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Deevita LLC

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Deevita LLC is a digital healthcare solutions provider offering technology services to businesses in the healthcare industry to help them succeed in value-based care. We provide legacy and cutting-edge IT services to businesses to help organizations succeed. We are primarily a Microsoft Technology shop specializing in Data & Analytics, Power BI solutions, Azure Cloud solutions, and we also provide Application Development Services.Deevita is a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Analytics & Data Platform, and a Microsoft Azure partner. Established in 2014, Deevita is headquartered in Redmond WA, USA with a development center in Chennai, India. Deevita’s mission is to empower organizations leverage their data and drive efficiency across their business ecosystem.We offer a wide range of BI services using Power BI to help you gain the data insights from your valuable data and make data-informed decisions. Whichever solution your business is looking for, our team of Power BI developers, solution architects, analysts, and consultants will be there with you on your data & analytics journey. Our commitment as a Microsoft Gold Partner ensures we follow Microsoft’s best practices for design, development, and deployment.Deevita’s Business Intelligence practice helps its customers drive a data culture in their organization through modern data integration, analytics, and reporting solutions. In addition to data engineering services, Deevita also offers Azure Cloud services right from readiness assessment to migration and data platforms. 

Mistral Business Solutions

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EMPRESAMistral nació en 2013. Somos una empresa especializada en análisis de datos, concretamente en soluciones de Business Intelligence, Data Science y Big Data. Durante este tiempo hemos comprobado que nuestra principal fortaleza es la capacidad de entender y adaptarnos a las necesidades de nuestros clientes con gran agilidad. Tenemos una MISIÓN muy clara, que aplicamos tanto a nuestros clientes como a nuestro equipo: Ayudarles a ser mejores y apoyarles en el camino hacia el éxito, acompañándoles en la consecución de los objetivos marcados, más allá incluso de los que inicialmente tuvieran.Para ello, desde el primer día nos esforzamos en hacer realidad nuestra VISIÓN sobre qué queremos que sea Mistral: La mejor empresa que se puede contratar, la mejor empresa en la que se puede trabajar.Sustentamos todo esto con unos VALORES que son los que hacen que seamos quienes somos: honestidad, excelencia, confianza y compromiso.EQUIPONuestro principal activo es nuestro equipo. Para ello cuidamos todos los detalles para conseguir el mejor ambiente laboral posible: conciliación familiar, cenas de Navidad, eventos en verano, almuerzo los viernes y un equipo divertido y dinámico.Todos los miembros del equipo tienen una amplia experiencia en desarrollos muy exigentes. Trabajamos en un ambiente internacional y estamos acostumbrados a colaborar con empresas y equipos de distintos países, por lo que todos nuestros consultores tienen un nivel de inglés alto.Gracias a que tenemos un equipo muy grande con una amplia experiencia, somos capaces de trabajar con un gran portfolio de tecnologías, adaptándonos así a las herramientas que utilizan nuestros clientes o utilizando otras tecnologías que se adapten mejor a sus necesidades sin estar anclados a unas pocas.Además, durante estos años, nuestros consultores han trabajado en proyectos muy distintos: desde grandes multinacionales hasta pequeñas y medianas empresas, y en diferentes sectores como industria, logística, e-commerce, alquiler de coches, energía, supermercados, hostelería, cruceros, transporte o estética entre otras.COMPROMISOTrabajamos con metodologías ágiles como Scrum o Kanban para asegurar que el cliente conoce en todo momento el estado del proyecto y puede empezar a ver resultados lo antes posible. La idea principal es minimizar informes y documentos con largas explicaciones, haciendo más fácil para nuestro cliente el controlar nuestro trabajo y la evolución del proyecto, teniendo así completa flexibilidad para cambios repentinos.También realizamos consultoría para la planificación inicial e implementación de nuevas plataformas de datos. Aseguramos que la arquitectura de tu nueva plataforma se basa en las tecnologías más adecuadas según tus necesidades, está disponible, es escalable y funciona para proveer un rápido retorno de tu inversión. Estamos acostumbrados a trabajar con distintas tecnologías de modo que si ya dispones de una plataforma de datos nos adaptamos a la que estés utilizando.Enfocamos los proyectos con el objetivo de que veas resultados lo antes posible y que siempre sea rentable para nuestro socio, imprescindible para poder mantener relaciones de larga duración.

CMC Technology & Solution Company Limited

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As one of the foremost Microsoft partners in Vietnam, CMC TS has achieved a Microsoft Silver Data Analytics Competency and has provided businesses, including Vietnam's largest enterprises, with best practice solutions using Microsoft Azure, PowerBI & other Microsoft services. In this modern day of data-driven business, Power BI helps provide corporations with interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities.  Power BI is also flexible and easy to use for end-users.  With CMCTS experiences in business consulting, we have realized that Power BI helps companies in many ways, but most significantly in empowering decision making and data monetization.  Management is more comfortable and ensured in deciding strategies; and employees enjoy making business decisions by themselves with the aid of Power BI.CMCTS is planning to create standardized business intelligence & data-driven decision making standards across different industries including Banking & Finance, Retailing, Manufacturing, Export & Import, ePayments, Real Estate, Food & Beverage and more. Power BI is the business analytics service we are using to integrate our expertise in data analytics and business intelligence.

Rand Group

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Combining the business acumen of seasoned professionals – back office to front office and all disciplines in between, Rand Group delivers overall business improvement and business management software solutions that drive real business results. At Rand Group, we are proud to partner with and support clients across North America, with centers of excellence in the Southwest Region and the Pacific Northwest. Our resources carry expertise across all industries with additional specialization in energy, manufacturing & distribution, construction & engineering, and professional services. We hold 6 Microsoft Business Competencies and are a member of Microsoft’s Elite Inner Circle – reserved for the top 1% of Microsoft Dynamics partners worldwide. Rand Group is passionate about providing pragmatic solutions to operational problems, improving revenues, and delivering bottom line results. We support our clients on everything from a secure, scalable, stable infrastructure through transaction processing systems and management analytics to all elements of web presence, digital media and digital marketing.  Our aim is to exceed our clients’ needs through role-tailored, easy to navigate software systems that create the best possible solutions. Rand Group’s dedicated Data Science & Analytics practice provides a wide variety of services and support offerings. Our analysts have the expertise to assist businesses of all shapes and sizes – from smaller organizations currently working to determine if Power BI is a good fit, to experienced Power BI users that are looking to take their data insights to the next level. As an experienced Power BI partner, Rand Group ultimately empowers our clients to make better business decisions.


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neuroNPact is a full-service National Solution Provider and Silver Microsoft Partner that consults and supports business and technology solutions. neuroNPact has established a reputation providing guidance to our customers whether they plan a digital transformation or strive to meet unique business goals while leveraging the best technology in the industry. We begin our process personally with the business user and aim to understand their unique position and desired outcomes. We then apply digital solutions to optimize efficiency and collaboration within their individual roles. neuroNPact delivers a comprehensive and scalable communication and consumption service that ensure business users adopt new technology successfully. Our business solutions and offerings include:Business Intelligence assessments - security assessments - PowerBI customer immersion experience - Business Intelligence consultation - Dashboard in a Day (DIAD) engagements - RetailLink Data Analysis - Productivity consulting - SharePoint Server Services - Office 365 - Dynamics 365 - Microsoft 365 managed services - Cloud migration - Mobility - Data Analytics - SQL Data Management

Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH

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Die Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH hat ein umfassendes Portfolio rund um das Thema Analytics Plattformen. Der Aufbau, die Erweiterung sowie die Modernisierung von Business Intelligence, Datawarehouse und Big Data Umgebungen (branchenübergreifend) sind kein Problem für uns. Unsere PowerBI Experten unterstützen Sie gerne bei Ihren Fragestellungen und zeigen Ihnen wie Sie in Bezug auf Qualitätserhöhung sowie Zeit- und Kostenersparnis mit der Microsoft Power Plattform punkten können.In der industriellen Fertigung unterstützen wir Sie gerne im Bereich Data-Driven Factory, z.B. Predictive Quality, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring / OEE. Für alle von uns implementierten Lösungen bieten wir Support, Wartung, Betrieb sowie maßgeschneiderte Managed Services und DevOps an. Durch unser Operation- & Support-Team bleiben entwickelte Lösungen für Kunden stabil und benötigen zugleich nur einen geringen Pflegeaufwand. Wir können Ihre datengetriebene Projekte Ende-zu-Ende aus einer Hand begleiten und auch nach Projektabschluss Lösungen nachhaltig betreuen. Dies ermöglichen wir mithilfe unserer Digitalisierungsberatung (Duality), unserer erstklassigen Analytics/IoT-Beratungs- und Umsetzungskompetenz (Teams Analytics Consulting, Data Science & AI) sowie unserer Digitalschmiede – dem Ort für digitale Prototypisierungsprojekte und MVPs. Als starker Microsoft Partner mit elf Gold Kompetenzen und einer Silber Kompetenz können wir unsere Kunden nicht nur in PowerBI, sondern im gesamten Leistungsspektrum von Microsoft beraten. Damit schaffen wir Lösungen, die sich nahtlos in Ihre Security- und Infrastruktur integrieren und trotzdem alle Vorteile einer agilen Reporting und Analyseplattform bereithält. Mit unseren Schwesternmarken Actemium und Omexom haben wir Zugriff auf tiefe Domänen- und Prozesskompetenzen in den Bereichen Industrietechnik und Smart City und bilden das beste interdisziplinäre Projektteam für jeden Kundenfall. Die Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH ist - ebenso wie die Axians IT Solutions GmbH - eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft der VED IT GmbH.

WiAdvance Technology Co

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企業需要行業特色與 IT 融合的整合解決方案,緯謙科技結盟世界級公有雲平台並結合自身研發能力,滿足客戶整合架構公有雲、混合雲的需求;讓企業在提升營運能力的同時,不但突顯核心價值,更有機會發展創新的商業模式。緯謙雲端災難備援方案,協助企業打造永續經營磐石,更整合頂尖雲端平台與系統監控應用,使災難備援建置與管理所需的 IT 人力與專業知識大幅減少,更是降低企業導入雲端備援的門檻的高性價比解決方案。而在提升企業生產力的服務上,緯謙科技提供基於 Office 365 所開發的行動辦公應用服務豪辦事,在 Office 應用外,更整合企業常見的商務情境,滿足個人資訊管理、協同辦公與企業內部互動的需求,結合服務、平台與裝置,提高企業營運效能及團隊生產力,落實「行動優先,雲端至上」的理念。秉持著創新雲端技術服務的精神,緯謙不斷提升己身能力,以期與客戶共同打造敏捷IT營運模式,樹立高效雲端企業的新典範!

Orient Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Orient Technologies is one of India's leading IT partners with a global presence. We have a successful track record for enabling digital transformation for our customers smoothly. We deliver cutting-edge solutions that help our customers use their data to enable quick decision-making and help them derive actionable insights even in a data overloaded environment. Our certified and experienced professionals ensure quick roll out along with timely support and services.Our BI team is committed to solving the business pain points for our customers in every Business Unit. Our company's rich history of over 25 years helps us get a better idea of the inner workings and challenges of every industry from startups to SMBs to Enterprises to Government and Public Sectors. This helps us understand our customer's requirements easily and help them with solutionizing the best approach. We build our solutions using the Microsoft suite of products( Power Bi, PowerApps, Flow and SharePoint) along with R and/or Python. Our company can handle:1. Consultation2. Creation of data warehouse / data lake3. ETL services4. Connections to multiple applications and  databases5. Creation of dashboards and reports6. Implementing security and user hierarchy7. Sharing or Exporting dashboards8. Support9. Automation of processes via PowerApps and Flow10. Creation of alertsWe have successfully executed projects with fortune 500 companies helping them with:1. Hiring & attrition patterns2. Sales & Expenses trends3. Identifying top customers, vendors, sales executives and products4. Identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities5. Financial KPIs6. Directors/Management Dashboards7. Employee Productivity Dashboards 8. Compliance Dashboards9. Risk Assessments10. Retail Distribution DashboardsWe have also been able to utilize the Microsoft 365 Adoption Report and customizing it further by being to display the exact users who haven't been active on products like Exchange, Teams, Skype and Sharepoint so that their licences can either be downgraded or deactivated. This has helped our customers correctly assign different types  of licences to users to ensure higher adoption and usage of O365 platform.   

KPMG Canada

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Nowadays, many companies realize importance and the variety of internal and external data available, data becomes an essential asset. An asset, which in order to maintain its value and generate competitive advantage, requires – as any other asset – day to day care. For data it means managing its quality, availability, logic of processing, thoughtful distribution and provisioning of access. Business intelligence refers to organization's ability to gain deeper business insight from data and information for better decision-making. Our clients are looking for solutions to provide decision makers at all levels of the organization with faster, more harmonized, more comprehensive, more flexible, interactive and reliable quality information while reducing the cost of providing it.   We are helping our clients in introducing Business Intelligence solutions from the BI strategy concept to its implementation. We specialize in developing operational BI solutions for processes like order to cash, purchase to pay, financial reporting, cash management, sales analytics, supply chain management, production and quality control. We provide insight into figures but also we enable process controls monitoring. We design, build and implement Power BI based solutions that enable process mining and in this way provide immediate process insight and enable process improvement and optimization.   We handle issues of data quality management, data governance including reassessment of KPIs used in organizations, KPIs harmonization across different teams and data cleansing. We also develop customer-tailored solutions for budgeting, forecasting and budget monitoring. 

Smart Consulting

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Smart Consulting is a Microsoft Gold consulting partner focused 100% on Data Analytics and Business Applications. Since 2003, we have delivered hundreds of projects using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Dynamics 365, Power Apps and Power BI for companies of various sizes and sectors. Our projects and services improve our customers' customer service, productivity and sales. Focus Areas: Business Intelligence and  Artificial Intelligence; Application development in Microsoft Power Platform; Automation of Sales Force and Customer Relationship (CRM); Omnichannel Customer Service (processes and software for customer service, chat, bots and portals for self-service); Marketing Automation; IT Services Management (ITSM); Project Service automation; Focus Industries: Financial Services; Contact Center / Telecom; Automotive; Information technology and services.  Please, contact us! We’ll be glad to assist you!


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DiLytics is a Microsoft Partner specialized in providing end to end Data Analytics Solutions. DiLytics specializes in building state of the art Analytics/BI Dashboards, build Automated ETL Processes and Design Data Warehouse and Data MartsDiLytics has expertise & experience building Analytics, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Integration based solutions. DiLytics has provided IT solutions in the public sector and has worked at the Federal, State, City level and K-12 Public Education in the US & Canada.   We have successfully implemented solutions in the verticals of Pharmaceuticals, Supply Chain & Retailers, Shipping, Semiconductors etc. in the Private sector. DiLytics provides solutions usinga variety of MIcrosoft tools including Embedded Power BI, Azure Synapse  & Data Factory on Azure Cloud,  Power BI, SSIS, MS SQL and Server On-Premise.


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En ABAST llevamos más de 25 años ofreciendo soluciones de Business Intelligence y desde hace más de 20 contamos con un área especializada en este tipo de proyectos que actualmente cuenta con más de 35 profesionales. En nuestros proyectos podemos contar además con la ayuda del resto de los casi 400 profesionales que forma el equipo técnico de ABAST, como por ejemplo los más de 30 DBAs de nuestra área especializada en Bases de Datos.Somos uno de los partners de Microsoft con más capacitación en España, estando acreditados como Gold Partner con 11 competencias, entre las que se encuentran las de Gold Data Analytics, Gold Data Platform y Gold Cloud Platform. Tenemos una gran experiencia en proyectos con Power BI y otras tecnologías Microsoft para Business Intelligence.Nuestros serviciosDesarrollo de proyectos end-to-endIntegración y consolidación de datos en Data WarehouseFormaciones y mentoring de Power BICreación de informes analíticos en Power BI (con formulación basada en Excel)Puesta en marcha y gestión de soluciones analíticas en Azure: bases de datos administradas, herramientas de integración, machine learning…Auditoría de modelos implementados y creación plan de acción para:Aplicar best practicesMejorar el rendimientoFacilitar la escabilidad de las soluciones

Agilisys Ltd

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Agilisys, an employee owned organisation, is one of the UK’s fastest growing and innovative cloud and digital transformation specialists, enabling organisations to adopt technologies, platforms and processes that promote new ways of working and help organisations transform. Working for both the public and private sector for over 20 years, we have earned a strong reputation and hold deep domain expertise delivering change and innovation, within local and central government. Our public-sector cloud and IT services have been designed to accelerate cloud adoption and enable transformation. We combine technology, tested methodologies and skills that unleash the power of cloud and minimise the complexity that can sometimes come with migration. We put strategy before technology and deliver the skills, experience and capacity needed to make the right cloud decisions and transform public services. Our credentials and qualifications in supporting our customers with their digital and cloud transformation include: ·         We have now migrated over 12 organisations fully to the cloud, and over 10,000 servers ·         We have migrated over 130,000 users to Office 365 and are recognised as Microsoft’s lead delivery partner in the UK to the public sector. ·         We are a Microsoft Gold Hosting and Productivity partner. ·         We are a Microsoft Preferred Content Services provider, one of only 24 partners globally to achieve this status The breadth of our capability in technology and business transformation has enabled us to form deep and long last partnerships with our customers and support them in achieving their strategic outcomes. Our client’s success has been repeatedly recognised at a national level, with recent examples including: ·         London Borough of Barking & Dagenham winning LGC Council of the Year 2018. ·         Wigan Council winning LGC Digital Council of year and Digital Leaders Council of the Year in 2016. Agilisys staff within the Power Platform practice have experience in designing, developing, deploying and supporting Power Platforms solutions to our customers including: ·         A Power BI dashboard and data audit solution to a Global network of users, in use by over 3000 field workers. ·         A Power Apps application for provision of a cloud based audit tool for a family support service to modernise a legacy case audit system increasing audit capacity each month. ·         A Project Management Office with a Power App and SharePoint based project site provisioning engine. 


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Flexmind est née de l’alliance de consultants de haut niveau et d’expérience, chacun référent dans son domaine d’activité. Nos consultants accompagnés d’architectes systèmes d’information ont acquis une expérience depuis plusieurs années dans la mise en œuvre de projets d’intégration et de migrations sur les solutions Dynamics 365 et Power Platform (Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate ou encore Power Vitual Agents) complétées par les applications Microsoft Business Intelligence et Office 365. Flexmind propose d’accompagner les entreprises dans la transformation de leur Système d’Information. Nous proposons des solutions globales, mais aussi dédiées à des secteurs tels que le retail, les services, la distribution et de l’industrie. Depuis toujours, Flexmind n’hésite pas à investir dans l’innovation. De la même façon, nous accordons une exigence particulière à la veille technologique. Ces deux points sont le préalable incontournable, pour vous offrir le conseil le plus éclairé ainsi que des solutions qui anticiperont vos besoins immédiats et vos enjeux futurs. Tous nos consultants passent régulièrement des certifications sur les dernières versions des solutions sur lesquelles ils interviennent. Cela contribue à vous garantir des réponses performantes sur le long terme. Cette société est avant tout le reflet de la diversité des horizons revendiqués par ses créateurs, mais aussi par l’ensemble de des collaborateurs. Un concept innovant, mixant différents styles et philosophies pour en puiser toutes les richesses, et qui place l’homme au cœur de l’entreprise. 


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IMBS® was created by a group of professionals with more than 15 years of worldwide experience. Through the know-how of our consultants, specialized in Lean and Process Improvement, our goal is to find and implement the best solutions for each client. The versatility acquired with the experience in several activity segments and markets, allows us to customize all solutions to the reality of each company, from Process Engineering to Digital Transformation. Each solution we implement, has the mission of generating added value for our customers. This value involves obtaining both quantitative results, in terms of productivity and profitability, as well as qualitative, considering the impact they have on the company's people and culture. IMBS - Business Solutions has a Silver Competency in Data Analytics and is specialized in implementing PowerBI, which allows us to respond to the needs of our partners through the tools that are part of the Microsoft Power Platform. Our team has the experience and ability to develop solutions tailored to each company, regardless of their size and sector of activity, in order to transform organizations' data into coherent and interactive information, allowing them to make assertive and efficient decisions. 


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Who we are Algomine is a professional business analytics company specializing in decision making optimization and operational efficiency management. The company’s expertise is accessing and gathering right data, followed by implementing advanced analytics and visual analytics to turn that data into real value to the business.   Why Algomine We provide comprehensive support to our clients from the stage of installation and data acquisition, to post-implementation assistance and trainings. We build solutions in a way that would not be possible in the case of cooperation with the giants of the IT industry, because we combine knowledge, many years of experience with the necessary flexibility and quick action. Our clients are large Polish companies that we support in:           Integrating, cleaning and modeling data from multiple sources for reporting and analysis          Designing reports, dashboards and visualizations          Creating analysis sets, e.g. receipt data, customer behavior of the loyalty program          Preparation of marketing campaigns based on predictive models (x-sell, up-sell)          Recommendation of the best offer for the client (Next Best Action)          Building forecasting models broken down into particular groups of goods and optimizing the inventory We help to convert data into revenues, because the proper leverage of your company's data is a possible additional source of income and increasing the real value of the organization. Visit our website and get to know us better

datafortune Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

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Today, volumes of data grow exponentially in all realms from personal data to enterprise and global data. Datafortune empowers you to understand and organize your data by making effective application of business intelligence. We collect your unstructured data and convert it into patterns, trends and data correlations that empower crucial business decisions.Learn more. Led by the fundamentals of performance & optimization, we develop unique data management solutions that enable effective decision making.  We help put the best practices in place for an effective and time-managed data services and solutions, either with time-tested methodologies of MIKE 2.0, or our own Unique Df id Data Migrations.  We specialize in creating a robust architecture for efficiency across all business functions. We help you optimize existing, build new or even start your cloud journey for data or analytics. 

Swell - Training and Development, Lda.

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We are a small, specialized team of business modelling, reporting and analytics experts. We are based in Porto, Portugal. Our services include training (public and in-house) and the development of solutions for business reporting and analysis. We use Power BI and Microsoft Excel.We can help you and your team to learn how to:make an intelligent use of the data that already lives withing your company,use advanced analytic techniques to drive decision making,be more efficient and fast in data collection,protect your business from the risks associated with the wrong business modelling practices.Here are some examples of our work in recent years:help a company streamline its reporting process. From data collection, transformation and cleaning, to calculated measures using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), we have helped improving the time spent on monthly reporting while simultaneously helped running the business with the use of interactive dashboards,support with the preparation of the annual budget of an international company using Excel and Power BI. The solution allows for target setting and control,creation of a multi-currency, multi-company cash reporting tool that enables the analysis and control of cash positions, planning and forecasting.We have provided training in Power BI to the Public Sector, Banking, Industrial, IT and a variety of other small to medium sized companies. We have also provided training to the glorious Futebol Clube do Porto - the largest football club in Portugal and former European Champion. Our Clients include:The Portuguese Ministry of HealthAccenturePestana Hotel GroupEnergias de Portugal (EDP)SecilChiccoCrédito AgrícolaProef GroupAnd many other SMEs


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Why Relation1?In today's competitive world, personalized marketing takes more than just getting the name right. We're people who use technology and human thinking to reach the hearts and minds of your customers. In the most personal way possible.To reach your customers in the most effective way, we develop strategic paths that are driven by data science and customer insights. Then along with next generation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, we execute effective marketing programs that never forget your business and sales goals.Relation1 areas of expertise:Strategic PlanningIt's all about being customer-centric. Working with your business objectives and internal capabilities, we build a strategic action plan based on our goals that can be operationalized in the real word, not just sit in a report.Data Science and Customer InsightsThis means no guess work. We break down and thoroughly explore your data to give you the most powerful weapon – knowledge. AI is engaged and used to develop deep predictive models that gain your client's long-term loyalty.We do more than slice and dice the data. We analyze and understand the motivations that trigger engagement and sales. By having a clear understanding of your customers, we can guide you and ultimately, them to interact with your business and brand.Generate a full, complete and single view of the customers.Access enriched customer data that is fully actionable through our data models.Launch data driven campaigns generating higher sales lift and customer engagement.Optimize recommendations for each customer on an individual basis, including product selection, promotions, rewards and editorial content.Customer Journey Optimization.Churn Prevention Program (Winback & Reactivation).Engagement scoring.Segmentation and clustering.And more.Data VisualizationWe leverage PowerBI capacities to deliver customer-centric, action-oriented dashboards and reports that provide valuable insights to our clients. Reports are embedded into client's applications when possible to keep all information accessible in one place.TechnologyIT should provide a head rush not a headache. As facilitators, we guide marketing, and IT resources to enhance your business efforts. We Support omni-channel implementation through integration with leading Marketing Cloud technologies, eCommerce platforms, websites and offline processes.As Microsoft Gold Partner for Cloud Platform and Data Analytics, we have extended experience in Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Power BI, Azure Functions, Azure Machine Learning, Databricks and more.We speak French and English and have offices in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec city.

Joyful Craftsmen s.r.o.

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We are THE business intelligence agency. A young company designing, constructing and operating business intelligence solutions for enterprises. Experts in Microsoft Data Platform, which includes SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, PowerBI and other leading edge Microsoft technologies, we are co-founders of Czech PASS, the first user group of the Professional Association for SQL Server in the Czech Republic.We provide the following services: DevelopmentMicrosoft Data Platform is the technology we rule. The platform provides all you need to develop Data Warehousing and Data Analytics solutions, either on-premise or in cloud.SupportWe take responsibility for your whole Microsoft Data Platform environment and infrastructure. We have strong skills in designing, scaling and operating high performance solutions 24×7.TestingTesting strategy, test data management, test automation, defect management, reporting. QA as a service is our excellenceTrainingSharing our know-how with others is our other love. Through training, consulting, auditing and teaching in our community, we help others to be better and better every day.


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Bmatix leverages its decade long Business Intelligence expertise and multiplatform knowledge to help you drive your business.Whether to improve the quality of your services and products, increase employee productivity, adapt to market trends or increase your market share.We offer a wide range of ready-to-deploy Power BI reporting solutions, created alongside industry leading companies and partners. Along with short lead-times, our solutions are highly customizable and expandable based upon your own needs.Need something new, tailor-made for your own organization? Reach out so we can assess how one of our 60 solution-certified data specialists can help you to design what you need.Bmatix delivers the right information at the right time. Helping you make the right decisions, faster, based on facts, not fiction. 


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Glorious Insight is a Global IT Services company with leading solution delivery capabilities around Microsoft Data & AI Solution, Custom Application Development on Power Platform and Sharepoint, Cloud infrastructure Management, Intelligent Process Automation and ERP / CRM. Combining the unmatched experience of our knowledge pool of domain experts, and our specialized skills across industries, we offer consulting and technology implementation services to clients, based on their needs and scale of their businesses. We assign a dedicated team of experts for each of our clients to deliver the promise of technology as per the vertical and their unique requirements. Our Research Team, at Glorious Research Labs, is constantly working with new technologies to come up with innovative solutions that are in line with the latest technological developments and serve the current business trends. We serve diverse clientele across industries like BFSI, Consumer Goods, Education, Enterprise Technology, Media & Entertainment, Telecom, Automotive, Manufacturing, Aviation, Healthcare & Retail. We deliver industry leading solutions by leveraging top technology stacks available from Microsoft. With our global presence in India, Netherlands, United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Singapore, Canada & Australia, we are able to deliver world class business solutions to our clients across the globe. We embrace the power of change to create value and business outcomes for our clients, partners and communities around the world. Visit us at www.glorinz.com.

Blueforte GmbH

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Our profile: Big enough to deliver, small enough to careWe are passionate about data. The work we do to help our clients be driven by data is what gets us out of bed in the morning. Whether you’re a disruptive start-up, a medium-sized business or a big player, our team of 50 employees based at our offices in Ham-burg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf and Munich is on hand to listen and support you every step of the way. And you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’ll end up with more efficient processes, carefully considered decisions and optimised products and services.Why us:We build you a solid, scalable foundation for building modern, cascading reporting across all of your departments and for each of your use cases. At the same time, we empower your data design team in Power BI and user-centric dashboard design. We are design-savvy and detail-oriented - our solutions should work and delight. We are driven by the happiness of future users, because only satisfied users make data-based decisions - objectively and efficiently.How we can support:Consulting on your reporting/BI strategy and the use of current technologiesDesign, customization and extension of your BI architectureReport creation process with Power BI (data loading, transforming, modeling, visualizing)Report designs according to International Business Communication Standards (IBCS)Development of cascading reporting apps with a central entry point, topic-specific analyses and drills into detailed analyses using the "Your Analytics HUB" concept developed in-houseStructured processes for the creation of designs and the generation of Power BI reportsUser-specific training of Power BI (data modeler, report designer, report administrator, end user)Performance optimization (SQL, Power Query, DAX)

Advance Learning Technology Center Limitada

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Advance Learning es un centro de capacitación, entrenamiento y certificación  internacional en el área de tecnologías de información y comunicación. Contamos con  una experiencia de 14 años, brindando soluciones de aprendizaje que buscan formar o  actualizar un recurso humano, con las competencias digitales necesarias para hacer  frente al proceso de transformación digital y los retos inherentes a la cuarta revolución  industrial. Actualmente también, brindamos servicios de Mentoring y consultoría para el desarrollo de soluciones empresariales de analítica de datos, basados en Power BI. Hemos acompañados a nuestros clientes en el camino a la optimización del uso de lo datos de manera que cobren vida, cuenten historias y sean realmente un insumo relevante para la toma de decisiones en la organización. Construimos los más dinámicos tableros, le colaboramos en procesos de migración, le asesoramos en temas de publicación y seguridad, entre otros. 

Gateway Business Communications Pty Ltd

Partner Directory

Untangle BI brings along precision, comprehensive experience, expertise, and deep industry knowledge. Our forte is offering unparalleled Power BI consulting services along with the flawless Power BI implementation that will craft a roadmap to help you streamline the data, processes, and business goals.Cost-effective Solutions– Our approach is simple – we focus on finding the right problem and strive to overcome it with minimum time.Dedicated ODC Team– We understand the importance and uniqueness of every project. Therefore, we have a dedicated ODC team.Experienced Professionals-We have a team of experienced professionals that enhances efficiency and renders quality as well as quantity.One Stop Power BI SolutionWe make our Power BI consulting Company unique, by involving specifically crafted methodologies that adapt well to your needs and demands. Our customized module developments and the ability to integrate a huge volume of data from internal as well as external sources makes us one of the best Power BI consulting service providers for Microsoft Power BI Solutions.Power BI DesktopOur industry experts offer you a personalized solution after doing a comprehensive assessment of your unique business needsPower BI MobileWe deploy on-demand certified Cloud Specialists to help you meet your strategic goals & respond quickly to the market needsPower BI PremiumWe ensure a seamless business transformation by helping you implement exclusively tailored strategies that mitigate riskPower BI EmbeddedWe analyse your current technology and process maturity to devise a customized integration approach that addresses all your requirements