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element61 is the thought-leading Business Analytics, Performance Management and Data Science consulting company in the Belgian marketplace. element61 has brought together the most experienced team in Business Analytics, CPM & data warehousing in Belgium. element61 is a Microsoft Gold Partner for Data Analytics, Data Platform & Cloud Platform, PowerBI & Azure. Since January 2016, element61 is part of Moore Belgium. 

EPM Strategy

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EPM Strategy is a company devoted to its customers and is enthusiastic about Business Intelligence and Project Management. We help customers become successful in their work and assist them in discovering how their data can help them make better decisions faster. By using Microsoft Power BI, we help organizations understand their data and use it to make business decisions from the daily routine work needs to forecasting and strategic decision making.EPM Strategy is an organization made up of individuals with experience, certifications and credentials from Microsoft in relation to Microsoft Power BI. EPM Strategy has helped organizations in all aspects of Power BI – from helping with a single report, to Power BI installation (online or Report Server), to internal training and migration from other data systems to Power BI.We are practitioners in the methodologies and standards that are considered best practice. As Microsoft Partners, we stay current with the many changes within Power BI but we also stay current with Business Intelligence trends. We have the knowledge and background in standard methodologies but also have years of practical experience which allows our experts to customize an approach to getting the best visual representation of your data.EPM Strategy also has a Project Management background so we approach our work in Business Intelligence with Power BI from a relaxed but organized method. Most of our individuals also have experience and credentials from the Project Management Institute (PMI) including the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification and the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) certification.


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AXPulse has a proven track record working with customers and partners world wide on Business Intelligence solutions using Microsoft BI platform. Our customers are mostly medium to large enterprises in Manufacturing, Distribution and Professional Services industries, they like to have BI working with Microsoft Dynamics AX and CRM as back end data sources for BI data. For our Microsoft Dynamics AX customers, we have developed a Dashboard using Power BI for inventory on hand data. This dashboard provides users insights into their inventory data like physically available stock, stock that is already reserved, stock received and so on. AXPulse also provides BI solutions using Power BI to customers who are using Microsoft Dynamics AX (AX7) and Microsoft Dynamics 365.  

Corporate Renaissance Group

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CRGroup has been delivering BI solutions for over 20 years.  With Power BI, all users can now have real time access with security to their data. We specialize in the Microsoft stack of solutions that includes ERP (GP, AX and CRM), SharePoint and SQL Server. Using Power BI, our customers can visually see dashboards providing a quick overview of important KPIs and then drill down to the details where required.  Our customers use their information to help improve their operations through efficiencies and exception reporting. 

Northern Data(Pty)Ltd

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The intricate world of data can easily become daunting. It does not exist on any linear plane, nor does it adhere to any formal structural parameters. Within the vast universe of what data may represent, there lies an organic & progressive universe of opportunity. Follow the Northern promise and explore the expansive potential that your data can unlock for your business.Thus we use PowerBi to help customers gain faster insights into their business. Since introducing PowerBi we have managed to win multiple competes against Qlik, Cognos  ,Pyramid Analytics and Tableau. We have transformed a FMCG  client from using paper based forms to using PowerBi and PowerApps to capture information. This has allowed to take PowerBI to board level. No more papers all board meeting packs are now only available in PowerBI.In another case study we helped a client adopt the Microsoft Power Platform to capture data and get rid of multiple spreadsheets and to have one version of the truth with all the reports available to donors around the world in near realtime using PowerApps and PowerBI.We also provide PowerBI training to clients and have successfully trained multiple companies whom have all adopted Powerbi.


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BICODE ofrece servicios profesionales que brindan un valor añadido a las soluciones de negocio de nuestros clientes, apoyándolos a llevar con eficiencia, eficacia y efectividad todo el ciclo de vida del proceso de desarrollo de software de sus proyectos, el personal que ofrecemos tiene alta experiencia en desarrollo de soluciones enfocadas a la gestión de los datos, inteligencia de negocios, minería de datos, almacenes de datos, análisis multidimensional de los datos, calidad de los datos, gestión de los datos maestros, arquitectura empresarial, big data, small data, análisis de requerimientos e ingeniería de procesos entre otros.BICODE plantea soluciones que encajen con las necesidades de negocio y planes de los clientes a corto, mediano y largo plazo, buscando su crecimiento de acuerdo con las dinámicas y necesidades puntuales del negocio, afianzando el trabajo en equipo y garantizando la continuidad de sus operaciones, colocando en sitio el personal certificado y con la experiencia necesaria para darle continuidad a sus operaciones en el momento oportuno basados en su cadena de valor.

KI business Performance GmbH

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Als Teil der KI group konzipiert und realisiert die KI performance technologie- und datengetriebene Projekte für informationsbasierte Organisationen. Vernetzt und interaktiv miteinander verbunden, agil und zielgerichtet sowie stets anhand eines zuvor aufgestellten Business cases unterstützen wir unsere Kunden von der Konzeption bis zur Operationalisierung – mit modernsten Technologien, lösungsorientiert und hoher Fachexpertise. Dabei bewegen wir uns seit Jahren in vielzähligen Branchen und Unternehmensbereichen. Die enge Partnerschaft mit Microsoft ist ein wesentlicher Baustein unserer Identität. KI performance ist langjähriger Gold Partner in den Kompetenzen „Data Analytics“ und „Collaboration and Content“ sowie Silber Partner im Bereich „Application Development“.Leistungsangebot im Bereich Power BIStarter Kit Für alle Kunden, die sich für Power BI interessieren, aber noch nicht richtig wissen, wie sie loslegen sollen, bietet KI performance „Starter Kit’s“ mit unterschiedlicher Dauer an. Diese Einstiegspakete helfen den Kunden die richtigen Bestandteile zu nutzen und gezielt und nachhaltig Power BI für bestimmte Anwendungsfälle oder auch für ganze Unternehmen einzuführen. Training & WorkshopsUnser Trainingsportfolio deckt die gesamte Bandbreite von den Power BI Grundlagen bis hin zu herausfordernden Deep-Dive Sessions ab. Zertifizierte Trainer vermitteln den Stoff ansprechend und mit einer „Hands-on“ Mentalität – individuell zugeschnitten auf die jeweilige Zielgruppe vom Fachanwender bis hin zum „Data professional“. Für einen kurzen Abstecher in die Power BI Welt oder die Verprobung von „Bring-your-own-data“-Szenarien haben wir zahlreiche Workshop-Formate im Angebot.Information Design nach IBCSBei der Implementation von Business Intelligence Lösungen ist ein einheitliches Berichtsdesign und die Sicherstellung von aussagekräftigen Berichten im Unternehmen ein wichtiger Aspekt. Unsere nach IBCS (International Business Communication Standards) zertifizierten Berater helfen Ihnen sinnvolle Standards in Ihrem Unternehmen zu etablieren. Zusammen mit unserem Partner Zebra BI ist es uns möglich, diese Standards auch mit Power BI umzusetzen.Umsetzung von Datenmodellen, Analysen und ReportsSie haben Großes vor aber nicht die notwendige „Man-Power“? Gerne setzen wir Ihre Reporting-Lösung für Sie um – von der Datenintegration bis hin zur ansprechenden Visualisierung. Vielleicht möchten Sie aber auch die Möglichkeit der Report-Erstellung selbstständig nutzen und nur ein belastbares Datenmodell von uns entwickeln lassen. Von der Komplettlösung bis zu einzelnen Bereichen helfen wir Ihnen gerne bei der Umsetzung.Analytics und IoT mit Power BI / Power BI EmbeddedDie Verwendung von Power BI als Tool für Reporting Szenarien in den verschiedensten Fachbereichen hat sich mittlerweile etabliert. Dennoch gibt es viele andere Anwendungsfälle, wie die Visualisierung von Sensordaten als Livedashboard oder die Integration von R-Skripten mit denen sich das Potential von Power BI weiter ausschöpfen lässt. Real-Time- und Near-Time-Szenarien im Bereich Reporting und Analytics können mit Hilfe von Power BI performant und zeitsparend umgesetzt werden. Wir beraten Sie gerne bei Architektur und Setup sowie bei der anschließenden Implementierung.Enterprise enrollmentDie Integration von Power BI in großen Unternehmen ist eine komplexe Aufgabe, die Planung und Konzeption erfordert. Unsere Berater unterstützen Sie bei der Konzeption und Implementation einer professionellen Lösung – ausgehend von einer Anforderungsanalyse mit IT und Fachbereich, der Durchführung von zielgerichteten Proof of Concepts sowie die Berücksichtigung von Themen wie Data Governance, Lizensierung oder Infrastruktur Planung. Gerne lassen wir Sie an unseren Erfahrungen und Best practices aus zahlreichen Implementationsprojekten teilhaben. SupportWir verstehen uns als Ihr Partner und stehen Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern auch nach erfolgreicher Implementierung weiter zur Seite. Für eine langfristige und reibungslose Unterstützung bieten wir Ihnen entsprechende Supportverträge an. Über die KI groupDie KI group ist ein schnell wachsendes Team von Beratern, Blockchain-Experten, Performance-Marketern, Data Scientists, Softwareentwicklern und Business Angels, vereint durch den Glauben an eine kollaborative Form der Technologie-Beratung.Unsere Kunden erstrecken sich von Fortune 500-Unternehmen bis hin zu innovativen Start-ups. Wir helfen ihnen, bei ihrer Tech-Fokussierung, entwickeln neue Geschäftsmodelle, erstellen Software-Produkte und unterstützen die nächste Generation von Unternehmern und Machern. Dabei glauben wir an die neuesten Technologien und vertrauen auf die Leistung unserer Mitarbeiter die eine einzigartige Kombination aus Technologiekompetenz, Umsetzungsstärke und Fachwissen in den Bereichen Mobilität, Logistik, Finanzen, Chemie, Energie, Aviation und Personal mitbringen.  Als Werteentwickler verfolgen wir darüber hinaus eine nachhaltige Innovations- und Beteiligungsstrategie. Unsere Unternehmensbeteiligungen zeichnen sich durch ein hohes Maß an technologischer Innovation und Zukunftsorientierung aus. Neben unserem Hauptsitz in Köln haben wir Standorte in Stuttgart, Berlin, München und Lissabon.

Toolpack Solutions

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Toolpack365® Power BI combines your data from the ERP system and budgets to visualization of KPI’s and reports in a prebuilt Financial Reporting and Sales Analysis package. Share the visual dashboards and reports with rest of your organization through web and smartphones to measure the KPI’s. Use the dynamic reports to go from overview and drill into details across periods, business units, companies, budgets to again actionable insights.


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GRAVITAR es una empresa de servicios en tecnologías de la información.  Somos Partner Certificado de Microsoft y ofrecemos servicios en todo México. Nos especializamos en Servicios de Consultoría en Business Intelligence, con amplia experiencia probada en Plataforma de Business Intelligence de Microsoft.GRAVITAR fundada en 2007, tiene amplia experiencia en relaciones a largo plazo con importantes corporativos establecidos en Mexico.ServiciosCubrimos todo el ciclo de vida de una solución de Business Intelligence para lo cual ofrecemos las siguientes especialidadesDiseño e implementación de Data Warehouse Administración de la información (Data Management)Integración de Datos (Data Integration)Inteligencia de Negocios. (Business Intelligence y Data Analytics)Reporting, Dashboards y ScorecardsOutsourcing / Asignación de personal especializado en Business IntelligenceCapacitación en Metodologías y Tecnología relacionada a Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Management y Power BI.Capacitación / Entrenamiento / CursosOfrecemos capacitación especializada en POWER BI para Empresas (En oficinas del cliente).  Atendemos todo México. (Ciudad de México, Guadalajara y Monterrey)Capacitación Power BI Básico.Capacitación Power BI Avanzada / Personalizada - Se realiza un pre-análisis para determinar el alcance y duración.Capacitación Power BI Orientada a Proyecto - Se realiza una capacitación con un alcance de un proyecto especifico donde se guía a los asistentes para alcanzar los resultados planeados.En todas nuestras capacitaciones incluimos adicionalmente asesoría para los siguientes temasDefinición de Road Map de Business IntelligenceDiseño de Arquitectura de DatosModelado de Data WarehouseMejores Prácticas de Procesos SolucionesAnálisis Financiero y Consolidación Financiera para todos los giros empresariales.Análisis Comercial para todos los giros empresariales.Análisis para Retail (Comercio Minorista).Análisis Operativo especializado para rubros de Transporte, Logística, Manufactura, Construcción, entre otros.Análisis de Supply Chain (Cadena de Suministro).


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ASPEX is one of the leading BI & IT integrator in Central Asia with solutions in automation, 1C & CRM integration, data modeling and BI analysis. Since 2014 ASPEX team had accomplished 367 of projects and has established itself as a reliable and responsible supplier of solutions for its customers in different markets like FMCG, Retail, Pharmacy, Insurance, Manufacturing, Oil&Gas and Government.We develop digital services and promote the development of production and business in Kazakhstan, introducing data automation, Digital audit and artificial intelligence in the processing of data sets, in the analysis of "Big data" and provide more than 50 types of services.As part of many projects, we provide not only BI solutions for our clients, but also act as a  consultant and together with a top management team develop effective solutions and strategy. With a challenge we became one of the best solutions consultant team in EBRD KZ (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development) The core of the ASPEX's philosophy - the customer service based on the principles of the highest quality standards.  When most orders are realized, the company strives to offer complex solutions to the client. The opportunities for this are provided both by the availability of a wide range of advanced techniques used by the company and by the high professional level of the staff, which includes specialists with many years of experience from such companies as KPMG, PWC, GFK Kazakhstan , ForteBank, 1C Kazakhstan and others - marketers, economists, statistics, financial advisors, business analytics, 1C programmers, software developers, database developers, auditors, corporate and international lawyers.ASPEX is a shortcut of its slogan - Aspiration for Excellence.  And we do our best to provide all the services with Excellence!Try us yourself and become a part of an ASPEX clients family!


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Based in Montreal, Gestisoft provides business solutions (ERP and CRM) that give control to your management team with accurate information in real time on all of your transactions. Result: Faster and more informed decision making. If the implementation of such solutions may seem a daunting task, years of experience have taught us to minimize complexity and risk associated with technology projects with a disciplined approach and agile to deployment. With Gestisoft, you get the solution that is just right for your company and your people. We produce superior results for your business today, tomorrow and over the growth and evolution of your business.

Crowe LLP

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Crowe LLP is one of the largest public accounting, consulting, and technology firms with deep expertise in Microsoft technology.  Serving more than 2,000 clients ranging in size from global Fortune 500 companies to emerging small businesses, Crowe can provide clients with access to resources throughout much of the world.   Crowe specialists understand how to cross the bridge between business and technology.  The appropriate combination of industry-leading technology and professional expertise unlocks analytical capacity to drive introspection and awareness within your organization.  Crowe professionals are highly focused on helping business leaders leverage data to make better-informed business decisions at a faster rate.    The Crowe Guided Analytics Practice delivers industry solutions; such as, Crowe Operational Analytics built on Microsoft technology and leveraging the benefits of Microsoft Power BI to allow organizations to transform data into action.    Crowe Operational Analytics At-A-Glance An enterprise analytics approach modeled on your industry and the unique ways you do businessA pre-built data warehouse scalable to high data volumeQuick access via pre-build Power BI reports and dashboards to provide a 360-degree view of your informationKey metrics that enable you to make better informed decision faster   We approach every client engagement with a commitment to helping organizations understand how to optimize complex technology and transform data for better decision making.  

Next-Step Consultores

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Our aim is to deliver services and develop technological solutions for our customers to reach the highest performance in process management and business decision making.We embrace services such as tool implementation and business intelligence project developments, dashboards building, digital transformation, in-company training and IT Management Outsourcing.

FreshBI Reporting Inc.

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FreshBI Reporting, Inc. is a global Professional Services company that gives you as a business owner or manager, modern Business Intelligence solutions to visualize your business. We have been serving the Business Intelligence needs of SMBs since 2004, initially using Excel centric models atop of robust data architectures and now using Power BI as our BI service of choice. We serve companies throughout North America, United Kingdom and South Africa, with our head quarters in Victoria, Canada. Our competitive advantage comes in two forms: Astonishing Customer Service and Deep Domain Experience in Solving Common Business Challenges using Business Intelligence. As a result our portfolio of solutions forms the foundation for our consulting service to our customers as we leverage this portfolio in our service delivery. In engineering solutions for our customers, Team FreshBI Reporting, Inc. is especially strong in the Architecture of Robust Solutions and in the Data Science that are required by world-class Business Intelligence Solutions. Take a look at our website, our Youtube channel and talk with our charismatic team about how we can guide you to success on your next Business Intelligence project.

Turnkey Technologies, Inc.

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Turnkey Technologies, Inc. is a Gold Microsoft Dynamics Partner and client-centric business solutions partner with a specialized analytics practice built upon Microsoft Power BI. The Turnkey business intelligence team is a cornerstone to the company’s mission: to help clients make use of their data and get the most from their critical business solutions. Turnkey has revolutionized how customers visualize their data and use the information in Power BI to make decisions, unify strategies and uncover hidden opportunities. Turnkey’s business intelligence team has worked with clients in manufacturing, banking, retail and service-related industries. As technology continues to change the way we live and work, Turnkey has made digital transformation a core principle of our organization. We strive to keep our customers up-to-date with the latest enhancements and drive change so they can acquire the tools and methods to revolutionize their products and services, how they engage with customers and the way their employees work. Turnkey has a track record of high customer satisfaction and takes responsibility for all related project management, deployment, implementation, customization, training and support of your Microsoft business solutions. As a Tier 1 Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider and early adopter of Microsoft’s cloud strategy, Turnkey offers ERP and CRM hosting on our private, secure network hosted in St. Louis, or on the Microsoft Azure platform. In unifying business data on a cutting-edge, centralized platform, we enable our customers to bypass the hassle of updates and maintenance so they can focus on the big picture.  Owner-led since 1994, the company has offices in St. Louis and Chicago and a strong presence throughout the Midwest. Our approach is time-tested. For more than 23 years we have satisfied hundreds of clients with proven implementation methodologies, data conversion from any system and cost-effective software customizations. We help you grow with your solution with our network of world-class independent software vendors (ISVs) to extend functionality as your needs expand.

MindQuad Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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MindQuad solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a Gold Certified Partner of Microsoft Dynamics Enterprise Solutions based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. As a Microsoft Dynamics Solution Provider, We are focused in delivering ERP Solutions on Microsoft Dynamics Navision, Axapta, CRM, Dynamics 365 F&O, Dynamics Business Central and Power BI (Business Intelligence). Being a Microsoft Gold Certified Business Solution partner, committed to ERP Consulting and Implementation and providing numerous solutions & services under the MICROSOFT, the world leader in enterprise resource planning for MICROSOFT DYNAMICS Projects Implementation, providing MICROSOFT DYNAMICS Resources, Support and Services. MindQuad's MICROSOFT DYNAMICS experience helps us to provide contract consultants to companies who have implemented, or are in the process of implementing, MICROSOFT DYNAMICS solutions. 

Stellar Consulting

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Stellar Consulting Group is an award-winning Microsoft Data Analytics Gold Partner and Data Platform Silver Partner. Our consultants include experts in Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft's Azure cloud computing platform. We also have deep experience in Microsoft's SQL Server and Business Intelligence Suite.At Stellar, we believe in putting the power of data and analytics in the hands of every decision maker, and we've been doing just that since 2008.Stellar works with New Zealand’s most respected brands, including organisations of all shapes and sizes. We help our customers to:optimise their operationsengage more deeply with their customersuse data to innovateWith offices in Auckland, Wellington and Tauranga, Stellar has the expertise and experience to help your organization turn data into intelligent action.Find out more at stellarconsulting.co.nz/partners/microsoft


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Build and deliver BI with an easy-to-understand decision framework. Use our architecture experience, knowledge of various industries, development environments, and delivery methods to help you get you there. Our consultants understand the tools, their purposes, and the needs and skills of your team to scope, plan, and create the information foundation that will revolutionize every part of your organization.What We Deliver:Strategy:SecurityGovernanceMaturity AssessmentsPlatform AssessmentsData AnalysisMachine LearningData ModelingBig DataExcelPerformance DashboardsData VisualizationEnterprise Performance ManagementMonitoringAnalysisCloud ServicesAzure Data WarehouseAzure SQL DatabaseAzure Data FactoryAzure Analysis Services

Care Business

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Utilizando tecnologias, serviços e Business Intelligence como pilares, construímos uma metodologia de trabalho moldada a cada realidade de negócio, que nos permite criar, adaptar e implementar soluções com maior assertividade.Nossa missão é melhorar continuamente a relação dos nossos clientes com seus consumidores, usando sempre das mais novas tecnologias e das melhores metodologias. Transformar grandes expectativas em experiências inesquecíveis.

Lime Theory

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Lime Theory is a small Business Intelligence consultancy based in Perth, Western Australia.  We specialise in delivering Microsoft Power BI solutions for businesses big and small. Our mission is to help businesses make better decisions using data.  We achieve this through a unique combination of experience across multiple industries, a focus on true business requirements, and a passion for unlocking insights. As a Microsoft Gold Partner in Data Analytics we have a proven capability of providing quality and effective business analytics solutions to our clients.Services Our end-to-end Power BI services include:Effective requirements gatheringModern dashboard design and development Data sourcing and transformation Data model developmentDeployment strategyTraining and coachingSupport and maintenance How we work At Lime Theory we’re more than just a development shop.  We take the time to work with you and really understand your business – which is critical in making sure you get a solution that truly meets your needs.  We’re believers in delivering value fast.  That means we work closely with our clients to build iteratively and get feedback often.  This agile approach to development makes sure you receive the best solution for your business, while seeing value every step of the way.

Microexcel Inc.

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With a dedicated competency for Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions, Microexcel provides consulting services that include Power BI, Data Analytics, and Data Modeling. Microexcel provides both the front-end and data integration tools required to deliver enterprise business analytics. Our team has extensive knowledge in delivering state of the art business intelligence solutions to support agile business growth. We provide solutions for data warehouse design, data mining, data integration, and interactive dashboards & data visualizations.

Inergy Analytical Solutions

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Inergy biedt full service, non-stop data analytics. Onze oplossingen zijn in lijn met de meest effectieve technologieën van het moment. We zetten alleen methodieken in die hun waarde ondubbelzinnig hebben bewezen. We leveren alle relevante diensten die horen bij data analytics trajecten. We hanteren een partnership visie gericht op uw wensen op de lange termijn. Daarmee kan u beter presteren door slim met data om te gaan. Kijk daarom op de website en ontdek wat we met uw data kunnen doen.English:Our solutions are in line with the most effective technologies of the moment. We only use methodologies that have proven their value. We provide all relevant services associated with data analytics initiatives. Working via a partnership with our clients ensures that we create business impact based on your vision, now and on the long run.  This allows you to perform better by using data on the right moment and giving you insights that you've haven't seen before. More information can be found on www.inergy.nl.

Sunrise Technologies

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Sunrise Technologies is the premier provider of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power BI for apparel, footwear, home furnishings, textiles, consumer products, manufacturing, and retail companies. We deliver game changing, omni-channel, global, Tier 1 supply chain solutions without all the cost and complexity.   From wholesale to retail, and from ERP to business intelligence, Sunrise offers a one-stop, end-to-end industry solution to deploy, enhance, and support Microsoft Dynamics 365 for a lifetime. Plus, you’ll be able to hit the ground running with industry best practices, preset configurations, and a proven methodology.   The roadmap for Microsoft cloud solutions is extensive and our industry experts will work with you to implement the capabilities that best fit your needs. As a global systems integrator operating out of North America, Europe, and Asia, we are everywhere you do business.      

Fisksoft (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - 菲斯科(上海)软件有限公司

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Fisksoft (Shanghai)  Co., Ltd., founded in December 2012, is a Microsoft BI Gold partner and one of the most knowledgeable and proficient providers of Microsoft Business Intelligence solutions in East china.  We are focused on building BI, MDM, Big Data, Microsoft BI solutions from Microsoft Azure, SQL Server and Power BI.   We help customers build a solid business foundation by building on this BI data platform to provide reporting systems and self analysis tools to help them move forward with the future of big data and data mining. Currently, more than thirty customers have successfully implemented the business intelligence system, and have become the designated long-term partner for those customers.   Some of the industries we serve include FMCG, retail, manufacturing, healthcare, apparel, and banking.