게시물 태그: Azure SQL Database

Announcing Power BI inheritance of MIP labels from Azure Synapse Analytics (Public Preview)

As data becomes more accessible for analysis, risk of accidental oversharing or misuse of business-critical information increases. Today, we’re happy to announce a preview of Power BI MIP label inheritance when import data from Azure Synapse Analytics and Azure SQL Database. This capability will help you to ensure your data remains classified and secured across its data journey from Azure, trough Power BI and all the way to Office.

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Power BI Desktop January Feature Summary

Happy new year to everyone! We are kicking off the new year with an update to Power BI Desktop focused on incremental improvements to popular features you are already using, including automatic date hierarchy, data label and axis formatting, and our relative date slicer. The ability to hide pages is another big update that gives you much more flexibility over how users consume your reports.

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