Şu etiketli gönderiler: SharePoint

Announcing live connect for Power BI report integration with OneDrive and SharePoint (Preview)

Last May, we announced the integration between Power BI and OneDrive and SharePoint (ODSP) that allows you to view Power BI reports directly in a OneDrive or SharePoint document library. Previously, this capability was limited only to reports with data in import mode. We’re excited to announce that you can now view Power BI reports in ODSP with data live connected to a semantic model in the service!

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Quickly create reports from SharePoint lists

Back in December, we launched a new create experience within the Power BI service that allowed you to quick explore your data with just a few clicks. Now, we’re excited to announce, as our first integration of this experience, the launch of our Power BI integration within SharePoint lists. This experience empowers SharePoint list and Microsoft List users to easily explore their list data with just a few clicks.

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Microsoft Business Application Summit Recap

There is a big chance you haven’t been able to catch all the news at MBAS or that some items just escaped your attention as they were drowned out by the next big thing. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this post we do our best to recap what happened en provide links to the detail blog posts where applicable. Also, we’ll list the session so you can go and re-watch them.

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