게시물 태그: Data loss prevention

Announcement: Microsoft Purview data loss prevention policies for Power BI are now generally available (GA)

DLP policies help you automatically detect sensitive information managed in your Power BI tenant and take risk remediation actions, to help you comply with governmental or industry regulations, such as the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Last April we announced the release of DLP policies for Power BI to public preview. We’re happy to share that these capabilities are now generally available!

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Microsoft Business Application Summit Recap

There is a big chance you haven’t been able to catch all the news at MBAS or that some items just escaped your attention as they were drowned out by the next big thing. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this post we do our best to recap what happened en provide links to the detail blog posts where applicable. Also, we’ll list the session so you can go and re-watch them.

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