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SoftwareONE Taiwan Ltd. 台灣碩軟

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SoftwareONE 碩軟,全球已邁入第 35 年,深耕台灣多年,來自全球35,000個客戶的肯定,服務範圍遍布145個國家。在台灣,我們除了協助客戶進行軟體授權採購,也提供專業的 Power BI 雲端與地端方案,從資料來源到儀表板整體架構的規劃與實作,同時也是台灣微軟 Dashboard In a Day 指定合作夥伴;顧問團隊成員皆來自微軟,服務範圍包含台灣、香港、中國與亞太地區。SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 35 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. In Taiwan, we also provide professional service in Power BI Cloud and On-premise - from data sources to dashboard planning and implementation. We are Microsoft "Dashboard in a Day" deliver partner and serve Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and APAC. Our Service Categories:Power BI Basic Training (1 day)Customization Training (based on customer data)Project ImplementationConsulting HourOur Core Data Services:Business Intelligence (BI on Cloud & On-premise)Enterprise Data WarehousingAzure Data Analytics PlatformDepartmental Data MartsData Migration and IntegrationReporting and VisualizationManaged Self-Service BIInternet of Things (IoT)Form Recognizer (OCR)Our Key Microsoft Business Intelligence Technology Focus:Azure Data FactoryAzure SQL DatabaseAzure Analysis Service (Cube Tabular Model)Azure IoT HubAzure Stream AnalyticsAzure Logic AppsAzure Machine LearningAzure Bot ServiceAzure App ServiceAzure Form RecognizerPower BI Cloud ServicePower BI Rest APIPower AppsPower AutomateMicrosoft Teams IntegrationSQL Server Integration ServiceSQL Server DatabaseSQL Server Analysis Service (Cube Tabular Model)Power BI Report Server

Agileex Data - 敏捷艾科数据技术有限公司

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       敏捷艾科致力于为客户提供专业的微软数据平台和商业智能(Power BI)服务,在北京和上海设有分公司。自2015年至今,已为一百多家国内外企业成功提供过数据平台搭建、数据分析模型开发、Power BI 报表开发、Power BI 嵌入式门户开发、Power BI 自定义控件开发和Power BI 培训咨询等服务。在快消、零售、医疗、制造、商业地产、汽车、鞋服、公益组织等行业领域积累了丰富的项目交付经验和行业分析场景积累。       敏捷艾科是中国地区最早的Power BI 解决方案提供商之一,公司成员由多名微软认证商业智能专家、数据平台专家、Power BI专家、商业分析师、开发工程师组建而成。公司旗下品牌“Power Pivot工坊”也是中国地区最早和最受欢迎的 Power BI社区之一。        敏捷艾科是微软 Power BI 全球官方合作伙伴、微软金牌数据分析合作伙伴,微软中国区管理合作伙伴;同时,公司还以独家协办单位的身份连续承办了四届微软中国 Power BI 可视化大赛;公司总经理赵文超先生也有幸获选为中国地区首位 Power BI 方向微软最有价值专家(MVP)称号。       我们珍视您企业的数据资产,致力于帮助企业从数据中发现价值,成为您数字化转型的战略合作伙伴!

NAS conception GmbH

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Im Rahmen unserer Power BI Projekte unterstützen wir unsere Kunden vollumfänglich mit folgenden Leistungen:-          Beratung und Konzeption des Datenmodells aus verschiedenen Datenquellen-          Herstellen der Anbindung an die Datenquellen und Abstimmung mit den relevanten Partnern-          Erstellung der Berichte und Dashboards-          Schulung und Implementierung-          Konzeption und Umsetzung eines BerechtigungskonzeptsERP | CRM | BI | CLOUD - Wir leben Digitalisierung!

ScienceSoft USA Corporation

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ScienceSoft is a US-headquartered provider of IT consulting and software development services with 700+ IT professionals located worldwide. We have built up expertise in 15+ IT domains, with data analytics being one of our priorities. Our data analytics proficiency is proven by the Microsoft Gold Data Analytics and Data Platform competencies. Since 1989, we help our client design and implement end-to-end enterprise analytics solutions as well as provide advisory guidance at any stage of their data analytics journey: ·       We run data quality assurance and set up data quality management and data security practices to ensure that data is clean, error-free and safe.·       We design, implement and optimize BI solutions with a data lake, DWH, ETL/ELT, OLAP cubes and self-service BI.·       We apply advanced analytics and data science to get insights from traditional and big data.·       We visualize data in a way that business users spot trends and dependencies at a glance. As a certified Power BI partner, we recognize the power of carefully designed and flawlessly implemented data visualization. In our projects, we create insightful dashboards customized for different user roles with drill-down and slice-and-dice capabilities. Taking care of UX design, we make sure that a dashboard is not overloaded with unnecessary details.  Holding ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications, we rely on a mature quality management system in our data analytics projects and guarantee that cooperation with us does not pose any risks to our customers’ data security.

Canvas Intelligence

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Financial ReportingThe Canvas Intelligence Power BI Financial Reporting gives clients with multi-system, multi-currency, multi-national companies the most benefit, as it simplifies complexity with data analytics, visualisation & trend analysis. We’ve connected to the following major ERP systems: SAGE, Syspro, Microsoft Dynamics, Acumatica, Infor, Proteus etc. The Financial Reporting includes: Revenue, Cost of Sales, Gross Profit, Overheads, Inventory and many other reports. The Canvas Financial report is custom built to optimize productivity with real-time data alerts & KPI monitoring. Minimize administration costs & the use of shadow systems as well as to reduce costs with budget control and supply chain metrics in real-time. To request a free Proof on Concept on data you provide, or to test drive one of our demo’s visit our website: https://www.canvasintelligence.com/


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Through ears of experience in Information Systems and IT solutions, EDM presents a full suit of solutions in the digital transformation of your business.DataBoards™ is the latest BI solution EDM.Built using latest technology from Microsoft, Power BI.Your Reports and Dashboards are fully interactive with easier drill down and drill through for filtering and root causeanalysis.By presenting tailored data stories, it will be easier to detect outliers. Be proactive instead of reactive.DataBoards will give you a clear insight into how your company conducts business and helps you determine yourcompany’s health and stability.Features Sales Analysis Receivables Analysis Purchase Analysis Payables Analysis Inventory Analysis Financial Analysis HR/Payroll Analysis Full time intelligence Year to date, month to date, Previous year comparison with growth %....etc Budget comparison Analysis By Dimensions Companies consolidation Multi CurrenciesEDM also provide consultancy services in Dynamics 365 platform, Power Platform and Third party Microsoft Partners such as LS Retail.

Process Analytics Factory GmbH

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Process Mining transforms business process improvement from a once-in-a-while project into a daily routine of business operations. The Challenge: When you’re working with digital processes, it’s difficult to find out what your real business process looks like. Usually there is an ideal model, but you can never be sure that it is followed correctly. Plus, there’s a difference between suspecting something is wrong with your process, knowing that something is wrong and knowing exactly what it is and what’s causing it. Added on top are the many exceptions to the daily business, that create different variants of a process. So how do you know what your actual process looks like and where you can find improvement potential?   The Solution: Visualize your process from data with Process Mining. Process Mining connects areas of BI, process management and analytics by visualizing data in an easy to understand process flow. On the basis of this visualization, users can analyze their processes in detail and start optimization measures. PAFnow adds Process Mining capabilities to the Power BI and Office 365 infrastructure. With PAFnow users can: ·         Explore process variants, identify bottlenecks, discover root-causes, and much more. ·         Dive deep into data with complete cross-filtering and color highlights. ·         Access advanced features such as a minimap, variant indicator and filter preview. ·         Calculate process durations using the End-Timestamp. ·         Group process flows and use many layout options. ·         Use Conformance Check and Breadcrumb features ·         Monitor KPIs and the success of improvement strategies  ·         Find the right version for their needs: o   PAFnow Process Mining – Easy entry into Process Mining with our free visual for Power BI o   PAFnow Premium – Ready-to-use application for automatic process analysis and direct optimization o   PAFnow Enterprise and Content Packs – Make company-wide, well-founded decisions for better business processes   Benefits: Objective: Since it’s data-based, Process Mining is unbiased and unaffected by partial or limited perception of a process. Complete: Process Mining shows all exceptions, deviations and hidden variants of end-to-end business processes. Fast: It only takes the fraction of a time compared to traditional analysis projects, to receive results. Plus, there is no interruption of the day-to-day business through workshops and interviews. Ready-to-use: It’s easy to get started with Process Mining with our pre-built dashboards. You only need event data of your processes, either stored in a database or as a CSV file. Interactive: Adding Process Mining to Power BI allows to leverage the results from Process Mining analysis across an organization’s Office 365 infrastructure.  

CMC Technology & Solution Company Limited

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As one of the foremost Microsoft partners in Vietnam, CMC TS has achieved a Microsoft Silver Data Analytics Competency and has provided businesses, including Vietnam's largest enterprises, with best practice solutions using Microsoft Azure, PowerBI & other Microsoft services. In this modern day of data-driven business, Power BI helps provide corporations with interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities.  Power BI is also flexible and easy to use for end-users.  With CMCTS experiences in business consulting, we have realized that Power BI helps companies in many ways, but most significantly in empowering decision making and data monetization.  Management is more comfortable and ensured in deciding strategies; and employees enjoy making business decisions by themselves with the aid of Power BI.CMCTS is planning to create standardized business intelligence & data-driven decision making standards across different industries including Banking & Finance, Retailing, Manufacturing, Export & Import, ePayments, Real Estate, Food & Beverage and more. Power BI is the business analytics service we are using to integrate our expertise in data analytics and business intelligence.

Mistral Business Solutions

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EMPRESAMistral nació en 2013. Somos una empresa especializada en análisis de datos, concretamente en soluciones de Business Intelligence, Data Science y Big Data. Durante este tiempo hemos comprobado que nuestra principal fortaleza es la capacidad de entender y adaptarnos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes con gran agilidad. Tenemos una MISIÓN muy clara, que aplicamos tanto a nuestros clientes como a nuestro equipo: Ayudarles a ser mejores y apoyarles en el camino hacia el éxito, acompañándoles en la consecución de los objetivos marcados, más allá incluso de los que inicialmente tuvieran.Para ello, desde el primer día nos esforzamos en hacer realidad nuestra VISIÓN sobre qué queremos que sea Mistral: La mejor empresa que se puede contratar, la mejor empresa en la que se puede trabajar.Sustentamos todo esto con unos VALORES que son los que hacen que seamos quienes somos: honestidad, excelencia, confianza y compromiso.EQUIPONuestro principal activo es nuestro equipo. Para ello cuidamos todos los detalles para conseguir el mejor ambiente laboral posible: conciliación familiar, cenas de Navidad, eventos en verano, almuerzo los viernes y un equipo divertido y dinámico.Todos los miembros del equipo tienen una amplia experiencia en desarrollos muy exigentes. Trabajamos en un ambiente internacional y estamos acostumbrados a colaborar con empresas y equipos de distintos países, por lo que todos nuestros consultores tienen un nivel de inglés alto.Gracias a que tenemos un equipo muy grande con una amplia experiencia, somos capaces de trabajar con un gran portfolio de tecnologías, adaptándonos así a las herramientas que utilizan nuestros clientes o utilizando otras tecnologías que se adapten mejor a sus necesidades sin estar anclados a unas pocas.Además, durante estos años, nuestros consultores han trabajado en proyectos muy distintos: desde grandes multinacionales hasta pequeñas y medianas empresas, y en diferentes sectores como industria, logística, e-commerce, alquiler de coches, energía, supermercados, hostelería, cruceros, transporte o estética entre otras.COMPROMISOTrabajamos con metodologías ágiles como Scrum o Kanban para asegurar que el cliente conoce en todo momento el estado del proyecto y puede empezar a ver resultados lo antes posible. La idea principal es minimizar informes y documentos con largas explicaciones, haciendo más fácil para nuestro cliente el controlar nuestro trabajo y la evolución del proyecto, teniendo así completa flexibilidad para cambios repentinos.También realizamos consultoría para la planificación inicial e implementación de nuevas plataformas de datos. Aseguramos que la arquitectura de tu nueva plataforma se basa en las tecnologías más adecuadas según tus necesidades, está disponible, es escalable y funciona para proveer un rápido retorno de tu inversión. Estamos acostumbrados a trabajar con distintas tecnologías de modo que si ya dispones de una plataforma de datos nos adaptamos a la que estés utilizando.Enfocamos los proyectos con el objetivo de que veas resultados lo antes posible y que siempre sea rentable para nuestro socio, imprescindible para poder mantener relaciones de larga duración.

Deevita LLC

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Deevita LLC is a digital healthcare solutions provider offering technology services to businesses in the healthcare industry to help them succeed in value-based care. We provide legacy and cutting-edge IT services to businesses to help organizations succeed. We are primarily a Microsoft Technology shop specializing in Data & Analytics, Power BI solutions, Azure Cloud solutions, and we also provide Application Development Services.Deevita is a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Analytics & Data Platform, and a Microsoft Azure partner. Established in 2014, Deevita is headquartered in Redmond WA, USA with a development center in Chennai, India. Deevita’s mission is to empower organizations leverage their data and drive efficiency across their business ecosystem.We offer a wide range of BI services using Power BI to help you gain the data insights from your valuable data and make data-informed decisions. Whichever solution your business is looking for, our team of Power BI developers, solution architects, analysts, and consultants will be there with you on your data & analytics journey. Our commitment as a Microsoft Gold Partner ensures we follow Microsoft’s best practices for design, development, and deployment.Deevita’s Business Intelligence practice helps its customers drive a data culture in their organization through modern data integration, analytics, and reporting solutions. In addition to data engineering services, Deevita also offers Azure Cloud services right from readiness assessment to migration and data platforms. 


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CSG Pro has been building modern, scalable software and data solutions since 1993. Our data analytics consulting experts help you make sense of data and find hyper-efficient methods for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data. Our software development experts build a line of business applications to capture clean data and empower your unique organization.We love learning and sharing new technologies, processes, and solutions to help you be victorious in your role.To give back to the community, our team of specialists has actively led the Microsoft Portland Power BI User Group (PUG) since 2015. We also deliver free monthly Power BI Dashboard in a Day training at the Microsoft office in Portland.CSG Pro is a triple Gold Certified Microsoft Partner in Data Analytics, Application Development, and Data Platform. Our data analytics consultants hold charter member status as Microsoft Certified Solution Experts in Data Management and Analytics.


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IronEdge Group

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Communication Square

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Microsoft Power BI is a combination of business analytics tools that help analyze data to create knowledgeable insights. It is an excellent solution that helps monitor the business, to quickly solve problems with the help of its easily navigable dashboards readily available on every device.We help you connect to Power BI through the following tools: Microsoft Power BI DesktopMicrosoft Power BI app for Windoes, iOS, and AndroidMicrosoft Power BI Personal GatewayMicrosoft Powe BI Analysis Services Connector To Collect and organize dataEdit and process data, and.Make visual illustrations and share across your organization

Cloud 9 Infosystems Inc

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Cloud 9 Infosystems is a boutique technology consulting firm focused on growing enterprises. Cloud 9 was part of the first group of Microsoft's Gold Partner.     At Cloud 9, we offer clients the unique expertise we have developed by working with numerous clients and partners globally. Our solutions are derived from a combination of insight, innovation, and deep knowledge of cloud technologies. Combining these skills with-tools, methodologies, and best practices - we reduce the cost and risk of deployments for our clients.    When you work with Cloud 9, you benefit from our deep enterprise IT experience. Cloud 9 principals are Microsoft alumni with more than 27 years of collective experience and have worked at Fortune 500 organizations in various senior roles. More importantly, we understand how technology impacts people and processes. So with Cloud 9 you also gain a strategic partner that can help you address today's business challenges and prepare for tomorrow's. Our people have a remarkable mix of technology skills, business acumen, industry experience, and program management skills to tailor solutions that enhance your competitive edge.    Cloud 9 services cover the entire gamut of Analytics and Data Warehousing solutions, from the visualization of information using visualization tools up to the world of Predictive Business Analytics, Modeling and Analysis of Unstructured Data using Machine Learning. Advanced Analytics transforms information into insights enabling businesses to make informed strategic as well as tactical decisions.  Working together, we will help you through architecting, developing and implementing the whole advanced analytics stack comprising of data storage, data modelling and presentation layer.    We have implemented numerous Business Analytics solutions from easily deployable visualization tools like Power BI and reporting tools like Microsoft Management Reporter, SSRS reports to building data-warehouses feeding Business Analytics tools. We have developed solutions implemented leveraging Azure PaaS / IaaS and on premises deployment models. Our clients include leading companies from food services, manufacturing, financial services, e-commerce, healthcare, education and real estate services. 


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DXC provides a foundation of information management and analytic capabilities to harness all value from data that matters, to deliver insights at the speed of business and improve business outcomes. We have a broad portfolio of services, solutions and capabilities focused on the most critical aspects to today’s data driving environments:Analytics Advisory Services – Helping clients discover data insights quickly, quantify the business impact, and develop a strategy to use analytics everywhereAnalytics Solutions and Services – Consulting and Solutions to address critical client needs to run your businesses better through customized and packaged industry analytic solutionsArtificial Intelligence and IoT Analytics Services - Providing enhanced business outcomes through solutions that use machine learning, artificial intelligence and internet of things technologiesAnalytics and Big Data Platform Services - Protecting existing technology investment while offering flexible choices in delivery models across cloud, on-premises and hybrid environmentsInformation Governance Services - Providing state-of-the-art tools and processes to simplify the capture, lifetime management, security of, and access to informationManaged BI and Analytics Services – Helping clients manage, transform and optimize their BI and Analytics landscapeWe leverage our expertise in the new generation of analytics and big data to push your IT and business organizations to remain relevant.   

MAQ Software

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As 2021 Microsoft Power BI Partner of the Year, we enable leading companies to accelerate their business intelligence and analytics initiatives. Our solutions enable our clients to improve their productivity, reduce costs, increase sales, and build stronger customer relationships.Our clients consistently recognize us for providing architecture and governance frameworks, implementing best practices to optimize reports, and building team capability through training programs. To expand Power BI capabilities, we publish 33 certified visuals with 2.3 million downloads. To save time for executives building reports and presentations, we offer innovative tools such as Export to Excel, Export to Power Point, and Dr. Power BI. Our clients choose to work with us because they are confident in our software delivery. Their confidence results from our commitment to consistent outcomes, reduced time to value, and a transparent workflow. Our clients benefit from daily software updates, agile practices, domain expertise, and quickly implemented feedback.As a premier supplier to Microsoft for two decades, our clients benefit from our extensive insights on the platform and engineering practices. As a Microsoft Partner with 10 Gold competencies, our clients improve their implementations with our breadth and depth of expertise.With globally integrated teams in Redmond, Washington, and Mumbai and Hyderabad, India, we deliver solutions with increased velocity and tech intensity. We operate with a learn-it-first mindset, investing in comprehensive certification programs and trainings on the latest technology. Our daily delivery and feedback model offers the flexibility to adapt solutions to changing business needs.Our dedication to customer success has led to sustained growth. Inc. magazine has recognized us for sustained organic growth by listing us on the Inc. 5000 list ten times – a rare honor.

Vffice Inc.

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Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI's user interface is fairly intuitive for users familiar with Excel and its deep integration with other Microsoft products makes it a very versatile self-service tool that requires little upfront training.Vffice has over 20 years experience implementing ERP and business intelligence tools.Our team of experts can help you:Understand how to create a data culture in your organization that can lead to business transformationDiscover how to harness the power of data and to get self-serve business insightsLearn about Microsoft’s comprehensive portfolio of BI and Analytics solutionsDiscover what tools, guidance and offers are available to help you transform your business with Modern BI with confidence


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Cynosure Solutions Fzc is an Integrated IT Solutions and Services Provider driven by a Singular Mission: To help its Customers realize fast and full Return on their IT investments. Cynosure Solutions, a Microsoft Silver partner delivers multiple Business Intelligence, Reporting, Dashboard, Data warehousing and Data analysis solutions. The platforms for delivery include Microsoft Power BI, BI suite of SQL Server Reporting Services or SSRS, SmartList, Management Reporter, Forecaster, FRx, Crystal Reports and SharePoint as well as MyReport BI suite of solutions for Excel based reporting. Cynosure Solutions is adept at helping customers extract more actionable intelligence out of the data they are accumulating. It provides Power BI implementation services for powerful data discovery, dashboards, visualization, business reporting, and self-service analytics. Our Power BI consultants and developers use their expertise to create visualization and reporting solutions that empower users to create, collaborate, and benefit from insights gained through analytics. Our Power BI services span the enterprise business intelligence lifecycle - from needs assessment, business requirements elicitation, implementation roadmap, data model design (logical and physical), prototyping, interface design, end user training to drive adoption, and ongoing data integration management services. We deliver solutions for: Business ReportsDashboards and Interactive VisualizationsSelf Service AnalyticsEmbedded AnalyticsIntegration Reports into Web/Desktop Applications, SharePoint, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics GP, NAV, CRM, Oracle, SAP and other leading industry CRM, ERP and accounting solutions.


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Why work with SimplicityBI? SimplicityBI are experts in communicating complex information efficiently and clearly. Our world class team of solution architects, developers and project managers offer a modern approach to technology that organizations need to thrive in a new era of business innovation. Our solutions intersect cloud, big data and agile development, creating a framework that increases data leverage, accelerates application delivery, and decreases costs, while providing enterprises the speed and scale they need, giving you the competitive advantage. Our consultants have a wealth of knowledge and experience in delivering IT solutions working throughout North America both on site and remotely across a wide range of industries including but not limited to:- Oil & Gas, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Staffing & Recruiting, Data Center Management, Government, Insurance, Social Media, Telco, Transportation, E-Commerce and Healthcare. As a proud Microsoft Gold Partner, we have experience working across numerous platforms such as cloud Microsoft products for business: Office 365, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Power BI, Power Apps, Databricks and more. Utilizing our managed services keeps your data investments and their peripheral systems up and running through a robust SLA-driven service at predictable cost to enable secure modernization and growth. SimplicityBI currently specializes in the following areas: Data Visualization, distilling complex information into simple and visually accessible formats to enable more informed decision making. Data Analytics, identifying the trends, exploring the underlying causes and drawing conclusions to enable you to manage your business more effectively.  Cloud Data Integration, whether you’re already building a robust multi-Cloud environment or just getting started, our Azure experts help you to accelerate your journey to Cloud. From strategy to operations, we are experienced in delivering innovative Technology. Unified Data Platforms, aka Logical Data Warehouse. The modern way to implement your data solution MDM, our expertise enables robust master data the key component of insightful analytics Data Lake / DW, we help you build, assess, and leverage data lake environments to avoid wasted time and effort, because data still needs to be persisted.


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Wij maken organisaties klaar voor de uitdagingen van de toekomst. Zodat zij gemakkelijker hun werk kunnen doen. Overal, altijd en op elk apparaat. Wij helpen organisaties om in hun veranderende bedrijfsomgeving steeds voorop te lopen door de slimme inzet van nieuwe Microsoft technologie. We weten als geen ander hoe groot de impact kan zijn van nieuwe software en systemen op de werkvloer. Daarom begeleiden we onze klanten door het hele proces: van advies, implementatie, wegwijs maken van de eindgebruikers tot en met zorgeloos beheer. Wortell heeft maar liefst zestien Microsoft Gold competenties. Wij zijn twee keer verkozen tot beste Microsoft partner van Nederland en daar zijn wij trots op. * 2 keer benoemd tot beste Office 365 Partner wereldwijd * 2 keer benoemd tot Beste Werkgever IT branche (2017-2018 en 2018-2019) * 1,4 miljoen Office 365 migratiesWortell implementeert op innovatieve wijze standaard Microsoft-oplossingen als Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Secure Productive Enterprise, Azure, Microsoft 365, Power BI, Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Windows 10 en Office 365. Daarnaast implementeren wij ook meer infrastructuur gerelateerde oplossingen zoals Azure IAAS oplossingen.Wij werken dagelijks met Microsoft samen. Wij werken op projectbasis, waarbij wij graag eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor het projectresultaat. Daarnaast is onze expertise op inhuurbasis beschikbaar en nemen wij opgeleverde omgevingen in beheer.Zoek je een adviseur, een partij die verantwoordelijkheid wil dragen in projecten? Of zoek je juist kant-en-klare producten die zich reeds hebben bewezen? En vind je een project ook pas succesvol als gebruikers met de oplossing kunnen, willen en gaan werken? Dan gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou om meer te vertellen over onze combinatie van technische kennis en change management programma’s. Wij willen jouw organisatie graag helpen met de uitdagingen van de toekomst.

EPC Group

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EPC Group has a holistic view when it comes to delivering these solutions. We create a governed strategy around curating and optimizing data and build the appropriate analytics that meet the needs of each client we have. We believe that there is a strong correlation between data and improved business decision making. We partner with our customers to develop the necessary requirements that deliver a granular business intelligence game plan that ensures data governance, security and adoption.EPC Group has a 22-year long history as one of the country’s leading Business Intelligence, Collaboration and Information Management firms in the United States. With a focus on software integration within the Microsoft stack of technologies, EPC Group has been pioneering the way organizations analyze, collaborate, and share information. We leverage our time-tested expertise through proven, real world - “From the Consulting Trenches” strategies that serve as the foundation for our solutions and services for thousands of organizations around the world. Our award-winning strategies focus on harnessing your organization’s technical business requirements to provide the appropriate end-user solutions that meet your company’s needs.EPC Group has executed 5000+ SharePoint and Office 365 initiatives including custom Business Intelligence (BI), Application Development, Mobility & BYOD, Compliance (PHI, PII, HIPAA), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Project Server, SQL Server, and Enterprise Infrastructure & System Architecture deployments.  Why EPC Group?We have 22+ years of experience in database design, business intelligence, ETL, analytics and AI Solutions       Expertise in Power BI, Azure, and SQL Server platforms for data warehousing, business intelligence, and data science projects       Over 75 certified Power BI consultants on staff      We have authored 4 Microsoft reference books on Power BI, SharePoint and Office 365 with the latest authoritative book – “Microsoft Power BI Dashboards Step by Step”      Comprehensive, tailored Power BI Consulting & Training from certified Power BI trainers who have led hundreds of real-world projects        Proven Proof-of-concept dashboards from an industry leading Power BI Consulting firm        We can create dashboards and visualizations from even the most demanding applications built with exceptional visualizations and usability        And as part of our unique Power BI consulting services, EPC Group utilizes tailored methodologies to ensure that your dashboards are easy to use, highly functional and meet your organization’s needs.  To learn more about EPC Group please visit www.epcgroup.net or email us at contact@epcgroup.net. You can also reach us at (888) 381-9725   

eacs Ltd

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In the modern workplace, businesses need to maximise the analytical potential of the data they hold, and our experience in leveraging the power and capabilities of Power BI can help you quickly solve business problems, improve efficiency and achieve real cost benefits – all achieved using real time data. Our Power BI services will help you understand how your data can help provide you with simple easy to understand dashboards and reports that will ensure you are able to drive improvements and make business critical decisions based on facts, not assumptions.Whether visualising data from a Power App, analysing your sales or identifying critical issues in your supply chain, eacs can help you make decisions at the speed of data.

ArcherPoint, Inc.

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Power BI and ArcherPoint ArcherPoint marries the structure, organization, and open platform of Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV and the power and agility of Power BI to offer a wide range of consulting services for a variety of industries. We have the tools and expertise to help you take advantage of the features and functionality of both to grow your business. BI Reporting Options with Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV ArcherPoint can help you select the best reporting option for your needs and optimize your site configuration so you can quickly access the data key to your decision-making. We start by asking, “what decision are you trying make?” “What specific data will you need for the report?” “How will these reports be distributed?” ArcherPoint BI Consulting ArcherPoint offers a wide range of BI-focused consulting services. We work closely with our clients to extend the value of their Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV business intelligence and reporting to develop engaging business strategies, design high quality and scalable solutions, and build rich brand experiences.  Power BI is a business analytics service provided by Microsoft. It provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without having to depend on information technology staff or database administrators. Contact ArcherPoint to schedule your demo of Power BI today.   Are you unsure that Power BI is right for your organization? What about pitching the idea to management? We can help you every step of the way. Read our blog for more info: https://www.archerpoint.com/blog/Posts/how-make-business-case-microsoft-power-bi

Alithya Fullscope Solutions

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Alithya delivers innovative Microsoft ERP, CRM and BI solutions and services on premise or in the cloud to manufacturers in North America and Europe. The award-winning company is one of the largest resellers of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CRM) and Finance and Operations (ERP).Alithya’s Business Intelligence practice helps clients drive digital transformation through its unique selection of business and technology services as well as specialized Microsoft-based solutions, delivering modern data warehouses, analytics and reporting solutions.  Alithya offers a holistic approach to delivering business intelligence, including building strategy and governance, curating and optimizing data, and building strong and relevant analytics to meet the unique needs of our clients.Alithya helps clients build high-performing data driven organizations by creating strong internal teams and linking data with business outcomes.  We guide our clients in developing requirements for BI and deliver a BI blueprint to ensure strong data governance programs, including data security, organizational data literacy and adoption.With domain expertise in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations & Dynamics  Customer Engagement, there is no stronger partner to assist customers in getting the most out of its investment. Alithya helps its clients best architect its Dynamics data and provides tools and a proven framework to ensure data accuracy, financial integrity and governance.  Our BI Accelerator provides an out-of-box data model for Dynamics AX and D365, allowing our customers to stand up a simplified data model in less than a day.Leveraging Microsoft’s PowerBI and other Microsoft-based tools, Ailthya works collaboratively with its clients to obtain deeper insights into their business through operational analytics to augmented analytics, which requires a more agile and flexible way to connect to the proliferation of data available today though IoT and other data acquisition services.  We are also assisting our clients with data literacy and training programs to ensure user adoption to achieve desired business outcomes.