Power BI Desteği


Cloud2 Limited

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We make getting the right digital workspace or business intelligence (BI) system fast, easy and cost effective, using our technical expertise of SharePoint, Power BI and Microsoft on Azure, Office 365 and on premise. Using technology well helps organisations become high performers. That’s where we come in. We’re UK technical specialists in digital transformation who’ve developed market-leading SharePoint digital workspaces and business intelligence applications, Hadron 8020 and Meson-BI. They make your life easier and improve business performance. What makes us different is not that we can deliver this in the cloud, on premise or hybrid, but that we can do it fast, cost-effectively and tailored to your needs. Because Hadron 8020 and Meson-BI are 80% pre-built and 20% customised to be just right for you. 200,000 USERS … Our customers’ intranets or BI systems are always individual. What’s identical, is the expert, helpful, friendly way we’re with you on the journey. That’s why so many people use our solutions – and we have 21% of the NHS healthcare market and 30% of UK ambulance sector. Customers include: • NHS England • Public Health England • Tata Steel • IPL (Asda-owned) • King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Please get in touch if you’d like to speak to any customers about us. MICROSOFT PARTNER OF THE YEAR 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR: HEALTH – FINALIST ‘Cloud2’s dedication to providing outstanding value for our mutual customers is a prime example of the excellence we see in our talented community of Microsoft partners.’ Phil Sorgen, corporate vice president, Worldwide Partner Group, Microsoft Corporation Here’s some more about us. But we’d love to meet you.

CompanyNet Ltd

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CompanyNet is a business consultancy and Microsoft specialist based in Edinburgh, Scotland, with over 17 years dedicated experience in Business Process Improvement. We are SharePoint 2013 and CRM 2013 experts. We provide Office 365, Dynamics CRM and SharePoint Online Cloud solutions. Please also see our Public Sector G Cloud 5 and V SaaS PaaS and Services offerings. We specialise in Creative SharePoint Portals and Collaboration development, by delivering Group Portals Intranets, Extranets and Websites that provide extensive collaboration capability amongst your workforce, suppliers and customers on a unified platform. As a Content and Collaboration Gold partner our expertise in Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Information Architecture (IA) will ensure that we can deliver the best communications and collaboration solutions. Incorporating specific Line of Business applications and departmental sites to your Intranet or Group Portal we can ensure that you maximise your ROI in SharePoint and unlock the potential of this excellent development platform. We also specialise in building Business Process Management solutions on the Dynamics xRM (any relationship management), rapid development platform. As a CRM Gold Competency partner, we are in the top tier of companies dedicated to driving Business Process Improvement programmes with skilled consultancy and Business Process specialists. Our solutions provide the opportunity to retire outdated, expensive legacy systems, which are holding back your workforce. Please contact us for explicit details of how cost effective our combined SharePoint and CRM/xRM cloud and on-premise solutions have been for our existing customers. Solution Focus: SharePoint 2013 and CRM 2013 Business Solutions, ECM, Portals and Collaboration, Document Management, Intranets & Extranets, CRM & xRM, Business Process Management. Technology Focus: On Line and On Premise SharePoint 2013 and Dynamics CRM 2013, .NET, Silverlight, SQL Server.


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Cleverspeck provides data and business intelligence solutions for enterprise customers. Our solutions help our customers manage, store, visualize, and take actions using their data. Tools like Power BI allow our customers to get value from their data through classic reporting and dashboards, interactive self service, or predictive analytics. Our hosted data warehouse analytic solution provides sub-second response times over billions of records not currently available in a single software package or suite. By leveraging multiple products, we are able to offer the self service analysis capabilities of OLAP along with the storage and processing power of the Big Data Hadoop ecosystem. Through our holistic approach to data management and analytics, we are able to offer our customers a comprehensive solution for all of their data needs and not just a targeted application for a subset of use cases. We also specialize in integrating new technologies with existing systems for those customers who already have a substantial investment in their current data platform. We are conveniently located in the Washington DC Metro area serving enterprise clients all over the US and across the world.

Solver, Inc.

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Solver, Inc., founded in 1996 and headquartered in Los Angeles, California, has global offices and reselling partners in Canada, EMEA, Asia Pacific and Latin America. Solver is the provider of BI360, the leading Business Intelligence (BI) suite for mid-market and enterprise organizations. Solver’s BI360 solution is a powerful, Microsoft-based suite of modules for reporting, consolidations, budgeting, forecasting, dashboards, and data warehousing. Solver's global partner channel brings BI360 to customers around the world and includes many of the top 10% of Microsoft Dynamics AX, GP, NAV, SL partners worldwide. It also includes other Microsoft platform partners like Sage and Acumatica. Solver is a trusted, award-winning Microsoft Gold Certified Partner focused on Business Intelligence since 1996.


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SYNTEGRA - один з лідерів українського ринку інформаційних технологій у сфері проектування, впровадження, супроводу та підтримки функціональних рішень для бізнесу, заснованих на сучасних технологіях роботи з даними. Наші ключові аспекти в роботі - пріоритети та цілі замовника, які ми допомагаємо досягти за допомогою раціонального використання програмних і апаратних ІТ-ресурсів. Ми підбираємо і налаштовуємо їх залежно від вимог клієнта, ґрунтуючись на закордонному досвіді і тенденціях розвитку бізнесу. Компанія SYNTEGRA є авторизованим партнером компанії Microsoft вже більше 5 років і володіє найвищим статусом - Gold Microsoft Partner з такими компетенціями: Cloud Productivity Data Analytics Cloud Platform Collaboration and Content Communications Small and Midmarket Solution Provider Hosting Datacenter Volume Licensing Всі компетенції підкріплені експертизою команди фахівців з глибоким досвідом реалізації проектів будь-якої складності, які перейняли досвід і знання зарубіжних компаній. Кожне рішення від компанії SYNTEGRA - вивірене і максимально орієнтоване на швидке повернення вкладених інвестицій, кожне звернення до нас - допомога вашому бізнесу, а не витратна частина бюджету. Вибираючи нас, Ви отримуєте унікальний підхід і досвідчену команду сертифікованих фахівців у різних галузях інформаційних послуг. Протягом 4 років, з 2011 по 2014 року наша компанія отримує нагороду «Microsoft Country Partner of the Year» за якість виконуваних робіт і наданих послуг.


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VISEO, Expert des technologies web et des applications connectées VISEO conseille, accompagne en AMOA et délivre des projets agiles dans les architectures objet (Java, JEE, .Net) et web & mobiles (Android, iPhone, W8, HTML5, JS...). Les actes fondateurs de notre offre de services : ◾Faire simple mais pas simpliste ◾Etre agiles et construire évolutif ◾Innover au service de l’utilisateur ◾Automatiser et outiller les processus ◾Dessiner et rendre visuel plutôt que faire de long discours Aujourd’hui, VISEO c’est : ◾Des offres éprouvées de Conseil et de mise en œuvre de méthodes Agiles ◾Une forte culture de l’innovation matérialisée par la création de notre centre de recherche ◾Une offre de formation aux Nouvelles Technologies Nos compétences s’articulent autour des domaines technologiques, méthodologiques et pédagogiques. Acteur précurseur et promoteur de l’innovation, notre métier est l’optimisation de chaque étape du processus de développement logiciel en transférant vers nos clients des technologies, des méthodes et des concepts innovants. VISEO développe son expertise dans la modélisation, la conception et le déploiement des architectures (Java, .NET, Web 2.0) et des méthodes agiles. Des experts au service de l’innovation Grâce à un processus de recrutement très sélectif, VISEO rassemble des consultants reconnus au sein de la communauté des experts technologies web et objet. VISEO se distingue par une approche collaborative à travers la promotion des méthodes agiles dont il est un précurseur. Le client est impliqué tout au long du projet pour garantir la mise en œuvre d’une solution parfaitement adaptée à ses besoins. Une approche facilitatrice motivée par le service de l’usage et de la fonction Enfin, VISEO est Intégrateur de Solutions Open Source. Dans une démarche tournée vers l’efficacité, et en parfaire cohérence avec son statut de société innovante, nous avons construit un portfolio de briques fonctionnelles open-source afin d’être en mesure d’assembler des solutions adaptées et personnalisées dans les meilleures conditions (Time to market, gestion de la contrainte budgétaire, qualité et évolutivité). Retrouvez nos experts sur le blog VISEO Technologies

Tieto Corporation

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Tieto on Pohjoismaiden suurin tietotekniikkapalveluyritys, joka tarjoaa täyden elinkaaren IT-palveluita sekä yksityiselle että julkiselle sektorille ja tuotekehityspalveluita viestintäteknologian ja sulautettujen järjestelmien alueella. Yhtiön tuotekehitysliiketoiminta ja toimituskeskukset toimivat maailmanlaajuisesti. Tieto on sitoutunut kehittämään yrityksiä ja yhteiskuntaa tietotekniikan ja vahvan toimiala- ja asiakasymmärryksen avulla, sekä auttaa asiakkaitaan löytämään uusia mahdollisuuksia liiketoiminnan muutoksessa. Me Tiedossa uskomme jatkuvaan kehittymiseen ja työmme tuloksiin. Tieto on perustettu vuonna 1968, ja sen pääkonttori sijaitsee Helsingissä. Yrityksen palveluksessa työskentelee noin 15 000 ammattilaista yli 20 maassa. Tiedon liikevaihto on noin 1,7 miljardia euroa. Yhtiön osakkeet on listattu NASDAQ OMX:ssä Helsingissä ja Tukholmassa. Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.tieto.fi. Microsoft on Tiedon kumppaniohjelman strateginen allianssi. Tieto on ainoa suomalainen tietotekniikan palveluyritys, joka on mukana Microsoftin Global Managed –tason kumppanuusohjelmassa. Tiedolla on johtavaa osaamista Microsoft-pohjaisista toimialakohtaisista ratkaisuista: - Finanssipalvelut: Front Office -ratkaisut. - Televiestintä: Yhdistettyjen viestintäratkaisujen (Unified communications) integraatio mobiiliverkkoihin. - Metsä- ja valmistava teollisuus: Microsoft Dynamics toimialasovellukset ja –palvelut. - Terveydenhuolto/ sosiaalitoimi: sairaaloiden hallintajärjestelmät ja laaja ratkaisutarjooma hoitoalan järjestelmiin - Julkinen hallinto: sähköisten palveluiden portaalit ja koulutusjärjestelmät Tiedon toimialariippumaton ratkaisu- ja palvelutarjooma sisältää mm. - Unified Communications jaVoice ratkaisut palveluna. - Tieto Workspace – työasemapalvelut. - Future Office –ratkaisut yrityksen tietotyön tuottavuuden parantamiseksi - Digital Customership - asiakkaan palvelukokemusta parantavat sähköisen asiakkuuden ratkaisut - Business Mobility/ WP7 - Infrastruktuuripalvelut - Office 365 ja Azure palvelut - Good Money – Kestävän kehityksen ja ympäristölaskennan tietopalvelu. Tiedon syvällinen toimialatuntemus yhdistettynä erinomaiseen Microsoft ratkaisu-, palvelu-, ja teknologiaosaamiseen tuottaa asiakkaillemme parhaan palvelukokemuksen ja luo lisäarvoa heidän liiketoimintaansa.

SQL Service AB

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SQL Service är ett konsultföretag som sysslar med sjukvård och friskvård – för Microsoft SQL Server. Vi har nämligen märkt att behoven är detsamma som för oss människor. Tar vi hand om oss kontinuerligt med olika typer av friskvård lever vi längre och presterar bättre. Så fungerar ju även våra databaser. Ibland behövs också sjukvården. Prestationen och effektiviteten sjunker och det behövs ställas diagnos och ordineras behandling i form av rätt mjukvaruuppdateringar eller speciallösningar beroende på symptomen. Och ibland är det akut. Då kommer vi med ilfart för att produktionsstoppet inte ska vara en sekund längre än nödvändigt. För vi vet hur illa det kan vara för verksamheten när det händer. Oavsett vilka symtom er MS SQL databas har så kan ni tryggt lita på vår långa erfarenhet och snabba utryckning.

Neal Analytics

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Neal Analytics is a cloud, data, and AI Microsoft Gold Consulting Partner. Since 2011, Neal has supported companies with their data-driven transformation initiatives from data strategy to solution design, architecture, development, operationalization, and support.  Our expertise spans migration and modernization, data science, Power Platform tools like Power BI, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Internet of Things, edge computing, application development, and robotic process automation. We work with organizations in any industry to understand their business challenges and assist them in their digital transformation journey, including their needs for data visualizations, identifying manual workflows that can be automated, and developing new business applications to drive success. Our team of Power Platform experts can help accelerate the construction of Power BI dashboards, development of applications, and implementation of robotic process automation, leading to a rapid time to value for new solutions.  Neal approaches digital transformation projects through a proven three-step method: strategy, design, and implementation.   Leveraging our management consulting roots, we also help companies define effective business strategies and goals. Through design thinking, we translate these into value-driven, technical implementation plans. Neal offers flexible engagement models using proven frameworks and patterns to drive your initiative from concept to solid business value with a focus on Agile and pragmatic consulting practices. 


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Sopra-Steria - a complete partner in Data & AnalyticsOur passion lies in getting society, companies, organizations and people to succeed in both extracting and creating value through data and analysis.The world around us is changing at an ever faster pace. Digitization and new technology are affecting your business more and more every day. Major questions about sustainability, demographics and economics run as a common thread through all decisions and choices. The question is how to navigate the new situation and challenges? Data EngineeringData Engineering is primarily about structuring and making data available by developing quality-assured data and analysis platforms and visualizing relevant information via BI tools to the right individuals. It creates the right conditions for data- and analysis-driven decisions. Advanced AnalyticsAt Advanced Analytics, we help our customers become even more analytically driven through advanced analytics solutions. A complementary ability to "classic BI", where predictive models are developed, implemented and optimized.  Data StrategyWe help our customers take a holistic approach to the future, but ensure value in the near future. We develop and implement strategies where data and analysis are central. To succeed in realizing sustainable value, a flexible sustainable plan, data and analytical skills, technology are required, and that the changes that the technical solutions entail are handled in parallel in the business. Power BI Knowledge and ExpertiseSopra-Steria in Sweden is a Gold Certified partner in Data Analytics and Data Platform - (We have 16 gold competences in total)The Data Analytics team in Sweden consist of about 50 people - About 10 people have the role based certifications DA-100 and DP-900. We are today helping about 40-50 different Swedish customers and organizations with solutions around Power BI, data, AI, analytics and strategy. We are offering a packed solution - our way to implement PowerBi reports for Dynamics Business Central - a consulting service which soon will be posted Commerce Marketplace.  


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Nearly every legal department has savings hidden in their spend, particularly within litigation. Our experts create a clear line of sight into what is spent and how by identifying both immediate and long-term savings opportunities. We help prioritize which opportunities to act on first, build an informed business case for leadership, and establish baseline KPIs to track your success.With 50–60% of outside counsel spend focused on litigation, and 25–30% of litigation spend being related to discovery costs, significant saving opportunities are often found in this spend. We expand on traditional spend analysis by applying data science to your litigation data, so we can pinpoint cost savings opportunities in:Traditional litigation support, including document production and hosting.Advanced discovery spending, such as pre-deposition support or witness kits.Alternative delivery models, including insourced and flexible support models.Contact Epiq today to learn more about our Legal Spend Solutions.

Thinkmax Consulting Inc.

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Every ERP system and business application gather and generates a massive amount of data and information that every organization could transform in relevant and critical insights. Microsoft Dynamics 365 business applications platform is not different. At Thinkmax we developed specific knowledge and solutions to leverage all relevant data. Our tools and solution are industry specific and aim to simplify, accelerate, and use industry best practices and models. For industries such Retail, Manufacturing, Wholesale & distribution and Engineering & construction, Thinkmax solution through embedded insights within Dynamics 365 F&O offers to power users and developers’ Analytical workspaces with contextual analytics specific to their business enabling them to drill back in Dynamics 365 F&O and take action. Through Power BI we enable to leverage data from multiple sources and systems specific to every organization and industry (BYOD) including historical data.

Principa Decisions (Pty) Ltd.

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BlueShift Brasil

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As implementações em nuvem permitem que as empresas atuem de forma orientada a dados (Data Driven), o que permite que as decisões de negócios sejam assertivas, embasadas pela geração de valor a partir das análises destes dados. Atualmente, trabalhamos no modelo Data In Motion, no qual os dados passam por diferentes estruturas especializadas dentro da BlueShift com o intuito de agitilizar e otimizar a tomada de decisão gerencial para nossos clientes. Oferecemos mais do que a modernização de infraestrutura, estamos centrados em viabilizar e sustentar o processo de transformação das empresas por meio de soluções em projetos de Big Data & Analytics, Internet das Coisas (IoT), Machine Learning e Inteligência Artificial que utilizam ambientes de Cloud ou On Premise.O sucesso da BlueShift é resultado da expertise de mercado construído durante estes anos de atuação na execução de mais de 70 projetos. O quadro de colaboradores conta com profissionais com conhecimento prático e certificações, oriundos de empresas nacionais e multinacionais, com vivência em tecnologia, consultoria empresarial, serviços, indústria e varejo, garantindo sempre a máxima eficácia nos projetos alinhados às necessidades dos clientes. A metodologia criada pela BlueShift transforma empresas em organizações de alta performance, através da implementação de tecnologias avançadas suportada por parceiros como Microsoft.Além do nível de certificação Gold, por sermos um parceiro estratégico para a Microsoft, somos classificados como parceiro gerenciado. Isto significa que todos os nossos projetos são acompanhados pela Microsoft para entregar os resultados planejados.

novaCapta GmbH

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Die novaCapta Software & Consulting GmbH realisiert seit vielen Jahren erfolgreich Lösungen für den Digital Workplace. Zum Kundenstamm zählen die in Deutschland und der Schweiz bedeutendsten Unternehmen, für die nationale und internationale Projekte umgesetzt werden. 2005 gegründet, beschäftigt das Unternehmen inzwischen mehr als 120 Mitarbeiter an den Standorten Köln, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Augsburg, München, Zürich und Sursee. Auf Basis von Microsoft SharePoint, Office365, Azure, BizTalk, PowerApps, und PowerBI realisiert novaCapta Intranets, Kollaborationsportale, Business Intelligence-Lösungen, Individualanwendungen und vieles mehr. Die Dienstleistungspalette geht bei der novaCapta über den üblichen IT-Lifecycle hinaus: In den Projekten fließen kompetente Beratung, Kreativität und Technik zusammen. Die novaCapta setzt Lösungen um, die eine enge Vernetzung von Mitarbeitern, Partnern, Kunden und Märkten möglich machen. Ihre Kompetenz für Cloud-Strategien beweist novaCapta als Microsoft Silber-Partner für Cloud Productivity. Darüber hinaus ist sie Microsoft-Gold-Partner für verschiedene Disziplinen sowie einer von sechs offiziellen Premium Partnern der Microsoft Consulting Services.

Swisscom (Schweiz) AG

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Swisscom has over 100 Microsoft Cloud certified experts in Switzerland and is active in the Azure Data and Power BI space since 2019. Our consultants and engineers have a broad experience in accompanying FSI, manufacturing and public sector customers with analytics solutions on Azure and Power BI.  Besides of the Advanced Specialization in Windows & SQL Server migration, Swisscom holds 13 Microsoft Gold competencies including Data Analytics and Cloud Platform as well as the Silver Competency for Data Platform. More Details on how we work with customers with Power BI will follow here shortly. 

Peak Indicators Ltd

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About Peak IndicatorsPeak Indicators is a visionary data analytics and data science consultancy, born out of a desire to use data to build a better world. We have delivered some of Europe’s most complex analytics implementations in our 12 year history. Our focus is on delivering analytics projects that drive transformative results for organisations by way of enablement, adoption, and implementation of new technologies. Peak Indicators aims to partner with client organisations to generate long-term, trusted relationships – achieving goals for both our clients and ourselves. This approach is why 70% of our clients  have worked with us for over 5 years. Peak Indicators are a Microsoft Gold Partner - holding competencies in Data Analytics (Gold), Data Platform (Gold), and Application Development (Silver). With multiple Microsoft certified Associate Data Analysts as well as a Power BI Super User, we have a wealth of Power BI experience and knowledge that we draw upon to achieve transformative results for organisations. We use this experience in both delivering analytics implementations on the Power BI platform, as well as offering training packages in Power BI.Our Power BI Solutions We see Power BI as not only a reporting and business intelligence tool, but also a business optimisation tool. Our solutions are often entirely automated, which saves organisations a lot of time and streamlines the decision-making process. We have used Power BI in many use-cases with customers, from a wide variety of industries – ranging from creating automated dashboards to monitor the estimated time of recovery for a regional utilities company, to reporting school attendance for a county council. Historically – we have solved a range of problems utilising Power BI. One of the recurrent business problems that we solve with Power BI is streamlining access to organisational data. Often within organisations we will see that the processes for accessing up-to-date data involve a lot of administration and bureaucracy due to a variety of reasons. These reasons include security, governance, and sometimes even that the user has had no  means to access the data whatsoever! Peak Indicators recommend Power BI as an extremely strong foundational software to help organisations start gaining maximum insights from their data, whilst at the same time overcoming administrative barriers to analytics innovation. We leverage the automation capabilities in Power BI for any solutions that we provide – creating innovative solutions to overcome slow, manual, data refreshes. An example of us providing this solution is when we were required to develop an urgent COVID-19 related solution to report on school attendances for a county council.  Based on an Azure data infrastructure, we created some Power BI dashboards that automatically refreshed the data multiple times per day. We have also used Power BI to assist organisations in innovating their analytics systems. We used Power BI to assist a regional UK Utilities company in achieving goals related to data science and advanced analytics. We utilised machine learning scripts within Azure to estimate a time of recovery for power cuts. These insights were then loaded into Power BI, where we created a simulation dashboard that enabled users to create a “what-if” scenario.How We Can Help Your Organisation Adopt Power BIOur high success rate in delivering Power BI projects comes down to the People, Processes, Technology approach that we take. This involves working alongside and enabling key people within the organisation, introducing industry-leading processes (such as DevOps), and using the best technology to solve the problem faced by the organisation. Peak Indicators also make use of our in-house user experience (UX) experts to deliver Power BI dashboards with the usability at the heart of the design. This is key to our delivery – and is foundational in the sustainable adoption of analytics dashboards. During the planning phase of a project, our UX experts will meet with the end-users of the dashboards and run workshops to gain the maximum insight from the dashboards. Our Power BI development experts will then work alongside the end-users to develop the dashboards, and help by enabling the team. As the end-users are involved in every step of delivery, we’ve found that engagement with the Power BI dashboards is higher, and adoption of the software is more sustainable. As Peak Indicators was born out of a group of analytics professionals from a variety of backgrounds, we have expertise across not only specific tools – but general analytics best practices. This helps us establish Power BI within organisations that have little experience of operational reporting – as we can help them set the foundations of analytics. 


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Endjin are a Microsoft Gold Partner who enable organizations of all sizes to deliver on the vision of a modern, data-driven enterprise. From disruptive B2C start-ups, to global financial institutions, we help our partners to develop their strategy, built on deep insight from their data, engineered securely and efficiently in the cloud. Founded in 2010, we have delivered some of the largest Azure projects in Fintech, Insurance, Retail, Security and Consumer Finance. As Gold Partners for Cloud Platform, and as Azure Advisors we work closely with the Microsoft Product Teams to establish best practices for real world business scenarios, using all aspects of the Azure Platform including key components of secure, scalable, resilient solutions like Batch, Cloud Services, Azure Data Factory, HDInsight, Machine Learning and PowerBI. Our strategy, experience and .NET development experts, work with start-ups, SMBs and established global enterprises to deliver cloud innovation and product development programmes, from inception, through proof of concept to production code and operations; accelerating adoption by providing CxO support, whitepapers & research reports, architecture & developer mentoring, and field tested intellectual property. We can help your business to architect and deliver cloud solutions addressing issues such as: Strategy: - CxO Brain Trust - New Proposition Development - Portfolio Governance Insight: - Data Science - Machine Learning - Visualisations Engineering: - Technical Roadmap Development - Process Efficiency & Scale - Architectural Guidance & Support - DevOps & Delivery - Proof of Concept & Build - Project Rescue Cloud: - Security & Compliance - Azure IaaS Migration - Data Production Pipelines - Azure PaaS Adoption - Big Compute & Big Data - IoT & Devices

Hitachi Solutions

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Having a global team of talented and experienced solution architects, consultants, and project managers enables us to serve the diverse needs of our clients while rolling out their business application. We implement and support Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM, Business Intelligence, and collaboration technologies for organizations who are looking for a competitive advantage. We minimize implementation risks and increase adoption rates to gain the most return on investment:- Value Added Reseller (VAR) - System Integrator - Dynamics AX Partner - Gold Microsoft Partner - Dynamics Reseller - ISV - Global System Integrator - Mobility - Cloud Provider - Productivity tools - Infrastructure solutions - Industry Solutions Hitachi Solutions brings a wealth of experience in multiple industries such as manufacturing, distribution, retail, financial services, housing associations and services. Our global center of excellence delivers training that enables our team to share expertise and knowledge across the world. The result is a consistent delivery experience and a proven set of industry solutions . These industry solutions reduce risk and speed up time to value by standardizing common business practices and delivering customizable templates that can be implemented globally. Industries: - Professional Services - Financial Services- Retail- Housing Associations- Engineering Services - IEM - Automotive - Construction - Industrial Equipment - Med Devices - Life Sciences Our technology and solution architecture team are at the heart of what makes us unique. We hire only the best, and transfer knowledge rapidly through rigorous and repeated internal training sessions. Our teams are regularly invited to participate in Microsoft’s early adoption programs, which keeps us on the cutting edge and enables us to influence our Microsoft’s technology roadmaps.  Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can help your business run better:Canada and USA:  +1 888 908 7034na.marketing@hitachi-solutions.comUnited Kingdom and Europe: +44 (0)844 693 1538    uk.marketing@hitachi-solutions.com

InfoWorker Tecnologia e Treinamento

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Information Worker é um termo criado por Peter Drucker nos anos 50 para descrever os Profissionais que trabalham com a inteligência nas Organizações, como gerentes, analistas e especialistas. Estas pessoas precisam estar atualizadas em suas áreas de especialidade e consomem ao máximo os recursos tecnológicos e as informações disponíveis para desenvolver seu trabalho. A Infoworker nasceu na era da Nuvem, da Ciência de Dados, do Big Data e da Internet da Coisas. A Inovação faz parte do nosso cerne. Tudo isso com o objetivo de atender aos "Information Workers" com soluções eficientes para eles. Nosso foco concentra-se em empresas de médio e grande porte, com destaque para os segmentos verticais: Energia, Manufatura, Logística, Bancos e Serviços Jurídicos. Somos especializados em SQL Server, Business Intelligence, PowerBI, Performance, Data Integration e Big Data. Contamos com profissionais certificados em HDInsight, a solução 100% Hadoop da Microsoft. A automação de processos de negócio (BPM) utilizando SharePoint é outra especialidade nossa, com dezenas de soluções implantadas muitas destas integradas com SAP, Dynamics AX e vários outros sistemas ERP e CRM, alguns até com interfaces de usuário em dispositivos móveis. Nós acreditamos que as soluções em nuvem (Office365 e AZURE) são capazes de reduzir custos significativamente além de atender de forma eficiente as mais complexas demandas da sua organização e que somos capazes de entregar estas soluções com qualidade e retorno de investimento muito atraentes. A Infoworker também é parceira SCRIBE SOFTWARE para integração de dados entre plataformas, inclusive Dynamics CRM, Dynamics AX e SAP.

IT Klyngen ApS

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Normal 0 21 false false false DA X-NONE X-NONE Vi sætter en stor ære i at forstå jeres forretning, da det danner grundlaget for en velfungerende BI-løsning. Via tæt dialog og et højt fagligt niveau, skaber vi sammen et robust og let anvendeligt værktøj, som opfylder jeres specifikke behov, og giver bedre overblik og indsigt i data. Vi har god erfaring med at udvikle løsninger i et tempo, som sikrer forankring hos virksomhedens medarbejdere. Dette gør vi i praksis ved at bryde den samlede løsning op i mindre bidder, der implementeres trinvist prioriteret efter behov. Den trinvise implementering hos jer sikrer desuden gensidig vidensdeling. Jeres indsigt i Power BI’s muligheder stiger samtidig med at vores indblik i jeres virksomhed og forretningsgange øges. Det gør at erfaringer fra allerede implementerede trin bliver en del af løsningen af de kommende trin. Vi har bygget løsninger for mange typer virksomheder, f.eks.: Revisionshuse, Rådgivende Ingeniører, Handelsvirksomheder, Produktionsvirksomheder, Undervisningsinstitutioner, Fagforbund, NGO, Hotel og konference, Rejsebureauer og håndværksvirksomheder. Vi har erfaring med behandling af data fra en lang række forretningssystemer, bl.a.: Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, Dynamics C5, Business Central, Maconomy, Unit4 Business World, Ludus, e-conomic og ordrestyring.dk.


İş Ortağı Dizini

Накопленный нами опыт позволяет реализовать проекты различной сложности, используя передовые технологии и новейшие инструменты продвижения и аналитики на базе MS Power Platform. Мы профессионально решаем все возникающие у вас вопросы при помощи Power BI.Выявление проблемыПрежде чем приступить к созданию отчетов Power BI, вы должны определить, чего вы хотите достичь, визуализируя свои данные. Вам нужно знать, на какие вопросы вы хотите найти ответы, и после этого мы уже можем приступить к проектированию и разработке дашборда.Наши технологические решения Power BIВнедрение сквозной аналитики и ее аудит.  Настроим сквозную аналитику, которая поможет оценить сколько денег приносит каждый рекламный канал. Все данные по звонкам из системы коллтрекинга, целям и транзакции из Google Analytics, продажам из CRM будут отображаться в едином дашборде, что позволит судить об эффективности каждого канала.Создание управленческой отчетности. Создадим индивидуальный дашборд под ваши потребности в данных. Поможем начать разговаривать данными: не только анализировать статистику, но и грамотно структурировать отчеты – «упаковать выводы» для принятия решений, продавать и убеждать логикой и ясностью.Аналитика каналов CRM-маркетинга и продажОтчёт по эффективности email-рассылокПроанализируем вашу базу клиентов и их активность. В результате вы понимаете покупательскую способность клиентов в вашей базе и можете выстраивать отдельные коммуникации с каждой группой контактов.Расчёт LTV. От LTV зависит жизнеспособность бизнеса. Клиент за всю историю взаимодействия с компанией должен принести больше денег, чем вы потратили на его привлечение, иначе затраты на привлечение не окупятся и бизнес окажется в минусе. Когортный анализ. Выделим когорты пользователей и проанализируем их поведение. В когортах находятся пользователи, которые совершили одинаковое действие. В зависимости от того, когда они его совершили, выделяются когорты: пользователи, которые зарегистрировались в первую неделю, во вторую, в третью и т.д.Товарные пары и рекомендации. Проанализируем потребительские корзины: выгрузим и обработаем данные о тысячах транзакций, будь это покупки в онлайне или офлайне. На основе полученных данных соберём диаграммы с товарными парами.

Beyondkey systems

İş Ortağı Dizini

Beyond Key is a global IT service company offering consulting, technology, and outsourcing solutions and catering to clients in the United States, Australia, UK, Germany, MENA, and South Asian countries. We have marked a global presence in the USA with our office in Chicago as “Beyond Technologies LLC” and in India as Beyond key(www.beyondkey.com).   We are proud to be recognized as a Gold Certified Microsoft partners. With our decent 14+ years of experience and a team of highly skilled technology consultants, we have built a legacy of innovative solutions and partnerships by creating smart, cutting-edge solutions for an ever-changing global marketplace. Our global delivery and mature engagement models are designed to improve efficiency, governance, and bring predictability. We constantly innovate and implement new methodologies, frameworks, and best practices giving our clients the winning edge. We are a leading provider of Business Intelligence, Data and Analytics solutions based on Azure Data Platform with expertise in technologies such as Power BI, Tableau, Domo, Azure Data Factory, HDInsight, R Server, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Azure Data lake Storage, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Beyond Key has achieved Microsoft Partner Network Gold competencies on Data Analytics and Application Development and Silver in Data Platform and Datacenter.   Our developers have a depth of knowledge and expertise when it comes to providing services around Power BI, including consultation, design, implementation, development, integration, and QA. We have helped enterprises to fully harness the value of their data and enhance data exploration by connecting to hundreds of data sources. We have excelled in creating several kinds of reports and high-level dashboards covering clinical and outreach dashboards, supply chain and inventory management reports, sales and marketing dashboards, enterprise revenue dashboards, financial and HR-related reports, and many more.   Our Power BI Service offerings  Power BI Planning and Consultation ·         Identify the Need for BI ·         Data Analysis ·         BI Plan & Strategy ·         Data Warehouse ·         Select Suitable Tool Power BI Designing and Visualization ·         Creative Visualization charts ·         Dashboard Design ·         Charting Library ·         User Specific Designs ·         Report Design ·         Schema Design Power BI Development and Implementation ·         Microsoft BI ·         Analytical Reports ·         Mobile view ·         ETL / ELT ·         SSIS / SSRS / SSAS Integration Services ·         Power Apps ·         MS Powers Automate ·         Dynamics 365 ·         Excel Spreadsheets ·         GitHub ·         Mail Chimp ·         SharePoint ·         Google Analytics Quality Analysis and Support ·         ETL QA / Verification ·         Data Uniformity Test ·         Data Load Testing ·         BI Reports Testing ·         Load & Performance Testing ·         24X7 SLA Support ·           Why Choose Beyond Key? ·         14+ years of experience in BI and data services ·         An expert team of 50+ Microsoft Power BI consultants ·         Designed visually impactful dashboards and reports ·         Connected several data sources to show real-time insights ·         Integrated enterprise systems for easy sharing and viewing across all devices. ·         Built proven proof-of-concept dashboards with exceptional visualizations and usability for different industry verticals.   Our other services also include development of business web applications, software products/solutions, Enterprise and Retail Mobile apps, and Products using Microsoft technologies like SharePoint, .Net, BI, and open source technologies. Other than this we have also developed and continuously improving on our competencies in cutting edge technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Voice, Chatbot Development, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and cognitive computing. We offer our solutions and services to businesses in varied domains including Healthcare, Insurance, Education, Travel, Logistics, Finance, eCommerce, Automotive, Nonprofits, and many more. 

BE-terna d.o.o.

İş Ortağı Dizini

BE-terna is one of the leading European integrators for business software solutions. As a full-service provider, the company specialises in implementing and optimising business processes on Microsoft and Infor-based ERP, CRM and Big Data platforms. Customers include global corporations and innovative midsized companies, who want to gain competitive advantages by implementing and using modern, broad and cloud-based business software applications. With a highly motivated team, consisting of 850 consulting and technical specialists, BE-terna serves more than 1,400 customers – mainly within internationally orientated projects. With a comprehensive portfolio of software products and services, and industry-specific know-how, BE-terna offers perfectly tailored solutions for Manufacturing, Fashion, Retail, Process Industries, Trade and Project-based enterprises. BE-terna is a Gold Cloud Business Application, Gold ERP, Gold Application Development, Gold Data Analytics, Gold Cloud Platform Microsoft Partner and a two-time member of the prestigious and elite club of top-performing Microsoft partners worldwide, Inner Circle (2018/2019 and 2020/2021).

E-mergo B.V.

İş Ortağı Dizini

E-mergo is TimeXtender Partner of the Year('19&'20) and Microsoft Gold Partner. Our company is certified in accordance with national and international standards such ISO 27001, ISO 9001 and NEN 4400-1. Working from the motto ‘Manage your data, innovate your business’ we help you to get value from your data. We do this using software from Microsoft and TimeXtender, for which we deliver software, consultancy and (24/7) support. Together, we will help your company to create new business models and to reduce costs. While helping our clients to get the most out of Power BI we recommend what we like to call the 'Golden Triangle'. The Golden Triangle combines Power BI with TimeXtender's data management platform and the Microsoft Azure Cloud platform. We believe this combination helps our customers to get more value from their data in a faster, more scalable way. Why do Microsoft Azure, TimeXtender and Power BI form the Golden Triangle? Ultimately, all these programs need and reinforce each other. Power BI requires a good foundation, which TimeXtender can build, to enable self-service BI. TimeXtender needs Power BI to visualize the data. Lastly, TimeXtender and Power BI need Azure to optimally prepare and process the data in a cost-efficient way.