Поддержка Power BI



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SolidBI Group founded by a group of highly specialized consultants and mentors with many years experience in IT training and consulting. We provide Consulting services for companies worldwide with their Business Intelligence solutions, Data Analytics, Information Management, , Power BI.... We also provide training courses onsites   for business intelligence, SQL Server, and Data related topics from 100 to 400 levels.Our Team based on Data Platform & PowerBI Microsoft MVP's which ensure you the best UpToDate knowledge of Data Platform and All you need to build the best state of the art Data Visualization Solution.SolidBI teams presents in conferences all around the world such as Europe, Middle East and USA. SolidBI presents in the best and largest data related conferences around the world such as Tech Summits, SqlSaturdays, and other conferences. Our team of consultants in SolidBI are passionate to help you to find the best data solution for your business or organization.Since most of the team is based on Platform Microsoft MVP,  we help Enterprise organizations to solve their data platform chalanges based on the Microsoft data solutions.The part we most enjoy from is the Visualztion one.Which is based on PowerBI. That way we can solve customer problems using Power BI service and PowerBI Onsite solution based on SQL 2017.    

New Vue Solutions

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New Vue Solutions was started by a group of dynamic individuals, who have found the perfect mix of people and technology with over 25 years of industry experience.  Within the space of 2 years New Vue has built an impressive client base, which includes household brand names, local and major attractions, and major US Pro Sports Teams.    Attractions & Stadia have a lot to live up to with guest experience.  Issues arise on a daily basis leaving little time to focus on business strategy, collect data, or analyze trends.  Let alone use these results to make informed business decisions!  Data resides in many systems in many formats.  This leaves basic questions unanswered, such as determining how the business is performing compared to last year or season? Which promotions are working most effectively? Which products and packages make sense, and where are guests coming from? and how much do they spend?    New Vue provide Dashboards, Reporting, and Data Solutions based on Microsoft Technology configured to answer these questions, automatically, every day.  Choose the Reports you want, how you want them, when you want them – automatically.  This free's up your time to make impactful decisions quicker.  Our data strategies are multifaceted and straightforward to implement.

Logicom Solutions Ltd

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Logicom Solutions provides high quality solutions and services, covering the entire spectrum of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and delivers total integrated solutions, including business software and other specialized application software development. Logicom Solutions provides expert services for the entire lifecycle of IT, with a wide variety of all possible solutions required by any middle to large business organization. The services provided by Logicom Solutions can cover all pre-implementation, implementation and post-implementation project activities. Our expertise in Analytics and PowerBI focuses in the following areas:Analysis of dataData transformation Design of Data warehouse and aggregation of data from multiple sources (such as Databases, Microsoft Project Server, SharePoint)Designing reports using Reporting Tools such as Power BI Desktop, Mobile Report Publisher, SQL server Report BuilderAd-hoc data transformation in PowerBI DesktopIntegrate Power BI reports in Portal Enabler Solution (using SharePoint)Furthermore, we provide advanced analytics services through the use of AI and Machine Learning, the outcomes of which can be consumed and visualized in Power BI.

Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH

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Die Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH hat ein umfassendes Portfolio rund um das Thema Analytics Plattformen. Der Aufbau, die Erweiterung sowie die Modernisierung von Business Intelligence, Datawarehouse und Big Data Umgebungen (branchenübergreifend) sind kein Problem für uns. Unsere PowerBI Experten unterstützen Sie gerne bei Ihren Fragestellungen und zeigen Ihnen wie Sie in Bezug auf Qualitätserhöhung sowie Zeit- und Kostenersparnis mit der Microsoft Power Plattform punkten können.In der industriellen Fertigung unterstützen wir Sie gerne im Bereich Data-Driven Factory, z.B. Predictive Quality, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring / OEE. Für alle von uns implementierten Lösungen bieten wir Support, Wartung, Betrieb sowie maßgeschneiderte Managed Services und DevOps an. Durch unser Operation- & Support-Team bleiben entwickelte Lösungen für Kunden stabil und benötigen zugleich nur einen geringen Pflegeaufwand. Wir können Ihre datengetriebene Projekte Ende-zu-Ende aus einer Hand begleiten und auch nach Projektabschluss Lösungen nachhaltig betreuen. Dies ermöglichen wir mithilfe unserer Digitalisierungsberatung (Duality), unserer erstklassigen Analytics/IoT-Beratungs- und Umsetzungskompetenz (Teams Analytics Consulting, Data Science & AI) sowie unserer Digitalschmiede – dem Ort für digitale Prototypisierungsprojekte und MVPs. Als starker Microsoft Partner mit elf Gold Kompetenzen und einer Silber Kompetenz können wir unsere Kunden nicht nur in PowerBI, sondern im gesamten Leistungsspektrum von Microsoft beraten. Damit schaffen wir Lösungen, die sich nahtlos in Ihre Security- und Infrastruktur integrieren und trotzdem alle Vorteile einer agilen Reporting und Analyseplattform bereithält. Mit unseren Schwesternmarken Actemium und Omexom haben wir Zugriff auf tiefe Domänen- und Prozesskompetenzen in den Bereichen Industrietechnik und Smart City und bilden das beste interdisziplinäre Projektteam für jeden Kundenfall. Die Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH ist - ebenso wie die Axians IT Solutions GmbH - eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft der VED IT GmbH.


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neuroNPact is a full-service National Solution Provider and Silver Microsoft Partner that consults and supports business and technology solutions. neuroNPact has established a reputation providing guidance to our customers whether they plan a digital transformation or strive to meet unique business goals while leveraging the best technology in the industry. We begin our process personally with the business user and aim to understand their unique position and desired outcomes. We then apply digital solutions to optimize efficiency and collaboration within their individual roles. neuroNPact delivers a comprehensive and scalable communication and consumption service that ensure business users adopt new technology successfully. Our business solutions and offerings include:Business Intelligence assessments - security assessments - PowerBI customer immersion experience - Business Intelligence consultation - Dashboard in a Day (DIAD) engagements - RetailLink Data Analysis - Productivity consulting - SharePoint Server Services - Office 365 - Dynamics 365 - Microsoft 365 managed services - Cloud migration - Mobility - Data Analytics - SQL Data Management

Orient Technologies Pvt Ltd

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Orient Technologies is one of India's leading IT partners with a global presence. We have a successful track record for enabling digital transformation for our customers smoothly. We deliver cutting-edge solutions that help our customers use their data to enable quick decision-making and help them derive actionable insights even in a data overloaded environment. Our certified and experienced professionals ensure quick roll out along with timely support and services.Our BI team is committed to solving the business pain points for our customers in every Business Unit. Our company's rich history of over 25 years helps us get a better idea of the inner workings and challenges of every industry from startups to SMBs to Enterprises to Government and Public Sectors. This helps us understand our customer's requirements easily and help them with solutionizing the best approach. We build our solutions using the Microsoft suite of products( Power Bi, PowerApps, Flow and SharePoint) along with R and/or Python. Our company can handle:1. Consultation2. Creation of data warehouse / data lake3. ETL services4. Connections to multiple applications and  databases5. Creation of dashboards and reports6. Implementing security and user hierarchy7. Sharing or Exporting dashboards8. Support9. Automation of processes via PowerApps and Flow10. Creation of alertsWe have successfully executed projects with fortune 500 companies helping them with:1. Hiring & attrition patterns2. Sales & Expenses trends3. Identifying top customers, vendors, sales executives and products4. Identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities5. Financial KPIs6. Directors/Management Dashboards7. Employee Productivity Dashboards 8. Compliance Dashboards9. Risk Assessments10. Retail Distribution DashboardsWe have also been able to utilize the Microsoft 365 Adoption Report and customizing it further by being to display the exact users who haven't been active on products like Exchange, Teams, Skype and Sharepoint so that their licences can either be downgraded or deactivated. This has helped our customers correctly assign different types  of licences to users to ensure higher adoption and usage of O365 platform.   

WiAdvance Technology Co

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企業需要行業特色與 IT 融合的整合解決方案,緯謙科技結盟世界級公有雲平台並結合自身研發能力,滿足客戶整合架構公有雲、混合雲的需求;讓企業在提升營運能力的同時,不但突顯核心價值,更有機會發展創新的商業模式。緯謙雲端災難備援方案,協助企業打造永續經營磐石,更整合頂尖雲端平台與系統監控應用,使災難備援建置與管理所需的 IT 人力與專業知識大幅減少,更是降低企業導入雲端備援的門檻的高性價比解決方案。而在提升企業生產力的服務上,緯謙科技提供基於 Office 365 所開發的行動辦公應用服務豪辦事,在 Office 應用外,更整合企業常見的商務情境,滿足個人資訊管理、協同辦公與企業內部互動的需求,結合服務、平台與裝置,提高企業營運效能及團隊生產力,落實「行動優先,雲端至上」的理念。秉持著創新雲端技術服務的精神,緯謙不斷提升己身能力,以期與客戶共同打造敏捷IT營運模式,樹立高效雲端企業的新典範!


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Unicorn je dynamická skupina společností poskytující komplexní služby v oblasti informačních systémů a informačních a komunikačních technologií. Již od roku 1990 je posláním skupiny přinášet klientům konkurenční výhodu a vysokou přidanou hodnotu prostřednictvím špičkových informatických produktů a služeb poskytovaných v dohodnuté kvalitě, kvantitě, termínu a rozpočtu. Skupina je tvořena třemi společnostmi zaměřenými na specifické portfolio produktů a služeb - Unicorn Systems, Unicorn Universe a Unicorn College. Unicorn Systems je renomovaná evropská společnost poskytující ty největší informační systémy a řešení z oblasti ICT. Dlouhodobě se soustředíme na vysokou přidanou hodnotu a konkurenční výhodu ve prospěch svých zákazníků. Působíme na trhu již od roku 1990 a za tu dobu jsme vytvořili řadu špičkových a rozsáhlých řešení, která jsou rozšířena a užívána mezi těmi nejvýznamnějšími podniky z různých odvětví. Máme nejlepší reference z oblasti bankovnictví, pojišťovnictví, energetiky a utilit, telekomunikací, výroby, obchodu i veřejné správy. Našimi zákazníky jsou přední a největší firmy. Disponujeme detailními znalostmi z celého spektra podnikatelských odvětví. Rozumíme principům jejich fungování, ale i specifickým potřebám zákazníků. Unicorn Universe je digitální stavebnice informačních systémů. Pro tvorbu informačních systémů na platformě Unicorn Universe používáme tyto základní stavební kameny: Unicorn Universe Operating System - objektový operační systém virtuálního super počítače Unicorn Universe Business Modeling Language - nástroj pro vizuální modelování a komunikaci Unicorn Universe Process - univerzální metodika pro řízení podniků a organizací Unicorn Universe Applications - informační systémy postavené na platformě Unicorn Universe Řešení postavená na platformě Unicorn Universe jsou poskytována prostřednictvím internetové služby Plus4U, která 24 hodin denně, 365 dní v roce poskytuje chytrá řešení lidem, firmám, živnostníkům i organizacím pro sdílení informací, spolupráci a podporu řízení. Unicorn College je moderní soukromá vysoká škola, která nabízí kvalitní vysokoškolské bakalářské studium v oblastech informační a komunikační technologie, ekonomie a managementu. Jejím cílem je poskytnout studentům aktivní schopnost využít získané vědomosti tam, kde je to vyžadováno, a rovněž tyto znalosti obohatit o reálné zkušenosti. Kromě kvalitního vysokoškolského vzdělání zajišťuje i interní vzdělávání a pomáhá realizovat certifikaci k daňové reformě. 

Business Insighters Group

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Business Insighters Group est une équipe de consulting basée à Casablanca au Maroc spécialisée dans les solutions BI de Microsoft. BIGroup a pour principal objectif de promouvoir la business intelligence parmi les petites et moyennes entreprises aussi bien que les grandes. Nos équipes vous aideront a transformer vos données en des outils puissants et des indicateurs pertinents vous permettant une meilleure prise de décision grâce à des solutions bâtis sur Power BI. 


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Wij maken organisaties klaar voor de uitdagingen van de toekomst. Zodat zij gemakkelijker hun werk kunnen doen. Overal, altijd en op elk apparaat. Wij helpen organisaties om in hun veranderende bedrijfsomgeving steeds voorop te lopen door de slimme inzet van nieuwe Microsoft technologie. We weten als geen ander hoe groot de impact kan zijn van nieuwe software en systemen op de werkvloer. Daarom begeleiden we onze klanten door het hele proces: van advies, implementatie, wegwijs maken van de eindgebruikers tot en met zorgeloos beheer. Wortell heeft maar liefst zestien Microsoft Gold competenties. Wij zijn twee keer verkozen tot beste Microsoft partner van Nederland en daar zijn wij trots op. * 2 keer benoemd tot beste Office 365 Partner wereldwijd * 2 keer benoemd tot Beste Werkgever IT branche (2017-2018 en 2018-2019) * 1,4 miljoen Office 365 migratiesWortell implementeert op innovatieve wijze standaard Microsoft-oplossingen als Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Secure Productive Enterprise, Azure, Microsoft 365, Power BI, Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Windows 10 en Office 365. Daarnaast implementeren wij ook meer infrastructuur gerelateerde oplossingen zoals Azure IAAS oplossingen.Wij werken dagelijks met Microsoft samen. Wij werken op projectbasis, waarbij wij graag eindverantwoordelijk zijn voor het projectresultaat. Daarnaast is onze expertise op inhuurbasis beschikbaar en nemen wij opgeleverde omgevingen in beheer.Zoek je een adviseur, een partij die verantwoordelijkheid wil dragen in projecten? Of zoek je juist kant-en-klare producten die zich reeds hebben bewezen? En vind je een project ook pas succesvol als gebruikers met de oplossing kunnen, willen en gaan werken? Dan gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou om meer te vertellen over onze combinatie van technische kennis en change management programma’s. Wij willen jouw organisatie graag helpen met de uitdagingen van de toekomst.

WinWire Technologies Inc.

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WinWire Technologies is a global IT solutions company helping enterprises navigate the digital technology revolution. We help drive exponential growth for our customers through a transformation of their IT and application modernization. We call it stitching the digital fabric with systems of intelligence. Digital technologies are disrupting and redefining the business landscape into an interconnected, mobile-first, cloud-first world. These changes are forcing enterprises to transform their business processes, models, and the way they operate. With WinWire, enterprises create high-performance, agile, connected, innovative, and data-centric technology platforms that help you stay ahead in the new economy. We are a Microsoft Managed Partner with deep expertise, built over 10 years, in evolving digital technologies including Cloud, Advanced Analytics, Internet of Things, Mobility, Security, UI/UX, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. This allows us to work with large and mid-sized enterprises to design, develop, and manage a wide range of intelligent platforms and applications, across industries and business functions. Our record of leadership through exceptional technology solutions delivery, and a culture based on People First’ make WinWire your ideal technology service partner.

WAGNER AG Informatik Dienstleistungen

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Die WAGNER AG bietet IT für KMU. Unsere Stärken liegen in der Rolle als Generalunternehmer für die Planung, den Bau und den Betrieb von IT-Infrastrukturprojekten. Wir beraten, erstellen Konzepte, beschaffen und liefern schlüsselfertige Lösungen. Unser massgeschneidertes Support-Angebot unterstützt die Kunden rund um die Uhr. Auf Wunsch betreiben wir als Outsourcing oder auch Outtasking-Partner die Serversysteme und Netzwerke unserer Kunden. Die WAGNER AG ist ein selbständiges Unternehmen, das 1996 gegründet wurde und von den Eigentümern geführt wird. Eine gute Marktposition und zufriedene Kunden sind der Grund für das kontinuierliche Wachstum. Heute werden bereits 80 Mitarbeiter in verschiedenen Kompetenzbereichen beschäftigt. Die WAGNER AG pflegt strategische Partnerschaften mit namhaften IT-Herstellern. Wir sind zuverlässige Technologie-Partner, die bei Ihnen heute die Lösung für morgen installieren.


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ICT24H provides seamless IT solution and managed hosting to some of the most respected companies in Vietnam. ICT24H specializes in infrastructure, email solution, business management application, Power BI,deploy Office 365 for Construction, Healthcare, Media, Financial Services companies. As the increasing demand on Microsoft technologies, ICT24H Group has engaged many large organizations in Vietnam including government organizations to deliver the best training courses of Microsoft technologies. We believe our people and values is why many companies love working with us to deliver great results. To do an excellent job at building any Microsoft business solution requires a mixture of professional skills from key areas: business, creative, infrastructure and development. ICT24H brings to every solution experts in these areas. By adding our post implementation and fanatical support, ICT24H is able to provide end-to-end solutions ensuring the highest quality result across every angle of an implementation. To ensure we continually deliver on time and on budget, ICT24H has leveraged the Microsoft Solution Framework (MSF) to control full life cycle of Microsoft technologies deployment. ICT24H Group will also rotate logically between Microsoft Solution Framework and another Microsoft deployment methodology named Sure Step. The Sure Step provides a structured approach to implementing Microsoft business-critical solutions. It provides detailed guidance about the roles that are required to perform activities and proven best practices. Program Framework also utilizes Agile Methodology with Scrum method that represents an interactive approach to implementing the custom solution, which requires specific features and moderate-to-complex customization.

Agileex Data - 敏捷艾科数据技术有限公司

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       敏捷艾科致力于为客户提供专业的微软数据平台和商业智能(Power BI)服务,在北京和上海设有分公司。自2015年至今,已为一百多家国内外企业成功提供过数据平台搭建、数据分析模型开发、Power BI 报表开发、Power BI 嵌入式门户开发、Power BI 自定义控件开发和Power BI 培训咨询等服务。在快消、零售、医疗、制造、商业地产、汽车、鞋服、公益组织等行业领域积累了丰富的项目交付经验和行业分析场景积累。       敏捷艾科是中国地区最早的Power BI 解决方案提供商之一,公司成员由多名微软认证商业智能专家、数据平台专家、Power BI专家、商业分析师、开发工程师组建而成。公司旗下品牌“Power Pivot工坊”也是中国地区最早和最受欢迎的 Power BI社区之一。        敏捷艾科是微软 Power BI 全球官方合作伙伴、微软金牌数据分析合作伙伴,微软中国区管理合作伙伴;同时,公司还以独家协办单位的身份连续承办了四届微软中国 Power BI 可视化大赛;公司总经理赵文超先生也有幸获选为中国地区首位 Power BI 方向微软最有价值专家(MVP)称号。       我们珍视您企业的数据资产,致力于帮助企业从数据中发现价值,成为您数字化转型的战略合作伙伴!


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Elitmind is a leading company in the fields of data analytics, cloud technology implementation and consulting. Our competences are confirmed by long-term partnerships with such international giants as ABB or Philip Morris International, as well as close cooperation with Microsoft and Snowflake. Being a Microsoft GOLD Partner in the areas of data platform, cloud and data Analytics, we implement a vast scope of solutions, such as Modern Data analytic platform, data warehouse, data lakes, Power BI implementations, AI and IoT solutions, or migration projects from on premise to the cloud - just to mention a few of them. Our consulting division also helps our customers in building data management and analytics roadmaps, comprehensive Data Governance architectures and vision in building modern Data Driven organizations. We create solutions for finance and controlling, production, sales and logistics, among other business areas. Our still-growing team consists of data and cloud technology enthusiasts - experienced consultants, data architects and data scientists responsible for the high quality of our projects. Combination of these elements, allows us to provide the best solutions for our clients, building their competitive advantage on a very demanding and rapidly changing marketplace.   We provide advanced solutions in the following areas: Modern Data Analytics in Azure: •             Azure Synapse Analytics •             Data Lakes •             IoT / Big Data •             Real-Time Analytics   AI for BI & Big Data •             Pervasive AI for BI •             Cognitive Services •             Azure Machine Learning •             Azure Databricks   Data Platform Modernization •             Migration to Azure •             Cloud Adoption Framework •             DWH/BI Migration to Azure •             SQL Server Migration to Azure   Power Bi Adoption •             Power BI Adoption Framework •             Power BI Premium •             Data Visualizations •             Data Modeling & DAX   Our offer for business is focused on the following areas: For Finance & Controlling: •             Management Dashboards •             VAT/Tax Analytics •             Finance Forecasting •             P&L and Cost Monitoring   For Sales & Marketing: •             Customer, Store & Product 360 Insights •             Workload Forecasting •             Customer Churn •             Fraud Detection   For Property Management: •             Energy saving •             Space usage and cost reduction •             Predictive maintenance •             Building monitoring   For Factory Management: •             Real-Time & IoT Analytics •             Real-Time OTD Analytics •             Production Planning & Forecasting •             Plan & Project Monitoring   For HR: •             HR 360 Dashboard •             Employee NPS & Attrition •             Cost reduction by automation   Review our selected business cases: http://elitmind.com/projects/

New Signature

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Leverage Microsoft’s Power BI analytics tools to analyze data and share insights using intuitive tools that make finding answers easy. Creating a dashboard is simple thanks to over 50 connections to popular business applications, complete with pre-built dashboards crafted by experts that help you get up and running quickly. Access your data and reports from anywhere with the Power BI Mobile apps, which update automatically with any changes to your data. Combine data from disparate databases, files, and web services with visual tools that help you understand and fix data quality and formatting issues automatically. Connect SQL Server databases, Analysis Services models, and many other data sources to your same dashboards in Power BI. If you already have reporting portals or applications, embed Power BI reports and dashboards for a unified experience.

SoftwareONE Taiwan Ltd. 台灣碩軟

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SoftwareONE 碩軟,全球已邁入第 35 年,深耕台灣多年,來自全球35,000個客戶的肯定,服務範圍遍布145個國家。在台灣,我們除了協助客戶進行軟體授權採購,也提供專業的 Power BI 雲端與地端方案,從資料來源到儀表板整體架構的規劃與實作,同時也是台灣微軟 Dashboard In a Day 指定合作夥伴;顧問團隊成員皆來自微軟,服務範圍包含台灣、香港、中國與亞太地區。SoftwareONE is a leading global platform, solutions and services provider with 35 years of experience in software and technology. Our offering spans from software licensing and procurement to software lifecycle management and every aspect of cloud-first advisory, delivery and managed solutions. In Taiwan, we also provide professional service in Power BI Cloud and On-premise - from data sources to dashboard planning and implementation. We are Microsoft "Dashboard in a Day" deliver partner and serve Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and APAC. Our Service Categories:Power BI Basic Training (1 day)Customization Training (based on customer data)Project ImplementationConsulting HourOur Core Data Services:Business Intelligence (BI on Cloud & On-premise)Enterprise Data WarehousingAzure Data Analytics PlatformDepartmental Data MartsData Migration and IntegrationReporting and VisualizationManaged Self-Service BIInternet of Things (IoT)Form Recognizer (OCR)Our Key Microsoft Business Intelligence Technology Focus:Azure Data FactoryAzure SQL DatabaseAzure Analysis Service (Cube Tabular Model)Azure IoT HubAzure Stream AnalyticsAzure Logic AppsAzure Machine LearningAzure Bot ServiceAzure App ServiceAzure Form RecognizerPower BI Cloud ServicePower BI Rest APIPower AppsPower AutomateMicrosoft Teams IntegrationSQL Server Integration ServiceSQL Server DatabaseSQL Server Analysis Service (Cube Tabular Model)Power BI Report Server

КОРУС Консалтинг

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КОРУС Консалтинг» является золотым партнёром Microsoft. Компания многократно становилась победителем различных конкурсов Microsoft и является одним из наиболее успешных партнеров в Центральной и Восточной Европе. Обладает статусом Gold Data Analytics и в 2018 году стала одним из победителей международного партнёрского конкурса Microsoft Partner Awards в номинации Open Source Data & AI.КОРУС Консалтинг» реализует проекты в области аналитики данных, используя технологии Microsoft SQL Server, Power BI, а также создает решения и сервисы на компонентах Microsoft Azure Machine Learning. Одной из ключевых технологий для системного интегратора остается Power BI.Аналитические дашборды на Power BI «КОРУС Консалтинг» создает прежде для клиентов из розничной торговли, дистрибуции, промышленности, нефтегазовой отрасли. В команде системного интегратора эксперты с опытом работы со всеми версиями платформы - от Power BI Desktop до Power BI Mobile.


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A DataEX é uma empresa consolidada com mais de cinco anos deatuação, que oferece serviços de consultoria em Power BI, Business Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, Cloud Transformation Journey, Data Managemente App Development, para companhias nos ramos financeiro, tecnologia, varejo,óleo e energia, auto, governo, manufatura e saúde.Somos Microsoft Gold Partner gerenciados e especialistas em Data & AIutilizando e comercializando toda plataforma Microsoft Azure e Microsoft 365.Uma paixão por transformar as empresas através dos dados e para isso, nosso time de especialistas possuem diversas certificações para garantir excelência na qualidade das entregas. Nosso mindset é baseado em entregar o real valor do ponto de vista dos nossos clientes. Para sustentar a força da DataEX nos baseamos em nossos pilares:Viramos a chave de forma ativa, estamos vivendo um novo momento, onde a evolução é sempre bem-vinda. Modernizamos nossos processos, nossa identidade visual representada na junção do nosso símbolo(cubo) para que no primeiro contato visual, racional e emocional demonstre que quando unimos competência, dinamismo e entrega de valor, não há limites para onde queremos chegar.Além da cara nova, estamos de casa nova! Um espaço novo para acomodar nossa equipe e melhorarmos a nossa experiência laboral. Expandimos para um ambiente com 500m², o espaço de nosso time está espetacular com garagem de inovação, salas de reuniões, treinamentos, espaço de descompressão e lazer. Contamos também com o conceito de ownership, essa mentalidade faz com que o colaborador saiba que seu sucesso está total e intimamente ligado ao sucesso da empresa. Essa característica garante a excelência e promove o crescimento do nosso time DataEX.

KPI Partners

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KPI Partners is a Gartner recognized Data and Analytics service provider and a Microsoft Gold Data Analytics partner. KPI Partners provides strategic guidance and technology systems for clients wishing to solve their complex and interesting business challenges involving cloud applications, big data, business intelligence and advanced analytics. KPI's key solution offering namely KPI Cloud Analytics consists of over 150 pre-built dashboards and reports built on Microsoft Power BI technologies that helps customers with modern BI capabilities. These pre-built dashboards and reports for Power BI enable business users such as Finance, Supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, order management and inventory with self service, data discovery and advanced visualization capabilities. With a pre-built data models, pre-built ETL, and pre-built analytics, KPI Cloud Analytics gathers information from multiple sources and drives insightful decision making across the enterprise. All data can be viewed within advanced visualizations featuring key performance indicators (KPIs), graphical report snapshots, trend graphs, and scorecards.As a Microsoft Gold Data Analytics partner, KPI has a number of certified Power BI resources both on-site and off-shore and solution development architects.  

Pinnacle of Indiana

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Who are we? Pinnacle is a Microsoft Gold Partner, a Microsoft Small and Medium Business (SMB) Managed Partner, a member of Microsoft's Midwest Region SMB Cloud Champions team, and a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP). Pinnacle has worked for over 20 years to ensure our customers get the most value from Microsoft products and services. We are focused on helping our customers: focus IT resources on building business value; automate business processes; and drive business value from existing business information. Why Pinnacle? Productivity With finite resources, productivity is critical for your business to scale. Microsoft’s Office 365 suite of applications and the Microsoft Dynamics business solutions combined with Pinnacle’s Guardian programs and Business Intelligence provide the platform to drive true business success. With connected, integrated and well supported solutions, employees spend less time switching tasks and solving problems and more time getting things done. User Adoption User adoption is the key to maximizing the investment in your IT solutions. Pinnacle’s Guardian programs drive up user adoption rates so that your IT investments drive your business forward and provide a key competitive advantage. Cloud Business strategy can drive technology decisions rather than IT department resources. Pinnacle is committed to the cloud. Every solution and service we offer can be delivered via the Microsoft cloud.      

Vffice Inc.

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Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI's user interface is fairly intuitive for users familiar with Excel and its deep integration with other Microsoft products makes it a very versatile self-service tool that requires little upfront training.Vffice has over 20 years experience implementing ERP and business intelligence tools.Our team of experts can help you:Understand how to create a data culture in your organization that can lead to business transformationDiscover how to harness the power of data and to get self-serve business insightsLearn about Microsoft’s comprehensive portfolio of BI and Analytics solutionsDiscover what tools, guidance and offers are available to help you transform your business with Modern BI with confidence


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Why work with SimplicityBI? SimplicityBI are experts in communicating complex information efficiently and clearly. Our world class team of solution architects, developers and project managers offer a modern approach to technology that organizations need to thrive in a new era of business innovation. Our solutions intersect cloud, big data and agile development, creating a framework that increases data leverage, accelerates application delivery, and decreases costs, while providing enterprises the speed and scale they need, giving you the competitive advantage. Our consultants have a wealth of knowledge and experience in delivering IT solutions working throughout North America both on site and remotely across a wide range of industries including but not limited to:- Oil & Gas, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Staffing & Recruiting, Data Center Management, Government, Insurance, Social Media, Telco, Transportation, E-Commerce and Healthcare. As a proud Microsoft Gold Partner, we have experience working across numerous platforms such as cloud Microsoft products for business: Office 365, Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Power BI, Power Apps, Databricks and more. Utilizing our managed services keeps your data investments and their peripheral systems up and running through a robust SLA-driven service at predictable cost to enable secure modernization and growth. SimplicityBI currently specializes in the following areas: Data Visualization, distilling complex information into simple and visually accessible formats to enable more informed decision making. Data Analytics, identifying the trends, exploring the underlying causes and drawing conclusions to enable you to manage your business more effectively.  Cloud Data Integration, whether you’re already building a robust multi-Cloud environment or just getting started, our Azure experts help you to accelerate your journey to Cloud. From strategy to operations, we are experienced in delivering innovative Technology. Unified Data Platforms, aka Logical Data Warehouse. The modern way to implement your data solution MDM, our expertise enables robust master data the key component of insightful analytics Data Lake / DW, we help you build, assess, and leverage data lake environments to avoid wasted time and effort, because data still needs to be persisted.

NAS conception GmbH

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Im Rahmen unserer Power BI Projekte unterstützen wir unsere Kunden vollumfänglich mit folgenden Leistungen:-          Beratung und Konzeption des Datenmodells aus verschiedenen Datenquellen-          Herstellen der Anbindung an die Datenquellen und Abstimmung mit den relevanten Partnern-          Erstellung der Berichte und Dashboards-          Schulung und Implementierung-          Konzeption und Umsetzung eines BerechtigungskonzeptsERP | CRM | BI | CLOUD - Wir leben Digitalisierung!

Canvas Intelligence

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Financial ReportingThe Canvas Intelligence Power BI Financial Reporting gives clients with multi-system, multi-currency, multi-national companies the most benefit, as it simplifies complexity with data analytics, visualisation & trend analysis. We’ve connected to the following major ERP systems: SAGE, Syspro, Microsoft Dynamics, Acumatica, Infor, Proteus etc. The Financial Reporting includes: Revenue, Cost of Sales, Gross Profit, Overheads, Inventory and many other reports. The Canvas Financial report is custom built to optimize productivity with real-time data alerts & KPI monitoring. Minimize administration costs & the use of shadow systems as well as to reduce costs with budget control and supply chain metrics in real-time. To request a free Proof on Concept on data you provide, or to test drive one of our demo’s visit our website: https://www.canvasintelligence.com/