Power BI-support


Parv.ai LLC


Pārv.ai is a Cloud-first, AI-driven company focused on Digital Transformation, from Developing Strategy, Architecture, to Implementation, including Change Management. We specialize in Power BI Analytics & Visualization, Azure ML & Data Science, AI Strategy, Digital Architecture Roadmap, and ML Implementation. Pārv.ai is a Microsoft Silver Partner - Data & Analytics | Azure, Data + AI Practice | Power BI | Consulting and Product DevelopmentSpecialization: Power BI Analytics & Visualization, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Cognitive Services, Digital Transformation, Strategy, Architecture, and Implementation

Active Solution Sverige AB


Information and data is something all companies have – in abundance. However, data tend to be sprawling and manual efforts are required to collect, sift, and visualize in a relevant way, making it easily out of date. Microsoft PowerBI embedded makes it easy to automate data flows and gain common insights that can be shared both inside and outside your organization.

Mi4 Corporation


At Mi4, we have been providing dynamic and interactive analytics and solutions for companies in the oil and gas and other industries since 1999.Our team of petroleum engineers, data scientists, and analytics experts can combine data from multiple sources to create dashboards that deliver actionable insights across the value chain.We can create tailor-made dashboards, for the different types of consumers, that provide insights into your data and KPIs, this includes:- Production & Operations- Drilling & Completions- Cost Tracking vs. Budget & Forecast- Profit and Loss (P&L)- Financial Reporting- Lease Operating Expense (LOE)- Partner Reports (JV, PE)- Vendor Reports

CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd


We deliver world-class Digital Government solutions that create value for citizens and businesses.For over 30 years, government and business partners around the world have put their trust in us to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions, products & services that meet diverse needs.   Together, we enable digital transformation in communities to positively impact lives and deliver world-class Digital Government solutions that create value for citizens and businesses and deliver excellence through our expertise in Trade Facilitation, Legal, Digital Government and Cyber Security – combined with a deep domain understanding of how agencies work, interact and provide services.  

FTS Bulgaria


The company delivers business consulting services in the process of choosing and implementing ЕRP / CRM / BI solutions, ECM/ DMS systems and vertical IT solutions by industry.Our strength is in global, complete IT solutions that encompass the best industry practices of thousand different companies, but localized and adapted for the country specifics in CEE.We offer BI solutions based on Microsoft technologies- MS SQL, Azure /Azure SSAS, ML/ and PowerBI. Our expertise includes constructing BI solutions with different data sources:         - Dynamics 365 and the former Microsoft Dynamics CRM, AX (Axapta), NAV (Navision) - as on-premise, as well as cloud variants;         - Maconomy with Oracle or MS SQL base;         - SalesForce;         - Postgre custom systems;         - Facebook, Mailchimp, Google Analytics ,etc.

Magna Data Inc


Data is gold and it is everywhere we look, from paper documents, excel sheets to databases. Identifying, combining and analyzing the right data, will lead to the discovery of incredibly valuable information for your business.Partner with Magna Data to implement your Power BI data analytics solutions. Start creating meaningful insights that will give you the power to make smarter decisions contributing to increase profits, reduce costs, manage risks and more.We help companies to achieve a data-driven culture with Power BI + Azure Managed Services and Consulting.Serving small businesses, medium and large size organizations. Assisting C-level executives, Owners, Boards of Directors, Senior Executive Management across different industries, to take decisions with confidence. Our Services lines: Business Intelligence & Data Analytics Data & AIForensic & Risk Analytics Consulting and Training At Magna Data, we give a Voice to your Data!Contact us, let’s have a chat and learn more about how we could work together.



Signal Alliance was founded in 1996 in Lagos as an IT company helping corporate organizations build the networks that helped connect voice and data across the enterprise. Signal Alliance has since then grown to be the leading Technology Integrator for corporate organizations in Nigeria with experience in enterprise technology services, from Cloud Technology, Infrastructure & Enterprise Services, Data & AI, IT Security, Managed/Outsourced Services and Enterprise Software services.Signal Alliance Limited has been delivering Reporting and Analysis capabilities to organizations for many years. As a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Platform, and Analytics, we practice what we preach, and we believe that we have the necessary skills and experience to help organizations in their quest for increased productivity. Through our advisory services we have helped organizations deploy Power BI successfully with deep customization and reports tailored to the organization business. 



For more than 20 years, UST has worked side by side with the world’s best companies to make a real impact through transformation. Powered by technology, inspired by people and led by our purpose, we partner with our clients from design to operation. Through our nimble approach, we identify their core challenges, and craft disruptive solutions that bring their vision to life. With deep domain expertise and a future-proof philosophy, we embed innovation and agility into our clients’ organizations—delivering measurable value and lasting change across industries, and around the world. Together, with over 26,000 employees in 25 countries, we build for boundless impact—touching billions of lives in the process. Learn more at ust.com. UST's Power BI digital service is focused on helping our customer on their Digital Transformation journey with, Advisory Services, Integration & Data transformation, Data visualization, accelerated business application development and Business Process Automation thereby increasing the returns of our customers investment in M365 and Dynamics 365.



Vuram is a global hyperautomation services company. Thanks to its deep expertise in low-code-powered enterprise automation, the company has successfully driven digital transformation for several happy customers across the globe and has been maintaining 100% customer success and 100% customer references.Our talented pool of experts brings a vast area of industry experience in the areas of Data Engineering, ETL, Business Intelligence, and Automation. We help enterprises turn their organizational data into valuable insights and ensure that analytics is adopted seamlessly across the business. Vuram can help you unlock your data insights by helping you ingest, organize, transform, visualize and drive the necessary actions. We help businesses achieve their Business Intelligence roadmap and help them in their data-driven decision making.

Tiger Analytics


Today, analytics and data science are not just nice-to- haves, but imperatives at the highest levels of business.Acquiring, storing and processing growing volumes of data; structured investigation to discover insights; advanced analytics & machine learning driven decisions; and an end-to-end pipeline that brings it all together can unlock hidden avenues of incremental revenue, optimized costs, and free cash flows for businesses. We deliver measurable business value using our experience across a range of commercial and open source tools & platforms, and a carefully curated talent mix that combines the best of Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Consulting skills.Most data science problems can be divided into three sequential phases – problem definition & data discovery, model estimation & validation, insights & business application. We have broad frameworks to systematically approach a wide variety of data science problems to ensure business value.With Power BI, an organization can • Enable data collaboration across departments for a truly "no silo" experience.• Perform petabyte-scale analytics instantly.• Put actionable insights in the hands of everyone. Write us to know how to fully harness your data, save time and achieve consistency in actionable insights.

Solita Oy


All we care about is creating impact that lasts, and we have the tech, the data and the insight to do just that. Our community of experts work together with you to help design and build not just any future, but the future we all need. Our unique service portfolio seamlessly combines expertise from strategic consulting to service design, software and mobile app development, AI & analytics, cloud and integration services. We are a fast growing community of over 1,600 experts in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Belgium and Germany.We work with leading visual analytics solutions. Our experienced visual analytics consultants can help you with every step of the way: from helping you to choose the right solution, getting you set up and started, building and coaching you to build fantastic visualisations as well as building the needed data foundation combining data from different sources.Data visualisation servicesOrientation & start of the journeyData-driven opportunities & user insight-based designTool selection & evaluationGetting started with analytics kickstartFoundation & implementationArchitecture planning & deployments & rolloutsEnd-to-end solution implementationsGovernance & practicalitiesTraining & best practicesScale & maintainMaintenance & supportFurther development & continuous improvementLicence sales & recommendations



At Creatum, we believe that data and technology are key drivers of success in today’s business world. Our team of certified professionals is dedicated to helping companies take meaningful steps towards using data and technology to their advantage. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, we set ourselves apart from the competition by providing tailored solutions that challenge the status quo and drive real results.

Solver, Inc.


Solver, Inc., founded in 1996 and headquartered in Los Angeles, California, has global offices and reselling partners in Canada, EMEA, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Solver is the provider of BI360, the leading Business Intelligence (BI) suite for mid-market and enterprise organizations. Solver’s BI360 solution is a powerful, Microsoft-based suite of modules for reporting, consolidations, budgeting, forecasting, dashboards, and data warehousing. Solver's global partner channel brings BI360 to customers around the world and includes many of the top 10% of Microsoft Dynamics AX, GP, NAV, SL partners worldwide. It also includes other Microsoft platform partners like Sage and Acumatica. Solver is a trusted, award-winning Microsoft Gold Certified Partner focused on Business Intelligence since 1996.

Tieto Corporation


Tieto on Pohjoismaiden suurin tietotekniikkapalveluyritys, joka tarjoaa täyden elinkaaren IT-palveluita sekä yksityiselle että julkiselle sektorille ja tuotekehityspalveluita viestintäteknologian ja sulautettujen järjestelmien alueella. Yhtiön tuotekehitysliiketoiminta ja toimituskeskukset toimivat maailmanlaajuisesti. Tieto on sitoutunut kehittämään yrityksiä ja yhteiskuntaa tietotekniikan ja vahvan toimiala- ja asiakasymmärryksen avulla, sekä auttaa asiakkaitaan löytämään uusia mahdollisuuksia liiketoiminnan muutoksessa. Me Tiedossa uskomme jatkuvaan kehittymiseen ja työmme tuloksiin. Tieto on perustettu vuonna 1968, ja sen pääkonttori sijaitsee Helsingissä. Yrityksen palveluksessa työskentelee noin 15 000 ammattilaista yli 20 maassa. Tiedon liikevaihto on noin 1,7 miljardia euroa. Yhtiön osakkeet on listattu NASDAQ OMX:ssä Helsingissä ja Tukholmassa. Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.tieto.fi. Microsoft on Tiedon kumppaniohjelman strateginen allianssi. Tieto on ainoa suomalainen tietotekniikan palveluyritys, joka on mukana Microsoftin Global Managed –tason kumppanuusohjelmassa. Tiedolla on johtavaa osaamista Microsoft-pohjaisista toimialakohtaisista ratkaisuista: - Finanssipalvelut: Front Office -ratkaisut. - Televiestintä: Yhdistettyjen viestintäratkaisujen (Unified communications) integraatio mobiiliverkkoihin. - Metsä- ja valmistava teollisuus: Microsoft Dynamics toimialasovellukset ja –palvelut. - Terveydenhuolto/ sosiaalitoimi: sairaaloiden hallintajärjestelmät ja laaja ratkaisutarjooma hoitoalan järjestelmiin - Julkinen hallinto: sähköisten palveluiden portaalit ja koulutusjärjestelmät Tiedon toimialariippumaton ratkaisu- ja palvelutarjooma sisältää mm. - Unified Communications jaVoice ratkaisut palveluna. - Tieto Workspace – työasemapalvelut. - Future Office –ratkaisut yrityksen tietotyön tuottavuuden parantamiseksi - Digital Customership - asiakkaan palvelukokemusta parantavat sähköisen asiakkuuden ratkaisut - Business Mobility/ WP7 - Infrastruktuuripalvelut - Office 365 ja Azure palvelut - Good Money – Kestävän kehityksen ja ympäristölaskennan tietopalvelu. Tiedon syvällinen toimialatuntemus yhdistettynä erinomaiseen Microsoft ratkaisu-, palvelu-, ja teknologiaosaamiseen tuottaa asiakkaillemme parhaan palvelukokemuksen ja luo lisäarvoa heidän liiketoimintaansa.



SYNTEGRA - один з лідерів українського ринку інформаційних технологій у сфері проектування, впровадження, супроводу та підтримки функціональних рішень для бізнесу, заснованих на сучасних технологіях роботи з даними. Наші ключові аспекти в роботі - пріоритети та цілі замовника, які ми допомагаємо досягти за допомогою раціонального використання програмних і апаратних ІТ-ресурсів. Ми підбираємо і налаштовуємо їх залежно від вимог клієнта, ґрунтуючись на закордонному досвіді і тенденціях розвитку бізнесу. Компанія SYNTEGRA є авторизованим партнером компанії Microsoft вже більше 5 років і володіє найвищим статусом - Gold Microsoft Partner з такими компетенціями: Cloud Productivity Data Analytics Cloud Platform Collaboration and Content Communications Small and Midmarket Solution Provider Hosting Datacenter Volume Licensing Всі компетенції підкріплені експертизою команди фахівців з глибоким досвідом реалізації проектів будь-якої складності, які перейняли досвід і знання зарубіжних компаній. Кожне рішення від компанії SYNTEGRA - вивірене і максимально орієнтоване на швидке повернення вкладених інвестицій, кожне звернення до нас - допомога вашому бізнесу, а не витратна частина бюджету. Вибираючи нас, Ви отримуєте унікальний підхід і досвідчену команду сертифікованих фахівців у різних галузях інформаційних послуг. Протягом 4 років, з 2011 по 2014 року наша компанія отримує нагороду «Microsoft Country Partner of the Year» за якість виконуваних робіт і наданих послуг.

SQL Service AB


SQL Service är ett konsultföretag som sysslar med sjukvård och friskvård – för Microsoft SQL Server. Vi har nämligen märkt att behoven är detsamma som för oss människor. Tar vi hand om oss kontinuerligt med olika typer av friskvård lever vi längre och presterar bättre. Så fungerar ju även våra databaser. Ibland behövs också sjukvården. Prestationen och effektiviteten sjunker och det behövs ställas diagnos och ordineras behandling i form av rätt mjukvaruuppdateringar eller speciallösningar beroende på symptomen. Och ibland är det akut. Då kommer vi med ilfart för att produktionsstoppet inte ska vara en sekund längre än nödvändigt. För vi vet hur illa det kan vara för verksamheten när det händer. Oavsett vilka symtom er MS SQL databas har så kan ni tryggt lita på vår långa erfarenhet och snabba utryckning.

Agic Technology


Business Intelligence & Data Analytics Modelli, report e KPI di analisi avanzati ed interattivi sviluppati su tecnologia Microsoft per sistemi flessibili ed evoluti di Business Intelligence e di Performance Management, facilmente personalizzabili anche dagli utenti, in base alle proprie specifiche esigenze ed in modalità self service.   Analisi Statistiche - Modelli evoluti di Business Intelligence  Soluzioni di BI per la realizzazione di analisi statistiche basate sulla rielaborazione dei dati che risiedono sui sistemi operativi aziendali. Le soluzioni sono integrabili con sistemi ERP, CRM e HRM per introdurre analisi incrociate finalizzate al monitoraggio delle performances dell'azienda ed al controllo delle aree di maggiore criticità o chiave per il successo.  Le Soluzioni sono disegnate su piattaforma Microsoft Power BI che consente la connessione a centinaia di origini dati con governance e sicurezza predefinite. Semplifica la preparazione dei dati e la produzione di accattivanti report e dashboard interattivi, anche in modalità self service e fruibili via web e mobile.  MS Excel potenziato grazie all'add-in PowerPivot è lo strumento per la creazione di soluzioni di BI in modalità self-service, che consentano l'analisi dei fenomeni alla profondità voluta anche on demand.   Analisi Direzionali anche su Mobile - Migliorare le performances  Lo Strumento di reporting MS SQL Server Reporting Services è in grado di interrogare strutture dati sia relazionali che multidimensionali e di presentare le informazioni attraverso report, anche complessi, consultabili da interfaccia web nativa o da SharePoint o integrate in Power BI. Con Mobile Report Publisher è possibile creare report espressamente concepiti per una fruizione ottimale da dispositivi smartphone e tablet tramite l'app dedicata per iPad, iPhone, telefoni Android e Tablet e dispositivi Windows 10.  

Seven Seas Computers LLC


Seven Seas delivers technology solutions and services in business software, data networking, business continuity and data center, enterprise and high availability, voice solutions, information security, intelligent building management systems (IBMS), smart homes, value added IT services, corporate procurement and consulting. Seven Seas is a Premier ISO 9001:2008 certified end-to-end ICT solutions provider since 1983.

Lingaro Sp. z o.o.


Who we are and what we do?Lingaro is a professional services company with 850+ experts including 150 Power BI Consultants and 80+ Certified Consultants. With over 10+ years of data analytics experience, we are an award-winning Microsoft Gold Partner. Via our global teams we deliver:Power BI AdoptionSelf-Service BI adoption strategyPower BI educational programsPower BI Reporting FactoryPower BI ExcellenceOutstanding dashboards with custom visualsPowerful analytics for sales, marketing, and procurement teamsUX storytelling and brand book refinementWhy work with us?We deliver rapid time to value through an agile approach10,000+ independent Analysts thanks to our focus on data literacyWe deliver 100 dashboards in less than 2 monthsWe focus on customer value$2.6M in yearly savings for a Fortune 500 company with intuitive and interactive dashboardsBusiness insight generation opening $3.5M business opportunities in just 1.5 years due to improved usage of dataGlobal experience450 Power BI projects delivered200+ training delivered90+ Lingaro Power BI Ambassadors30+ “Dashboard in a Day” training18,000 active users

BBS Solutions


BBS Solutions (Cloud - Collaboration - BI) est une entreprise algérienne spécialisée dans les solutions collaboratives, Cloud et BI. Nous aidons les entreprises dans leur transformation digitale en leur proposant des fabriques de solutions d'entreprise, avec un investissement réduit et une mise en place rapide (TTM réduit). Les solutions collaboratives / Portail : SharePoint & Office 365Les solutions décisionnelles (BI) de Microsoft : La suite SQL Server, aussi bien sur le moteur de base de données, que les solutions ETL (SSIS), analytiques (SSAS) et de reporting (SSRS et Power BI)Les solutions Cloud de Microsoft : AzureNous avons développé un partenariat fort avec Microsoft, nous sommes partenaire Microsoft Silver Cloud Productivity, mais aussi un des premiers partenaires "Power BI Certified Partner" en Algérie. En plus de Microsoft, nous développons des partenariats avec un ensemble d’éditeurs indépendants (ISV) proposant des solutions autour de SharePoint, comme Nintex, qui est leader mondial des solutions de Workflow pour SharePoint. Par notre savoir-faire et notre expertise, nous avons pu travailler avec des grands comptes algériens. Nous construisons une relation durable, de confiance avec nos clients afin de les accompagner dans leur projets. Nous avons déployé de nombreuses solutions Business Analytics basées sur Power BI ou la suite SQL Server (SSIS/SSAS/SSRS), couplées a SharePoint pour créer un socle technologique très puissant à moindre coût. Nous avons mené des projets avec des clients dans plusieurs secteurs d'activités : Oil & Gas, transport, agro-alimentaire ou BTP Vous voulez que nous vous accompagnions, contactez nous !

Awara IT


Awara IT specializes on international rollouts of Dynamics NAV and Dynamics AX ERP systems to Russia and post-Soviet area. Awarded "The best ERP partner of 2015 year in Russia" and "Best Dynamics Cloud partner of 2017 year in Russia" and "Best Power BI partner of 2018 in Russia" by Microsoft.  Awara is one on the most efficient and competitive IT companies in Russia that deals with implementation of ERP systems and business consulting. It is a part of Awara Group, a well-established consultancy holding that provides a variety of services to foreign companies in Russia, e.g. legal services, outsourced accounting, audit, recruitment, etc.We are good in many aspects, but we are especially good in automation of financial administration processes, compliance with local Russian accounting and tax legislation, automation of preparation of management reports based on IFRS and GAAP principles.We are networking with foreign partners who might need local support of their customers when they expand to Russian market, and we are a reliable local partner in Russia for many partners already. If you would ever need an assistance in understanding the Russian market and its specifics, please feel free to contact us. 

Query, Consulting & Software, S.L.


En una industria TI en constante evolución, participamos en un permanente proceso de búsqueda de nuevas tecnologías y desarrollo constante de  aplicaciones que sean capaces de dar una respuesta eficiente a las necesidades y desafíos de nuestros clientes, agregando valor para sus negocios y mejorando la calidad de vida de sus clientes.Desde el comienzo nuestra misión ha sido agregar valor a las actividades y negocios de nuestros clientes mediante el mejor uso de las Tecnologías de la Información, construyendo relaciones de largo plazo, lo que nos ha permitido mantener una cercanía y contacto permanente con nuestros clientes.Nuestra propuesta de valor se basa en relaciones de largo plazo, cercanía y contacto con nuestros clientes, manteniendo un fuerte compromiso y entregando consistentemente soluciones que incluyen servicios y productos de calidad. Actuamos con el deseo sincero de ayudar, desde la sinceridad, la humildad y el entregarnos por completo a la consecución de los objetivos pactados. Nuestro ego queda anulado.* Independencia de las marcas* Alianzas de largo plazo con clientes* Base de clientes diversificada* Vocación de servicio, compromiso y flexibilidad* Equipo especializado y experimentado

Acando AB


Acando är ett konsultföretag som tillsammans med sina kunder identifierar och genomför bestående verksamhetsförbättringar genom informationsteknik. Acando erbjuder balans mellan hög kundnytta, kort projekttid och låg totalkostnad. Acando skapar mätbara förbättringar genom att utveckla processer, organisation och IT så att de stärker uppdragsgivarens affärsverksamhet. Det ligger i Acandos uppgift att se helheten i uppdragsgivarens verksamhet och att säkerställa att varje åtagande ger en snabb effekt och ett mätbart resultat. Kundbasen är bred och omfattar såväl små som stora företag samt offentliga organisationer. Acandos viktigaste affärspartner är SAP och Microsoft. Acando omsatte närmare 2 miljarder kronor 2014 och har cirka 1800 medarbetare i fyra länder i Europa. Bolaget är noterat på NASDAQ OMX Nordic.



ALBARS yra “Microsoft Certified Partner”, kurios pagrindinė veikla – novatoriškiausių bei optimaliausių IT infrastruktūros sprendimų kūrimas ir įgyvendinimas. Įmonėje dirba didelę patirtį ir techninių žinių bagažą sukaupę IT specialistai (keletas iš jų turi MVP statusą), kurių kompetencijų sričių spektras: nuo dinaminių duomenų centrų/„debesų“ iki aplikacijų kūrimo pagal užsakymą; nuo unifikuotos komunikavimo/bendradarbiavimo koncepcijos diegimo iki hibridinių sprendimų „System Center“ ir „Azure“ pagrindu. Esame jau realizavę daugiau nei 50 projektų Baltijos šalyse, Skandinavijoje, JK, Vokietijoje bei Centrinėje Azijoje, plataus veiklos spektro ir įvairaus dydžio organizacijose (bankuose, viešojo sektoriaus, prekybos, inžinerijos, gamybos, naudingąsias iškasenas eksploatuojančiose įmonėse). Vieni iš pirmųjų Lietuvoje įgyvendinome „debesijos“ technologijomis paremtus IT projektus, kurie, kaip mūsų IT sprendimų pripažinimas, tapo Microsoft “Case Studie” objekais. Kitas mūsų įmonės sėkmės komponentas - teikiamos viešųjų ir privačių mokymų bei konsultacijų paslaugos. Mes, kaip "Microsoft Learning Partner“, rengiame Microsoft oficialius mokymus pagal programas, skirtas pasiruošti atitinkamų sertifikacinių egzaminų laikymui bei sertifikacijų įgijimui. Esant poreikiui, parengiame individualią mokymų programą vidinėms įmonių darbuotojų grupėms (IT administratoriams, programuotojams ir kt.), rengiame seminarus IT specialistams siekdami suteikti naujausių teorinių ir praktinių žinių, kurios padėtų įmonėms įgyvendinti užsibrėžtus planus, efektyviau panaudoti turimas technologijas – išvesti įmones į aukštesnį kokybės ir plėtros lygį.

Attunix Corporation


Attunix is an experienced Microsoft Software and Services Company committed to helping their clients transform and modernize by using cutting edge technologies. Headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, Attunix has worked effectively in diverse industries and technology disciplines, focusing on: Application Modernization, Internet of Things, Modern Datacenter, and Advanced Analytics. As a proven business technology provider, Attunix prides itself in delivering effective results through industry-best practices, tailored development services, and their own suite of software solutions. Delivering the right solutions is an outcome of Attunix’s focus on improving the client’s financial returns through optimizing the existing technology investment and partnering on new business and strategic initiatives.Information is king.  We've all heard that a thousand times and for years seen the business effect between the haves and have-not's.  There is a distinct advantage for the companies who have data figured out. They almost seem to be playing with a stacked deck.  Historically, harnessing information has required significant time and money to collect the data, manage, model, and present it.  The tools have changed - making advanced analytics more affordable and simpler than ever before.  The Attunix Advance Analytics Team is helping enable our clients identify and capture more value from their existing businesses - and turn the tables to put their data to work for them, not the other way around.The Attunix Advanced Analytics team guides informed outcomes by showing you where you’ve been, where you are going, and the right moves to make it happen. Advanced Analytics projects can focus on leveraging current data and/or exploring new opportunities in the Cortana Intelligence Suite. A basic evaluation would include:Analyzing existing processes, data systems, and sourcesMaking recommendations for on-prem, hybrid, or cloud solutionsAdvising on Cortana Intelligence Suite products and opportunities, including: Power BI, Advanced Analytics, Azure Machine Learning, Big Data, and HadoopOpening the door to visualizing your data in a way that works for you, including: reports and predictive modelsBeyond Advanced Analytics, Attunix can help your business transform on a holistic level through their other practices.Whether your target is a stand-alone application or an integrated solution, Attunix Application Modernization practice can customize a solution that drives market differentiation.In today’s cloud focused environment, the Attunix Modern Datacenter practice can help to position your company for growth and sustained business results. Migrating or extending your business into the cloud allows for more flexibility, lower costs, data backup, and site recovery.In efforts to create a truly customized solution, Attunix has been a part of Internet of Things since the beginning. Have a plan and need execution? Have no clue where to begin? Reach out now to learn how Attunix can improve operational efficiency, accelerate your delivery, and maximize your investment.  Services Include:Intelligent Systems: Internet of Things, Windows Embedded, DevicesKIOSK Systems: Point of Service, Retail, Digital SignageBusiness Intelligence Systems: Big Data, Reports, Dashboards, IntegrationAdvanced Analytics - Azure Machine Learning, Power BI VisualizationsMobileOffice Productivity: SharePoint 2016, Office 365, YammerCloud DevelopmentCloud MigrationsRecent Achievements and Awards:Microsoft Gold Managed PartnerMicrosoft OEM Embedded ResellerCloud Accelerate PartnerAzure Circle Partner"Company of the Month" and "20 Most Promising Azure Solution Providers of 2016" - CIO Review"CEO of the Year" - Acquisition InternationalMinority Owned Business Enterprise