Поддержка Power BI



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AddPro AB Vi är ett expansivt kunskapsföretag som bygger digitala motorvägar och utvecklar smarta, flexibla och kostnadseffektiva IT-system. Våra 120 specialister är specialiserade på allt från IT-infrastruktur, säkerhet och applikationer. Du kan anlita oss som kompetensförstärkning eller som samarbetspartner i större förändringsprojekt. Vi har den kompetens som krävs för att garantera att förändringen eller implementeringen av ditt nya system blir lyckosam på sikt. Vi har också de resurser som krävs för att hantera löpande drift och support av ditt system – oavsett omfattning och komplexitet. Vi är noga med att aldrig konservera en situation och satsar konsekvent på lösningar som kan leva upp till dina och omvärldens krav. Vi driver på teknikutvecklingen och ser till att du alltid har tillgång till den teknik och kompetens du behöver för att din verksamhet ska fungera optimalt. Vår verksamhet bedrivs för närvarande inom affärsområdena: •Applikation och integration •Infrastruktur – Drift – Support •Molnintegration


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Anexinet, an award winning systems integrator and technology management company, enables mid-size and Fortune 1000 clients to optimize the value of their IT investments for improving performance and operational processes. Serving businesses, associations and government agencies, Anexinet recommends, designs, delivers and supports systems integration with leading technology partners. An innovator for aligning IT with business goals, Anexinet protects project investments with accountability backed by PMP®/PMI® certified consultants, industry best practices, Near-Site® Development Centers and proprietary delivery models proven in successful client engagements.

Preferred Strategies

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As a Microsoft Data Analytics partner, Preferred Strategies helps customers transform JD Edwards data into a strategic asset. Our QuickLaunch for Microsoft solution provides scalable data architecture designs and data integration options which enable self- service reporting and analytics across the enterprise.We leverage the market leading technology from Microsoft including SQL Server and Power BI to build modern data platforms that enable user adoption, reduce cost, and drive competitive advantages. QuickLaunch helps JD Edwards organizations monitor business trends, track key performance indicators, and provide real-time analytics for quick, reliable insights. Based on years of development and a deep knowledge of the JD Edwards data environment, QuickLaunch obscures the underlying complexity of the ERP data structure to help business users get access to the insights they need in a fraction of the time compared to traditional IT supported reporting. The QuickLaunch solution provides a central metadata layer with Analysis Services Tabular models that leverage in-memory data processing, making analytics and report generation with Microsoft Power BI substantially more responsive than more traditional OLAP solutions. Preferred Strategies QuickLaunch for Microsoft solution cost-effectively streamlines the implementation of market-leading Microsoft BI platforms including Power BI and Azure. This approach enables JDE companies to leverage the top-tier analytical tools that knowledge-centric businesses adopt to drive better analytics and ultimately create the most value out of their IT investments.  With QuickLaunch for JD Edwards, customers realize the tangible benefits of reporting and business intelligence in a matter of days rather than spending months building out an effective infrastructure to support a successful BI implementation.Since our establishment in 2002, Preferred Strategies has been firmly committed to helping JD Edwards companies of all shapes and sizes create value from their data. We support a broad spectrum of customers across many industry types including Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Distribution, Construction, Energy, and Healthcare. Our expert team has the domain knowledge and technical resources to assist large multinational companies and conglomerates as well as small to medium sized organizations. Currently, we have active customers and implementation projects across North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and the Oceania regions including Dubai and Australia. 


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En tant que cabinet d'étude et de conseil, nous nous positionnons comme une acteur global, capable d'intervenir aussi bien sur des phases amonts (AMOA) que sur des phases d'intégration de logiciels (AMOE).En tant que spécialiste de la data et notamment de la Business Intelligence, nous travaillons à la mise en oeuvre de solution à forte valeur ajoutée pour le pilotage des entreprises.Nous utilisons les solutions Microsoft, pour apporter une réponse pertinente, tant d'un point de vue fonctionnel, technique et économique à nos clients. Nos solutions Microsoft portent essentiellement autour de Sql Server, ainsi que Power BI pour compléter l'offre BI d'entreprise avec la brique Self-Service qui permet une meilleure appropriation des informations de la part des utilisateurs finaux.Notre partenariat Silver Data Analytics nous permet d'être reconnu auprès de nos clients et d'avoir la légitimité auprès d'eux pour la mise en oeuvre de telles solutions.Nous utilisons Power BI dans une approche Cloud de l'analyse de données, ainsi que pour la possibilité de réaliser une architecture temps réel.Cependant, nous travaillons avec certains client dans une approche On-Premise avec Power BI Report Server.  Enfin, nous réalisons également un certain nombre de benchmarch autour des solutions de Self-Service, et mettons généralement en relief les intérêts de l'architecture de Power BI et son intégration dans l'écosystème Microsoft.

Pinion Services

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Providing information management services to the financial services industry in the banking and insurance domains. Our expertise is in end-to-end enterprise information management solutions. With our information-delivery services, Pinion aims to: ·        Engage tools and solutions that enable high-resolution, agile reporting amid enormous quantities of information. ·        Architect and place technologies that empower organizations to access and scrutinize information in ways that consistently offer clear-eyed, far-seeing conclusions and next steps. ·        Offer meaningful metrics and data in precise, easy-to-grasp formats, such as using scorecards and dashboards. ·        Build solutions that back “active warehousing”, an automate, event-based strategy in which data gathered in a data ware house is examined and replace in operation systems to propel actions. Providing solutions for financial organizations using packaged payment software such as VisionPLUS (Versions 8 and 2.56), CardPac, Base24, Postilion, and others.  We also provide expertise in many specialty areas such as cryptography, Visa, MasterCard, Europay, Base24, and local switch interface certifications.


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L''Offre de Services Ai3 Data Analytics a pour objectif d’accompagner nos clients dans la mise en œuvre de solutions décisionnelles à fortes valeurs ajoutées centrées sur leurs richesses : leurs données métiers : Comprendre les enjeux des Directions générales, DAF, DSI, Directions métiers mais également des équipes opérationnelles, nous permet d’être au plus près de nos clients et de répondre à leurs besoins en leur fournissant de meilleurs outils d’analyse de leurs activités. L’offre s’articule autour de 3 axes en corrélation avec une maturité décisionnelle inhérente à la mise en œuvre de telles solutions : CONSOLIDATION ET REPORTING OBJECTIF Permettre aux organisations informatiques d’offrir des solutions de consolidation d’information et de restitution offrant à la fois qualité des données, sécurité d’accès à l’information et définition d’une sémantique commune. DEMARCHE Auditer - Prise en compte de l'historique - Analyse de l'existant ( sources de données, technologies, ...) Définir la cible à atteindre - Définition des axes d'analuse partagés - Définition des métriques communes - Définition de modèles sémantiques - Modélisation des datasmarts métiers - Définition des besoins de reporting Réalisation - Transformer, consolider, agréger les données issues des silos de donénes applicatifs - Enrichir les données - Fournir des Reportings - Sécuriser l'accès à l'information - Diffuser et partager ANALYSE DES DONNÉES Et PREDICTIF OBJECTIF La mise en place de données consolidées et de rapports structurés forment un socle solide qui apporte de nouveaux besoins et usages à combler : tableaux de bords, analyse ad hoc, data mining. DEMARCHE Accompagnement des utilisateurs dans leurs expressions de besoin - Mise en place de POC et de QuickWins - Evangélisation des solutions existantes et à venir Réalisation - Mise en œuvre d'outils permettant de répondre instantanément à des questions complexe des utilisateurs - Exploration de données - Dashboard - KPI - Portail décisionnel - Analyse prédictive OPTIMISATION & PRISE DE DÉCISION OBJECTIF Faciliter les prises de décisions de nos clients et l’analyse de celles-ci afin d’optimiser les suivantes. DEMARCHE Optimisation des usages - Utilisation de nouveaux dévices (tablettes, smartphones, interfaces tactiles et visuelles) Réalisations - Tableaux de bords de directions - Mise en place de budgets, planifications et prévisions - Reporting financiers - Intégration de workflows - Applications métiers intégrant les outils décisionnelles

Bright Skies GmbH

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Bright Skies is an expert in Microsoft cloud technologies - Office 365, Azure, EMS and Power BI. We did a lot of data visualization projects with Power BI including Integration of ERP, CRM, time tracking Systems, as well as home automation and IoT scenarios.


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Why Relation1?In today's competitive world, personalized marketing takes more than just getting the name right. We're people who use technology and human thinking to reach the hearts and minds of your customers. In the most personal way possible.To reach your customers in the most effective way, we develop strategic paths that are driven by data science and customer insights. Then along with next generation solutions powered by artificial intelligence, we execute effective marketing programs that never forget your business and sales goals.Relation1 areas of expertise:Strategic PlanningIt's all about being customer-centric. Working with your business objectives and internal capabilities, we build a strategic action plan based on our goals that can be operationalized in the real word, not just sit in a report.Data Science and Customer InsightsThis means no guess work. We break down and thoroughly explore your data to give you the most powerful weapon – knowledge. AI is engaged and used to develop deep predictive models that gain your client's long-term loyalty.We do more than slice and dice the data. We analyze and understand the motivations that trigger engagement and sales. By having a clear understanding of your customers, we can guide you and ultimately, them to interact with your business and brand.Generate a full, complete and single view of the customers.Access enriched customer data that is fully actionable through our data models.Launch data driven campaigns generating higher sales lift and customer engagement.Optimize recommendations for each customer on an individual basis, including product selection, promotions, rewards and editorial content.Customer Journey Optimization.Churn Prevention Program (Winback & Reactivation).Engagement scoring.Segmentation and clustering.And more.Data VisualizationWe leverage PowerBI capacities to deliver customer-centric, action-oriented dashboards and reports that provide valuable insights to our clients. Reports are embedded into client's applications when possible to keep all information accessible in one place.TechnologyIT should provide a head rush not a headache. As facilitators, we guide marketing, and IT resources to enhance your business efforts. We Support omni-channel implementation through integration with leading Marketing Cloud technologies, eCommerce platforms, websites and offline processes.As Microsoft Gold Partner for Cloud Platform and Data Analytics, we have extended experience in Azure Data Lake, Azure Data Factory, Power BI, Azure Functions, Azure Machine Learning, Databricks and more.We speak French and English and have offices in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec city.


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neuroNPact is a full-service National Solution Provider and Silver Microsoft Partner that consults and supports business and technology solutions. neuroNPact has established a reputation providing guidance to our customers whether they plan a digital transformation or strive to meet unique business goals while leveraging the best technology in the industry. We begin our process personally with the business user and aim to understand their unique position and desired outcomes. We then apply digital solutions to optimize efficiency and collaboration within their individual roles. neuroNPact delivers a comprehensive and scalable communication and consumption service that ensure business users adopt new technology successfully. Our business solutions and offerings include:Business Intelligence assessments - security assessments - PowerBI customer immersion experience - Business Intelligence consultation - Dashboard in a Day (DIAD) engagements - RetailLink Data Analysis - Productivity consulting - SharePoint Server Services - Office 365 - Dynamics 365 - Microsoft 365 managed services - Cloud migration - Mobility - Data Analytics - SQL Data Management

Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH

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Die Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH hat ein umfassendes Portfolio rund um das Thema Analytics Plattformen. Der Aufbau, die Erweiterung sowie die Modernisierung von Business Intelligence, Datawarehouse und Big Data Umgebungen (branchenübergreifend) sind kein Problem für uns. Unsere PowerBI Experten unterstützen Sie gerne bei Ihren Fragestellungen und zeigen Ihnen wie Sie in Bezug auf Qualitätserhöhung sowie Zeit- und Kostenersparnis mit der Microsoft Power Plattform punkten können.In der industriellen Fertigung unterstützen wir Sie gerne im Bereich Data-Driven Factory, z.B. Predictive Quality, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring / OEE. Für alle von uns implementierten Lösungen bieten wir Support, Wartung, Betrieb sowie maßgeschneiderte Managed Services und DevOps an. Durch unser Operation- & Support-Team bleiben entwickelte Lösungen für Kunden stabil und benötigen zugleich nur einen geringen Pflegeaufwand. Wir können Ihre datengetriebene Projekte Ende-zu-Ende aus einer Hand begleiten und auch nach Projektabschluss Lösungen nachhaltig betreuen. Dies ermöglichen wir mithilfe unserer Digitalisierungsberatung (Duality), unserer erstklassigen Analytics/IoT-Beratungs- und Umsetzungskompetenz (Teams Analytics Consulting, Data Science & AI) sowie unserer Digitalschmiede – dem Ort für digitale Prototypisierungsprojekte und MVPs. Als starker Microsoft Partner mit elf Gold Kompetenzen und einer Silber Kompetenz können wir unsere Kunden nicht nur in PowerBI, sondern im gesamten Leistungsspektrum von Microsoft beraten. Damit schaffen wir Lösungen, die sich nahtlos in Ihre Security- und Infrastruktur integrieren und trotzdem alle Vorteile einer agilen Reporting und Analyseplattform bereithält. Mit unseren Schwesternmarken Actemium und Omexom haben wir Zugriff auf tiefe Domänen- und Prozesskompetenzen in den Bereichen Industrietechnik und Smart City und bilden das beste interdisziplinäre Projektteam für jeden Kundenfall. Die Axians Digital Acceleration GmbH ist - ebenso wie die Axians IT Solutions GmbH - eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft der VED IT GmbH.


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Cynosure Solutions Fzc is an Integrated IT Solutions and Services Provider driven by a Singular Mission: To help its Customers realize fast and full Return on their IT investments. Cynosure Solutions, a Microsoft Silver partner delivers multiple Business Intelligence, Reporting, Dashboard, Data warehousing and Data analysis solutions. The platforms for delivery include Microsoft Power BI, BI suite of SQL Server Reporting Services or SSRS, SmartList, Management Reporter, Forecaster, FRx, Crystal Reports and SharePoint as well as MyReport BI suite of solutions for Excel based reporting. Cynosure Solutions is adept at helping customers extract more actionable intelligence out of the data they are accumulating. It provides Power BI implementation services for powerful data discovery, dashboards, visualization, business reporting, and self-service analytics. Our Power BI consultants and developers use their expertise to create visualization and reporting solutions that empower users to create, collaborate, and benefit from insights gained through analytics. Our Power BI services span the enterprise business intelligence lifecycle - from needs assessment, business requirements elicitation, implementation roadmap, data model design (logical and physical), prototyping, interface design, end user training to drive adoption, and ongoing data integration management services. We deliver solutions for: Business ReportsDashboards and Interactive VisualizationsSelf Service AnalyticsEmbedded AnalyticsIntegration Reports into Web/Desktop Applications, SharePoint, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics GP, NAV, CRM, Oracle, SAP and other leading industry CRM, ERP and accounting solutions.

EPC Group

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EPC Group has a holistic view when it comes to delivering these solutions. We create a governed strategy around curating and optimizing data and build the appropriate analytics that meet the needs of each client we have. We believe that there is a strong correlation between data and improved business decision making. We partner with our customers to develop the necessary requirements that deliver a granular business intelligence game plan that ensures data governance, security and adoption.EPC Group has a 22-year long history as one of the country’s leading Business Intelligence, Collaboration and Information Management firms in the United States. With a focus on software integration within the Microsoft stack of technologies, EPC Group has been pioneering the way organizations analyze, collaborate, and share information. We leverage our time-tested expertise through proven, real world - “From the Consulting Trenches” strategies that serve as the foundation for our solutions and services for thousands of organizations around the world. Our award-winning strategies focus on harnessing your organization’s technical business requirements to provide the appropriate end-user solutions that meet your company’s needs.EPC Group has executed 5000+ SharePoint and Office 365 initiatives including custom Business Intelligence (BI), Application Development, Mobility & BYOD, Compliance (PHI, PII, HIPAA), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Project Server, SQL Server, and Enterprise Infrastructure & System Architecture deployments.  Why EPC Group?We have 22+ years of experience in database design, business intelligence, ETL, analytics and AI Solutions       Expertise in Power BI, Azure, and SQL Server platforms for data warehousing, business intelligence, and data science projects       Over 75 certified Power BI consultants on staff      We have authored 4 Microsoft reference books on Power BI, SharePoint and Office 365 with the latest authoritative book – “Microsoft Power BI Dashboards Step by Step”      Comprehensive, tailored Power BI Consulting & Training from certified Power BI trainers who have led hundreds of real-world projects        Proven Proof-of-concept dashboards from an industry leading Power BI Consulting firm        We can create dashboards and visualizations from even the most demanding applications built with exceptional visualizations and usability        And as part of our unique Power BI consulting services, EPC Group utilizes tailored methodologies to ensure that your dashboards are easy to use, highly functional and meet your organization’s needs.  To learn more about EPC Group please visit www.epcgroup.net or email us at contact@epcgroup.net. You can also reach us at (888) 381-9725   

datafortune Software Solutions Pvt Ltd

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Today, volumes of data grow exponentially in all realms from personal data to enterprise and global data. Datafortune empowers you to understand and organize your data by making effective application of business intelligence. We collect your unstructured data and convert it into patterns, trends and data correlations that empower crucial business decisions.Learn more. Led by the fundamentals of performance & optimization, we develop unique data management solutions that enable effective decision making.  We help put the best practices in place for an effective and time-managed data services and solutions, either with time-tested methodologies of MIKE 2.0, or our own Unique Df id Data Migrations.  We specialize in creating a robust architecture for efficiency across all business functions. We help you optimize existing, build new or even start your cloud journey for data or analytics. 

Swell - Training and Development, Lda.

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We are a small, specialized team of business modelling, reporting and analytics experts. We are based in Porto, Portugal. Our services include training (public and in-house) and the development of solutions for business reporting and analysis. We use Power BI and Microsoft Excel.We can help you and your team to learn how to:make an intelligent use of the data that already lives withing your company,use advanced analytic techniques to drive decision making,be more efficient and fast in data collection,protect your business from the risks associated with the wrong business modelling practices.Here are some examples of our work in recent years:help a company streamline its reporting process. From data collection, transformation and cleaning, to calculated measures using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), we have helped improving the time spent on monthly reporting while simultaneously helped running the business with the use of interactive dashboards,support with the preparation of the annual budget of an international company using Excel and Power BI. The solution allows for target setting and control,creation of a multi-currency, multi-company cash reporting tool that enables the analysis and control of cash positions, planning and forecasting.We have provided training in Power BI to the Public Sector, Banking, Industrial, IT and a variety of other small to medium sized companies. We have also provided training to the glorious Futebol Clube do Porto - the largest football club in Portugal and former European Champion. Our Clients include:The Portuguese Ministry of HealthAccenturePestana Hotel GroupEnergias de Portugal (EDP)SecilChiccoCrédito AgrícolaProef GroupAnd many other SMEs

Parge Yazilim Danismanlik Ticaret A.Ş.

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As a Gold Certified Partner of Microsoft, Pargesoft offers consulting services, software development, training and support for integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relations management (CRM) and Data Analytics (BI)solutions that manage sophisticated business processes.Pargesoft was founded in 2002 by a team experienced at both local & multinational ERP applications. and that same year, named as the localization partner for Microsoft for Navision 3.70 Turkish version, released the following year.  In 2004, Pargesoft became the 1st add-on developer of Navision in Turkey (payment plan, inflation adjustment, VAT deduction, etc.).   After managing several successful projects Pargesoft was named “Most Improved Partner of the Year”by Microsoft for 2007, 2014 and 2015.Having proved our success with many local and international projects, we now offer Power BI data analytics solutions to our existing customer base as well as to new clients.  Our business knowledge combined with PowerBI allows us to offer end-to-end solutions to our customers.  


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PRODIVI is an experienced, ambitious and dynamic tech company. We engineer IT solutions  for industry sector to move towards “Industry 4.0”. These solutions are as followed:1. Decision-support systems and BI – we develop and deploy professional data visualization content using Microsoft Power BI. We help turn raw data into human insights to minimize bottlenecks and improve the quality of decisions. 2. Specific IT solutions – we inject customized data-driven software systems into the core of business to meet specific needs of our clients.  We also provide IT infrastructure maintenance on a long-term basis. 3. Digitalization - we  implement customized process digitalization and  automatization, helping our clients to transform into a smart factory. Our highly motivated team combines various backgrounds and competences. Therefore, we can offer an IT solution for a wide range of business areas.

Canvas Intelligence

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Financial ReportingThe Canvas Intelligence Power BI Financial Reporting gives clients with multi-system, multi-currency, multi-national companies the most benefit, as it simplifies complexity with data analytics, visualisation & trend analysis. We’ve connected to the following major ERP systems: SAGE, Syspro, Microsoft Dynamics, Acumatica, Infor, Proteus etc. The Financial Reporting includes: Revenue, Cost of Sales, Gross Profit, Overheads, Inventory and many other reports. The Canvas Financial report is custom built to optimize productivity with real-time data alerts & KPI monitoring. Minimize administration costs & the use of shadow systems as well as to reduce costs with budget control and supply chain metrics in real-time. To request a free Proof on Concept on data you provide, or to test drive one of our demo’s visit our website: https://www.canvasintelligence.com/

NAS conception GmbH

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Im Rahmen unserer Power BI Projekte unterstützen wir unsere Kunden vollumfänglich mit folgenden Leistungen:-          Beratung und Konzeption des Datenmodells aus verschiedenen Datenquellen-          Herstellen der Anbindung an die Datenquellen und Abstimmung mit den relevanten Partnern-          Erstellung der Berichte und Dashboards-          Schulung und Implementierung-          Konzeption und Umsetzung eines BerechtigungskonzeptsERP | CRM | BI | CLOUD - Wir leben Digitalisierung!

ScienceSoft USA Corporation

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ScienceSoft is a US-headquartered provider of IT consulting and software development services with 700+ IT professionals located worldwide. We have built up expertise in 15+ IT domains, with data analytics being one of our priorities. Our data analytics proficiency is proven by the Microsoft Gold Data Analytics and Data Platform competencies. Since 1989, we help our client design and implement end-to-end enterprise analytics solutions as well as provide advisory guidance at any stage of their data analytics journey: ·       We run data quality assurance and set up data quality management and data security practices to ensure that data is clean, error-free and safe.·       We design, implement and optimize BI solutions with a data lake, DWH, ETL/ELT, OLAP cubes and self-service BI.·       We apply advanced analytics and data science to get insights from traditional and big data.·       We visualize data in a way that business users spot trends and dependencies at a glance. As a certified Power BI partner, we recognize the power of carefully designed and flawlessly implemented data visualization. In our projects, we create insightful dashboards customized for different user roles with drill-down and slice-and-dice capabilities. Taking care of UX design, we make sure that a dashboard is not overloaded with unnecessary details.  Holding ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications, we rely on a mature quality management system in our data analytics projects and guarantee that cooperation with us does not pose any risks to our customers’ data security.

Communication Square

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Microsoft Power BI is a combination of business analytics tools that help analyze data to create knowledgeable insights. It is an excellent solution that helps monitor the business, to quickly solve problems with the help of its easily navigable dashboards readily available on every device.We help you connect to Power BI through the following tools: Microsoft Power BI DesktopMicrosoft Power BI app for Windoes, iOS, and AndroidMicrosoft Power BI Personal GatewayMicrosoft Powe BI Analysis Services Connector To Collect and organize dataEdit and process data, and.Make visual illustrations and share across your organization


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DXC provides a foundation of information management and analytic capabilities to harness all value from data that matters, to deliver insights at the speed of business and improve business outcomes. We have a broad portfolio of services, solutions and capabilities focused on the most critical aspects to today’s data driving environments:Analytics Advisory Services – Helping clients discover data insights quickly, quantify the business impact, and develop a strategy to use analytics everywhereAnalytics Solutions and Services – Consulting and Solutions to address critical client needs to run your businesses better through customized and packaged industry analytic solutionsArtificial Intelligence and IoT Analytics Services - Providing enhanced business outcomes through solutions that use machine learning, artificial intelligence and internet of things technologiesAnalytics and Big Data Platform Services - Protecting existing technology investment while offering flexible choices in delivery models across cloud, on-premises and hybrid environmentsInformation Governance Services - Providing state-of-the-art tools and processes to simplify the capture, lifetime management, security of, and access to informationManaged BI and Analytics Services – Helping clients manage, transform and optimize their BI and Analytics landscapeWe leverage our expertise in the new generation of analytics and big data to push your IT and business organizations to remain relevant.   

MAQ Software

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As 2021 Microsoft Power BI Partner of the Year, we enable leading companies to accelerate their business intelligence and analytics initiatives. Our solutions enable our clients to improve their productivity, reduce costs, increase sales, and build stronger customer relationships.Our clients consistently recognize us for providing architecture and governance frameworks, implementing best practices to optimize reports, and building team capability through training programs. To expand Power BI capabilities, we publish 33 certified visuals with 2.3 million downloads. To save time for executives building reports and presentations, we offer innovative tools such as Export to Excel, Export to Power Point, and Dr. Power BI. Our clients choose to work with us because they are confident in our software delivery. Their confidence results from our commitment to consistent outcomes, reduced time to value, and a transparent workflow. Our clients benefit from daily software updates, agile practices, domain expertise, and quickly implemented feedback.As a premier supplier to Microsoft for two decades, our clients benefit from our extensive insights on the platform and engineering practices. As a Microsoft Partner with 10 Gold competencies, our clients improve their implementations with our breadth and depth of expertise.With globally integrated teams in Redmond, Washington, and Mumbai and Hyderabad, India, we deliver solutions with increased velocity and tech intensity. We operate with a learn-it-first mindset, investing in comprehensive certification programs and trainings on the latest technology. Our daily delivery and feedback model offers the flexibility to adapt solutions to changing business needs.Our dedication to customer success has led to sustained growth. Inc. magazine has recognized us for sustained organic growth by listing us on the Inc. 5000 list ten times – a rare honor.

SB Technology SBテクノロジー

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The SoftBank Technology Group contributes to the growth of our clients businesses through providing ICT services with substantial added value, by using advanced information technology and our expertise in the following areas:Data AnalyticsCloud SolutionsDigital Marketing & e-CommerceSystem IntegrationIT Infrastructure SolutionsSecurity Solutions   

Rosslyn Data Tech

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Rosslyn Analytics is a leading global “data tech” company that is recognized for its new approach to helping organizations create business value from previously inaccessible data.We have developed exciting award-winning technologies designed specifically for all business users to easily access and turn complex data into meaningful information.Our initial focus was helping organizations exploit spend data – it is, after all, the most complex of internal datasets. We accomplished this feat, finally taming it. We have now moved onto other data, using cutting-edge technologies delivered in the cloud. 

Agileex Data - 敏捷艾科数据技术有限公司

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       敏捷艾科致力于为客户提供专业的微软数据平台和商业智能(Power BI)服务,在北京和上海设有分公司。自2015年至今,已为一百多家国内外企业成功提供过数据平台搭建、数据分析模型开发、Power BI 报表开发、Power BI 嵌入式门户开发、Power BI 自定义控件开发和Power BI 培训咨询等服务。在快消、零售、医疗、制造、商业地产、汽车、鞋服、公益组织等行业领域积累了丰富的项目交付经验和行业分析场景积累。       敏捷艾科是中国地区最早的Power BI 解决方案提供商之一,公司成员由多名微软认证商业智能专家、数据平台专家、Power BI专家、商业分析师、开发工程师组建而成。公司旗下品牌“Power Pivot工坊”也是中国地区最早和最受欢迎的 Power BI社区之一。        敏捷艾科是微软 Power BI 全球官方合作伙伴、微软金牌数据分析合作伙伴,微软中国区管理合作伙伴;同时,公司还以独家协办单位的身份连续承办了四届微软中国 Power BI 可视化大赛;公司总经理赵文超先生也有幸获选为中国地区首位 Power BI 方向微软最有价值专家(MVP)称号。       我们珍视您企业的数据资产,致力于帮助企业从数据中发现价值,成为您数字化转型的战略合作伙伴!