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Machen Sie Ihr Business intelligent!Bei ABILITY haben Sie es mit wahren Power-BI-Profis zu tun. Denn mit Business Intelligence beschäftigen wir uns seit der ersten Stunde. Und wir sind überzeugt, dass in der Auswertung und Analyse der Daten viele Antworten stecken. Durch die Visualisierung der Parameter lassen sich Zusammenhänge erkennen, die maßgeblichen Einfluss auf strategische Weichenstellungen nehmen können. Technisch funktioniert das ganz unabhängig von Branchen oder Unternehmensgrößen. Um unseren Kunden aber auf Augenhöhe begegnen und sie kompetent beraten zu können, haben wir uns spezialisiert: Handel, Fertigung und Immobilienwirtschaft sind die Branchen, für die wir spezifisches Fach- und Prozessknowhow aufgebaut haben. Umso mehr profitieren unsere Kunden von den ABILITY.Lösungen rund um Power BI: Flexible Reports für Ihre Arbeitsroutinen und AnforderungenERP-Systeme beinhalten in der Regel bereits Auswertungsmöglichkeiten in ihren Standardversionen. Diese genügen jedoch häufig in Umfang und Ausgestaltung nicht den Anforderungen des Controllings bzw. der Erwartungshaltung der Berichtsempfänger. Die flexiblen ABILITY.Reports mit Power BI führen diejenigen Parameter zusammen, die die Fragen von Fachabteilungen, Management und Investoren zielgerichtet beantwortet und in ihren Entscheidungen weiterbringt. Interaktive Oberflächen erlauben dem Anwender, aus der Übersicht in die Details einzutauchen. Dashboards ermöglichen den schnellen Überblick über die Kennzahlen, die für den jeweiligen Einsatzbereich gefragt sind. Standardisierte Reports für den schnellen StartDurch die Vielzahl unserer Projekte wissen wir, welche Berichte immer wieder gefragt sind. Daraus haben wir Standards entwickelt. Ihr Vorteil: Denn mit diesen Berichten können Sie schon morgen auf Ihrer Datenbasis loslegen. Auch dabei kommt Ihnen unsere Branchenexpertise zugute. Für die Immobilienwirtschaft bieten wir ein umfangreiches Portfolio zu- Bestand (z. B. Objekte, Mieter. Leerstände),- Finanzen (z. B. Monatsreportings, BWA-Entwicklungen),- Debitoren/Kreditoren (offene Forderungen/Verbindlichkeiten, Entwicklung, Altersstruktur) und- Aktivitäten aus dem CRM.Beim Handel haben wir insbesondere die Lagerwirtschaft im Blick. Z. B.- Bestände- Abverkäufe- Aktionskennzahlen- Standortvergleiche. In der Fertigung sind z. B. die Auswertung von- Maschinendaten und -laufzeiten,- Lager und Nachschub,- Predictive Maintenance- Big Datavon Interesse. SchulungenPower BI ist kein Hexenwerk. Damit es von Anfang gelingt und Spaß macht, schulen wir wie Sie gerne. In Workshops zeigen die ABILITY.Experten anwenderorientiert, wie die Konfigurierung Schritt für Schritt von Statten geht, welche Möglichkeiten zur Visualisierung Ihrer Daten bestehen und mit welchen Klicks das Dashboard entsteht, das Sie voranbringt.Um Microsoft Power BI optimal aufsetzen zu können, führen wir die Daten Ihrer Systeme in einem Data Warehouse zusammen. In dieser ANALYTICS.Suite sind die Schnittstellen zu den gängigen ERP-Systemen, allen voran Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central bzw. NAV bereits integriert. Damit stehen die Daten für sämtliche Abfragen zur Verfügung.Der ABILITY.Ansatz mit modernster Technologie schafft nicht nur viele Möglichkeiten für die Darstellung und den Aufbau von Power BI Dashboards und Reports. Er bringt auch eine exzellente Performance mit sich. Ganz nebenbei entsteht durch das Data Warehouse ein Single Point of Truth. Das heißt, alle Nutzer arbeiten mit der gleichen Daten- oder Dokumentenversion. Unsere Kunden wissen das zu schätzen.


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Why Drill Down visualizations? Visualizations are a convenient, fast, and efficient way to display complex information. In a situation of choosing between a table or visualizations, the information in the table is difficult to perceive, but with the help of visualizations, we can use our innate ability to perceive and process visual information. ZoomCharts products are designed to let you explore your data in a simple and fast manner. With a custom-built multi-touch engine, our technology allows you to enjoy dashboards and reports on any device, and let your data tell an engaging story while significantly improving the data exploration process. Drill Down Visuals for Power BI: ·       Drill Down Donut PRO – Generate powerful insights and explore category-based data using interactive drill-down and auto-grouping features. ·       Drill Down Combo PRO – Create impressive visualization of your category-based data end explore it using interactive drill-down and scrolling features.  ·       Drill Down TimeSeries PRO – Explore time-based data down to millisecond with interactive drill-down and scrolling. ·       Drill Down Network PRO – Create beautiful, easy to explore networks from category-based data and enjoy automatically detected relations among categories. ·       Drill Down Graph PRO – Build networks and explore relations within them and enjoy exceptional navigation, rich information display, and customization options. ·       Drill Down Waterfall PRO – Visualize totals, subtotals, and sequence of the columns straight from the dataset and use rich formatting options to control the look of the chart. ·       Drill Down Combo Bar PRO – Combine bars, lines, and areas, use multiple stacking and clustering options, and customize each series individually. ·       Drill Down Pie PRO – Explore up to 9 data levels with touch-driven interactions, adjustable slices, and rich customization options. ·       Drill Down Map PRO – Visualize location data on maps by country, city, or create storable filters for custom regions. Services: ·       Power BI Custom Visual Development Service – Order a custom-built visual for your specific use-case and add additional visualizations to Microsoft Power BI Reports and Dashboards. Contact us or visit our website to learn more about ZoomCharts products and services –  ZoomCharts Drill Down Visuals for Power BI


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We are a System Integrator company, located in Legnano, committed to providing digital applications for Professionals, SMEs and Companies.  Our main partners are Sistemi Spa and Microsoft (Gold Partner). We have also been recognized as a Competence Center for the Manufacturing Enterprise Production System.  We help our customers by designing ad-hoc infrastructures and offering tailor-made, perfectly integrated, digital environments,  also providing complete assistance, communicating timely updates and improvements. In 2019, while companies were wondering whether they should jump on the data analytics bandwagon, we decided to create a dedicated data analytics unit, where two full time data analysts are working on BI projects. Our analytics solutions are a combined outcome of a good data model, good data preparation, and good analytics and calculations. We use Microsoft Power Query for data mashup and transformation and Microsoft Power BI, our business analytics solution, to visualize data and share insights across the organizations, or embed them in our Sharepoint online.That is not enough, we told ourselves. In 2021 we launched KURO BI, our Power BI-based solution committed to creating a data-driven culture, for companies which have a lot of data but don't know how to manage them, taking analytics operations to the next level. Our team is always growing, with particular attention to the young generations, without forgetting the experience and skills of the seniors.


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Noux is a privately owned, highly specialized consulting & implementation Ecuadorian company founded in 2003. Focusing on supporting corporate analysis, decision making, and planning of strategic endeavors affecting the competitiveness, profitability and efficiency of the most innovative firms in our market.We are the region´s first Teradata Master Distributor, SAS, and Microsoft certified partner that not only provides licensing, subscription, and maintenance products and renewals but certified support for tailor made solutions that meet and exceed your needs. We gather business needs, review any current and/or planned technological landscapes, combine it with profound vertical and LOB expertise to design and deploy a business intelligence services using the market´s most cost effective, widely used, user-friendly, and forward thinking suite: Microsoft Power BI. We recommend Microsoft Power BI because it´s the only integrated suite that helps reduce the added cost, complexity, and security risks of multiple solutions. A suite that scales from individuals to the organization as a whole allowing you to share meaningful insights with hundreds of data visualizations, use built-in AI capabilities, tight Excel integration, and prebuilt & custom data connectors for departmental projects or enterprise-wide deployments. Microsoft´s industry-leading data security capabilities, sensitivity labeling, end-to-end encryption, and real-time access monitoring are all included.We at Noux envision ourselves to be“…recognized as the region´s leading comprehensive - value-based - data & analytics solutions provider, period."

Cloud1 Oy

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Cloud1 helps customers turn data into business benefits, new innovations and streamlined processes by building digital architecture solutions that provide a competitive edge. We are a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner in multiple data areas, and we’ve helped some of the largest companies in Finland to achieve their objectives by using data to guide decisions.With the help of our expertise, our clients can take full advantage of data spread across multiple sources. We take data from multiple silos, and build scalable, purpose-built digital architecture solutions. Our solutions aggregate complex business metrics into one centralized location that acts as the single source of truth for decision makers. How We Help YouOur promise to you is to make your data actionable by analyzing, visualizing and predicting real-life occurrences in constantly changing business environments. Our core competence is to fuel and steer the digital data journey in the context of modern data platforms. We do this with the following tools and techniques:Power BIPower BI PremiumPower BI EmbeddedAzure Analytics ServicesAI & ML OpsAzure MLPower Apps & Power AutomateWe thrive in challenging environments. By working closely with our customers, we’ve gained valuable expertise in projects where the latest Microsoft technologies are being utilized. We also pay a lot of effort to the importance of governance and development models. In order to succeed, Cloud1 delivery model engages skillful individuals to work as a well-performing team.Reporting and AnalyticsWe believe that data is an enabler. It drives businesses to succeed by making decisions based on facts. Our job is to fuel and steer the journey our customers need to take to go beyond data-driven and become insights-driven. In this area our expertise include:Solutions Development: Reporting and data solution development, business intelligence integrations, reporting extensions, Continuous DevelopmentArchitecture & Design: Roadmaps towards efficient data utilization, Solution Governance and Management, Tailored Trainings, Reporting Management AutomationGovernance & Delivery: Cloud1 Data Hub for Data Solutions, Power BI Platform Governance and Monitoring.Data ScienceEven the best algorithms can’t bring value without proper development and deployment models. Our job is to help you get your ideas to life by handling the following:Projects: AI & ML Ops, Enabler of AI and Machine Learning Solutions, AI & ML model development, AI & ML model development to Data PlatformsArchitecture: Governance models (AI & ML Ops), Roadmaps, Technical & Business Proof of ConceptsOperations: Continuous servicesBusiness ApplicationsUtilize modern platforms to create something new or automate existing processes. Cloud1 is your agile partner to create solutions that propel your business forward. We help you apply technology to business with the following:Development: Business Applications based on your data. We automate everyday tasks and processes.Architecture & Design: Business digitalization workshops, technological roadmapsData Culture: Data-driven organizations anchor decisions in data, regardless of the level where the decision is made. A data-driven culture should not be a privilege of the management level but encouraged throughout the organization and led by example. Building a culture of data enablement can be a long journey. We guide you to utilize proven, practical methods and best practices to make your data culture flourish. We make sure the right people have the right data at the right moment. We provide you with industry insights and ensure the key stakeholders are equipped with the skills they need to use the data. We do this with:Data Culture enablement: Build a corporate data culture, best practices for handling dataData Strategy: Models for using data in business, strategies for building digital services based on dataData Governance and MDM: Processes for handling data, Data Governance practices, data maintenance and data handling guidelinesProject Methodologies: Agile, waterfall or something in between - we help you find the right method for your project.Why Should You Choose Us?We understand both data and business holistically. We believe that for a business to run at full steam, it needs to have fluidity in all of its processes. Thus, our argument for you is that by choosing a partner who understands that its function as an important part of a bigger whole, you stand to gain a lot of upside and efficiency in your day-to-day, while getting the systems painlessly set up. 

Axis Group

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At Axis Group, we strive make a positive impact on the world by helping decision makers at all levels solve their biggest problems with Data & Analytics (D&A). We’re driven to find new ways to unlock your data and build effective analytics strategies. We are a D&A consulting company that puts the human experience into everything we do, making sure that our customers are enabled and empowered. Axis brings D&A teams and business teams together and works with them side-by-side to help them meet their most complex challenges and grow their analytics capabilities. We bring a deep bench of cross-functional experts who employ a user-centric approach to building programs and solutions, drawing on strategists, designers, architects, engineers, industry experts, and analysts to maximize time to value and ensure adoption. We focus on accelerating time-to-value and making sure the programs and solutions we build create lasting, positive outcomes for your business. Technology alone cannot optimize how your business works. Partnering with Axis can. We do it every day.

Office Line SA

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Who we are Office Line was founded in 1997 and has been an early innovator in the IT integration and services provision sector, in Greece, Central and Eastern Europe, with vision and roadmap to be a global service delivery company. Since the establishment 24 years ago, the company has developed a strong financial performance with substantial progress in revenue sizes, achieving impressive YoY growth.Office Line S.A. is an internationally recognized leading Cloud Solutions Provider and Digital Transformation company, empowering customers’ specific business requirements, while meeting their needs for flexibility, speed, security, and reliability, aiming at delivering integrated services that help enterprises accelerate their digital transformation journey and embrace new technology shifts. Office Line’s unique offering makes us the Partner of Choice for an enterprise or organization, who looks to achieve their business goals by adopting new technology shifts, including:Cloud Infra & ΑppsModern WorkplaceCyber SecurityData & AIOffice Line has been established as a top Microsoft partner in Greece, showcasing several unique achievements: a continuously trusted Gold cloud Microsoft Partner, a Microsoft Partner of the Year for 2019 & 2020 for Greece, a distinguished Microsoft FastTrack Ready Partner among 300 listed across the globe.The company holds 3 Advanced Specializations for Windows & SQL Server Migration to Azure, Windows Virtual Desktop on Azure, and also Calling for Microsoft Teams, ranking among the Top Microsoft partners globally, who demonstrated deep know-how in deploying Azure cloud solutions.These top-notch distinctions reflect as the most visible acknowledgments of company’s robust expertise and innovative approach to cloud services over its long-term positioning as a Cloud Managed Services Provider, aiming at delivering integrated solutions that help enterprises accelerate their Digital Transformation journey.Data & AIUsing the power of advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI, Office Line can deliver essential insights to help optimize operations, drive innovation, deliver business value to companies, and then personalized value to customers.Data is the foundation for all advanced Analytics and Machine Learning and hence it now becomes one of the most strategic assets for every company. The utilization of the development in data science for building AI applications can be the competitive advantage of every organization today in order to be innovative, robust, and productive.

Prolytics Consulting Group

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Our VisionOur goal is deliver value added EPM and BI solutions to our customers that fits their corporate culture, aligns with their goals and solves their one of a kind challenges.Our ApproachAt ProLytics, we believe performance management processes and systems should be centered but not limited to the office of Finance. Planning and Reporting should be integrated and connected across the organization. We work with our clients to extend planning, reporting and analysis from Finance to other departments and business units.Our ServicesProLytics brings decades of successful implementation experience across industries and verticals including Legal, Financial Services, Technology, Automobile, Manufacturing and Retail Markets. No matter the scale and complexity of the project: you can be assured we will bring our industry knowledge and best practices. To complement our services, we work with some of the leading technology providers in the Enterprise Performance Management and BI Analytics industry.

Concurrency, Inc.

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Founded in 1989, Concurrency, Inc. is an award-winning Microsoft partner dedicated to helping companies use technology to improve their business productivity. Clients choose Concurrency for its team approach, top talent, project-scoped work plans and business value that encompasses people, process, and technology. A Microsoft National Solution Provider (NSP), Concurrency envisions, architects, and integrates across all Microsoft enterprise platforms, including Azure, SharePoint, System Center, Skype for Business, Exchange, and Dynamics CRM. Concurrency specializes in helping clients with their transition to the cloud, specifically Office 365 and Azure. We are one of the few solution providers worldwide with broad experience across all these technologies. Microsoft has recognized Concurrency with multiple partner-of-the-year awards, including 2014 Microsoft Partner of the Year Finalist in Management and Virtualization; 2012 Microsoft Content Management Partner of the Year; 2012 Microsoft Central Region Partner of the Year; and 2012 & 2011 Microsoft Midwest Area Partner of the Year. Concurrency’s project teams include: • Business and Technology Roadmap • Modern Identity • Azure Cloud and Hybrid Datacenter • DevOps and IT Service Management • Business Intelligence and SQL Server • Modern Applications • Customer Relationship Management • Business Process Transformation • Communications and Collaboration • Device Management • Enterprise Content Management • Premier+ Operational Services We help clients get the greatest bang for their IT buck by leveraging platform software, commodity-priced hardware, and top-quality services. Our experience allows us to deliver secure, stable, high-value solutions that stand the test of time.


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Dell listens to customers and delivers innovative technology and services that give them the power to do more. For more than 30 years, Dell has played a critical role in transforming computing, enabling more affordable and more pervasive access to technology around the world.  Our entrepreneurial spirit drives us to challenge the status quo to find new ways to make enterprises future ready and to make IT work better for the evolving workforce.  Today, our strongest-ever product, software and services portfolio, addresses the full range of technology requirements – all to deliver comprehensive solutions with best value, ease of use and flexibility.  Dell has enjoyed partnering with Microsoft for more than 30 years.  We are a top distributor of Microsoft software worldwide, original equipment manufacturer (OEM), licensing solution provider (LSP), and global systems integrator (GSI). Dell provides end-to end solutions including hardware, software, advisory services, deployment, IT admin training and support for ongoing maintenance of infrastructure.  Dell has more than 20,000 Microsoft certifications held by our team members worldwide.  Dell is Microsoft’s most competent partner having earned 23 Gold and 4 Silver competencies.  

Dimensional Strategies Inc.

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We are one of the top Microsoft Professional Services Partners in Ontario, serving customers around the world. We help our public and private sector clients make better, more timely business decisions by enabling their key processes and improving their access to critical information. We do this by clearly understanding and documenting the unique set of People, Process and Technology requirements for each client. We then design, deploy and support customized solutions using Microsoft technologies. Holding Gold Competencies in Application Development, Cloud Platform, Data Analytics, and Data Platform as well as a Silver Competency in Collaboration and Content, DSI is uniquely qualified in he Greater Toronto Area to partner with your company to develop solutions that improve your organization.

eBECS, a DXC Technology company

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eBECS, a DXC Technology Company, is an award-winning Microsoft Gold Partner delivering Total Microsoft Business Solutions and Managed Services globally that help customers digitally transform their businesses, cut complexity and cost, improve customer service and drive growth. We do this using tailored, industry-focused Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions that embrace Operations (AX and NAV ERP), Sales, Marketing, Customer Service (CRM), Field Service, Project Service Automation, Analytics, BI and IoT — on-premises or in the Microsoft Azure intelligent cloud. Each solution is focused on delivering improved business performance and productivity, and is measured by comprehensive, embedded BI. This is achieved by enabling our customers to streamline and integrate processes, improve customer relations and service, maximise sales, minimise waste, optimise the extended supply chain and manage customer demands efficiently. Just as importantly, eBECS’ ‘templated’ implementation and unique rapid-return methodologies deliver significant time and cost benefits to its customers. Accreditation and recent awards * Microsoft Gold Partner Cloud Platform, Data Analytics, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Cloud Customer Relationship Management * 2017/2018 Inner Circle for Microsoft Dynamics * Global Microsoft Dynamics Services Partner of the Year 2016/2017 (DXC Technology) * Microsoft Dynamics Services Partner of the Year UK 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017 * Microsoft Dynamics Services Partner of the Year MEA 2016 and 2017 * Microsoft UK Partner of the Year 2016 * Global Microsoft Health Industry Partner of the Year (DXC Technology) * Microsoft Global Cloud CRM Partner of the Year Finalist 2017 * Microsoft Global IOT Partner of the Year Finalist 2016 * Microsoft Global CRM Partner of the Year Finalist 2015

Sikich LLP

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Let Sikich help you measure financial and operational effectiveness, gain insight into business performance and align technology with your business objectives to achieve the goals you need to succeed. With offices in Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis and Denver, Sikich is an accounting, advisory, technology and managed services firm, with more than 400 employees throughout the country. We provide end-to-end business and industry software solutions and technology services. Founded in 1982, Sikich is a Gold Certified Microsoft Dynamics partner and a member of Inner Circle, representing the top 1% of all Microsoft Dynamics partners in the world. We have deep experience helping manufacturers, distributors, service firms, health care organizations and professional associations improve their business operations and profitability with Microsoft’s innovative ERP and CRM solutions. Our seasoned consultants work closely with your team, bringing both strong industry knowledge and proven technical skills to every project. From the first step in your evaluation process, through business process improvement and implementation, to long-term strategic support, we provide insightful, real-world guidance to help you elevate performance in your organization. Also, with our world-class managed service center and expert IT infrastructure team, you get valuable strategic planning advice for safe, secure systems either on premise or in the cloud. We will work closely with your team to deliver exceptional value and the best possible total cost of ownership of your solution. Leverage our experience for: •Microsoft Dynamics AX •Microsoft Dynamics AX for Equipment Manufacturers •Microsoft Dynamics CRM •Microsoft Dynamics GP •Microsoft Dynamics NAV •NAV-X for Distribution •Microsoft Dynamics SL •Microsoft SharePoint

Northdoor plc

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Northdoor is an IT consultancy and services provider specialising in Microsoft solutions. We help fast-growing enterprises achieve their business objectives through IT enablement. We have delivered Microsoft technology solutions to more than 150 businesses of all sizes and from all industries, including major Financial Services and Professional Services companies. Our experiences cover insurance, banking, retail, media, communications and distribution sectors. With more than 20 years of experience we help clients to make the most of their Microsoft investment with a suite of services tailored to their business requirements. Our services include: - Cloud Advisory, Application Migration and Infrastructure - Business Intelligence and Information Management Solutions - Exchange Migration and Support - Lync Deployment and Support - Migration and integration with Microsoft technologies - .NET Application Development and Support - SharePoint Development, Implementation and Support - SQL Database Support - Windows Server Support - Managed Services - Infrastructure Support Proven track record: - More than 20 years of experience - Implemented more than 100 IT projects in the last five years - Delivered Microsoft technology solutions to more than 150 customers - 7 out of Northdoor’s top 10 clients have been with us for 10+ years - 2011 Finalist in 'Managed Services' category of 'European IT Excellence Awards' - 2008 Winner in 'Best use of IT in Insurance' category of 'European IT Excellence Award' We bring specialist skills across IT consulting, enterprise infrastructure, and IT support and managed services into one integrated solution for our clients. We have a track record in helping companies grow, start up a new business, meet regulatory compliance and improve IT efficiency. We look to improve results across your whole business, whether you use one or all of our areas of knowledge. Please browse our services here and on our website www.northdoor.co.uk/microsoft or call us on 020 7448 8534.


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Motion10 is one of the largest Microsoft-only SI’s in The Netherlands. What makes us different?- Customer Success: The best developed practice on Change, Customer Success and adoption- Cloud Transition: With Integration and Architecture in our DNA we are uniquely positioned to guide customers in their Cloud Transition- Data Platform: Specialised in designing a (cloud) data platform layer on top of which Apps and self-service BI can be implementedMotion10 delivers services to architect and design modern data platforms in Azure, that provide PowerBI users with a governed platform to fulfill their self-service needs.We help organizations with:- Data strategy- Data platform architecture- Platform configuration- Solution design, User Experience, development and delivery- Managed servicesWe mainly use Azure SQL Database, Data Factory, Data Lake, Databricks, Machine Learning, Synapse Analytics, Azure Integration Services and PowerBI to deliver solutions.We apply a standardized approach to implement these solutions, called MotionWoW.We help organizations to become data-driven. 

Netwoven Inc.

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Netwoven Inc. is a leading Microsoft professional services provider who helps companies design and deploy solutions for business collaboration, intelligence, workflow, and relationship management Founded in 2001 by senior-level executives from Microsoft, Oracle and Intel, Netwoven powers more intelligent enterprises by connecting people, processes, and information. Netwoven helps medium to large enterprise customers unlock the hidden value of their information assets and derive rapid return on investment from their technology investments. Netwoven specializes in using Microsoft, SAP, Apple and Salesforce.com products.


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Izertis es una consultora tecnológica de alto valor añadido que lidera, tanto en España como en Latinoamérica, el desarrollo de proyectos vinculados a la tecnología en empresas privadas y Administraciones Públicas. La diversificación internacional de nuestra actividad y los más de 1000 proyectos ejecutados nos posicionan como una de las empresas tecnológicas con mayor tasa de crecimiento. Nuestros casi 20 años de historia, los acuerdos estratégicos y niveles de partnership que mantenemos, así como las referencias de clientes y proyectos que nos avalan, nos sitúan como empresa tecnológica de referencia. Con más de 300 profesionales distribuidos en oficinas de España y Latinoamérica contamos con un equipo de expertos en torno a tres áreas de negocio: - Integración y Desarrollo - Infraestructura y Sistemas - Consultoría y soluciones de Negocio

WARDY IT Solutions

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WARDY IT Solutions is recognised Australia's leading provider of Data Platform consultants, trainers and Data Analytics specialists. As a member of the Microsoft Partner network, WARDY IT Solutions has achieved Gold Competency for Data Platform and Data Analytics competencies and Silver in Cloud Platform and Learning. Our services are based around four key areas: DATA ANALYTICS - We offer a full range of Microsoft Data Analytics solutions, from Business Intelligence reporting and analytics through to planning and forecasting. Our Microsoft Certified Data Analytics specialists transform data into easy-to-consume formats so organisations can spend more time making data driven decisions and less time trying to find the data they need. We unlock the value in business data, making it easily accessible and understandable across all levels of the organisation.DATA PLATFORM - We help our clients to make the most of their technology investment through our Data Platform services. Our offerings include supporting our clients with planning, design and upgrade support, performance optimisation, server consolidation and virtualisation, licensing reviews, Azure services, data warehousing and migrations.VIRTUAL DBA - Our 24x7x365 remote database administration service is a cost-effective way for organisations to meet the day-to-day challenges of monitoring availability, performance and administration of critical Microsoft SQL Server databases.TRAINING - We offer the most comprehensive range of Microsoft Data Platform and Data Analytics training courses available. We use contemporary learning styles and our real world experience to deliver training designed especially for developers, DBAs and Business Intelligence professionals. We deliver remote and onsite training nationwide and training at our first class facilities in Brisbane. All of our training courses can be customised to suit the needs of our clients.Our consulting team are all Microsoft Certified and our trainers hold Microsoft Certified Trainer status. Over the years we have received numerous Microsoft industry accolades, including Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the year for Data Platform 2013 and Microsoft Australia Partner Award for Business Intelligence and Data Platform Partner of the Year. 


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Adatis are a specialist Gold Microsoft Cloud Data Analytics consultancy that deliver enterprise data management and decision making capabilities. We bring innovation and insight to help our household name clients transform large volumes of data into meaningful information that lets them act smarter, move quicker and grow faster. Our core services: Business Intelligence (BI) Enterprise Modern Data Warehousing Cloud Data Analytics PlatformDepartmental Data Marts Data Migration and Integration Reporting and Visualisation Managed Self-Service BI Master Data Management Advanced and Predictive Analytics and Machine LearningInternet of Things (IoT)Big Data Our key Microsoft Business Intelligence technology focus: SQL Server Master Data Services (MDS) Power BI Azure Data PlatformAzure Data Lake Cortana Intelligence Suite IoT Suite Integration Services (SSIS) Analysis Services Reporting Services (SSRS) Fast Track Data Warehouse Azure ML HDInsight Machine Learning Server Azure IaaS

Indra Philippines

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Major IT player Indra has been operating in the Philippines for the past 18 years, providing a wide range of services across highly dynamic industries, with key engagements in the Utilities and Telecommunications, Financial Services and Public Administration sectors in the region. The company is comprised of over 600 top-flight IT professionals, with expertise in software development, systems integration and implementation for 3rd party solutions, management consulting and technology outsourcing. Indra in the Philippines is also the regional competency center for global offshore development projects through the Indra Software Labs in Manila. Together with 20 other high-performance software development centers around the world, the Indra Software Labs is able to provide nearshore-offshore local development and constant R&D to provide innovative solutions and services to Indra’s clients. The Philippines office is also a center of excellence for Energy for Indra, and it operates as an advanced R&D and innovation laboratories to apply the latest technology to develop customized solutions for utilities & energy companies worldwide. Solutions and services - Business Intelligence - ERP Solutions - Change Management - BPO Outsourcing - IT Outsourcing.


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Velrada have been working with customers for years to help them harness data. The introduction of Power BI to the market has seen Velrada work with organisations of varying size from multi-nationals to small government agencies, helping them decide on the role of Power BI in their organisations and how they can harness all it's capability without forgoing governance or data sovereignty. Talk to us today about how we can help you.  


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Cobweb is one of Europe's largest cloud solutions providers. Founded in 1996, the company draws on in-depth expertise and decades of experience in what is now known as cloud, empowering organisations of all sizes to grow into flexible, agile businesses through the deployment of best-of-breed cloud technologies. Through Vuzion, its value-add Cloud Aggregator, Cobweb enables IT resellers, SIs and service providers to build long term sustainable business success by creating managed cloud offerings for their customers. A member of the Cloud Industry Forum and a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Cobweb was the first provider in Europe to deliver Microsoft cloud services through the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider programme. The company prides itself on innovation and liberating its customers and partners through technology. This is backed up by UK support and advice 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Based in London and Dubai, with an operations centre on the south coast, Cobweb is a British company with a global outlook. For more information, end users should visit www.cobweb.com and IT partners should visit www.vuzion.cloud