게시물 카테고리: Power BI

Coming soon: Changes to the Power BI service – simpler navigation, improvements to lists on Home, and style updates

We continue to iteratively improve experiences that help you find relevant content and return to your work in the Power BI service. Upon hearing your feedback, conducting usability tests, and running successful A/B experiments we’re sharing the following changes coming to all users in early June 2022. Here’s what’s coming: Navigation changes – the introduction of the Browse page which merges Favorites, Recent, and Shared with me. Changes to Home – improved lists on Home now show all content for those lists, not just the first 12. We also added filters and the ability to search those lists in-page. Style updates – Power BI styles (colors, icons, fonts, and more) will be updated to align with the Fluent design system.

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Power BI April 2022 Feature Summary

Welcome to the April 2022 update. We are excited to announce New format pane and Power BI Goals updates, tooltips drill actions support for more build-in visuals, error bars for clustered column and bar charts preview feature, general availability of Dynamic M query parameters. There is more to explore, please continue to read on.

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Built-in AI in Power BI, New Teams App, and Real-time Big Data with Hybrid Tables

Integrate Power BI Premium Gen2 inherently with Microsoft’s collaboration analytics stack — including the new Power BI app for Microsoft Teams that makes it easier to access, share, and act on insights as you work, the latest AI-driven visualization capabilities with Smart Narratives and achieving near real-time analytics over your enterprise data using Hybrid Tables in Power BI Premium Gen2. Vanessa Fournier, Microsoft Power BI Director, joins Jeremy Chapman to share how Power BI makes it accessible for everyone to use, from novice to data scientist.

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Update to required permissions when using composite models on a Power BI dataset

The ability to create a composite model on top of a Power BI dataset or an Azure Analysis Services model is in preview since December 2020. Since then, we have seen great adoption of this feature and have received great feedback that allowed us to make it even better! The team has been hard at work readying the feature for general availability, and although we are not announcing that today, we have great news to share regarding permissions.

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