Merkittyjä kirjoituksia: power bi

Supporting Azure Active Directory shared device mode (preview) for Power BI Mobile apps

Shared devices are company-owned devices that are shared between employees, often frontline workers, across tasks, shifts, or locations. Most mobile apps, however, are designed for single users, and optimize their experience for use by a single user, with single sign on (SSO) across applications and keeping users signed in on their device. This behavior isn’t suitable for devices that are shared by multiple users. In the case of shared devices, employees expect to pick a device from the pool, “make it theirs” for the duration of their shift, and then to be able, at the end of their shift, to sign out from the device globally and have all their personal and company information removed so they can return the device to the pool. This is exactly what Azure AD’s shared device mode enables.

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Announcing automatic scaling for dataset scale-out public preview

We’re excited to announce that we’ve reached the final milestone in our dataset scale-out public preview journey! We started the preview without auto-sync and with single read-only replica per dataset. A few months ago, we introduced auto-sync, and now Power BI can create as many read-only replicas as your Power BI capacity supports. Dataset scale-out is no longer limited to a single read-only replica per dataset.

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Improving the communication performance of XMLA-based tools

We are thrilled to announce that we have made some significant performance improvements to the XMLA-endpoint communication in Power BI. Specifically, we have switched XMLA-based communication from plain text XML to binary XML and enabled compression for the .NET client libraries. Make sure you upgrade to version or later to benefit from this improvement.

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Announcing the Public Preview of automatic replica synchronization for Dataset Scale-Out

We are excited to announce that we have finalized Dataset Scale-Out configuration APIs and completed the replica synchronization feature. Specifically, you no longer need to enable Scale-Out at the workspace level by using a burdensome XMLA request. The XMLA command is deprecated and will no longer work. You can now enable Scale-Out on a dataset-by-dataset basis using the Power BI REST API for datasets. You also no longer need to synchronize read-only replicas manually if you want to take advantage of automatic replica synchronization. Automatic replica synchronization is enabled by default. However, it is also possible to disable automatic synchronization to synchronize the read/write and read-only replicas of a dataset manually for controlled refresh isolation.

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Power BI May 2023 Feature Summary

Welcome to the May 2023 update! We have lots of exciting new features for you this month. You’ll find preview announcement of new Open, Save, and Share options when working with files in OneDrive and SharePoint document libraries, updates to the On-Object Interaction feature released to Preview in March, a new feature gives authors the ability to define query limits in Desktop, data model editing in the Power BI Service, and updates to the Power BI Tabs in Microsoft Teams. There is more to explore in Reporting, Modeling, Data Connectivity, Service, Paginated Reports, Developers, visualizations, and other announcements so please continue to read on!

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