게시물 태그: Design

The Art and Science of Action-Driven Visual Analytics

Last year I went to our CMO Chris Capossela’s talk called “What’s Great Data in Microsoft”. In this talk, he listed five of the most important characteristics of good data: self-describe, fresh, forward thinking, inclusive, and adopted. The last one – adopted – is what he emphasized the most, and he challenged us to think harder about turning data into business actions.

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How to Design Visually Stunning Reports

Can a Power BI report be a work of art? It is if it was created by Power BI Community member Miguel Myers. Miguel, is a Data Scientist as well as a Graphic Designer, and in a webinar last week he shared some of his tips for creating reports and dashboards that are as beautiful as they are informative. Watch the webinar in its entirety on-demand, or read on for a few highlights!

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