корпоративной информации. Системы анализа и отчетности (Business Intelligence) Построение корпоративного хранилища данных, системы эффективного сбора, верификации и консолидации информации, генерации и доставки отчетов, и визуализации KPI. Системы управления проектами на базе Microsoft Project Реализация бизнес-процессов согласования и управления проектами, создание проектной области для совместной деятельности, механизмы мониторинга проектов и подготовки отчетности. Облачные решения на базе Microsoft Azure Построение высоконагруженных сервисов в облаке, создание облачной и гибридной инфраструктуры, разработка и внедрение решений на Microsoft Online. Мобильные решения для смартфонов и планшетов на платформе Windows Организация дистанционного обслуживания клиентов, полноценных мобильных рабочих мест для удаленных сотрудников, своевременного обеспечения высшего руководства информацией и средствами управления компанией. Миграция сложных SharePoint порталов Обновление продуктов, обеспечение совместимости различных продуктов, слияние и разделение ИТ-инфраструктур организаций, наведение порядка в ИТ-инфраструктуре и перенос решений в облако. Инфраструктурные и интеграционные решения Развертывание отказоустойчивых ферм под корпоративные порталы, инсталляция и настройка средств авторизации и корпоративной почты, обеспечение взаимодействия между различными уже существующими системами и/или вновь внедряемыми. Уникальные решения Мы готовы разработать уникальную функциональность так, чтобы она полностью решала поставленную нестандартную бизнес-задачу заказчика. На наших решениях работают тысячи людей в России и во всем мире.



Delivering innovative solutions to help customers innovate, adapt and unleash new business value. The HPE and Microsoft global strategic alliance is one of the longest-standing business relationships of its kind in the industry. For 30+ years, we have worked together to combine our respective strengths as industry leaders to deliver complete, integrated technology solutions that help our mutual customers increase the speed and effectiveness of their business through the use of innovative technologies. We are the only partnership in the industry that can help customers – from SMB to Enterprise - solve the diverse challenges of their business with solution and services portfolios that span Cloud Productivity and Mobility, Data Platform, Hybrid Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

IT-Logix AG


IT-Logix ist Ihr Schweizer Spezialist für Business Intelligence und DataWarehousing. Anerkannte Methoden zum Thema Business Intelligence wie Kimball oder SUCCESS® nach Hichert sind die Grundlagen unseres Schaffens. Konzepte definieren die Umsetzung einer bestimmten Methode. Damit überlassen Sie in der Umsetzungsphase nichts dem Zufall und kommen sicher zum Projekterfolg. Damit Konzepte ihren Wert entfalten können, müssen sie in der Realität umgesetzt werden. Neben der Planung beherrschen wir auch die Umsetzung von BI-Projekten mittels der Software-Werkzeuge führender BI-Hersteller. Anforderungsanalyse, Lösungsgesamtarchitektur und Projektleitung ergänzen unsere Hauptdienstleistungen themenübergreifend vor und während eines Projekts. In der Endphase und nach dem Projekt sind wir mit Schulungs- und Supportleistungen sowie der partiellen oder kompletten Übernahme des Betriebs Ihrer BI-Lösung für Sie da.



Managility specializes in supporting our clients with the implementation corporate performance and analytics solutions based on  the Microsoft ecosystem (e.g. Microsoft Azure, SQL Server and the Power Platform (Power BI, PowerApps).From our offices in the Asia Pacific region, India, North America & Europe we provide end to end solutions that involve data integration and data warehouse automation, financial analytics & planning (FP&A) as well as artificial intelligence.With Acterys  we offer an integrated platform for data discovery and planning integrated with Power BI and Excel. Acterys enables business users to generate professional data models in the cloud or on premise with a click on a variety of accounting platforms and implement agile planning processes in the quickest possible time. A free trial and downloads of Acterys components: Power BI Apps and Power BI Visuals are available at: Business Apps – Microsoft AppSource

ixto GmbH


Die ixto GmbH ist spezialisiert auf die Realisierung von Big Data-, Business Intelligence-, Business Performance Management-, SharePoint-Lösungen und führend auf diesen Gebieten. ixto konzipiert und implementiert maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die Daten von allen Systemen integrieren, die in Ihrem Unternehmen vorhanden sind und die branchenunabhängig vom Mittelstand bis zum globalen Konzern eingesetzt werden. Diese bilden die Grundlage für wichtige Entscheidungen sowohl in Fachabteilungen, als auch unternehmensweit. Zu den Beratern von ixto zählen renommierte Fachbuchautoren, Hichert Certified Consultants, BI-Entwickler und Project Management Professionals (PMP®), die über fachliches und technisches Know-How, Prozessverständnis und langjährige Erfahrungen aus erfolgreichen Projekten verfügen.

DEFTeam Solutions Pvt Ltd


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Dynamics Southwest, Inc.


Dynamics Southwest (DSW) was formed in 2006 to focus on the sales and implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV enterprise software. Start from 2009, DSW started to follow the Power Pivot beta which evolved into Power BI. Leveraging our ERP knowledge and the power of the Power BI platform, DSW helps you transform the business by transforming the data culture at your organization. 

Truenorth Corporation


Truenorth is the top Information Systems Technology and Business Transformation firm in the Caribbean.  With over three hundred and fifty employees, serving Banks, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, and various Government Sectors, Truenorth is a leader in deploying technology in support of strategic business objectives.  We serve the top companies and we attract the top talent in our area.  Much more than just a tech firm, Truenorth excels in various technologies to serve our private enterprise and government clients to cost effectively assimilate and maintain technology.We are a diversified and complete Technology Business Transformation firm.  Truenorth draws from the key benefits of a traditional consulting firm, a process outsourcer, and a pure technology firm.  Organized under the guidelines of the Principal Based Business Model, where one senior executive is responsible for administering and developing a practice, you can expect considerable product depth, empowerment to take decisions, world class expertise, and a commitment to your success from our team.Specialties:Vision Point - Business ConsultingStable Point - Information Technology SolutionsTrack Point - Project ManagementCode Point - Software DevelopmentSave Point - StorageComply Point - Systems Auditing

SVGC Limited


SVGC provides a variety of information management and analytic capabilities to unlock the value in your data that matters, to deliver better hindsight, insight and foresight at the speed of business to improve business outcomes.We have a portfolio of services, solutions and capabilities focused on the critical components of today’s data driven businesses:Analytics Advisory Services: Helping clients discover data insights quickly, quantify the business impact, and develop a strategy to deploy analytic capabilities throughout an organisation;Analytics Solutions and Services: Consulting and Solutions to address critical client needs to run businesses better through customised and packaged analytic solutions;IoT Analytics Services: Providing enhanced business outcomes through solutions that use machine learning, artificial intelligence and internet of things technologies to enable Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) to enable condition based maintenance.Analytics and Big Data Platform Services: Protecting existing technology investments while offering flexible choices in delivery models across cloud, on-premises and hybrid environments;Information Governance Services: Providing tools and processes to simplify the capture, management, security, and access to valuable data and information;Managed BI and Analytics Services: Helping clients manage, transform and optimise their BI and Analytics deployments.We leverage our expertise in the new generation of analytics and big data technologies.