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Unicorn je dynamická skupina společností poskytující komplexní služby v oblasti informačních systémů a informačních a komunikačních technologií. Již od roku 1990 je posláním skupiny přinášet klientům konkurenční výhodu a vysokou přidanou hodnotu prostřednictvím špičkových informatických produktů a služeb poskytovaných v dohodnuté kvalitě, kvantitě, termínu a rozpočtu. Skupina je tvořena třemi společnostmi zaměřenými na specifické portfolio produktů a služeb - Unicorn Systems, Unicorn Universe a Unicorn College. Unicorn Systems je renomovaná evropská společnost poskytující ty největší informační systémy a řešení z oblasti ICT. Dlouhodobě se soustředíme na vysokou přidanou hodnotu a konkurenční výhodu ve prospěch svých zákazníků. Působíme na trhu již od roku 1990 a za tu dobu jsme vytvořili řadu špičkových a rozsáhlých řešení, která jsou rozšířena a užívána mezi těmi nejvýznamnějšími podniky z různých odvětví. Máme nejlepší reference z oblasti bankovnictví, pojišťovnictví, energetiky a utilit, telekomunikací, výroby, obchodu i veřejné správy. Našimi zákazníky jsou přední a největší firmy. Disponujeme detailními znalostmi z celého spektra podnikatelských odvětví. Rozumíme principům jejich fungování, ale i specifickým potřebám zákazníků. Unicorn Universe je digitální stavebnice informačních systémů. Pro tvorbu informačních systémů na platformě Unicorn Universe používáme tyto základní stavební kameny: Unicorn Universe Operating System - objektový operační systém virtuálního super počítače Unicorn Universe Business Modeling Language - nástroj pro vizuální modelování a komunikaci Unicorn Universe Process - univerzální metodika pro řízení podniků a organizací Unicorn Universe Applications - informační systémy postavené na platformě Unicorn Universe Řešení postavená na platformě Unicorn Universe jsou poskytována prostřednictvím internetové služby Plus4U, která 24 hodin denně, 365 dní v roce poskytuje chytrá řešení lidem, firmám, živnostníkům i organizacím pro sdílení informací, spolupráci a podporu řízení. Unicorn College je moderní soukromá vysoká škola, která nabízí kvalitní vysokoškolské bakalářské studium v oblastech informační a komunikační technologie, ekonomie a managementu. Jejím cílem je poskytnout studentům aktivní schopnost využít získané vědomosti tam, kde je to vyžadováno, a rovněž tyto znalosti obohatit o reálné zkušenosti. Kromě kvalitního vysokoškolského vzdělání zajišťuje i interní vzdělávání a pomáhá realizovat certifikaci k daňové reformě. 

Business Insighters Group

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Business Insighters Group est une équipe de consulting basée à Casablanca au Maroc spécialisée dans les solutions BI de Microsoft. BIGroup a pour principal objectif de promouvoir la business intelligence parmi les petites et moyennes entreprises aussi bien que les grandes. Nos équipes vous aideront a transformer vos données en des outils puissants et des indicateurs pertinents vous permettant une meilleure prise de décision grâce à des solutions bâtis sur Power BI. 

WAGNER AG Informatik Dienstleistungen

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Die WAGNER AG bietet IT für KMU. Unsere Stärken liegen in der Rolle als Generalunternehmer für die Planung, den Bau und den Betrieb von IT-Infrastrukturprojekten. Wir beraten, erstellen Konzepte, beschaffen und liefern schlüsselfertige Lösungen. Unser massgeschneidertes Support-Angebot unterstützt die Kunden rund um die Uhr. Auf Wunsch betreiben wir als Outsourcing oder auch Outtasking-Partner die Serversysteme und Netzwerke unserer Kunden. Die WAGNER AG ist ein selbständiges Unternehmen, das 1996 gegründet wurde und von den Eigentümern geführt wird. Eine gute Marktposition und zufriedene Kunden sind der Grund für das kontinuierliche Wachstum. Heute werden bereits 80 Mitarbeiter in verschiedenen Kompetenzbereichen beschäftigt. Die WAGNER AG pflegt strategische Partnerschaften mit namhaften IT-Herstellern. Wir sind zuverlässige Technologie-Partner, die bei Ihnen heute die Lösung für morgen installieren.

WinWire Technologies Inc.

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WinWire Technologies is a global IT solutions company helping enterprises navigate the digital technology revolution. We help drive exponential growth for our customers through a transformation of their IT and application modernization. We call it stitching the digital fabric with systems of intelligence. Digital technologies are disrupting and redefining the business landscape into an interconnected, mobile-first, cloud-first world. These changes are forcing enterprises to transform their business processes, models, and the way they operate. With WinWire, enterprises create high-performance, agile, connected, innovative, and data-centric technology platforms that help you stay ahead in the new economy. We are a Microsoft Managed Partner with deep expertise, built over 10 years, in evolving digital technologies including Cloud, Advanced Analytics, Internet of Things, Mobility, Security, UI/UX, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. This allows us to work with large and mid-sized enterprises to design, develop, and manage a wide range of intelligent platforms and applications, across industries and business functions. Our record of leadership through exceptional technology solutions delivery, and a culture based on People First’ make WinWire your ideal technology service partner.


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Wij maken organisaties klaar voor de uitdagingen van de toekomst. Zodat zij gemakkelijker hun werk kunnen doen. Overal, altijd en op elk apparaat. Wij helpen organisaties om in hun veranderende bedrijfsomgeving steeds voorop te lopen door de slimme inzet van nieuwe Microsoft technologie. We weten als geen ander hoe groot de impact kan zijn van nieuwe software en systemen op de werkvloer. Daarom begeleiden we onze klanten door het hele proces: van advies, implementatie, wegwijs maken van de eindgebruikers tot en met zorgeloos beheer. Wortell heeft maar liefst zestien Microsoft Gold competenties. Wij zijn twee keer verkozen tot beste Microsoft partner van Nederland en daar zijn wij trots op. * 2 keer benoemd tot beste Office 365 Partner wereldwijd * 2 keer benoemd tot Beste Werkgever IT branche (2017-2018 en 2018-2019) * 1,4 miljoen Office 365 migratiesWortell implementeert op innovatieve wijze standaard Microsoft-oplossingen als Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Secure Productive Enterprise, Azure, Microsoft 365, Power BI, Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Windows 10 en Office 365. Daarnaast implementeren wij ook meer infrastructuur gerelateerde oplossingen zoals Azure IAAS oplossingen.Wij werken dagelijks met Microsoft samen. Wij werken op projectbasis, waarbij wij graag eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor het projectresultaat. Daarnaast is onze expertise op inhuurbasis beschikbaar en nemen wij opgeleverde omgevingen in beheer.Zoek je een adviseur, een partij die verantwoordelijkheid wil dragen in projecten? Of zoek je juist kant-en-klare producten die zich reeds hebben bewezen? En vind je een project ook pas succesvol als gebruikers met de oplossing kunnen, willen en gaan werken? Dan gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou om meer te vertellen over onze combinatie van technische kennis en change management programma’s. Wij willen jouw organisatie graag helpen met de uitdagingen van de toekomst.

Forceworks, LLC

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Forceworks, a 2014 Microsoft Partner of the Year, turned ISV, is the developer and provider of RapidStart CRM for Dynamics CRM Online; the leading rapid deployment solution, currently offered by Microsoft Partners worldwide. RapidStart CRM is a low cost solution for new users of Dynamics CRM Online and can be used by any partner, without any prior CRM knowledge or training, to successfully deploy CRM for their customers.


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L''Offre de Services Ai3 Data Analytics a pour objectif d’accompagner nos clients dans la mise en œuvre de solutions décisionnelles à fortes valeurs ajoutées centrées sur leurs richesses : leurs données métiers : Comprendre les enjeux des Directions générales, DAF, DSI, Directions métiers mais également des équipes opérationnelles, nous permet d’être au plus près de nos clients et de répondre à leurs besoins en leur fournissant de meilleurs outils d’analyse de leurs activités. L’offre s’articule autour de 3 axes en corrélation avec une maturité décisionnelle inhérente à la mise en œuvre de telles solutions : CONSOLIDATION ET REPORTING OBJECTIF Permettre aux organisations informatiques d’offrir des solutions de consolidation d’information et de restitution offrant à la fois qualité des données, sécurité d’accès à l’information et définition d’une sémantique commune. DEMARCHE Auditer - Prise en compte de l'historique - Analyse de l'existant ( sources de données, technologies, ...) Définir la cible à atteindre - Définition des axes d'analuse partagés - Définition des métriques communes - Définition de modèles sémantiques - Modélisation des datasmarts métiers - Définition des besoins de reporting Réalisation - Transformer, consolider, agréger les données issues des silos de donénes applicatifs - Enrichir les données - Fournir des Reportings - Sécuriser l'accès à l'information - Diffuser et partager ANALYSE DES DONNÉES Et PREDICTIF OBJECTIF La mise en place de données consolidées et de rapports structurés forment un socle solide qui apporte de nouveaux besoins et usages à combler : tableaux de bords, analyse ad hoc, data mining. DEMARCHE Accompagnement des utilisateurs dans leurs expressions de besoin - Mise en place de POC et de QuickWins - Evangélisation des solutions existantes et à venir Réalisation - Mise en œuvre d'outils permettant de répondre instantanément à des questions complexe des utilisateurs - Exploration de données - Dashboard - KPI - Portail décisionnel - Analyse prédictive OPTIMISATION & PRISE DE DÉCISION OBJECTIF Faciliter les prises de décisions de nos clients et l’analyse de celles-ci afin d’optimiser les suivantes. DEMARCHE Optimisation des usages - Utilisation de nouveaux dévices (tablettes, smartphones, interfaces tactiles et visuelles) Réalisations - Tableaux de bords de directions - Mise en place de budgets, planifications et prévisions - Reporting financiers - Intégration de workflows - Applications métiers intégrant les outils décisionnelles

Business Solutions d.o.o.

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Business Solutions d.o.o. nudi informacijske rešitve za celovito pokrivanje poslovanje podjetij v Sloveniji in širši regiji. Business Solutions d.o.o. offers IT solutions for integrated operation of companies in Slovenia and wider region. MS Dynamics NAV, MS Dynamics CRM, Business Intelligence, MS SharePoint Server, MS Windows Server, MS SQL Server, MS Exchange Server, Web Solutions, B2B, B2C, NavOnWeb.

Bright Skies GmbH

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Bright Skies is an expert in Microsoft cloud technologies - Office 365, Azure, EMS and Power BI. We did a lot of data visualization projects with Power BI including Integration of ERP, CRM, time tracking Systems, as well as home automation and IoT scenarios.

Professional Advantage Pty Ltd

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Professional Advantage is an Australian privately owned and run company, offering business and IT solutions since 1989 in Australia, USA and UK. We are business-outcome-focused and use a rapid time-to-value BI implementation approach. We provide a full range of BI project implementation services and have expertise in mobile BI, on premise and cloud-based BI, user experience design and data visualization best practices. As your partner, we focus on the technologies and services, freeing you to do the work that you know best. We understand that a ‘collaborative working relationship’ with our clients is formed based on Reciprocity; where the interests of the two organisations are better pursued when they join forces and form an alliance, from which they both benefit. This form of collaboration implies a willingness on the part of all involved to work together to achieve the common goals and objectives agreed to during the project initiation. We have extensive experience in designing and implementation of modern, governed self-service BI solutions that have an elastic architecture and can grow with the business. Hundreds of clients have benefitted from our team’s combined experience and collaborative approach. Our talented and dedicated professionals offer deep application skills and innovative solutions while seeking the best outcome for your organisation. As recognition of our industry leadership Professional Advantage has won numerous business and vendor awards, including the Microsoft Global Customer Care Excellence Award.

Delaware Consulting

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Delaware Consulting is a fast growing, global consultancy firm providing advanced solutions and services to organizations striving for a sustainable, competitive advantage. As a prime partner for Microsoft, Delaware Consulting centers its activities around three main pillars: operational excellence, business insights and customer experience. Delaware Consulting employs more than 1,300 professionals across 24 regional offices in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas.True to its 'Combining Strengths, Delivering Solutions' credo, Delaware Consulting forges value-adding partnerships with its customers. By co-creating, delivering and managing end-to-end solutions, the company contributes to the success of its clients. This combination of a conceptual, process-oriented approach, many years' experience and profound technological knowledge has earned Delaware Consulting numerous certification titles, including Gold Certified Microsoft partner.


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AddPro AB Vi är ett expansivt kunskapsföretag som bygger digitala motorvägar och utvecklar smarta, flexibla och kostnadseffektiva IT-system. Våra 120 specialister är specialiserade på allt från IT-infrastruktur, säkerhet och applikationer. Du kan anlita oss som kompetensförstärkning eller som samarbetspartner i större förändringsprojekt. Vi har den kompetens som krävs för att garantera att förändringen eller implementeringen av ditt nya system blir lyckosam på sikt. Vi har också de resurser som krävs för att hantera löpande drift och support av ditt system – oavsett omfattning och komplexitet. Vi är noga med att aldrig konservera en situation och satsar konsekvent på lösningar som kan leva upp till dina och omvärldens krav. Vi driver på teknikutvecklingen och ser till att du alltid har tillgång till den teknik och kompetens du behöver för att din verksamhet ska fungera optimalt. Vår verksamhet bedrivs för närvarande inom affärsområdena: •Applikation och integration •Infrastruktur – Drift – Support •Molnintegration


Partner Directory

Alterna è un system integrator con elevata esperienza consulenziale all’interno di Altea Federation, dedicato alle tecnologie e soluzioni applicative Microsoft. Player di rilievo nel panorama internazionale dei partner Microsoft, con competenze e certificazioni Microsoft Gold ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence e Collaboration & Content, esprime il suo forte commitment a supporto della crescita e della competitività delle imprese, accompagnandole nel percorso di innovazione e trasformazione digitale. Il focus di Alterna è su quelle aziende italiane che fanno dell’approccio innovativo una leva competitiva, proponendo loro un’offerta completa che abbraccia le soluzioni Microsoft Dynamics AX, NAV e CRM, le soluzioni Cloud, il Mobile, il Social Networking ed i Big Data. In particolare, in ambito CRM, vanta anche competenze sui nuovi add-in Microsoft Dynamics Marketing e Microsoft Social Listening, nati tramite la realizzazione di alcuni PoC (Proof of Concept) implementati per Clienti particolarmente interessati a questi ambiti. Grazie alle esperienze acquisite e ad un portafoglio attivo di oltre 700 clienti, Alterna sviluppa il proprio business nei principali settori di mercato: Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail e Services proponendo soluzioni verticalizzate per medie e grandi aziende oltre che per le piccole imprese.


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AIS (Applied Information Sciences) provides software and systems engineering services to government agencies and businesses across the United States. We specialize in cloud services, DevOps, custom application development and IT services. Our areas of expertise include: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Office 365, SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, Software Development, Enterprise Mobility, User Experience (UX), Business Intelligence / Advanced Analytics & IoT, Operations & Support, and Help Desk Services. Our customers include a broad range of organizations from startups to Fortune 100 companies, state and local governments, as well as defense and national security agencies. Our analysis-driven approach to solving business problems – combined with our commitment to deadlines and budgets – results in successful projects and long-term relationships with our clients. We’re a top-tier cloud partner for Microsoft, Amazon and Equinix with proven capabilities and a track record of success. Founded in 1982, AIS is a growing and privately-held company headquartered in Reston, Virginia, with offices in Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas and India. Please visit us at www.aisteam.com to learn more about our full range of consulting services, ideas, solutions, and contract vehicles.


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Anexinet, an award winning systems integrator and technology management company, enables mid-size and Fortune 1000 clients to optimize the value of their IT investments for improving performance and operational processes. Serving businesses, associations and government agencies, Anexinet recommends, designs, delivers and supports systems integration with leading technology partners. An innovator for aligning IT with business goals, Anexinet protects project investments with accountability backed by PMP®/PMI® certified consultants, industry best practices, Near-Site® Development Centers and proprietary delivery models proven in successful client engagements.


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Beyondsoft Consulting Inc. is a leading business IT solutions & consulting company helping customers drive business success. As an experienced business IT partner, we provide end-to-end support for Cloud, Digital, Data Analytics, Multi-language translation and Testing services. In addition, we use emerging technologies such as Machine Learning to create tailored solutions and leverage proven methodologies to solve business-critical challenges for customers. We have a strong and growing PowerBI practice that includes data integrity, cloud migrations and operations, visual storytelling and a new Predictive Analytics offering called BeyondLearning.    Our expertise includes:  Cloud servicesData & AnalyticsQA & TestingContent & StrategyMulti-language translationDigital Platforms  Our clients come from all industries, spanning High-Tech, Internet, Media, Retail, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Automobile, Consumer Electronics, Finance, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, and Energy.    Beyondsoft Consulting Inc. has its North American headquarters in Bellevue, WA, and offices in San Jose, CA; Los Angeles, CA; Plano, TX and Toronto, Canada. We have been recognized by industry analyst firms and trade organization, including  IDC, IAOP and Global Services, for our technology leadership.   Our parent company in Beijing, China has more than thirty-two research and delivery centers across North America and Asia. Our global network of talent and customer-centric engagement model enables us to provide top-quality services in an unprecedented scale.   For more information, please visit www.beyondsoft.com.


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Slalom is a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation. We believe in what's possible and shape what's next.At Slalom, personal connection meets global scale. We build deep relationships with our clients in cities across the US, UK, and Canada, while sharing insights across markets to bring the full breadth of Slalom's expertise to every engagement. Our regional Build Centers attract top talent to rapidly develop the technology products of tomorrow. We also nurture strong partnerships with over 200 leading technology providers, including Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Salesforce, and Tableau.Slalom was founded on the idea that consulting doesn't have to be a grueling, road-warrior career. We live and work in the same communities as our clients. We're personal, courageous, and optimistic. Our promise, "Love your future," guides our culture, our work, and our relationships—helping us uncover solutions that others don't.Slalom's clients include more than half the Fortune 100 and a third of the Fortune 500—along with startups, non-profits, and innovative organizations of all kinds. Together, we tackle complex projects to deliver high-impact business results.  Strategy. Go beyond the expected. We help you move confidently through ambiguity and risk, focus on customer needs, and deliver sustainable business value. Technology. Learn from your data, create incredible digital experiences, or make the most of new technologies. We blend design, engineering, and analytics expertise to help you build the future. Transformation. Shifting customers. New technologies. Industry disruption. Business moves fast, and we specialize in working through change with you. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Seattle, Slalom has organically grown to over 6,500 employees. We were named one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2019 and are regularly recognized by our employees as a best place to work. Learn more at slalom.com.


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Nombrados como Mejor Partner del Año de Microsfot en Satisfacción de clientes, somos sexpertos en software de gestión de negocios. Aportamos soluciones informáticas que se adaptan a las necesidades específicas de cada empresa. Damos cobertura a todos los aspectos relacionados con tus sistemas de información, desde soluciones de gestión empresarial (ERP Microsoft Dynamics NAV) hasta la infraestructura necesaria para soportar cualquier aplicación. Tenemos una amplia cartera de clientes satisfechos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional que avalan nuestra trayectoria profesional. Nuestros productos y servicios:Soluciones de gestión empresarial ERP y CRM Soluciones de eCommerce B2B y B2C Movilidad: Aplicaciones móviles para Microsoft Dynamics NAV Gestión Documental Business Intelligence & Reporting empresarial Infraestructura y sistemasPortales de colaboración: con Microsoft SharePoint facilitamos la gestión del conocimiento a su empresaOfrecemos soporte remoto y servicios gestionados, proporcionando asistencia técnica y gestionando los recursos informáticos de tu empresa. Portales de colaboración/ Con Microsoft SharePoint facilitamos la gestión del conocimiento a su empresa. Conectamos usuarios con personas, información y procesos de negocio a través de la web, con una experiencia de usuario fácil, familiar y coherente. Puedes encontrarnos en Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Mallorca y Zaragoza


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Neudesic is a U.S.-based systems integrator that delivers innovative business solutions to help organizations become more competitive and extract more value from their technology investments. Neudesic offers a clear vision of how technology – whether cloud-based, on-premise or hybrid solutions – can support current and future organizational needs by: • Integrating systems to improve business efficiency • Strengthening customer relationships to increase revenue • Creating mobility solutions to expand market reach • Migrating to the cloud to increase flexibility and reduce costs • Nurturing enterprise collaboration to enhance productivity • Delivering business insight to make informed decisions Neudesic offers Microsoft-based solutions in the following areas: • Application and systems integration • Application development • Business intelligence • Cloud computing • Customer relationship management (CRM) • Enterprise mobility • Portals and collaboration • User experience With offices throughout the United States, we are ready to accelerate and modernize your enterprise.


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Bridging the Gap Between Data and IntelligenceMarquam offers end-to-end Microsoft data solutions that drive business transformation. Data is the new electricity and the impact to the way we work is immeasurable. Almost every single person, place and device are connected in some fashion. As connections increase at exponential rates, so does the volume of data we collect. Modern businesses need to find ways to leverage this new information in every way.As Edison and Tesla were instrumental in transforming the way we live through electricity, Marquam is instrumental in transforming the way you work through data. Utilization and scalability are imperative to leveraging leading indicators and metrics to predict the future. Microsoft business intelligence gives you the competitive advantage.Accelerating your evolution requires a paradigm shift from reactive to proactive, from historical data to predictive decision making and to automate these processes for greater efficiency. Enabling you to transform your data into intelligent actions requires a combination of:Azure Data LakeAzure Data Mart ConsolidationAzure Machine LearningAzure SQL Data WarehouseMicrosoft Artificial IntelligenceMicrosoft Power BIMicrosoft SQL ServerMarquam works with you to better understand your business, goals, and opportunities for improvement. Our holistic methodology leverages best-in-breed Microsoft tools that enable individual departments to become more productive, driving your business to become fast and flexible while remaining secure and scalable.

Preferred Strategies

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As a Microsoft Data Analytics partner, Preferred Strategies helps customers transform JD Edwards data into a strategic asset. Our QuickLaunch for Microsoft solution provides scalable data architecture designs and data integration options which enable self- service reporting and analytics across the enterprise.We leverage the market leading technology from Microsoft including SQL Server and Power BI to build modern data platforms that enable user adoption, reduce cost, and drive competitive advantages. QuickLaunch helps JD Edwards organizations monitor business trends, track key performance indicators, and provide real-time analytics for quick, reliable insights. Based on years of development and a deep knowledge of the JD Edwards data environment, QuickLaunch obscures the underlying complexity of the ERP data structure to help business users get access to the insights they need in a fraction of the time compared to traditional IT supported reporting. The QuickLaunch solution provides a central metadata layer with Analysis Services Tabular models that leverage in-memory data processing, making analytics and report generation with Microsoft Power BI substantially more responsive than more traditional OLAP solutions. Preferred Strategies QuickLaunch for Microsoft solution cost-effectively streamlines the implementation of market-leading Microsoft BI platforms including Power BI and Azure. This approach enables JDE companies to leverage the top-tier analytical tools that knowledge-centric businesses adopt to drive better analytics and ultimately create the most value out of their IT investments.  With QuickLaunch for JD Edwards, customers realize the tangible benefits of reporting and business intelligence in a matter of days rather than spending months building out an effective infrastructure to support a successful BI implementation.Since our establishment in 2002, Preferred Strategies has been firmly committed to helping JD Edwards companies of all shapes and sizes create value from their data. We support a broad spectrum of customers across many industry types including Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Distribution, Construction, Energy, and Healthcare. Our expert team has the domain knowledge and technical resources to assist large multinational companies and conglomerates as well as small to medium sized organizations. Currently, we have active customers and implementation projects across North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and the Oceania regions including Dubai and Australia. 


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En tant que cabinet d'étude et de conseil, nous nous positionnons comme une acteur global, capable d'intervenir aussi bien sur des phases amonts (AMOA) que sur des phases d'intégration de logiciels (AMOE).En tant que spécialiste de la data et notamment de la Business Intelligence, nous travaillons à la mise en oeuvre de solution à forte valeur ajoutée pour le pilotage des entreprises.Nous utilisons les solutions Microsoft, pour apporter une réponse pertinente, tant d'un point de vue fonctionnel, technique et économique à nos clients. Nos solutions Microsoft portent essentiellement autour de Sql Server, ainsi que Power BI pour compléter l'offre BI d'entreprise avec la brique Self-Service qui permet une meilleure appropriation des informations de la part des utilisateurs finaux.Notre partenariat Silver Data Analytics nous permet d'être reconnu auprès de nos clients et d'avoir la légitimité auprès d'eux pour la mise en oeuvre de telles solutions.Nous utilisons Power BI dans une approche Cloud de l'analyse de données, ainsi que pour la possibilité de réaliser une architecture temps réel.Cependant, nous travaillons avec certains client dans une approche On-Premise avec Power BI Report Server.  Enfin, nous réalisons également un certain nombre de benchmarch autour des solutions de Self-Service, et mettons généralement en relief les intérêts de l'architecture de Power BI et son intégration dans l'écosystème Microsoft.

Pinion Services

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Providing information management services to the financial services industry in the banking and insurance domains. Our expertise is in end-to-end enterprise information management solutions. With our information-delivery services, Pinion aims to: ·        Engage tools and solutions that enable high-resolution, agile reporting amid enormous quantities of information. ·        Architect and place technologies that empower organizations to access and scrutinize information in ways that consistently offer clear-eyed, far-seeing conclusions and next steps. ·        Offer meaningful metrics and data in precise, easy-to-grasp formats, such as using scorecards and dashboards. ·        Build solutions that back “active warehousing”, an automate, event-based strategy in which data gathered in a data ware house is examined and replace in operation systems to propel actions. Providing solutions for financial organizations using packaged payment software such as VisionPLUS (Versions 8 and 2.56), CardPac, Base24, Postilion, and others.  We also provide expertise in many specialty areas such as cryptography, Visa, MasterCard, Europay, Base24, and local switch interface certifications.

Innexys Consulting

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Innexys is a dynamic consulting company with a focus on providing a complete suite of End-To-End Business Solutions to its customers and partners.  Our team consists of experienced professionals who have successfully led and implemented complex business projects worldwide. Innexys’ think big mentality combined with our human-centric credo is why our clients choose us as their trusted adviser.Innexys is a Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) for Dynamics 365 and Power BI, and provides consulting services for Dynamics CRM, Dynamics AX and Dynamics NAV.Our core competencies are in the areas of:• Business Process Management • Productivity and Collaboration• Digital TransformationIndustry Know-How:• Professional Services Industryo Software Developmento ITOo BPOo Consultingo Engineeringo Accountingo Real Estateo Other professional services• Manufacturing Industryo Process Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Chemicals Cosmetics F&Bo Discrete Manufacturing Machinery Industrial equipment Electronicso Project Oriented ManufacturingInnexys is part of Bulpros Group which ranks 1st in Bulgaria and 12th fastest growing technology company in Central Europe.


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Byte was founded in 1983 and it soon developed into one of the most important and biggest companies providing comprehensive IT and communications solutions in Greece. Its leading position in the Greek market today is the result of continuous investments in cutting-edge technologies and specialized human resources, in combination with powerful strategic partnerships with leading international organizations. As a result, Byte can provide its customers with access to high-quality, leading products, technologies and services. According to its strategic development plan, Byte participates in companies with similar or supplementing business activities, in order to create a group of companies that will provide the most comprehensive and effective customer service in Greece and abroad.  Our work Almost from the beginning, Byte has been involved in system integration, software development, technology unification and networking. Recently, Byte became a security service provider by establishing a Trusted Third Entity to issue digital certificates for qualified digital signatures. The company’s superior know-how and long experience, combined with its innovative initiatives in e-Business, e-Signature and e-Learning, have helped Byte become one of the top partners for organizations and businesses that need specialized and advanced solutions to cover their increased operational needs in the modern environment. By offering a wide range of high added-value services, Byte is converting customer investments into measurable business results. Our philosophy Since its establishment in 1983, Byte continues to steadily implement its development strategy by providing quality services and customer support, and valuing its customer relationships. Therefore, we stay true to the same philosophy that served as the foundation for the creation of a modern and forward-looking IT organization. An organization that innovates, leads the way and invests in new services and solutions. An organization that develops through knowledge, research, successful partnerships and customer satisfaction. An organization that attracts executives by providing training and development opportunities to young scientists. An organization that is flexible enough to respond to its current needs and offers added value to its customers through innovative solutions and continuous, top quality support.